Prompt 1
Deep in the future, one hero, along with his sidekick, fights crime wave after wave, keeping the world habitable. Extinction would have happened long back, what with nuclear monsters, giant, man eating bats, and other unnamable creatures, it seemed like some things really hated the planet. Unfortunately, this is not that kind of story. Bryce Williams, an egotistical man, is unfortunately the one human with powers, powers of a god. It seemed he was finding new ones every month! But even Bryce had his moments of kindness. Upon finding himself in the position of having his best friend, Luke Farrel, in mortal danger, he proceeds to discover that he can share his power, which would decrease his own power strength, but hey, he had a mega load of it, and so Luke found himself waking up with all the powers of the one hero he idolized. You can imagine his shock when he found out who was behind the mask! Unlike Bryce, who was a rich brat that did the hero work mainly for the attention and power, Luke, who grew up in a household that taught him the human dangers, took his place as a modest sidekick, working mainly to prevent other people from little things such as starvation, and poverty, but instead found himself battling monsters 10 times his size. It was a huge surprise to poor Luke, especially when he found out that Dungdern, the all-powerful, 3-headed snake, seemed to consider Luke his arch-enemy too. It looked like Luke got not only his idols powers, but his idols enemies too. This was going to get very annoying soon.
One day, after the attack of a monster that could open portals, the duo of heroes prevented the world being crushed by multiple huge meteors, and Bryce flew down to the ground, ready for all the praise. He could imagine all the cheers he was getting, and the clapping, and the glow... wait what? Bryce opened his eyes to find himself rushing through a rainbow colored, swirling hole. It seemed the monster had the last word!
Bryce saw the opening getting closer and braved himself for impact. Suddenly, Bryce was thrown out of the portal, and landed hard on a grassy park. He got up and dusted himself off, looking for people to boast to. No one was about. Perhaps they were asleep? Bryce mentally facepalmed. Of course they were asleep, it was nighttime! Bryce picked up a newspaper off the ground, wondering where he was.
The first thing he noticed was the headline. It announced the reveal of a brand new book, the seventh of an 8 book series. Upon closer inspection, Bryce was alarmed to see the description of the series describing his own life. Sure, Bryce lived the idea of having more fans, but it was the reviews that bothered him.
'I don't really like Bryce, but Luke? He seems like a good guy' said one, 'I'm starting to think Dungdern is more of a hero than Bryce is, he barely causes any damage! In fact, it looks like Bryce targeted him just because he looks like a monster, that selfish, egotistical maniac!' read another. Bryce skimmed the whole page, and all the reviews about him were negative. 'Of course I went for Dungdern cos he was ugly, but looks can kill right?' Bryce muttered to himself.
'I need to find out more' Bryce thought to himself. He proceeded to look for a clothes shop and broke in, getting himself a disguise. 'It's ok if a hero borrows clothes right?' He told himself.
Bryce found himself a box, and broke into another shop to steal a ream of paper, and a marker. Then he tore off some paper and labeled the box. Then he realized that he forgot the glue stick, and rushed back in.
In the afternoon, Bryce had his plan set, and his materials ready. He planned to ask passerby's to write the name of their favorite character from the book, and place that piece of paper inside the box. In the evening, he would count the ratio, and see who was truly loved. For the next 6 hours, he executed his plan, shaking off the temptation to check each slit before it was kept in.
In the cool evening, Bryce turned the box upside down, and used his Superspeed to read off each name.
There wasn't a single slit of paper with the name Bryce! All of them read 'Luke' or 'Dungdern' or 'Gray' who was the chief of police.
Dark thoughts began racing through Bryce's mind. 'So they hate me don't they? Let me return the favor. It's time for this city to burn' Bryce whispered. Then he rose off the ground, his eyes beginning to glow. Bryce had discovered a new power: Anger Beams. He could use anger to fuel laser beams out of him, and destroy... cities. At this moment, that was his intention.
Bryce screamed as he lit fire to the city. 'If no one loves me, they go down with me!' He yelled and proceeded to do what he protected his world from: he caused human extinction.
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