Movie Night
TW: A bit of anxiety in the beginning but not too much, Also a little bit of a creepy stocker
If I missed anything let me know.
Emile watched as the boy's hugged on the couch with a smile. They stayed there occasionally talking before Roman feel asleep. He was quickly followed by Virgil. And eventually Patton and Logan fell asleep too. He quietly watched the four boys when he heard the door open. He looked up to see Janus standing in the door way. Emile put a finger to his lips gesturing to the pile of sleeping kids and walked out the door to Deceits office next door.
Deceit: How is he?
Emile: He's fine for now. He's lucky to have such good friends.
Deceit: Yah...
Emile: Whats wrong, and don't tell me it's nothing. I'm both a therapist and your best friend I know when somethings up.
Deceit: It's just... I should have known! This is my fault. I should have said something or asked him about it.
Emile: You know thats not true. Roman is a strong boy and good at hiding it. I didn't notice anything either. you couldn't have done anything.
Deceit: No you don't get it. On the first day Roman's weakness was his mother and older brother yelling at him and denying him! I should have said something. I thought it was just his greatest fear not his reality. I should have pressed him about it. Maybe if I had none of this would have happened.
Emile: Thats not true Dee. If you pressed him Roman would have just brushed it off and said it was his greatest fear like you thought. You had only known the kid for a few minutes at that point. You can't blame yourself you got that.
Emile walked over to Janus who had been pacing the floor the entire time and pulled him into a hug. They stayed there till Deceit took a breath and pulled out of the hug.
Deceit: The parents will probably be wondering where we are. Plus Logan and Virgil's parents are probably wondering where their kids are. We should go.
Emile: Probably but I don't really want to leave them alone right now. I'll stay with them for a bit then can you send Remy in to watch them later. I know you have a meeting.
Deceit: Yah that shouldn't be a problem. I'll find the kids parents to let them know their alright too. And Emile... Your a good friend.
Emile: I try
Roman woke up about an hour later and saw Emile still sitting in his chair reading a book. He tried to move but found himself trapped by his friends. Roman tried to move out from under them as quietly as possible but ended up waking everyone.
Patton: Hey Roman you feeling any better
Roman: Yah a bit. Thanks guys. Really. I'm sorry about being an ass earlier too. I just kept hearing my mother saying how friends were a distraction so...
Virgil: Whatever princey. We're still friends and it all worked out.
Roman: Still. I'm sorry.
Emile: Hey Logan, Virgil. I think your parents might still be here if you want to talk to them. We told them you guys had to help a friend with something so if you don't it'll be fine.
Logan: Thank you, but I think I will stay here my father will understand.
Virgil: Same
Roman: Thanks guys. You don't need to if you-
Logan: We are staying.
Roman turned red with embarrassment and sunk a bit deeper into the couch.
Emile: Roman we are still going to need to talk some more but lets just chill out for now. You guys can stay here if you'd like. I'm going to stay with you guys for a bit till I have to switch with Remy, but we can go to the dorm if you'd like.
Roman: I know. Can we go to the dorms. I want to change.
Patton: Actually I'm pretty hungry can we get some food first.
Emile:(chuckles) Yah. How about you guys head on over and I'll grab some food. Virgil can you come with me?
They all got up and parted ways. Patton, Logan, and Roman walking to the dorms while Virgil helped Emile grab the sandwiches the cafeteria was serving. They met up with lunch and hung around the dorms for the rest of the day. When Remy switched with Emile they all had a laugh when the insomniac teacher almost broke the coffee table.
Virgil woke up and rolled over in bed. After yesterday he was happy for the day off and just wanted to sleep. But of corse he couldn't so he rolled out of bed, put on his hoodie, and went downstairs. He found Patton and Logan talking in the kitchen. They all did their usually small talk when Roman came downstairs in a red hoodie.
Patton: Now that we're all here I was thinking. How about we do a little game to get to know each other better!
Roman: Like a Q and A. Sure sounds fun.
Virgil: I go first. If you were a Pokémon which one would you be?
Patton: Togepi!!
Logan: Alakazam.
Roman: Juggily Puff
Virgil: Really. Would have never guessed that.
Roman: Their singing is under rated. Together we shall be an unstoppable duo.
Patton: Ok how about favorite Disney movie.
Virgil: Black Cauldron. No songs, so it's perfect.
Logan: I quite enjoy Big Hero Six
Roman: I can't choose. They're all my darling babies!
Logan: Favorite bands?
Virgil: Evanescence
Roman: Beyonce she's royalty
Patton: I just listen to the "camp fire song song" from Sponge bob on repeat.
Virgil: Ok I was the only one to actually name a band there
After some more time asking questions and a small debate about the secret messages behind Disney movies, Roman came up with the idea for a Disney movie marathon. Patton came up with the idea for a pillow fort.
Patton: OK everyone get into their most comfortable PJ's and come back to the living room
Virgil: I'm already in pretty comfy clothes so I'll get started on the fort,
Roman: Great.
The 3 boys walked to their rooms while Virgil went to get the pillow fort started. Logan pulled Patton aside when he reached their rooms.
Logan: Patton may I borrow something from you please. I do not have many pajamas.
Patton: Yah sure Lo I have the perfect thing for you!
Logan watched as the smaller man skipped into his room, deciding to not correct him on his name, and smiled. Patton really was cute.
Virgil looked up after placing the last pillow to see Roman walking into the room wearing sweatpants and a green sweatshirt with a rat on it?
Virgil: Whats up with that sweatshirt princey? Nothing like your normal aesthetic.
Roman: Oh. It was Remus's first actually. He gave it to me when I first came out, and I mean it's really comfy. OH MY GOD LOGAN YOU HAVE A ONESIE!!!!
Virgil turned around to see Logan and Patton standing next to each other. Patton was wearing a cat onesie wich was not a surprise to any one. But Logan standing next to him in a unicorn onesie! He watched as Logan's face went red with embarrassment.
Logan: It's not mine. Patton lended it to me. I'm still surprised it fits me.
Patton: Well I had bought it in the wrong size but kept it cause it's nice and soft. It's good that I did or else you never would have been able to wear it!
Logan: Can we please get started.
The boys laughed and climbed into the pillow fort Virgil had made and started playing the movie. At some point Roman had cuddled up to Virgil and had his head on his lap, much to Virgil's annoyance, and Patton had done something similar with Logan. The boy's spent all day watching Disney movies and laughing.
When the last movie finally ended Logan and Patton were the only ones awake. Logan got up to turn off the movie and looked at Patton. He was smiling and looking over at their two friends and when he turned to Logan he felt his heart skip a beat.
Patton: Should we wake them up.
Logan: I suppose so... Patton may I ask you a question first?
Patton: Yah sure what is it kiddo?
Logan:(Deep breath) Would you like to join me on an outing where we get food?
Patton: What? Can you say that in english please.
Logan: Patton... Will you go on a date with me?
Logan felt his face was bright red and he nervously played with Patton's onesie while waiting for an answer. Patton squealed with delight.
Patton: Yes!! I would love to go on a date with you Logan!
Roman: YES!! I KNEW IT!
Logan turned to see Roman and Virgil watching them. When did they wake up? Roman was bouncing up and down with excitement.
Virgil: Look can we just do this in the morning. It's like 2 am and I need some sleep.
Logan: That seems logical.
Patton: Yah (yawn) lets all go to bed. I'm pretty tired.
Roman: Should we put the fort away now or in the morning?
Virgil, Patton, Logan: Morning.
The four laughed and walked off to their rooms. Today had been great, they didn't have a care in the world and had nothing to worry about for once. Plus Logan asked Patton out so that was AMAZING!!! Everyone went to bed with a smile on their face that night.
Oblivious to the figure in orange who had been watching
Maniacal author laughing. You thought you could just have a light fluffy chapter!!! NO YOU FOOLS!
Well Logan asked Patton on a date so thats good. I just couldn't figure out how to write a slow burn so I just went ahead and did it. But whatever.
Take it easy guy's, gal's, and non-binary pal's!!!
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