No longer Training
Heyoooo! Reminder all of our boys are now 6 years older, have their own agency, and have been heros for 2 years now. Also all heros end up doing all jobs but they have specialties that they usually do but all are capable of all jobs. Also most heros show their identities to the public but our boys, Emile, Remy, and Janus all wanted to keep theirs a secret.
Also Me writing this: What the fuck did I make Emile's power? *Checks chapters* WHY DID I JUST NOT GIVE HIM ANY POWERS WHAT IS IT!!! Please help I have no clue what his powers are at this point and I just really have no clue and its 2 am. Also when Remy touches someone he can make them fall asleep. I never mentioned that but thats his power
TW: Bank Robberies, fighting
Remy dropped to the floor as Roman shot flames over him hitting the person he was fighting causing him to fall back and Remy moved to the next robber.
Remy: Thanks Prince!
The two were at a bank where some robbers decided they wanted to make some cash and had taken everyone hostage. Patton and Emile were also there helping free the hostages. Patton would float or carry them up to Emile who would take them out of the building while Remy and Roman kept the robbers distracted.
Roman: Come in peacefully. It is never too late too turn yourself in!
Robber: Never. Your just a newbie, I can take you
Roman: You might regret saying that later foul villain!
Robber: And why's that
Remy jumped onto the robber placing his hands on the skin on their exposed neck while activating his power and causing the robber to fall asleep.
Remy: Thanks for the distraction Prince
Roman: No Problem. He was the last one?
Remy: Yup. Lets get these suckers to the police and tell Morality and The Doctor the good news
The two handcuffed each of the unconscious villains before handing them over to the police who had now rushed inside the building before walking over to the other heros.
Remy: Doctor! Morality! The coast is clear you can use the front door now!
Emile: Thanks Sleep!
Patton: Thanks Prince Creativty!
Roman: No problem. Y'all need any help?
Patton: Nah we got all of the civilians out while y'all were fighting
Remy: Good. Does that mean we get to go hooommmmmeeeee
Emile chuckled and kissed his spouse on the head
Emile: We need to talk to the police first then we can go home
Remy whined but followed Emile to the police officers with Roman and Patton trailing behind them. The 4 talked to the police before they were dismissed and split ways, Emile and Remy going to their house a 5 minute drive from PH where they worked part time now, and Roman and Patton to the CALM agency headquarters.
Roman and Patton walked into their living room finding Logan and Virgil making dinner
Roman: Hey we're back!
Logan: Can it wait till after dinner?
Patton jumped onto Logans back hugging his shoulders
Patton: no
Virgil: I can take over. Pats initiated koala mode you'll never escape
Logan: Thank you Virgil
Roman: Does that mean I don't get a hug
Virgil: If you want food you don't
Roman laughed placing a kiss on Virgils cheek(Cause he's still really smol compared to Virgil) before walking to his room and changing. Virgil finished dinner and called everyone else to come eat. They boys sat down at dinner and started talking.
Logan: I saw your fight today on the television. You both seemed to have done an adequate job. How are Emile and Remy by the way?
Patton: Oh their great!! They said they missed you guys too. How was your day? Did you two get any fun missions
Virgil: Nothing too big today for me. Mainly just the normal sitting and watching, nothing too interesting
Logan: My day was similar. I was able to gather the information I needed though it was not nearly as hard as I thought it would be.
Roman: Hey having an easy day isn't too bad. Plus it usually means the crime rates are going down when we're able to have a day off
Logan: Yes that is true. And I do not mind when you two don't have to go out into battles with the potential of getting hurt
Patton: Awwwww You love us
Logan: I should hope so or else our relationship was about to get very awkward
Roman: Aww. Our little nerd is making jokes. They grow up so fast.
Roman draped himself against Virgil for dramatic effect before Virgil shoved him to the floor
Virgil: you dramatic fuck
Virgil: Calm down Princey
Roman got up from the floor sitting back down to finish his dinner. Once they all finished and had moved to the living room Roman laid down on Virgils lap yawning.
Virgil: Come one idiot lets go to bed
Roman: Nuuuuu
Virgil: Dude your like 2 seconds away from falling sleep and I liking having feeling in my legs lets go to bed
Roman: But I want to cuddle!
Virgil: Lets just go idiot
Roman whined but stood up with Virgil and wished :Logan and Patton good night before heading off to his and Virgils bed room(Don't you dare any of you Roman is ACE!! I realizing now many of my characters are ace but in my defense I am ace and very confused by you allosexuals) Patton and Logan soon following their example and heading to their room for bed.
They all settled into bed and soon fell asleep after a long day.
Hey sorry that these chapters have all been really short but I swear I am coming to the climax soon and we will get longer chapters.
Take it easy guys, gals, and non binary pals!
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