The Base Violence Necessary for Change
(Vander & Benzo walk in to see Vi.)
Vi: Vander?
Vander: [sighs] We don't have much time.
Vi: How did you find me?
Vander: I'm proud of you. Always have been.
Vi: I'm sorry, I...This is the only way to protect the others.
(Benzo looks through a window.)
Benzo: Vander.
Vander: You've got a good heart. Don't ever lose it. No matter how the world tries to break you. I'm sure Bane would try to break the world if you asked him to. Protect the family.
Vi: What are you--[grunts]
(Vander shoves her into a backroom.)
Vi: No. [grumbles]
(Vander locks her in as two Enforcers make their way to Benzo's.)
Vi: Vander. Let me out. This isn't right.
(She bangs on the door.)
Vander: Bane will be here in a couple minutes to let you out.
Grayson: I'm guessing that's for me.
(Her & Marcus walk in, Marcus walks forward but is stopped by Vander.)
Marcus: [sighs] You gonna let us make the arrest of not?
Vander: You'll oblige a doomed man one last smoke.
(Vander takes a smoke.)
Vander: [puffs] Won't you?
(Grayson walks up to him.)
Grayson: I'm not putting you away, Vander.
Vander: The Council needs its pound of flesh.
Grayson: Without you down here, it all falls apart.
Vander: [huffs] Benzo will handle things. He may not have my devilish charm, but he runs a tight ship.
(Vi continues to bang on the door.)
Vi: [grunts] Vander, no. You can't do this.
Grayson: You won't be coming back for a long time.
Vander: I know.
(Marcus handcuffs him.)
Grayson: Why?
Vander: It's the only way.
(They walk out of Benzo's. Vi's seen punching the door as she hears a scream.)
Vi: What's happening?
(She runs up to the little window in the room. As she's looking through it, blood smeared over it.)
Vi: [gasps]
(Cut to Bane a couple of shops away, in an alley.)
Bane: How long am I supposed to wait here anyway? [sighs] *fiddles with the dial on the back of his hand* She's probably going to be pissed to see me.
(He then hears the same scream Vi heard. So he runs over to Benzo's. Cut back to Benzo's where we see Grayson's dead body.)
Benzo: What the devil...
Vander: No.
(Silco walks out of the fog.)
Benzo: Silco? You animal. Go crawl back into whatever hole you came out of.
(He makes his way to Silco.)
Vander: Benzo, stay back.
Silco: You never did know when to walk away.
Vander: Wait.
(Deckard swoops in & kills Benzo.)
Vander: No! [gasps]
Silco: Hmm. Stubborn to the end.
Marcus: What the hell have you done? This wasn't the deal!
Silco: Deal's changed.
(He tosses Marcus a bag of coins.)
Vi: No.
(Deckard knocks out Vander.)
(Silco turns around & begins walking away with Deckard behind him, dragging Vander behind him.)
(Silco hears footsteps approaching him.)
Silco: Hm.
(Bane runs out of the fog.)
Bane: [panting]
Deckard: [snarls]
(Silco takes a good look at Bane.)
Silco: From that dial on your hand and the tubes on your back, I take that you're this "Messiah of the Backbreaker."
Bane: Looks like that nickname is gonna stick--
(He looks at Deckard. His eyes move down to see Vander unconscious.)
Bane: *turns the dial on his hand*
Silco: I was looking for you anyway so thanks for saving me the trouble.
(Deckard throws Vander at Bane as the Venom is being pumped into his veins. He catches Vander.)
Bane: [groans] Vander.
Vander: ...
(Before Bane has the chance to put Vander down, Deckard runs up to him & punches him across the jaw.)
(He drops Vander.)
Bane: [grits teeth, yells]
(As Bane is about to throw a punch; Deckard grabs him by his shirt, tosses him over his head...)
Bance: [inaudible yelling]
(And throw him down onto the pavement.)
Bane: [groans]
(He looks up to see Deckard over him.)
Bane: That...that the best you got?
Deckard: [snarls]
(Deckard smashes his fist into Bane's face.)
Bane: Ugh...
(Deckard's about to punch Bane again but Silco stops him.)
Silco: We need him alive.
(He starts walking away again with Deckard dragging both an unconscious Vander & Bane. Marcus throws down the bag of coins & Vi is shown sitting down, crying.)
Vi: Bane...
(Vi continues to cry as we cut to Jayce & Viktor's plan to get to Jayce's equipment before it's destroyed. Cut back to Vi hugging Ekko.)
Ekko: I saw everything. [cries] Be...Benzo. They...
Vi: What about Vander and Bane?
Ekko: [stammers] They took them.
Vi: Where?
(Cut to Bane & Vander being dragged in an abandoned factory where the purple substance that turns Deckard into a monster is being created.)
Silco: It's a little crude, I'll admit. The base violence necessary for change. But we both know topside won't listen to anything else.
(The man dragging Bane & Vander tosses them against a rail.)
Vander & Bane: [grunt]
Vander: [spits] Even with your monsters, you won't win a war against Piltover.
Silco: I don't have to. I just need to scare them. It's clear your monster isn't living up to his full potential.
Bane: Uncuff me and I'll fulfill it right now!
Silco: They won't dare set foot in the underground again.
Vander: You'll get people killed. For what? Pride?
Silco: For respect. Opportunity. Everything they've denied us.
Vander: You had my respect. The Lanes' respect, but that...that was never enough for you.
Silco: We shared a vision, Vander. A dream of freedom.
(He kneels down to Vander.)
Silco: Not just for the Lanes, but the whole of the underground, united as one. The nation of Zaun. Do you even remember? I trusted you. And you betrayed me.
Vander: What I did to you...
Bane: *looks at his cuffs*
Vander: [grunts] I've never forgiven myself. You were my brother.
Silco: No, you still don't understand. Can you imagine what it's like? When your blood mixes with the filth and the river toxins eat through your nerves. Oh, I hated you for what you'd done. But as time passed, so did my hate. And I was left with an understanding. The only way to defeat a superior enemy is to stop at nothing. To become what they fear. I hated you, but you kept my respect. Until you made peace with them. Played lapdog after everything we suffered.
Vander: I had no choice.
Silco: Perhaps. But now you do.
(He shows Vander a tube of the purple substance.)
Silco: Shimmer. We-
Bane: Shit name.
Silco: Tch.
(He turns to face Bane.)
Silco: You would think that. It's nothing compared to your Venom.
Bane: We actually agree on something.
Silco: You know Shimmer by another name, don't you?
Bane: No...?
Silco: Don't play dumb with me, Bane. Really think about it. Remember.
(Bane begrudgingly tries to remember where he's seen that substance before. He goes back to a memory where his father was creating Venom. But instead of making Venom, he made something else. Something he made Bane promise to never to use. That something being...)
Bane: Titan.
Silco: Correct.
Bane: But how?
Silco: I've been funding a old partner of your father's.
(Bane looks over to see a scientist among numerous batches of Shimmer.)
Silco: And now with you here, I can combine Venom and Shimmer.
Bane: You're gonna have to kill me if you want the Venom off my back.
Silco: That can be arranged. We can finally realize our dream, brother.
Vander: Look at what you've done. Benzo. These kids. In fighting topside, you'd sacrifice everything that we are. It's not the way. Can't you see that? Kill me if you have to, but please spare the Bane and the Lanes.
Silco: You'd die for the cause, but you won't fight for one?
Vander: [scoffs] I'm just...not that man anymore.
Silco: I'll show you what you really are.
(Vander & Bane are dragged into a room as foreboding music plays. Viktor & Jayce begin their work.)
The Last Drop
(Vi returns & is hugged by Powder.)
Vi: [shaky breath]
(She reaches for Vander's gauntlets but is stopped by Mylo.)
Mylo: Hwy. Those are Vander's. Slow down. What's going on?
Vi: Benzo's dead.
Claggor: Dead?
Vi: They took Vander and Bane.
Mylo: Who took them?
Vi: I don't know. But I need to help them.
Mylo: We're going with you.
Vi: Whatever killed Benzo...was like nothing I've ever seen. It tore him apart. And Bane...was thrown around like a ragdoll. [sobs]
Claggor: You're not doing this alone, Vi.
Mylo: They're our father and brother too.
(Vi convinces Powder to sit this one out & hands a flare. She also tells her sister that wherever she is, light it up, and she'll find her. Viktor & Jayce turn on a machine in the hopes that'll stabilize the blue crystal. Powder's crying her eyes out. As she's doing that, she sees the blue crystals she still has & remembers what they can do. She can help them.)
The Old Cannery
(Cut to Vander cuffed in a chair & Bane bolted to a wall by his wrists & ankles.)
Bane: [straining] Vander? I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to save you.
(Claggor, Vi, & Mylo walk into the room they're in.)
Vander: [spits] Vi.
(She hugs Vander.)
Bane: Don't I get a hug?
Vi: Yeah. As soon as you're off that wall.
Vander: What are you doing here?
Vi: We're breakin' the both of you out. Mylo.
Mylo: On it. [puffs]
(He begins picking Vander's ankle cuffs.)
Bane: I'll just hang here I guess.
Claggor: We'll get to you.
Vander: did you get in? There's guards everywhere.
Vi: It was easy. We found an open window and...
(She realizes why it was so easy.)
Vander: Oh, god. You have to get out. Now. Free Bane and go.
Silco: Welcome.
(He appears from across the room.)
Silco: You have my congratulations. But I'm afraid this will be a very short reunion.
(Silco's goons walk in front of him.)
Silco: Have you heard the rumor? Vander the coward fled town with his children. And they were never seen again.
(Vi puts on Vander's gauntlets.)
Vi: Claggor, see if you can find another way out of here.
Claggor: Okay.
Bane: *tries to break free* Vi, get me out of these things.
Vi: There's no time.
Vander: You don't have to do this.
Vi: Yes, I do.
(She walks out.)
Bane: [straining] Come on...
Vander: Vi.
(Powder is shown outside of the cannery.)
(Vi uppercuts the man in front of her. She then goes through each of Silco's goons. Mylo struggles to pick the ankle cuffs as Powder climbs up the cannery.)
Vander: Mylo. Take a breath. You can do this.
(Mylo's able to pick the ankle cuffs on Vander as Claggor finds a way out.)
Claggor: We're gonna get you out of here.
Bane: [groans] I should be out there.
(Cut to Silco handing Deckard a vial of Shimmer.)
Silco: Ready to rise to the surface?
(Deckard drinks the vial of Shimmer, changes into a monster, & makes his way to Vi as she lifts her fists up.)
Vander: Mylo, hurry.
Bane: It's that Titan again, isn't it? Mylo!
Mylo: I'm going as fast as I can!
(Vi leaps towards Deckard.)
(He catches her.)
Powder: Vi!
Vi: [gasping]
Vander: Silco. Let her go. This is between you and me.
Silco: You had your chance.
Bane: Mylo!
Mylo: Wait your-
Bane: I need you to turn my dial.
Mylo: What?
Bane: Turn. My. Dial!
Mylo: That guy kicked your ass last time. How is this time going to be any different?
Bane: She needs me.
(Deckard throws Vi across the ground causing one of the gauntlets to fall off her hand. Powder sees this & prepares a bomb. Vi's now crawling back to the room.)
(A Venom pumped Bane hits the ground after ripping himself free from the wall.)
Bane: *cracks neck*
(He walks out of the room & Vi looks up at him.)
Vi: [softly] Bane.
(He looks down at her & then looks back up at Deckard.)
Bane: *pounds his fist into his hand* Round 2.
Deckard: [snarls]
(The two charge at each other & clash fists.)
Bane: [yells]
Deckard: [snarls]
(Deckard attempts to slash Bane but ducks under his hand & throws him against the railing.)
Deckard: [groans]
Silco: No!
(Bane begins rapidly punching Deckard in the face.)
Deckard: *between punches* [grunts]
(Bane lifts his arms up & is about to shatter Deckard's shoulders but before he can; Deckard wraps his hands around Bane's throat & starts choking him.)
Bane: [gasping]
(He starts punching Deckard in the stomach in hopes of him breaking his grasp.)
Deckard: [weak snarls]
Vander: Bane!
(Bane looks at Vander & down at Vi, who's still crawling. He headbutts Deckard.)
Deckard: [winces]
(Deckard releases Bane so he runs to Vi, scoops her up, & enters the room with her. He closes & locks the door before Deckard can reach them.)
Bane: *rubs his throat* Are you okay?
Vi: *looks at Bane*
(Deckard pounds at the door so Bane presses against it. Mylo's able to pick the remaining cuffs holding Vander.)
Vander: You did good. Both of you.
(The era of Hextech has just began as we cut to Powder putting some crystals into a bomb.)
Powder: You have to work. For me. Okay?
(Claggor discovers a way out as Bane & Vi push against the door as Deckard tries breaking it down. Just as everything seems to be going their way; Powder's bomb goes off. Destroying some Shimmer, killing the scientist responsible for making it, the blast sends Bane through the back of the room.)
Bane: Ah!
(He smashes into the building's wall behind the cannery. Back inside the room however, the blast sends Claggor back, knocking him out, & Mylo back. They're both killed by falling debris. Vander wakes up to see Claggor & Mylo under debris. He looks forward to see Bane in a wall. He watches Bane fall forwards onto the ground below.)
(Cut to Silco gathering his bearings.)
Silco: Kill them!
(Deckard & two of Silco's goons make their way to the room. Vander gets up & with makeshift gauntlets, takes them on. Silco ends up stabbing Vander twice causing him to fall into some Shimmer. Deckard lifts the door of Vi & is about to grab her but a Shimmered Vander kills him. Vander wants to go after Silco but instead scoops up Vi & jumps out of the room before it explodes. Cut to Vi over a Shimmered Vander.)
Vi: Vander. Vander...
(She looks in front of her to see Bane on his stomach, with a pool of blood around his head.)
Vi: [cries lightly]
(She looks down at Vander.)
Vander: Take care of Powder.
(Vander dies.)
Vi: No!
(Powder turns the corner.)
Powder: Vi, it worked.
Vi: What?
Powder: Did you see me? My monkey bomb finally worked.
Vi: You did this?
(Powder notices Vander & Bane's bodies.)
Vi: Why? Why did you do this?
Vi: I...I didn't...I was saving you.
(She looks over to see Claggor's goggles.)
Powder: I only wanted to help. [sobs] I only wanted to help. I only wanted to help. I only wanted to--
Vi: I told you to stay away.
Powder: Please. Please. Please--
Vi: I told you to stay away!
Powder: No. Why did you leave me?
(Vi grabs Powder by the face.)
Vi: Because you're a jinx. Do you hear me? Mylo was right.
Powder: No. No. No. No. Violet, please.
(Vi stands up & walks away from her sister.)
Powder: Vi! Vi, come back! Please come back! Please, Violet. I need you. Please.
(As Powder's crying, Silco walks up to her. Vi sees this & is about to run up to them but Marcus coliforms her & takes her away. Silco's people appear behind him as he kneels down to Powder.)
Silco: Hello, little girl. Where's your sister?
(Powder lunges at Silco.)
Powder: She left me.
(Silco looks at Vander's body.)
Powder: She is not my sister anymore.
(Silco wraps his arms around her.)
Silco: It's okay. We'll show them. We will show them all.
Bane: [slowly groans]
Silco: Would you look at that?
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