Chapter 21: Reunited
Liam's POV
After making a quick detour to the potion shop where we stole 2 sleeping potions, Tia and I finally make it down all the metal stairs without disturbing the sleeping Mitch. Not wanting to disappoint him, I made Tia put him to sleep, not going upstairs to look at him. I was sneaking in someone from the Yogscast, the apprentice, or ex apprentice, of the very demigod that made his best friend like this. I don't think he'd be very happy about it. As we open the door to the room, Tia turns off her invisibility and quickly tips the potion on Jerome. He was already asleep so nothing happens.
Studying Jerome closely, she puts a hand on his forehead. "Anything?" I plead. She frowns in concentration, and finally pulls her hand away. "He's not completely unconscious. He-" Suddenly the bacca wakes up, sees the quart god, feels her immortal power and goes completely bonkers. He begins to roar loudly, hammering against the metal bars of the cage. Upstairs, we hear the thud as Mitch stumbles out of bed and comes running. "Crap." Tia mutters, before glancing at me. "Explain to him why I'm here." she says before she disappears.
Looking over to the door, it swings open. Mitch stops, his sword already drawn. When he sees me, his face breaks into a grin. My own does too and I suddenly forget everything that I had been doing and hug him tightly. "Oh god Liam I've missed you..." he says fiercely, quickly taking Betty out of my bag. His eyes wander to the Ender scroll and his grin widens. "I did it!" I grin, and we hug again. "Well done. You are officially my appren-hang on. Someone else is here..." he frowns. His eyes flicker round every shadow. I can't hear or sense Tia anywhere. Had she gone? But then I see Jerome staring at a corner intently, growling.
"Who's there? Show yourself!" Mitch yells, unsheathing his sword again. "Mitch, I want you to meet someone. You might not like them very much but they can help Jerome." I tell him. He looks at me uncertainly. "Just trust me OK?" I plead, staring at him with begging eyes. Nodding slightly, his eyebrows furrow. "Tia..." I say quietly and his eyes widen. "Not her! She's from the Yogscast! She's a spy!" he roars. I catch his flailing arms. "Listen to me. She ran away from Ridgedog and we met up in the forest. We've been travelling together and she's not bad Mitch. She didn't want to be like this. And she wants to help us. Just...please?" I beg. He stares at me uncertainly. "Show yourself." he declares and Tia appears in the corner, arm folded across her chest. There was a hint of jealousy in her eyes but she masked it well.
"I can tell you whether or not he is too late for help or can be saved." she says quietly advancing towards the cage. Mitch edges forward, pressing the tip of his sword on her neck. She doesn't even flinch. "I read about you quart gods. Diamond things can hurt you and kill you." he growls. "Mitch, don't. She's my friend and she protected me from's a long story." I say with a smile, pushing his sword lightly away from her neck. "You trust her?" he asks, almost gobsmacked. "With my life." I nod. And I did. She saved my life from when Mexxy killed me. She could of let me stay dead. But she chose to make Mexxy bring me back. I trusted her.
"Ok listen good and listen well, because I'm only going to say this once. His body is unable to communicate with his mind-" she begins. "You don't say!" Mitch interrupts, glaring at her. I shove him weakly. "That means he can think and he can hear. So right now he can hear us. His mind is actually perfectly fine. However his body can't act with his mind, it's just doing random things. But he is conscious to an extent." Mitch gawks at her. "So...he can hear me? Understand me?" he whispers. Tia smiles and nods. A faint smile appears on his face. "Can he be saved?" he asks, eagerly going up to her. They both seemed more relaxed now.
"Maybe. I'm not certain, but my guess is that if something were to cause another shock to his brain he might just snap back to normal. Or something could trigger him to have some sort of spasm which would snap him out of it. But it is risky as he could either end up worse or die. So for now, the only thing you can do is wait and pray for a miracle. If he keeps banging his head, then maybe he will become normal again, but again I'm not sure."
Mitch nods, smiling at the bacca who is gurgling in the cage. "How long for him to naturally recover?" I ask. "Based on his brain activity...he is improving slowly. Another few years and he might be ok...but I'm not sure. If...if Ridge was here I'd be able to transmit his thoughts to you and you could talk to him...but...I'm not with him anymore." she says almost bitterly. Mitch nods his thanks. "Thank you. What are you going to do now, since you ran away from him?" he asks. She shrugs. "I might go back. Maybe strike up a deal with him..." she trails off, glancing at me. "If he does somehow come to trust me again, I can request him to come over here and transmit his thoughts to you..."
Mitch begins to say something but is cut off as the doors at the top of the stairs burst open. All of our heads snap to the door. "Who is it?" Mitch says panicking and I can see Tia panicking, maybe thinking it was Ridge. But it's Sky who comes marching in, surrounded by guards. "Seize the immortal spy!" he orders. "No Sky! Let me explain!" Mitch asks. Tia backs away warily from the advancing guards and I go stand in front of her, Mitch following me.
Mitch and Liam walk in front of me, both of their swords out. "Are you protecting a spy?" Sky asks, shocked. "She isn't here to spy, she came here to help me!" Liam snarls back, forgetting he is a king. Then again, when you have looked Mexxy in the eye, Sky wasn't something to take as a threat. "Then I suppose you will have to be punished as well." Sky snaps. His gaze snaps to me as the two pvpers are grabbed, kicking and cursing from in front of me. He walks towards me and I meet his gaze calmly. "I have been reading up on immortals. And I know diamond and red matter can hurt you." he sneers. In the blink of an eye, he unsheathes a red matter katar and slams it into my arm.
Crying out, I yank it out of my arm, ignoring the burning pain as my skin tries to heal itself. With diamond, if I have been cut by it, I can heal it easily. But red matter burns, and it won't heal. It was going to leave a nasty scar if it wasn't treated right. Pushing Sky away from me, I snap the katar and throw it. He steps towards me, bringing out another one. One by one the guards draw a diamond sword out, aiming them at me. I tilt my head. I could normally phase through the wall but red matter prevents me from using powers. Which meant I was stuck.
"I also know once you have been wounded you can't use any of your powers!" he laughs, grabbing me. I growl at him. "Just because I have no powers doesn't mean I don't have my strength." I grunt as I slam a fist into his stomach making him groan and stumble backwards. The guards begin to move forward, diamond swords poking into my flesh, causing me to groan and sink backwards into the wall. They continue to push their swords into me and I groan in pain. It wasn't as bad as when Ridge and I fought, so I could take it. But this was it. I was going to die. This was the end of me, and I didn't get a chance to tell Ridge I was sorry. I wasn't worthy of being his apprentice. I failed him. I missed him and I needed him. He needed me, but I wasn't there to help him. I left him. Shutting my eyes, a tear leaks out. Not from the pain, but from understanding. Deamon's words had meaning to them. I was a failure. And now I would suffer the consequences.
There is a sudden blast of an explosion and my eyes snap open. A group of demigods stand in front of me, soldiers lying on the floor in bloody heaps. I squint at the group of five demigods.
There was only 4, right? Featherblade, Deamon, Kupo and Elevn. So who was the one I couldn't see?
He slowly turns to face me. My heart stops.
I feel like time has slowed down into slow motion. I gaze into his eyes, those wonderfully deep blue eyes, the ones usually swirling with insanity, but they were now just filled with the pain of betrayal and relief that I was here. And the absolute joy I could see shimmering on the surface as his face breaks into a grin. And the way he launched himself forward to pull me into his arms. The tears slide down my face as I let them loose, grabbing hold of the demigod, burying my face into his shirt, sobbing like a child. He was here, Ridgedog was here, my master was here, and he would protect me even though I left him and I betrayed him. Trembling, my eyes open to see blood from my wounds being sucked back into them as he heals me. I can feel his own tears dripping onto my neck as he cries, and I grab hold of him tighter. There doesn't seem to be any sound around us, it's just me and him in our own private bubble.
I don't know how long we stay like that. I only know that at some point, Deamon escorted everyone out and teleported us without us knowing back to the mansion, back to my home so that we were sat on the sofa, alone. I only noticed when I finally stopped crying for my eyes to adjust to the changed environment. "I've missed you." I whisper. "I've missed you too." he whispers back, burrowing his head into my neck softly. "Don't you ever leave me again." he growls, nuzzling the back of my neck gently. It feels soothing, and it tingles a little. "Only if you agree to the deal...that Deamon probably told you." I say gruffly, sniffing a little. "Yeah I know. The deal has been offered and the deal has been accepted. I won't hurt you or your friends." "Thank you..." I sigh, holding onto him like a child as he carries me to my bedroom. It seemed like an age since I had been in here. My bed was crumpled, not like how I left it.
"Sorry. I was in here a lot after you left." he admitted. I finally look up at him, and he smiles at me. There is no insanity in his eyes. Had I done it? I knew it wasn't that easy and I dismissed the thought. Jumping up, I wrap my arms around his neck. He laughs softly, trying to ditch me onto my bed, but I cling onto him so he ends up cuddling with me on the covers. It's warm in his arms and I feel safer than I have ever felt in my entire life. Sighing with content, knowing that I was finally home and back where I belong, I drift off in Ridgedog's arms, still smiling as I drift off to sleep...
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