Chapter 32: The last chapter
6 months after the war...
Tia's POV
Sprawled out on the sofa, I'm not focused on the television, more on the flickering flames of the fire in the brick fireplace. Looking down at my swollen stomach, I smile. Only three more months to go. Ridgedog would be able to have a child in three more months. He was lying his head softly on my stomach, trying not to push down too hard. He stroked it gently, like it was a treasure that had to be kept safe for all of eternity-and it was. No harm would come to this child-I would see to that.
"You're going to make an amazing dad." I whisper, stroking Ridgedog's thick auburn hair. I can feel his cheeks lift up as he smiles. "You're going to make an amazing mum" he says quietly, looking up to smile at me. I roll my eyes and stroke his cheek. His eyes shut and he sighs, sitting up to lean on my shoulder. I lay my head on his.
Since the party between Team Crafted and the Yogscast, everything had gone smoothly. The boundary line was nothing more than a line of dead grass now that it had been filled in. We could walk back and forth across both territories, socialising and mingling with each other, looking at all the amazing creations that people had made from Team Crafted and gaze at all the huge factories and science labs the Yogscast had made. For the first time, there was peace between the two of us.
Leaning forward awkwardly trying to get a drink, Ridgedog's hand snatched it quickly and placed it into my open hand, leaning me back. He had been ultra protective of me. I had to be escorted everywhere and do as little exercise as possible. I wasn't aloud to visit anyone, instead they had to visit me. Duncan was still a bit edgy around Ridgedog, and when he found out I was pregnant he went berserk. But after a while, he learned to accept it and came to visit me every fortnight.
Ridgedog and I have had only two arguments since I found out I was pregnant-whether it was a boy or a girl, and what we should paint the spare room as. The spare room was originally Ridge's room, but he had decided to move into my room. I knew in my gut it was a girl, but Ridge insisted it was a boy. I wanted the room painted pink, and he wanted blue. I wasn't a girly person, and I preferred blue personally, but we both decided to paint it yellow, so it was in between. And yellow was both our favourite colour anyway. Ridge fit a door in between my room and the baby room so it took literally one second to get through into the baby room.
It was a little empty now. We had a plain white wooden cot, with blue blankets and a pink pillow. We had two teddy bears, blue and pink. Even the toy cupboard had been painted with a blue background and giant pink polka dots. The feature wall (so one wall out of the four yellow walls) was changed to white wallpaper with pink and blue flowers on. We just couldn't decide what colour to do.
We hadn't decided on a name for either a boy or a girl. We decided to name it whatever came to mind at the time. "What you thinking so hard about?" Ridge suddenly asks, looking at me curiously. "Just what we are going to call her." I smile. "Him" he sighs.
We both glower at each other before we smile tiredly. "Guess we will see when the time comes." I grin. Ridgedog nods, leaning forward to capture my lips.
A happy ending at last.
Liam's POV
Running through the forest, I'm panting from the adrenaline burst. I had never played the hunger games before, and I had to admit they were pretty fun. And tiring. I had been chased by Mitch for ages and I had finally gotten away.
Staggering to a halt, I pause in front of a lake. Collapsing down beside it, I pant weakly, drinking water from my last water bottle.
In the past 6 months, I had been training non stop with Jerome and Mitch. Mitch was a better trainer in front of Jerome, probably just showing off. Jerome moved in with us, and I wasn't too jealous anymore. Mitch showered me with plenty of affection every day, so it was all good.
I hear voices behind me, and someone suddenly shoves me into the lake violently. Coughing and spluttering in the ice cold water, I resurface, only for an arrow to dig itself into my skull and knock me out cold.
Respawning, I groan. In the log on a computer screen I read, "Liam has been shot by ASFJerome." Cursing under my breath, I chuckle when I read the next message, "Jerome has been slain by BajanCanadian." I hear a curse behind me, and I turn to congratulate the bacca, who grins at me, showing his little white teeth. "GG!" I grin, and he laughs and repeats it, cuffing me playfully round the head. Jerome was now also my best friend, and life was perfect.
Soon after, it was declared that Mitch had won the Hunger games. He spawns behind us, grinning as he holds his trophy. I laugh and kiss him on the cheek. "Thanks for the revenge." I grin and he winks at me, then laughs at the sulky Jerome. "Should of learned how to play biggums. Power moves only!" Mitch laughs, before we walk off together.
Jerome suddenly says he needs to go get something and runs off, looking knowingly at Mitch who grins back. I frown back and forth between the two. What were they planning? Suddenly, Mitch produces a rose from inside the trophy and hands it to me. My eyebrows furrow, sniffing the rose cautiously. "Thanks." I smile. There was something else though.
Mitch sets the trophy down, and gets something out of the top. My heart stops.
A small black box.
Getting down on one knee, he grins at me, holding the box out in front of him. My hands fly to my mouth, trying to conceal it dropping open in shock. "M-Mitch!" I squeak, and his deep laugh booms into the trees.
"I know we haven't been together for long, but with everything that has been going on, I feel like this is something I need to do. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, as not only partners, but also as a wedded couple. Liam, I love you more than my life, and I want to ask you an important question."
He opens the box and tears begin to drip down my cheeks.
"Will you marry me?"
"Of course I will!" I squeal, dropping the rose and throwing myself forward into his arms, kissing him breathlessly. He laughs, taking the ring out of the velvet packet and takes my hand, sliding it onto my ring finger. I inspect it closely. It's two swords, made out of crystal coloured diamond, crossing. A large grin spreads across my face and I shove my lips to his.
A happy ending at last.
A happy ending for the two apprentices, now partners to their masters, and something more. They are, and always will be, something more than just partners. As Tia and Ridge prepare to bring a child into their world at last and become a real family, Mitch and Liam tie the knot and become a married couple. And you can bet that their friends, Deamon and Jerome, will be there, no matter what.
It has been a long and tiring journey for all of them, a learning experience. They've learnt the true meaning of love, and what it is to be happy. And the sacrifices that have to be made in order to achieve your ultimate goal. Because they didn't give up, even when everything was lost. Ridge was an evil demigod, intent on everyone feeling his rage, until Tia came along, and satisfied his need to be a father, and be in love. Mitch was depressed and lonely with the loss of his best friend, and Liam filled in the gap that he had needed for a long time. And now, they begin their lives in peace, with the war between the Yogscast, who learned to accept the evil demigod as a changed man, and Team Crafted, who accepted that Mitch and Liam were together, quelled.
A happy ending at last.
The End.
Or is it?
Note: HELLO :D
How did you like this one then? AND NO THIS IS NOT THE FINAL PART SO DON'T GO :O
There is an epilogue coming up! So make sure to read the little bit of extra storyline which will end this story once and for all, along with a quick author's note! :D So...stay tuned for the final chapter of the Apprentice!
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