Hey so this took forever because I was at a friends house and couldn't write sorry. Also I kinda was about this and turns out @PrevailedPrince wrote this person/power and entire look one of their stories and IT WAS EXCATLY THE SAMMMMEEEE! Like powers? Same. Look? Same. Name? Same! So like I had to find out a new name and oof, I suck at coming up with names. Also read @PrevailedPrince book Shifter it's good.
Tw: Fighting, Cursing(I didn't censor it like usual but might as well tell you again) Please tell me if I missed something I will add it
The four boys went to bed after a long night oblivious the the figure in orange that has been watching them since they first arrived at the school. The orange figure shifted and pulled out their phone.
Orange: They're asleep. Have everything ready for when I get back.
???: Yes sir.
Orange: Have everything ready or you'll be sorry.
He jumped down his cape and flared skirt flying. He stood up fixing his red and green stash that was connected to his blue and orange tie. His glasses sat crazily over his heterochromatic green and purple eye's with dark eyeshadow underneath. He ran his yellow gloved hands through his crazy brown and orange hair. He started walking down to his hideout strolling down the streets the fabric hanging from his arms snapping with each movement.
(I drew this and I know the tie looks weird but whatever this is what he looks like just imagine legs with a skirt the same look as the end of his shirt.)
He eventually made it to his hideout and threw open the doors everyone scattering to make sure they didn't get in his way.
Orange: IM BACK!!!
??: Chaos. Sir, it's good you're back.
Orange: Great now get team 2b ready for tomorrow.
??: Yes Chaos.
Chaos smiled crazily and walked into his room and jumped into bed. Tomorrow morning was going to be fun.
**Time skip brought to you by the John Mulaney video I'm watching right now**
Remy dropped down into the bank standing in front of Chaos. He scowled and looked over his mirrored sunglasses.
Remy: Sup' Chaos. Didn't think I would see you so soon babe
Chaos: Aww Sleep! So nice to see you too. Where's you're boyfriend is he off with those silly victims again.
Remy: Does it matter. I'm taking you in.
Chaos: I'd like to see you try pretty boy
Remy jumped at Chaos when suddenly bright orange threads connected to Remy's head, arms, and legs. Remy growled as his body froze and Chaos laughed at him.
Chaos: Aww Sleeeeeeep. Don't get mad.
Remy: Give me my body back and I'll be great babe
Chaos: I don't think I will. I need to tell you and you're boyfriend something so how about you call him here.
Remy: How abou-
Remy grunted as Chaos flicked his fingers causing Remy to shoot upward into a T-pose lookin' like Jesus on the cross right there.(CHAOS GET OUT IM WRITING NOT YOU. NEVER IM IN CONTROL NOW ! NO GO AWAY) Chaos giggled and Remy's sunglasses fell off his face.
Chaos: Hey Doctor! I have you're boyfriend/partner! Come and get 'emmm!
Emile: Ok Chaos I'm here. Just let everyone else go
Chaos: Oh don't worry. I'm not hurting anyone... tonight. I just wanted to tell you something. You have 4 boy's I want. Stay out of my way and when they disappear you'll know who has them.
Remy: WHO
Emile: NO
Chaos:*Laugh* Bye bye!
Chaos threw Remy upwards and Emile ran to catch him and Chaos jumped out the window of the bank leaving the rest of the money on the floor.
Emile caught his boyfriend and lowered Remy to the ground. Remy looked around realizing Chaos was gone.
Remy: SHIT!
Emile: Language! Calm down Rem, are you ok? Chaos's power is pretty hard on people
Remy: English. I'm fine lets just finish up this job and go home.
Emile: I'm concerned. What student's do you think he meant?
Remy: I don't know... Well figure this out when we get back home ok Emmi?
Emile: Hero names Sleep. Fine.
Remy kissed the top of Emile's head and they both went off to finish their work.
**Time skip brought to you by the fact that my phone's battery is broken**
Janus walked into the teachers lounge and saw Remy with his head on Emile's lap on the couch. He grabbed a water bottle and walked over to the chair next to the couch sighing as he sat down.
Janus: Whats wrong
Remy: What makes you think somethings wrong despasito.
Janus: It's Deceit you moron. And you only lay in Emmi's lap if somethings wrong. Any time else he lays in yours.
Emile: He's not wrong Rem
Remy: Shut up
Janus: So whats wrong?
Emile: We had a hard fight against Chaos today
Remy: That bitch
Emile: Langage. But he didn't do much. He came, alerted the alarm, then he said he just wanted to tell us something.
Janus: What he say
Remy: He threatened some of our kids
Janus: WHO!
Emile: He didn't tell us. He just said there were 4 boys he wanted and told us to stay out of his way.
Remy: Like we'd let him take our kids
Janus: Are you sure he didn't give any clues about who he's talking about.
Emile: No. But it's probably one of the freshman
Remy: He would have done something earlier if the kids were already at the school-
Janus: And he wouldn't have targeted you guys if he wasn't coming after a freshman in the hero course-
Emile: Because they're the only ones we teach, right. But why did he even warn us? I mean I'm glad because it means we can take more precautions to protect the kids.
Remy: To cause chaos. I mean it's his literal name! He just wants us to freak out.
Janus: So what we just ignore what he said?
Emile: No. We'll take more precautions but... Lets just not get too worked up by this. This school is one of the safest places the kids could be. Hero's in almost every room and I mean everyone in the hero course is trained to fight.
Janus: Right. I'll get to the principal and tell them about the situation
Emile: Thanks Jay-Jay
Remy: Thanks despasito
Janus: I hate both of you
*******TO CHAOS'S LAYER!!!!******
Chaos laughed as he looked at the video feed of the three hero's talking.
Chaos: They have no clue whats coming. They can try but you can't prepare for me
Hey sorry this was so late. You guys have now met the main villain Chaos! Also like Chaos is watching our 4 main boys and yes he is after them.
Did you like it please give me comments and criticism so I can make things better
Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals
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