Tw: The original test they all went through, cursing(Do I need to put that I don't censor it), VERY LITTLE talk of throwing up(Mentioned like twice)
Also I'm really sorry about how short and bad Patton and Logan's date will be I've never been on one. Listen I'm Demi-romantic and use they/them pronouns and my school only has like 3 LGBT+ kids other then me.
Roman walked into the kitchen the next morning finding he was the first one awake. He decided to put away the pillow fort before making breakfast. He was putting the last pillow in place when Patton walked in fully dressed for the day.
Patton: Hey there kiddo. You could have waited to do that, I could have helped.
Roman: No worries Patton. Soooo. You excited for your date with Logan?
Patton: I don't really know. I'm excited for sure but nervous.
Roman: Come on your awesome. You guys are going to have a great time.
Virgil: And if it fails we will live in an awkward dance around you 2 for the next 4 years.
Roman and Patton: AHHHHH!
Patton: Kiddo when did you get here?
Virgil: Yah real manly screech right there man.
Virgil chuckled and Roman put on a strained smile hoping no one would notice and started playing with his sleeve. Patton just walked over to Virgil giving him a hug and Virgil oddly enough excepted it. He didn't like hugs but Patton's were really nice.
Patton: Well I'm hungry. Time for some breakfast.
Deceit: Today class we will be discussing your first test.
All the students immediately sat up and looked at their teacher.
Deceit: You will partner up with someone you know, trust, like, or merely tolerate and talk about ways you can get over your mental weakness. We aren't presenting this to the class by the way so only the people you tell will know what your weakness is. Now find a partner.
All the students got up and started to partner up. Virgil sat in the back panicking. He didn't really like people knowing his weaknesses. He gulped as Roman turned next to him.
Roman: Hey so. D-do you want to be partners
Virgil: I guess. I mean it's better having a friend know your weaknesses then an enemy
Roman: Yah.
The boys looked up as Deceit walked up to them putting a hand on Roman shoulder and leaning down talking softly as so no one could overhear.
Deceit: Hey Roman I get if you want to sit this one out after... Everything. It's fine with me if you do.
Roman: Well... I-I guess I'll still do it. Virgil's telling me his so...
Virgil: Thanks
Deceit: Ok then.
He walked away and went to the next pair leaning down to talk. The boys watched before Virgil pulled out a notebook and pencil.
Roman: So what was your illusion any way.
Virgil: My weakness was... It was... I was in a room where I was under a b-bright light but around me there w-were a bunch of sh-shadows... and. And they would yell at me... a-and... attack. Not enough to hurt me but... they also w-wouldn't stay under my control. It all ended when I finally got them all under and to stop.
Roman: ... That sucks. Well mine was... kinda like what you saw with my m-mother but D-David was also there.
Virgil: Man everyone in your family is an ass aren't they?
Roman:*chuckle* Yah I guess you could say that. So how are we supposed to solve your weakness?
Virgil: Well they stoped when I got my shadows under control but the thing is I'm not good at controlling my shadows in the first place.
Roman: What!?
Virgil: Well... My shadow control is kinda complicated. The more I control the harder it gets and I need to give them directions or else they'll just go crazy. They only become sentient when I call them though and they go back to normal once I tell them to go back. But if I lose connection or something they can do whatever the hell they want. They also are harder to control when I'm panicked or stressed. Which is GREAT when you have anxiety
Roman: That doesn't sound good. Do they usually talk to you?
Virgil: Yah. And they're really fucking annoying.
Roman: SHHH Patton might hear you
Virgil: Whatever. Yah they talk to me. When I call them they can always talk. Sometimes they are just kinda there talking about whatever, sometimes they complain, but some are really mean. It seems like the more I use and the less control I have the meaner they get.
Roman: Well honestly for you I feel like is being positive Mr. Doom and gloom
Virgil: What?
Roman: Well you said your anxiety and stress get in the way of controlling you shadows right? So when their yelling at you and being mean they're trying to make you lose your connection and set them free. So you being sure of yourself and stuff like that.
Virgil: That... actually makes sense. Nice job princey your not a complete idiot
Roman: HEY *Offended princey noises*
Virgil: What about you? How do your powers even work?
Roman: Well it has 2 parts. Part 1: I can create fire on any part of my body and control said fire. I'm also fire resistant inside and out but only to fire. So you couldn't burn me by setting me on fire but if you were to, I don't know, pour boiling water on my face it would burn, just not as bad as normal people, but it would still burn. Part 2: I have a fire in my core or stomach. It never goes out but if grows and shrinks. I can also create a fire from my core but it's different from me just making a flame. My core flame's are a lot stronger but take A LOT of energy. it's also kinda like an extra energy source for me. So if I got tired I could use my core flame energy instead. Oh! I can also eat and breath fire. Scared the crap out of my family first time I did that cause I'm the only one who can do it.
Virgil: Ok great. Are they connected to your emotions like mine?
Roman: No. I have accidentally set of flames before when I didn't try too. Like when I'm sick and ended up throwing up and throwing up some core flames too. Oh and Remus finds it very amusing when I sneeze and my hair lights up.
Virgil: Well I need to see that. Well... I don't know how would we solve this?
Patton: Ok Logan so what was your test like?
Patton sat at the other side of the small desk as Logan with a light blue notebook and pencil. Logan adjusted his glasses before speaking.
Logan: In my test I was in a classroom and all the supplies created a spiral or tornado around me. To end the test I had to stop the spiral from moving.
Patton: Ok. Sooooo... How does that affect you and your powers. 'Cause thats what the test were about right? Helping us learn how to overcome our mental weaknesses to use our powers.
Logan: Correct Patton. For my power I need to know and understand the object I am moving. So I can not lift up something when I do not understand where it is in relative space to me.
Patton: Well thats not true.
Logan: What? I do not understand what you mean by that statement Patton.
Patton: Well you said to end the test you had to use your power to stop the tornado right?
Logan: Correct.
Patton: Well you couldn't have known where everything was if it was always moving and there must have been a lot of stuff out of your sight line that you couldn't know where it was.
Logan: I... I've never though about that before. I must be thinking about my power wrong or miss using it. Thank you Patton.
Patton: No problem Logie!
Logan: Logan. Now what about your test Patton?
Patton: Oh... For my test. My.. My Grangran was on the other side of a wall and... and she was hurt. But the only way to get to her was a gap in the wall that was really high up. Too high to jump up to and you couldn't climb the wall. To end it I had to remember my power to get up and too her.
Patton looked down and Logan noticed tears in his eyes. Uh oh emotions. Logan awkwardly reached forward and took Patton's hand and gave it a small squees. Patton wiped his eye's and put his usual cheery smile on his face.
Patton: Any suggestions?
Logan: For your power it seems like you forgot it existed in a time of panic correct.
Patton: Yah
Logan: Well it seems like you need to become more attached to your power. How does your power work exactly?
Patton: Well I can make myself float and I can adjust what I'm pushing off of at any time so I can't exactly fly but close. Also anything I touch I can make float but anything larger then a small car would be too heavy.
Logan: Ok so it seems your power doesn't affect you at all times like mine does. That might be why you forget about it in times of distress.
Patton: What do you mean. Your power is always affecting you?
Logan: Yes my mind reading is always on. I have to continuously push out thoughts that are not mine but they are always there. They are like white noise to me most of the time but sometimes in big crowds they can be overwhelming.
Patton: I'm sorry Logie
Logan decided to ignore the nick name when he noticed something. For the first time in years he had a conversation where he didn't need to push out the others thoughts. The instant he noticed this everyones thoughts came crashing back down.
Logan(Head): Damn it!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by school is boring ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Logan looked up from his phone. He had told Patton to meet him at the fountain at 19:00(7:00 for you using the 12 hour clock). He was 3 minutes late. Logan adjusted his dark blue tie and looked at his outfit again. Was it ok? He was wearing a black short sleeved button up with small white poka-dots on it, dark blue jeans, and his signature black tie. It was very similar to what he usually wore but still acceptable. He was about to check his phone again when Patton ran up to him. He was wearing a tan overall skirt over his usual light blue polo. At the end of the straps of the overalls where they met the skirt there were cat paws.(basically the skirt Thomas put him in guys I can't imagine him in anything else)
Patton: I'm sorry I'm late Lolo I couldn't find my glasses. You look amazing!
Logan: Oh why. Thank you Patton. You look beautiful.
Patton just giggled at Logans comment and pulled at the end of his skirt. He looked so cute! Logan felt a blush creep up his face. He reached out and took Patton's hand which in turn caused Patton to blush.
Patton: So where are we going because you refused to tell me.
Logan: You will se Patton. It is a surprise.
Patton: Awwwww
Logan smiled at the smaller boy and started leading him off campus. Patton kept trying to guess where they were going as they boarded the bus to their destination. Logan stubbornly refused to answer till they made it.
Logan walked up to a small bakery and opened the door for Patton. He smiled and gave a small curtsy before walking in. Logan just smiled at his tomfoolery.
Patton and Logan walked back on campus holding hands and smiling.
Patton: Thank you so much Logie. I had such a good time!
Logan: It was my pleasure Patton. I hope we are able to do this again.
Patton: Me too.
The two boys walked into their dorms thankful for the fact that Roman and Virgil weren't in there to ask a million questions and went off to bed.
Hey so I'm sorry you didn't get the whole date but as I said earlier I've never been on one. I wrote this after what happened in America so if you live here just stay safe and I hope you and everyone you know if OK.
Take it easy guys. gals, and non-binary pals!
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