The school everyone goes to is called Power High but I'm lazy so I just write PH instead. I also use military time but will add 12 hour clock for the rest of you.
Roman Príncipe couldn't sleep. Not with his first day at Power High(Or PH for short) was tomorrow. He has worked all his life to get into PH and he was not going to blow it. He glanced over at his suitcase on the floor that held all of his clothes and school supplies and then the clock. 1 am. Power High was a three hour drive from his house and they needed to be at the school entrance at 6:45. Which really meant 6:15 in his family. so he knew he only had an hour and a half left before he had to wake up. Staring at his ceiling he watched his fan spin around his room till finally drifting off to sleep.
Logan Frank knew he had everything in his bag but went over his list for the 3rd time that night.
Clothes. Check.
Pencils. Check.
Pens. Check.
notebook. Che-
????: Logan you've checked over your bag about a million times already. You have everything.
Logan: I know father but I would rather know now if I was missing something then later at school. Plus I have not checked my bag a million times. That would be much to time consuming.
Logan understood his fathers attempts to calm him down, but he had no need to worry. Logan was calm as he always was.
L.Father: eesh Logan I was over exaggerating. I know you didn't check your bag a million times
Logans father walked over and ruffled his son's neat dark brown almost black hair. Logan gave him a frown in response. He liked to make sure his hair was neat and tidy and did not appreciate his fathers attempts to mess it up. He already had unwanted blue highlights spread randomly though his hair that had no rhyme or reason and did not need them to be even crazier.
L.Father: You should get some sleep now bud. Your first day at Power High is tomorrow and you don't want to be tired
Logan: Thank you father. Good night.
L.Father: Night Lolo
Logan again frowned at his father. His name was Logan not Lolo and he did not appreciate the nickname. Logans father just chuckled at his sons face and blew him a kiss while walking out of his room and closing the door. Logan proceeded to finish his checklist making sure one last time that he had everything he needed for tomorrow. Then changed into the pair of Pajamas he had left out and went to bed falling asleep almost instantly.
Virgil Grey could not sleep. Not that he every really did. Instead he sat in his bed staring at the night light in the corner of his room. He was ashamed to admit that it was in fact shaped like a rainbow for the store had run out and the rainbow night light was the only one available. He was not scared of the dark by any means but his power mandated that he was in some sort of light at almost all times. 3 hours being the longest he could really go before he needed a light. He reached for his phone lying over on the bed side table and turned it on with the intention of checking the time. Instead he just blinded himself with the sudden bright light. After taking a second to get used to the light Virgil saw it was 3:48 am. And with a sigh he flopped back down on his bed and placed his phone back on the table. He needed rest now more then ever. He was going to Power High and he did not feel like fighting sleep while moving into the new school. He eventually closed his eyes and the next thing he knew he was fast asleep.
Patton Pepper was still packing his bag at 21:30(9:30). He stuffed his last polo into the large baby blue suitcase and zipped it up. He stood up and looked around the room making sure he didn't accidentally leave anything behind when his Grangran knocked at his door.
P.Grangran: Hey sweaty you all done?
Patton: Yup! All set. I was just about to go get ready for bed.
P.Grangran: Big day tomorrow! But I'm sure you'll do super!
Patton: ahhh. Thanks Grangran. I can't wait.
Patton beamed at his Grangran before heading over to the small pile on his bed. He picked up his cat onesie and smiled looking at it. They were his lucky jammies and he smlied over to his Grangran when she giggled
P.Grangran: Well I'll leave you be then. Good night baby I love you
Patton: I love you more Grangran
Grangran smiled at Patton before leaving the room to let him change. Patton quickly shed his blue polo and kaki pants and traded them for his onesie. Looking himself in the mirror he said to no one in particular
Patton: You will do perr-fict tomorrow.
Well maybe he was saying it to someone. Patton just didn't want to admit it.
That night if only for an hour all four boys slept preparing for their new adventure. Tomorrow they would officially start their careers at Power High.
886 words(not including this message) not too bad. IDK how much I will work on this but I will try to write a new chapter each week. no promises though because for all I know I'll forget about it.
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