11th Grade Teams
Hey so I was just looking at this book and MY GOD 22 F*CKING CHAPTERS AND WE'RE ONLY HALF WAY DONE WHAT!! Ok so IDK what this chapter is going to be like because Im running out of ideas so we don't just jump into the big climax so this chapter is probably going to suck. Sometimes it's just hard thinking of classes and stuff for everyone to go to so Imma steal sh*t from My Hero Academia.
Hey yah I know this is even later then it usually is but I couldn't update before and it's just kinda been a hard week in general because school is ending so teachers are dumping a bunch of shit on us and long ass projects so I kinda needed a break mentally so this chapter is going to be short. I also will probably be updating on weekends now.
TW: Fighting, swearing.... up above... and maybe below IDK I half plan out chapters and write the TW before writing it and updating after wards... anything else. RIGHT fire. Tell me if I missed anything cause I'm tired and might forget.
Janus: Alright little shits get your stuff and lets get going.
The students all grabbed their bags and followed Janus out the door. Roman tugged on Logans arm causing him to look down at Roman.
Roman: Looks like you've given up on Janus being a "professional teacher"
Logan sighed at Roman rolling his eyes
Logan: I have come to the conclusion that Janus will never speak like what is appropriate in a profesional-
Roman: Ok I stoped listening like 3 minutes ago
Logan: Oh come on I wasn't that bad!
Virgil: Nah Romans right just like... too long a sentence dude even the author zoned out like 3 times while writing it which is why it sounded so bad
Patton: What?
Virgil: Nothing
The four boys followed the rest of their class to the training grounds outside. It was modeled to look like an average american city area(cause I don't want to describe it). They stoped at the entrance and Janus turned to face the group of kids.
Janus: Alright today we'll have a special training session. We have the 11th grade(16-17 years old second to last year of high school for non americans) students here to help with it.
Just then a group of 10 students walked up to the training grounds trailing behind their teacher. The teacher walked up next to Janus before he continued.
Janus: Today we will be dividing into teams with the 11th graders being the leaders and battle each other. The 11th graders will do a school yard pick for their teams, they've already been given brief information about each of you so they won't be making these teams without prior information. So line up idiots and they'll pick. Cause you guys are a class of 20 people and they've been whittled down to a class of 10 by now there will be 3 people per team.
The students all lined up and were picked by the 11th graders. Patton and Virgil were teamed up with someone with black hair with pink and green streaks. Logan and Roman were picked by someone with a black t-shirt and bright blue bangs that hung in front of their eyes.
Blue bangs: Hey your Roman and Logan right? I'm Alex they/them. What are your pronouns
Roman: He/him for the both of us
Alex: Right cool. I'm happy I was able to get you two I was getting worried about being able to get Roman cause his powers so flashy.
Roman: huh?
Logan: They were given minimal information about us so they would most likely go for the people with flashier powers because they are easier to quickly find ways to be used which was also why Virgil was picked first. His power are a lot flashier then he thinks they are.
Alex: Actually I needed you more for my plan
Logan: Excuse me? You picked Roman first, if I was your more vital point it would make sense to pick me first.
Alex: Yah but there were a lot of people gunning for Roman and he's still pretty necessary for my plan. Plus I knew you'd be safe cause most of the other kids stoped paying attention to you once they figured out your main power was mind reading.
Roman: You'd think they'd want a mind reader on their side to predict the other teams move
Alex: Yah but this is going to be a quick fight where the element of surprise isn't the most important. It's really just whoever wins the battle, sure we need to find each other but there are other ways of doing that. Plus mind reading isn't the most useful in a team fight. I mean it's great for the mind reader but for the others the fight moves too fast
Roman: I think your underestimating our little nerds skill
Logan: I'm taller then the both of you. And yes I agree with Roman
Alex: Ok fine. But you also have telekinesis right?
Logan: Yes. Oh I see your plan now
Roman: Ok well would you like to inform me of it because not all of us can hear peoples thoughts
*Time skip brought to you by the fact I had a 3 hour crew practice today and haha my idiots had to row for 3 fucking hours and one of them forgot water like an idiot even though I told them to bring water*
Logan crouched behind the wall waiting for the start siren to go off.
Logan(head): You ready
Alex(h): Hell yah
Roman(h): Absolutely lets beat these guys!
The opposing team had Cecil and Carlos from their class. The two were dating and worked together really well. Carlos could create chemical reactions and Cecil could alter reality with his words, each reality alter would change back in 10 minutes. Alex said their team captains name was Em and she had invisibility.
The start bell sounded and the teams set into motion. Logan watched as near by a large fire erupted. He instantly tuned into everyones thoughts in the area soon narrowing them down to the other teams.
Logan(h): Alright Cecil and Carlos are heading in Romans direction now.
Alex(h): Great get ready and make sure you keep an eye on Em.
Roman(h): I see them
Logan(h): You two handle them and I'll handle Em
Alex(h): Good luck
Logan shook his head and started towards the direction of Ems thoughts. He looked around the corner to where Em should be but didn't see anything
Logan(To himself and head): Where is he?... Oh right invisibility
Logan zeroed in on Ems thoughts blocking out everyone else but his team mates
Em(h): Where's Logan. Alex is smart they would definitely send him after me
Logan(h): Closer then you'd think
Logan heard a small thud that must have been where Em was and started towards him trying to not be detected
Logan(h): Logan. Who else would it be?
Em: Damn it get out of my head kid
Logan(h): Kid? I am only 3 years younger then you
Em: Doesn't matter. Stop hiding and lets fight
Logan(h): Funny coming from a man who is currently invisible
Em: Fine
Em dropped his invisibility and Logan spotted him only a few feet away facing away from him. Logan crept forwards slowly
Em: How do you like that. Now where are you
Logan: Right here
Logan then hit the back of Em's neck hitting the pressure point successfully knocking him out. Em hit the ground with a thump and Logan fully stepped into the street.
Logan(h): Alright Em's down how are you 2 fairing?
Roman(h): Oh just peachy
Alex(h): Fucking lier. We need some help with Cecil. I can't get to him with all his reality shifting.
Logan started running to his team mates
Logan(h): And what do you want me to do about that
Roman(h): Distract his thoughts or something
Alex(h): what
Roman(h): I remember him saying he needs to focus on his thoughts before saying them for them to come true. He needs some concentration, so if Lo distracts him he won't be able to fight as well
Logan(h): Thats actually a good idea
Logan(h): Debatable.
Alex(h): mood
Logan(h): Just let me get to work and you two keep fighting. I'm almost to y'all and will be able to help the fight
Roman(h): Did you just say "ya'll"
Logan(h): Yes it is a perfectly acceptable gender neutral term... Also my mothers from the south and I picked it up from her. Now do you want my help with Cecil or not?
Alex(h): yes
Logan(h): Salutations Cecil
Logan(h): Em had a very similar reaction. Is it really that startling for you?
Cecil(h): Not really you're voice is just really loud
Logan(h): Oh I didn't realize my volume had increased too.
Logan then ran up the see when Roman and Alex were fighting. Roman was trying to battle Cecil who had summoned a 5 headed dragon. Alex was attacking Carlos and seemed to be winning. They were phasing in and out to avoid his chemical reactions and were gaining ground on Carlos. Logan decided Roman needed the most help and ran over to him
Logan(h): Hey Cecil, Cecil, hey, hey, hey
Cecil: What are you doing Logan!
Logan(h): Honestly I have no clue
Jus then Roman shot a fire ball at Cecil causing him to fall to the ground the fire stinging the ends of hiss hair.
Carlos: CECIL!!
Alex phased in front of Carlos who was distracted by his boyfriend and punched him in the nose knocking him out. Logan lifted Cecil in the air holding him still and Roman charged at him knocking Cecil unconscious. Once Cecil hit the floor a loud blare cut through the air
Janus(Over speakers): TEAM ALEX WINS
Hey I know this came REAL late sorry. Also Cecil and Carlos are from Welcome to Nightvale which is the BEST PODCAST EVER!! Also the two are dating in cannon of the podcast(At least at the point I'm at but theres literally almost 200 episodes and I'm on like 70 or something like that) HIGHTLY RECOMEND LISTENING TO IT. Also the 5 headed dragon is part of WTNV too
Take it easy guys, gals, and nonbinary pals
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