Hoseok opened his eyes, he could hear his breathing loud in his ears. Opening and closing his eyes a few more times. It was dark, he knew he was staring at a ceiling, but it wasn't his ceiling.
Holy fuck, where was he.
Moving his arm he felt pain shoot through his body. "Ow..." He muttered.
"Hoseok?" He heard as a blurry face came into view. "Hoseok can you hear me?"
Hoseok squinted as his eyes focused on the darkroom. He wondered if what he was seeing was real. "Yoongi?" He questioned and the older male nodded. "Yoongi what day is it? What time is it?"
"I- Hold on let me check..." Yoongi dipped out of his vision and came back. "It's four in the morning, April twelfth."
Hoseok felt his eyes water as he reached out for Yoongi, ignoring the soreness in his limbs. "Please tell me you aren't joking."
"Why would I be joking Seok-ah?" Yoongi asked.
"It's really April twelfth?"
"Yes. Seok-ah... Do you... Remember? Remember what happened?" Yoongi asked carefully as he rubbed his eyes with a small yawn. Although determined to stay awake.
Hoseok nodded. "I don't think I could ever forget..." He muttered.
"So you remember the car crash?" Yoongi asked.
"The license plate number of the car is CTK-830..." Hoseok laughed, realizing how ridiculous he must have sounded. He began to wonder if he was ever in a time loop if supposedly this time he was the one that got hit by a car.
If this was some crazy fabrication of his brain.
Yoongi chuckled too. "Wow... Do you... Remember before that?" Yoongi asked as he shifted around on the bed.
Hoseok laughed again, catching onto what Yoongi was asking. "Yeah... I remember the text."
"Good. Because I love you too." Yoongi said with a smile.
"You do?"
"Please, I've loved you for so long... Do you know how terrified I was when you got hit by that car?" Yoongi confessed climbing up onto the bed and laying next to Hoseok, who scooted over with a grunt to make room for him.
Hoseok simply smiled, because in a way he definitely knew the terror of the other getting hit by a car. Yet, attempting to explain why, would make him sound crazy, and he'd probably get checked into this hospital for good. "I'm sorry... It was never my intention to put you through that."
"I'm just so glad you're here, and that you're okay. I feel like it's my fault. I should have been the one that got hit by a car." Yoongi sighed as he buried his face into the hospital robe Hoseok was wearing.
Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's face with the arm that didn't hurt when he moved. Being careful to not pull the IV out. "Don't say that. Please... As far as I'm concerned you should be nowhere near any large machinery of any kind."
"Yeah but you're here in the hospital all bruised and bandaged up," Yoongi mumbled tracing his fingers along the large bruises on Hoseok's arm. "Like what's worse than this?"
Yoongi blinked a few times as he sat up slightly to look at Hoseok for a moment. "I mean... You're right... But maybe you should rest for now. It's still late."
Hoseok agreed but he couldn't really sleep. He was too afraid that he'd wake up and be looking at his bedroom ceiling again. That this was... Another cruel joke. He just wanted to stay awake and hold Yoongi close to him.
"I love you..." Hoseok repeated. "I meant it too... Yoongi I can't live without you..."
Yoongi shifted around in the bed again, Hoseok could feel his breath fan over his lips. "Seok-ah, can I kiss you?"
"Of course you can." Hoseok smiled as Yoongi gently pressed their lips together. Still soft, still hesitant, as if Yoongi was scared of hurting him.
No matter how many times he kissed Yoongi in the time loop. It still felt like the first time. The very light pressure of their lips meeting. How they would stick to each other from just a moment and there would be a small tug as Yoongi pulled away.
"I'm so glad you're okay..." Yoongi whispered, still holding onto Hoseok's face.
"I'm glad you're okay too," Hoseok whispered back. If him getting hit meant Yoongi was safe, then the pain was worth it. "We have horrible timing but would you like to be my boyfriend?"
"I'd love to Seok-ah." Yoongi smiled back. "Now rest. You're probably going to get bombarded with questions in the morning."
Hoseok agreed and let Yoongi snuggle up to him under the thin hospital sheets. Yoongi must have been exhausted too, after all... Seeing the one you love get hit by a car isn't easy. Especially because Yoongi was the type to be out cold once he fell asleep.
The nurse came in to check his vitals somewhere during the night and just continued doing her job.
Before Hoseok knew it it was morning and the nurses were asking him questions. So were his parents, Jiwoo, and a few detectives investigating the hit and run. It was a lot of telling different people the same story.
And lot's of obsessively asking people the date and time.
His friends came to visit him too. With flowers and get-well cards.
"How are you guys doing?" Hoseok asked looking over to the three youngest of the group.
"You're seriously asking US?" Jimin asked putting his hands on his hips.
Hoseok laughed at Jimin's comment. "Just wondering... You know, what happened yesterday."
"Well, we had a math pop quiz that you'll have to make up," Namjoon grumbled. "Even though I'm the only one that showed up for it!"
"I'm sure Hoseok will do great on the quiz," Jin said with a wink. "And in my defense, I skipped when I heard OUR FRIEND got hit by a car."
"Yeah, we all ditched when he found out Hyung..." Jungkook sniffled.
Taehyung bit his lip. "Something good came out of it though..."
Hoseok propped himself up so he could look at Taehyung closer. "What might that be."
"Well... While we were worried about you... We kinda talked about how we felt bad for Yoongi... And then our own feelings came up... And now I have two... Boyfriends... Kinda... We still have some stuff to work out but..." Taehyung muttered showing off his boxy smile at the end.
Hoseok smiled back. Everything had sorted itself out. "That's great... And actually, I have news too."
"Other than the fact you got hit by a car?" Jimin chirped.
"Well yes but actually-"
"We're dating..." Yoongi interrupted, shuffling back into the room with various food from the cafeteria. Dumping a few cups of jello onto Hoseok's bed and starting to peel a tangerine.
Everyone smiled with words of congratulations and a 'FINALLY!' from Jin.
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