Chapter 14: Too close for comfort
Tia's POV
I've never felt more afraid than I have now. Looking back, I can just about make out the edge of Ridgedog's cloak poking out of a bush a long way away. Zig-zagging through the trees in a desperate attempt to hide myself, I clutch Liam tighter as I finally come to a stop next to a waterfall. My eyes spy a cave just hidden behind the heavy flow of crashing water. Floating slowly, I phase through the water, carrying Liam with me so we don't get wet. "Crap, I left my hoodie" he mutters as I gently place him on the floor. I look down at myself and groan. "And I left my cape..." We look at each other nervously before quickly climbing inside the rocky cave.
The groan of zombies and hissing of spiders makes Liam draw his sword from his belt. I shake my head at him. "Leave it up to me, we don't want to cause a riot." I whisper, clicking my fingers. Both of us go invisible and a zombie passes by us, unaware of the two of us stood here watching it. Liam can't see me, but I can see him. Gripping his arm tightly, I tug him further in to the cave, hissing at him to be quiet when he whines as he passes blocks of iron and coal. Finally, we reach the edge of a towering ravine. Looking down, I almost fall over when I hear the clatter of rocks echoing in the cave behind us, and Liam and I pin ourselves instantly against the wall as Ridgedog flies down into the cave.
His hair is messy and very untidy, and he is clutching my cape as if it was an amazing treasure. "Tia?" he calls out, peering down into the ravine. I let out a quiet breath of air before reaching over to pinch Liam's nose to make him stop breathing. He takes in a quiet breath of air through his mouth before continuing to stare at the demigod in front of us, way too close for comfort.
His head suddenly snaps towards where we are standing. I freeze, and resist the urge to tremble and shake in fear. His eyebrows furrow and he leans in close, inhaling. My eyes widen-he would recognize my smell from the cape. He leans in further, smelling the air. He glare suspiciously at the seemingly invisible air, reaching out a hand and striking it out quickly.
Thank Notch he missed my shoulder barely and hit the rock wall with a thunk.
He looks uncertainly at the wall, then lifts up my cape to smell it again, getting used to my scent, no doubt. He really was like a dog, hunting me down via smell. At that moment, a zombie chooses to cause a rock to fall as he clambers out of the cave causing Ridgedog's head to snap away from us and fly quickly out of the cave.
Grabbing Liam tightly, I take off into the air, and dive down into the ravine, weaving my way through a mineshaft. making sure he wouldn't find us. Breathing out heavily when we hit a dead end, I turn off our invisibility and slump against the wall, panting with relief. I'm shaking all over. That was too close. "Oh god" I groan, wiping my forehead and trying to stop the shaking in my arms. Liam swallows, trying to calm himself down too. "That was way too close...too close..." he repeats, shaking his head. "Tell me about it" I groan, swallowing too, letting out a deep breath.
Slowly, I get up from the wall, my legs like jelly. Stumbling over to the dead end, I grab Liam's pickaxe from out of his bag and begin to mine into the wall, digging out a small den for us. Liam sits in the middle, starting up a campfire using the iron in his bag, flint from gravel in the mine and some wooden sticks. Blocking up the entrance by using gravel, as well as scattering gravel round the outside to make it look believable, I phase through the wall, dusting my hands of gravel and sititng down, grabbing some food from outside of his bag.
"We're running out of food already." I murmur, trying to spawn in some food, but it backfires. Biting my lip in confusion, I frown at my hand. "I guess I have a limit. I'll probably be able to use this power in a few days..." I guess, biting into an apple. "I would of had more food if you hadn't come along..." he mumbles, stretching out his sleeping bag. "I'll get some more tommorow" I reply, rolling my eyes. Leaning backwards, I toss the core and stem of the apple into the fire, watching the fire crackle as it burns.
" did Ridgedog know you were there? Did he smell you or something?" Liam asks, clambering into his sleeping bag. I glare at it enviously. "Yeah, he recognized my smell from my cape. He is a dog after all" I chuckle. He rolls his eyes tiredly. His eyes are beginning to droop. "If I'm not here in the morning I'm probably getting food. So don't go panicking. If I am captured and he leaves you, then you'll see the blood on the floor." I chuckle again. "K" he yawns, closing his eyes, and slumping against the pillow, succumbing to sleep. My gaze turns to the fire, sleep claiming me too. Lying uncomfortably against the floor, I watch the fire peacefully before my eyes droop too, letting sleep lull me into the pleasuring dreams-or evil nightmares...
______________After some sleep_________________
Waking up against the stone cold floor, I groan. My back ached so badly, I stretched backwards and it cracked loudly. The fire had long since blown out, and the still smoking remains cast an enchanting smell across the room. I lean over, inhaling. I loved the smell of fire. It always reminded me of when I first met the Yogscast, when I stumbled off a beach when I was ditched on the island, and I made a fire. The smell of smoke had calmed me down, calmed my thoughts down, allowing me to think clearly.
Come to think of it, I frown, Ridgedog was the first person I saw on the island. When I was ditched off the boat, yelling curses at it, I had turned round to see Ridgedog in the cover of the trees, tilting his head curiously at me. "I...I don't mean to um intrude. I got ditched here" I had stammered, sensing the man's power even from where I had been standing. He had nodded before going invisible and I had gawped at the spot he had disappeared, rubbing my eyes before shrugging it off as a hallucination.
Sitting up in the den, I glance over at Liam who was still fast asleep, the diamond axe still in his grip. Why did he love that thing? I tilt my head at him before my stomach grumbles and I glance over at the bag, which has no food. Sighing, I phase through the ceiling of the den, floating upwards until I hit the surface. Cautiously poking my head through floor, I peer round for signs of Ridgedog. Seeing no threat, I pop out of the ground. Spying a pig oinking loudly in the undergrowth, I creep towards it, before slamming my fist through it's neck. It doesn't have time to squeal. It was over quickly. Wiping my hand of blood on some leaves, I tear the head off the pig, chucking it into the pool of water next to the waterfall, watching the water bubble up red.
Turning round to the rest of the pig, my eyes almost pop open when I see it has gone. Frowning uncertainly, I spin round looking for it. Fear worms it's way back into my heart-was Ridgedog trying to starve me into coming back or something? "Well hello there!" a cheerful voice says from behind me. I jump about 6 feet in the air, spinning round quickly. I groan, and reach up to punch the man on his shoulder. "Deamon, jeez, you scared the hell out me!" I groan. The demigod grins, floating casually, holding ready cooked porkchops in a stack in his hands. Grabbing hold of them, I tug them away from him, placing them on a log before turning back to him.
Deamon was Ridgedog's best friend before Ridgedog got kicked off the throne of the Voxel Box by Mexxy. Deamon was the general and master redstoner, so his position meant more to him. Ridgedog understood that, but Deamon still came to visit us sometimes. He was the closest thing I had to a friend when I was under Ridgedog's rule, always the one who made me laugh and smile and keep me entertained. He wore similiar clothes to Ridgedog, except his long coat was made of royal blue satin not black. The striped edges were silver, not gold. His hair was a dark cocoa brown, his eyes glowing green. But somehow he still managed to look like Ridgedog's brother.
He was also a Llithid, a weird green alien type creature. However, this part of him was hidden away, so you couldn't see it. It got the better of him sometimes, a constant battle inside him, like Rythian and his Ender side. He was very cheeky and it was hard not to like the prankster, even when it got to the point where you wanted to tear his head off. "What you doing all the way out here? Where's Ridgedog?" he asks, peering around, his deep, smooth voice similiar to Ridgedog's in a way. I tilted my head, considering my answer. I trusted him enough to tell him. I knew he would tell Ridgedog what I say, but he would never give away my location. At all. He was just like that. Definitely a mad crazy oddball.
"I ran away." I say simply. He tilts his head at me somewhat sympathetically. "Hm, I was wondering how long it would be until you ran. Looks like he turned you into a Quart god too." I nod bitterly, looking away. "He's been chasing me. I'm with...a friend." I wasn't sure if I could consider the Crafted spy a friend, more like an acquaintance. He nods. "He's like a dog on a hunt, isn't he? Have you noticed he uses scent to find you?" I nod again. "I was invisible with my friend, and we...I'll just show you" I sigh. Deamon had a special gift, one which allowed him to see the thoughts of others should they want to reveal them. Reaching up, he takes hold of my arm and I replay the event to him. Right from the start. From when I thought of the game, to when we were playing it, to the fight between us, to me running away, to him almost finding me in the cave.
"Wow" he laughs when i'm finished. "You're officially the first person to get away from the Ridgedog" I roll my eyes. "It's not over yet" I grimace. "True. He's not gonna let this go. Although he does look a little worse for wear..." he murmurs, looking up at the sky. Another gift he has is to feel the emotions of others. Pretty handy sometimes. "What was he feeling?" I ask curiously and he looks down at me. "He missed you a bit. He wanted you to come back. He won't hurt you if you go back to him. Probably, anyway." he says finally. I shake my head, a little surprised at how he felt. "I don't want to go back to that hell hole." I snarl. I look away. Did I miss him? I thought about all the good times we had, when it was Christmas a year ago and the look on his face when I gave him a Golden Desert Eagle when his last one was taken from him by Mexxy. The way he squealed like a little kid before running off excitedly to do target practise. When we first flew together, me as a Quart god, and when he reached out to touch my hand. When he put his hand on my shoulder when we confronted Team Crafted as if he was showing me off proudly to everyone. And many more.
Alright, maybe I did miss him a little bit, I think.
I realise Deamon's hand is still on my arm, his eyes shining as he reads my thoughts. "Get off," I grunt, shoving his hand off me. He grins at me. "Aw, what love birds" he coos, laughing as I blush and hit him hard in the head. He floats up in to the air. "Well, I'm gonna go visit Ridgedog now. See how he is doing..." He winks at me, and I glare at him. "Don't you dare tell him where I am." He nods, a cheeky smile on his face. "I won't. But I might show him some other stuff..." I frown at him, and he winks at me before disappearing. Shaking my head and muttering curses under my breath, I grab hold of the pork, and phase down into our den.
Liam is pacing up and down, worry on his face. When I finally re appear, his head snaps up in my direction. "You've been ages!" he exclaims, his eyes dropping to the stacks of porkchops in my arms, his eyes widening. "Yeah, I ran in to an old friend. And we won't be running out of food for a long time." I laugh. "A friend?" he asks, grabbing a porkchop of the top and shoving it into his mouth. "Well, he's Ridgedog's best friend. But he's kind of mine too. He won't tell him where we are, but I wouldn't take the chance. We better get moving."
"Ok" he mumbles, chewing on a porkchop. I manage to spawn a small bag in, shoving the food inside and carrying it on my back. Grabbing Liam's arm, I phase up onto the surface before dropping him onto the floor and carrying on our quest.
Note: Deamon5550 is someone from the VoxelBox-a community of Minecrafters who build stuff. Mexxy was but I think he left. He used to be Ridgedog's partner, so I thought it would be cool to bring the Voxelbox in :D
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