On the Side Stuff
Hey guess who, through a combination of allergies and lack of sleep, have been asked 3 times already if I was crying(It's not even 9am) Well I didn't sleep and had a sh*t night so y'all get a collection of on the side little things about this stories universe that I couldn't really fit in the story well so here you go
1) Remy is a Demi-boy! They use He/They pronouns(Doesn't prefer one over the other) and came out first to Janus and Emile when they were in high school. (Which is also why Janus felt so bad about Romans first test because it hit close to home because Remy is his best friend) Remy is also AMAB and is just really happy with his gender identity(YAY FOR HIM)
2) Remy and Emile are dating(As y'all knew) and Janus always says he is going to officiate their wedding when Remy or Emile finally "Grows some balls and proposes already" -Janus literally all the time. Also Remy's a homoromantic Demi-sexual and Emile is a Demi panromantic asexual(LIKE ME) and Janus is just GAY AS FUCK
3) Remus was the one who named Roman! He could tell at a young age Roman wasn't really happy with being a girl(Even before Roman knew) and wanted to help his sister so started saying "Roman" instead of "Romania" because they were little and Remus didn't want to draw the suspicion of their mother. Also little Remus was all over greek and roman mythology(Because all the gods are the worst and right up his alley) so he knew about Roman and Remus and also liked that. So when Roman came out to Remus he said he wanted to use the name Roman because Remus always used it for him!(I love me some wholesome creativity twins can you tell)
4) In this world not having a power is rare. Like 5% of the population is the amount that doesn't have powers. So Remus has always been the only kid in his school to not have powers. Well some of the kids would try to bully him but they would only try once before finding out how MENTAL he is and how Remus can FIGHT BACK. That also happened at Power High and Janus had to split up the fight as he also helps teach some of the support classes.
5) Remus got into creating weapons and stuff because One he likes creating things and tinkering and Two because he got to make dangerous things but still be a good guy and help people. Also he sometimes makes his projects blow up on purpose to annoy his teachers
6) Janus and Remus have the best friend ship EVER! Remus will come into Janus's office at like 3 am(Because Janus doesn't sleep because he's slightly a workaholic and Remus doesn't sleep because Remus) and they will shout meme's and shit post's at each other for literal HOURS. Like matinence has soundproofed Janus's office because of it
7) Remy, Emile, and Janus's office doors are the kind with no handle and can swing both ways. The reason why is because Remy kept kicking them in and breaking them and PH got annoyed for having to replace so many doors but they loved Remy so much they just made those three "Remy proof"
8) MORE CREATIVITY TWINS! Remus wanted to help Roman transition(Which he already does he buys Roman binders and packers but sadly you need parent permission to get T) So one day under the disguise of showing Roman a new project he just CHOPPED OF HIS HAIR! So their mom was mad and made Remus go with Roman to get it fixed.
9) When Logan was a small child he had a hard time controlling his telekinesis and would constantly be nocking stuff all over the place so his parents would have to put him in a room full of stuff too heavy for him to lift or else the entire house would be a mess. Baby Logan found it really funny.
10) Patton's GranGran was not a hero but she did serve in the military and was a badass but now she just like's being a little old lady that dotes on her grandson. But if you ever hurt or lay a hand on her baby boy she will come at you with the rage of 100 mountain lions
11) When Patton first discovered his power he flew head first into a wall(Like I would do) and his parents laughed first and then helped him get his head unstuck from the wall(Like my parents would do)
12) Virgil was adopted at age 2 and doesn't really remember anything before being adopted. Also when he discovered his powers he made a shadow cat and shadow spider(His two favorite animals) which scared each of his dad's respectively considering one is afraid of spiders and the other is afraid of cats. He likes pranking his dad's with those a lot.
13) Remus is a Ace/Aro in my story. He is most specifically an aegosexual meaning he feels a disconnect between him and sexual attraction. He is out as ace/aro to Roman and will come out if people ask him about it but he feels theres no need for others to know his sexuality as it doesn't matter.
14) Virgil is a Bisexual disaster who was super anxious to come out to his dad's as he was afraid they wouldn't except him. Yes. His gay dad and his Bisexual father.
15) Logans favorite animal is a puffer fish as he likes the mechanics of their skelital structures and how they puff up.
16) Remus's favorite animal is a raccoon because the author really likes Remus's and Remus owning a raccoon named Jeffery Dahmer(Again Remus did name that Raccoon his kept in his room Jeffery Dahmer) and Romans favorite animal is the Tasmanian tiger(Me totally not projecting onto my characters here) because they were very interesting and had really cool jaws and mouths that could open wide enough to fit a head into, but they were also gentle and kind to each other and were also carnivorous marsupials and there aren't a lot of those and thats really fricken awesome!(They are my favorite animal can't you tell and yes my favorite animal is extinct I know this and I'm sad)
17) One time Remy put a snake in Janus's bed(As they were dorm mate, Emile was their third dorm mate BTW) to prank him. But Janus just like adopted the snake and would randomly put it in Remy's stuff to scare him. It got so bad, the teachers had to regularly deal with a panicked Remy because of a snake in his desk, that the teachers had to make a new rule. Quote "No snakes shall be allowed inside the desk of another student unless given express permission"
18) One time Remy and Janus got Emile to go along with them for a prank on their teachers and started a 4 year long prank war between the teachers and student's of their class. Lots of paint and glitter was spilled.
19) People are allowed to freely use their powers. The government tried to surprise the use of powers for a time but soon realized it was a dumb idea and started letting people use their powers as long as they were using them safely and responsibly. You can still get in trouble for harming others with your powers(As you can hurting someone without powers) but you will not get in trouble for just using them(Like in the BNHA/MHA universe) and because of this freedom over powers there are not many power related incidents other then Villain attacks
20) Last one. Powers have been around for over 20 generations now
Hope you liked these. They've been swimming in my mind for a while now and I wanted to share them with you. I'll probably be posting the new chapter on Friday so see you then!
Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
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