Chapter Seven
Topaz looked around silently, Ruby standing not far from them, watching the boys. "Okay, that was the last of them!"Arcturus smiled looking over at Topaz. "Sorry we dragged you here Topaz, are you hurt from the fight, I thought I saw a spell almost hit you"Arcturus apologizes. "I'm okay, are you..."Topaz mumbles trying to ignore Ruby's eyes staring her down. "Wow, you asked if I was okay...I'm fine, it's nice to know you care"Arcturus smiled. She stared at him, scanning his body, concern evident on her face. "Topaz as you can see, I couldn't be better! Don't worry about it!"Arcturus chuckled. "Too bad Topaz doesn't know how to fight"Ruby says putting a sword down Pollux looking at her.
"Monsters trapped in towers usually pose little to no threat"Spica says glancing at Ruby. "As long as both of you are by our side, nothing will be able to even touch you"Spica adds. Pollux walked over, looking around a bit concerned. "Is it just me or did we mow these guys down faster than we usually do"Pollux frowned. "I think the amplifier stone we got could've given us this much extra firepower"Pollux went on. "Very good observation, Pollux, and I think we all know the answer"Sirius chuckled. "Someone's magic power is growing at a ridiculously fast pace"Sirius says his eyes turning orange. Pollux looked at him, looking startled. Vega stayed silent, everyone turning their heads, all eyes now on Arcturus.
"Arcky?"Ruby blinked. "Why are you guys looking at me funny?"Arcturus asks startled. Alpheratz sighed and shook his head. "I can't tell if this is one of your bad jokes or if you really don't get it, Arcky"Alpheratz frowned. "You really didn't find anything strange about your insane magic back there? You were barely able to control your powers, you were the one who almost hit Topaz"Alpheratz frowned. Topaz's eyes widened, staring up at the boy beside her. "This pretty much confirms it...will Arcky be okay?"Pollux sighed. Arcturus looked away, looking nervous and a little frightened, his eyes avoiding looking at Topaz. Topaz moved back when he finally looked at her and turned away.
"Did Topaz do this? She was the closest to Arcky because he was shielding her"Ruby asks. The others went silent, looking away. "Topaz...1, I'm sorry if you're frightened of me, I really didn't mean to almost hurt you and 2, before we say anything else, I want you to know I don't blame you one bit..I'm actually pretty grateful"Arcturus sighed. He looked away, rubbing the back of his head. "I knew I'd become more mama-sensitive......but I guess it isn't just that"Arcturus went on. "But!"He went on noticing how she was close to tears of worry, "I feel fine now, so maybe it was just temporary!" Topaz looked down, rubbing her eyes silently, Ruby narrowing her eyes irritated. "We can trace all this back to Topaz, specially her summoning magic"Spica says.
"A power boost for whoever is being it works like support spells"Vega mutters. "WHAT?!" All eyes went to Ruby, a wide smile on the girls face. "TOPAZ YOU'RE AMAZING!"Ruby beamed coming closer. Sirius and Arcturus instinctively moved closer to Topaz, Ruby stopping in her tracks. "Well, looks like Topaz is worthy of the summoner title. Everyone's gonna come to her if word gets out"Alpheratz comments. "Spica, are you gonna report this to the old gru-I mean principal?"Alpheratz asks. "That would help us carry out our duties for sure, is there a reason we should hide this newfound insight?"Spica replied. "Old what!"Ruby asks popping up beside Alpheratz.
"I see you've got really good hearing..just pretend you didn't hear that.....please"Alpheratz flushed. Ruby smiled in amazement. "It's a private thing, don't worry, it's got nothing to do with you or Topaz"Alpheratz says his tone turning a little harsh when he mentioned Topaz. "Don't be a kid from Mid Eartheim?"Vega retorts. "Both of these girls, Topaz especially, are lacking and not qualified in this world no matter the great magical talent in summoning"Vega scowled. "And you're saying we should ignore all of our responsibilities and get two complete outsiders involves in these affairs?"Vega demands. Topaz hiding halfway behind Arcturus, Vega looking over at her.
"Only time will tell if we made the right decision"Spica replied. "Also, we mustn't forget the sorcerer from Mid Eartheim, who was chosen by one of the Constellations"Spica adds on narrowing his eyes. Vega stared, sweat starting to appear on his face. "Vega." Topaz gripped Vega's sleeve, startling him as he looked down at her. "i wanna become a sorcerer too..."Topaz says quietly. Ruby's hands trembled, her eyes widening slightly in alarm. "Either girl can be accepted as one of our own if they ever become blessed with a Constellation Choice"Spica informs. "Their magical talents are exceptional, so one could say both are already qualified"Spica says. "But mind you they'll leave our world sooner or later"Vega reminds.
"Again, time will tell how events unfurl, there are no absolute certainties in this world. Same applies to these girls"Spica retorts. Vega glanced away, before noticing Topaz was still gripping his sleeve and removed his arm from her grip surprising her. "Summoning creatures can be innately risky, but we cannot put this kind of talent to waste"Spica went on firmly. "I can't wait to see what kind of summoner you both grow into"Spica smiled. Topaz walked closer to Spica and hugged him, startling the taller male. Arcturus beamed, Rubys fists trembling. Spica patted Topaz's head, surprised. "And you will grow to regret this, Sorcerer Spica"Vega mutters. "Ah, the tension is killing me! Give me more, I could watch this all day"Sirius laughed his eyes now red.
"How do you feel about this summoners? Are you flattered? Frustrated?"Sirius grinned. "This is amusing"Ruby giggled. "I know right"Sirius frowned annoyed. "What a bunch of big, empty words, the principal will take care of everything anyway"Pollux grumbled. "Right, Arcky, about that place you were first summoned..are we there yet?"Pollux questions Arcturus perking up. "Yeah, we are, actually....I can't really tell this place apart visually but I can feel traces of that summoning spell"Arctrus replied. Topaz looked forward, her eyes staring to glow slightly, Sirius perking up. "This is where I woke up"Topaz mutters the glow in her eyes vanishing as she looked up.
" you remember anything unusual right before you got here?"Arcturus asks. "Anything really, maybe this could help us get you both back home"Arcturus adds on. "I...I remember seeing a star and touching it...I ended up in this field with a light at the end of it, i remember running towards it, but a voice told me something, I can't remember what it was"Topaz replied. "But...I think it was something about changing my life"Topaz adds quietly. A chill went down her spine, and she turned finding Ruby's eyes glowing a dark red, Wolf like fangs peeking out as she glared at her. The glow vanished and the fangs turned back into regular canine teeth, when Spica looked at the others.
"Perhaps we should look for any damage or distortion spells that comprise this tower"Spica suggests, "And no ones as qualified to take care of these affairs as you are, Alpheratz." Alpheratz frowned, staring at Spica then sighed, "You nearly shocked me to death with all this work. Rude." Ruby smiled and giggled in amusement, her palms pressed together. "Also, please stop overestimating me, there's a limit to what I can do, you know"Alpheratz grumbled. Spica closed his eyes going silent, before sighing deeply. "Your consistent, uncooperative demeanor is taking a toll on our efficiency, as always"Spica comments turning away, his arms crossed over his stomach. "Lets settle Topaz and Ruby's transfer procedures before setting up the next meeting"Spica went on.
"Am I the only one who misses the air outside? The sorcerer who called for backup is probably home by now"Pollux complains. Sirius hummed, a hand on his waist. "I bet it feels great to let someone else take care of your responsibilities like that..some sorcerer"Sirius comments. "Alright! Let's get outta here, boys! This is not a good place to stay in"Sirius smiled his eyes turning purplish. Vega looked away, staying silent, looking thoughtful. "Vega?"Topaz says walking over to him. "What, you wanna know what's wrong"Vega demands. "Now that this is settled, I shall work alone from now on"Vega adds. "Come on, Vega, come with us, what's the use in this trip if it isn't taken together"Arcturus bargained.
"I was about to show Topaz around some of the cool places"Arcturus says. "We!"Sirius corrects in the background. Vega sighed, pressing a hand to his forehead. Topaz reached up and gripped Vega's sleeve again, staring at him. "You don't have to come if you want alone time"Topaz says. He sighed and looked down a her, staring at her innocent like expression. "A word of advice, Summoner Topaz, heed my words"Vega sighed. "You are a guest in this world, do not fall for empty promises coming from sorcerers"Vega advises. He moved his arm away and left, the others gathering their stuff since everything was over. "Empty promises...."Topaz mutters a red-haired figure appearing behind her.
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