When These Walls Come Tumbling Down
(We see Jinx talking to a bartender.)
Jinx: Chuck!
Bartender: [gasps] Thieram. Uh...My name's Thieram.
Jinx: Nice try, Chuck. [scoffs]
(Thieram makes her a drink.)
Jinx: What's all the hubbub?
Thieram: Uh. Boss wants us to grab someone up.
Jinx: Someone? Anyone? Who are you grabbing?
Thieram: A guy. And some girls. I mean, I mean not...I'm not grabbing them. Oh, other than the...those ones...I guess.
(He slides her drink over.)
Jinx: Focus. Who are they? Why wasn't I invited to the party?
Thieram: Uh, I don't know. They...they got in a fight with Sevika. They did a number on her.
Jinx: Oh really? Which number?
Theiram: It's like a saying...
(She hugs him.)
Jinx: You're doing great, Chuck. Here, for your troubles.
(She attaches a bomb to his back & once it blows up; only paint appears on his back. Cut to Caitlyn, Vi, & Bane.)
Caitlyn: Silco's goons aren't far behind. We have to keep moving.
(Bane stops walking with them.)
Bane: I can buy you guys some time.
Vi: [groans] I know what you're doing and I appreciate it really, but I'm not leaving you.
Caitlyn: I don't think splitting up is the best thing to do right now.
Bane: I've been outnumbered in fights for years now. *cracks his fingers* This'll be a piece of cake.
Caitlyn: And how are you supposed to find us when you're done?
Bane: I...haven't thought that far ahead yet but it shouldn't be that hard y'all.
Vi: [groans] I just got you back and...I'm not too keen to lose you again--
Bane: [sighs] Okay.
(The trio start walking again.)
Vi: What the hell is that?
Caitlyn: The sign.
Bane: Big sign.
Vi: Never mind, just help me to the edge.
(The trio look down.)
Caitlyn: Can you do this in your--
(Vi jumps down & attempts the parkour down but due to the condition she's in; she falls, hitting support beams on her way down.)
Caitlyn: Shit.
Bane: All right.
(He scoops Caitlyn up into his arms.)
Caitlyn: What are you doing?
Bane: What's it look like? Just make sure to hang on.
(He jumps down, with Caitlyn in his arms, down the edge. Silco's goons continue to chase them. But unbeknownst to everyone, the Firelights leader has been watching all of this.)
(Sevika tells Jinx about Vi & Bane. Cut back to the trio.)
Caitlyn: What is this place?
Vi: It's where the kind of people you topsiders don't want to think about.
Bane: Don't blame ya though. I don't like thinking about this place either.
(Whimpering heard all around as Caitlyn pulls out her flashlight & flashes at the people there.)
Vi: It was never this big, though.
(The trio enters the big sign's building. Caitlyn attempts to wipe some sweat off Vi's face but she pushes her hand away.)
Bane: I think it'd be best if I were to do that.
Caitlyn: I know both of you have your reservations about me, but this only works if we can trust each other.
Vi: It doesn't work. It never has.
Bane: I mean, it could be better. Baby steps and all.
Vi: [groans] Shut up, Bane. You topsiders always find a way to screw us.
Caitlyn: I suppose topside is to blame for all your misfortunes.
(Vi sees Powder drawing on a wall.)
Vi: No. Not all of them.
Caitlyn: We aren't monsters, you know. We're people, just like you.
Vi: You don't know anything about me.
(Vi sees Powder.)
Vi: I shouldn't have left you.
Caitlyn: It's all right. Despite it all, I can tell...you have a good heart.
Bane: What about me?
Caitlyn: You practically wear yours on your sleeve.
Bane: Heh.
Caitlyn: Watch her. I'll be back.
Bane: Can do, Caitlyn.
Caitlyn: Don't--You actually called me by my name.
Bane: Yeah. I can call you cupcake as well if you want?
Caitlyn: No. I'll be back.
(She leaves. A few minutes pass as Bane tries to take his tubes off his back.)
Bane: [groans] I can't reach. I never could reach. Putting them in is so easy. [groans] Powder was always eager to take them off for me. I wonder if Vi could take them off me? Well, when she's better. Obviously.
(He walks up to an unconscious Vi where he places hand on her face.)
Bane: Don't die on me, okay?
(Vi lightly smiles at this though Bane doesn't know if it's from what he said, him touching her face, or if she's dreaming of a happier time. Caitlyn comes back with a potion. Bane pulls his hand away before she can see what he was doing. Vi swallows the potion causing her to sit up.)
Caitlyn: Easy, easy, easy.
Vi: [whimpers]
Bane: [coughs]
(Caitlyn gets up.)
Caitlyn: We need you back on your feet. What was the name Sevika gave you? Jinx?
Vi: Right. Jinx. How could I forget?
Bane: Some name.
Caitlyn: We're going to have to be more careful now. Silco will be watching--
(She leans on a pillar in the building but moves a bit causing her to get off the pillar & look at some written names & some drawings on the wall.)
Caitlyn: You used to live here? Who's Powder?
Vi: [exhales] My sister. I thought she died, but, no. I have to try and find her.
Caitlyn: Is she your sister too?
Bane: Not by blood.
Caitlyn: How do you not know if your sister is alive or dead?
Vi: It's hard to check up on people from inside a concrete cell. I thought Bane was dead until I heard rumbles that only he can make.
Bane: I was too busy fighting to really think about anything else.
Caitlyn: What, don't either of you have parents?
Vi: No! They were killed by enforcers.
Caitlyn: [gasps]
(Metal clanks & noises are heard outside prompting Vi to walk outside & see Silco with two of goons, offering shimmer to some people.)
Silco: [chuckles] Vander's prodigy. I've regretted that we never had the opportunity to speak.
(Bane hears Silco's voice, resulting in him following Vi out the door.)
Silco: The Messiah. I knew I'd find you with her.
Bane: I'm going to snap you like a twing.
Silco: I wish I could say that I missed your hollow threats.
Vi: What have you done with my sister?
(He gives the people around him shimmer.)
Silco: I've freed her. Candidly, I thought you were the prize of your secondhand family. Not even you Bane with all your strength. But Jinx...
(The people around Silco begin to change.)
Silco: Oh. She is more than I ever imagined.
Vi: I'm gonna find her and erase whatever fucked-up delusions you put in her head. But first, Bane and I are gonna bring your bullshit empire down all around you.
Bane: I like the sound of that.
(As this is happening, Jinx looks down from a building & Caitlyn attempts to bring the sign's building down.)
Silco: Neither of you know your limits. It's what got Vander killed. What drove your sister away. And it's why I'm here right now.
(The shimmered people walk towards Vi & Bane.)
Vi: Yeah, well...You talk too much.
Bane: You never shut up.
(They run back inside where Vi punches the pillar which brings down the building on the shimmered people & Silco. Jinx lights the flare Vi gave her years ago.)
(The trio crawl their way back up the ledge & start running, Silco is shown among the rubble of the sign's building, & enforcers are shown on the bridge. As the trio is running, Vi sees smoke from the flare. Cut to Jinx throwing the flare in frustration.)
Jinx: [grunts]
Vi: Powder?
(She turns around & faces her sister.)
Jinx: Vi?
Vi: [sobs]
(She runs up & hugs her sister.)
Vi: Oh, Powder!
Jinx: [sobs]
Vi: I'm so sorry, Powder. I...I tried to come. I promise, I did. But I...I got arrested.
Jinx: Marcus?
Vi: I don't know. I...It doesn't matter. I just...I never thought I'd see you again.
Jinx: Are you real?
Vi: Yes, of course. It's me, Vi, your sister. [stammers] I'm here. I'm right here.
Jinx: [sobs] Things changed when you left. I changed.
Vi: I know, Pow-pow, I know. You did what had to do to survive. [exhales] Me too. It's okay. What matters is that we're together.
(Bane catches up to Vi.)
Bane: When did you get so fast--
(Jinx & him lock eyes.)
Bane: Powder?
Powder: It's nice to see you conscious.
Bane: Conscious?
(He thinks back about the girl with blue tattoos who would stop Silco's goons from pulling the tubes off his back.)
Bane: [chuckles] So that was you? Should've figured. You and Vi have tattoos now. Gotta say, I feel left out with any ink.
Vi: [chuckles] What would you even get?
Powder: I can give you some.
Bane: That depends, are your hands steady?
(Caitlyn catches up with them where Jinx sees her & aims her gatling gun at her.)
Jinx: Who's she?
Caitlyn: Who are you?
Vi: It's okay. She's a friend.
Bane: Just down the gun and--
Jinx: Sevika wasn't lying? You're with an enforcer?
Caitlyn: Your sister is Jinx?
Vi: Caitlyn, just listen, we can work this out.
Jinx: This is a trick! You're playing me! Shut up! I'm in no mood.
Caitlyn: We didn't say anything.
Jinx: I wasn't talking to you!
Vi: Powder, it's okay.
Jinx: Stop calling me that. It's Jinx now. Powder fell down a well.
Bane's thoughts: Should I go for my dial?
Vi: You're not a jinx. God, I never should have--
Jinx: Stop talking to me like I'm a child!
(She aims her gatling gun at Vi.)
(This causes Bane to slowly go for his dial & Jinx sees this out of the corner of her eye.)
Jinx: You really think you can inject yourself with that shit before I blow her head off?!
Vi: Bane, don't!
Jinx: Was that why you came? For this stupid stone? [chuckles]
(They look at the stone.)
Bane: Bright.
Vi: No, I don't even know what that is, I...
Jinx: You're a class act, Sister. Sister. Thought I missed her. Bet you wouldn't miss her.
(Vi smacks the gun away.)
Vi: Powder! I'm here for you. Only you. You can fire that thing if you want, but I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to abandon you again.
Jinx: Everyone shut up, I need to think. Do you hear that?
(The Firelights fly in causing Jinx to open fire on them & the sisters go back-to-back.)
(Chaos ensues as the sisters take on various Firelights, Caitlyn scrambles for the stone but gets knocked unconscious by a firelight who takes the stone. Bane's about to turn his dial but the firelight leader sees this.)
Firelight Leader: Take the wrestler!
Bane: Wrestler?
(Suddenly two firelights fly straight for Bane & hit him in the face with their boards.)
Bane: [groans]
(He falls back off the building where two more firelights catch him. Vi looks over at Powder who seems like she's enjoying herself.)
Vi: Powder!
(She gets knocked unconscious as well. A firelight is about to finish her off but the leader stops him.)
Firelight Leader: Take her.
(Jinx turns around to see Vi over the shoulder of a firelight. She charges towards the firelight but a smoke bomb erupts & once the smoke is gone; so is Vi leaving Jinx all alone.)
Jinx: Vi? No!
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