~Gwendolyn's pov~
I skidded around the corner, desperately trying to get to work on time... Again... I worked at a auto-body shop around the corner from murakami Sans restaurant. I go there a lot for lunch.
When I step foot in the shop the first thing I hear is. " GWEN!" I cringe and walk to the back room. I go to the bathroom and slip on my blue collar shirt with my name on it.
I walk over to the main office and knock 3 times. I hear a faint 'come in'. I open the door and slide in, closing the door behind me. "You're late again Gwen! That the 3 time this week! You better not do it again. You have 1 hour extra at the shop this evening." My uncle says. "Good morning to you too." I say. He looks back up from his desk and smiles "good morning. You better get to work." "Yes sir."
Lunch couldn't come soon enough. I change my shirt so I don't look like a ragamuffin, and grab a rag and wipe the grease off my hands. I go to my bag to take out some money and head to murakamis.
As I open the door, the bell at the top of the door 'clings', signaling someone is here. I walk in and see no sign of murakami. I sit at the bar and say "mister murakami? Are you here?" Then I think to myself 'if he wasn't, why was the door unlocked Stupid'
All of a sudden, the blind man comes out of the kitchen, looking rather flustered. "Are you ok sir?" I ask.
"I am fine Gwen san. Would you like the usual?" He asks. "Yes sir, thank you." He then scurried off to the kitchen to make my pizza gyoza.
But I couldn't help but wonder...
Whats going on?
~ Donnies pov~
The bell rang on the door at murakami and I quickly jumped behind the counter, and made my way to the kitchen. I quality told him he had a costumer and stayed in the wonderful smelling room. She called for him and he told me to stay put.
When he went out, I got curious peeked through the door to see. I gasped and backed up. Those eyes... The ones we saw last night! I've got to tell the boys! I waited for him to come back in and whispered "thank you, I have to go now. Bye mister Murakami." He waved and started cooking.
I got to the lair to find Leo looking intently at the TV eating his stupid show... Space Heroes. And Mikey bugging Raph. "Hey guys, you know that person we saw last night?" They all looked and me and nodded. "Yeah, what about it?" I took a deep breath and said. "Mikey, you saw her eyes right?" He nodded "Well she was in Murakamis today. I don't know if it's her but we need to check."
They looked at each other and then back at me. "What do you mean she?" Asked Raph. "Just liked I said, she."
Leo sighed. "We'll check it out tonight. What time does she get off work?" He asked. "I heard her say around 8:30." "Alright, we'll go then." I nodded and headed to my lab.
~Gwens pov~
I left Murakamis and headed back to work, to finish my shift.
Time skip to 8:30
I walked out of the shop and locked the garage door behind me.
I was walking to my apartment when all of a sudden, something grabbed my shoulder and yanked me into an alley. I was pinned against a wall. "Hey pretty girl, what are you doin all by yourself?"
I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and brought my elbow around to hit him in the jaw. I grunted in pain held his jaw for just enough time for me to get my bow out. I have a compact bow that can be folded to look like a really short stick.
"You don't have any arrows! What are you going to do?" He smirked. I closed my eyes and concentrated. I opened my eyes and pulled back the string. As I did so, my blue arrow appeared, resting comfortably beside the site. It was my turn to smirk and his turn the afraid. Not that I was afraid before, just unsure.
He started to back away slowly. I released the string and it went flying towards him. Right before it hit him, they split and headed for his shoulders. They went through the top of the shirt hanging on his shoulder and brought him flying to the wall behind him, Pinning him there.
He tried to move but couldn't. I walked up to him and whispers in his ear: "if I ever hear that you've done something like that again, I will hunt you down and make you beg for your life. Do you understand?" He nodded vigorously. I pulled the arrows out of his shirt and he scurried off, scared out of his mind.
I smiled and pressed the button on the side of my bow and it folded to its drum stick- like state. Through all that, I still had my back pack on, so I slipped it in there and made my way to the entrance of the alley until...
You'll have to find out later!
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