Kidnapped! Again!
Hello are you ready for an overload of me updating while I can because family is coming over soon and then I have sleep away camp for 7 weeks so I will not be on for a while so I need to try to finish my stories now so I don't leave y'all for like 2-3 months with no updates and radio silence. If not... Prepare yourselves
TW: Fighting, kidnapping, threatening of murder
Roman stumbled back wards before pushing himself off the wall and got ready to attack. Chaos was back and this time he was here to fight. Patton was off helping the civilians and Virgil and Logan were helping Roman fight.
Roman dropped to the floor as Logan threw a large piece of debris at Chaos with his telekinesis who also ducked out of the way. Chaos got up laughing
Chaos: Oh little Logics getting feisty isn't he. I don't think the government would be all too happy if you killed someone
Logan: Oh fuck off
Virgil used his shadows to hold down Chaos's feet and Roman shot fire at him. But Chaos shot out his own strings attaching them to Virgil forcing him to drop the shadows just in time to avoid the flames, the ends of his shirt getting singed off
Chaos: Oh look at that you ruined my shirt
Roman: Let Anxiety go.
Chaos: And why would I do that.
Roman: Let him go or else
The air around Roman started to wave due to the heat coming off of Roman
Logan(h): Roman calm down. You're going to burn down the building
Roman(h): But-
Logan(h): I know but Virgil will get hurt if you burn the building down. Just let me handle this.
Just then Chaos threw Virgil towards the two heros and jumped backwards
Chaos: While I love to fight taking a hostage is just a cheep trick
Virgil: Calm down princey I'm fine
Logan: Great now can we get back to the fight at hand
Virgil: Gladly
Just then Patton ran in to the scene
Patton: The civilians are safe
Logan: Good. Now we can really fight
Logan held up his hand and all the debris lifted from around them. Suddenly Logan felt a hard smack against his head and dropped to the floor
*Time skip brought to you by the fact that I am 100% rushing this ending I'm so sorry*
Logan jerked awake and looked around him. Patton, Virgil, and Roman were all next to him. The four were chained to the wall in what looked to be a jail cell. Logan tested the strength of the chains and tried to pry them off with his telekinesis but it was all to no avail. Logan finally gave up and waited for the others to wake up.
*le mini skip*
Roman sat up and quickly realized the chains on his wrists. He started trying to pull them off when he heard Logans voice
Logan: It won't work we've already tried
Virgil: Morning sleeping beauty
Roman looked around now seeing his 3 friends sitting up around his also chained to the wall
Roman: Where are we
Patton: No clue. All I remember was walking into you guys fighting before being nocked out
Logan: God. This is exactly what happened before
Virgil: Not exactly. Last time this happened we were poisoned not knocked out in the middle of a fight
Roman: Oh god what is Chaos going to try this time
Chaos: Good question
The four quickly looked around before seeing Chaos standing at the door
Chaos: Now that all of you are awake I wanted to talk to you
Logan: no
Chaos: I didn't even say anything yet
Logan: I know what your going to ask and we would never join you
Chaos: Are you sure. This is your last chance. Join me or die. Not a hard choice I think
Virgil: Your right. We aren't joining you
Patton: No matter what. We can escape from you all we want. You can't suppress our powers either so have fun fighting us four on one
After the first time Chaos had kidnapped them they quickly learned that whatever enhancements they had gotten to their powers also made them impossible to suppress. They had finally been able to take off the cuffs they had on before but there was no difference.
Chaos: Oh I know. Well I guess you four chose the hard way. See you soon
With that Chaos slammed the door shut and walked away. The four boys sat in silence for a few seconds thinking the same thing
"What are we going to do"
hello I know this chapter is bad but I'm trying to take a half planned ending and create it in like 3 weeks. Please. send help
Take it easy guys gals, and non binary pals
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