Chapter 13: Bad blood
Note: Ridge's stream yesterday was awesome :D Anyway, here's the unlucky 13th chapter!
Liam's POV
"What are you doing in the forest?" Tia asks, emerging from the shadows. Frighteningly, she is covered in blood, and she has bruises all over her torn clothes. "I'm...going on a quest. It's an exam thing, to prove I'm worthy of being Mitch's apprentice." I study her closely. "What happened to you?" She looks down at herself, picking up the tattered edges of her shirt. "Oh. I had a fight with Ridgedog. Don't worry..." she grins, "It's more his blood than mine." Staring at her, my jaw drops open. "You killed him?" I ask, shocked. Was she more dangerous than him? "Don't be stupid, he's immortal. Speaking of which..." she looks behind her, worry creasing her face. "We better hurry. I don't know if he's coming after me or not..."
"We?" I quote, walking quickly into the forest, me behind her. I didn't trust her yet, but I don't think she wanted to waste time killing me when there was an insane killer on the loose hissing for her head on a stake. "I don't have anywhere else to go or do. Might as well follow you for a bit." She gestures for me to walk in front of her. "Can't I just fly on your back or something?" I ask after ten minutes of walking. "No, i'm enjoying this little walk of freedom and besides, I can't let you cheat on your exam." I turn to face her, an amused smile on her face. "Technically, I shouldn't even be with anyone at all." She shrugs. "Who will know?" I open my mouth to reply, but I just scowl at her and keep walking, ignoring her snicker behind me.
After hours of trekking, the sun was beginning to set. "We should set up shelter now. You got a tent or something?" she asks, and I unpack my back pack, watching as she stretches in the clearing, letting out a sigh of content. "Yeah, but only one sleeping bag." I mutter, clutching it protectively. She laughs at me. "I'll make a bed. Oh wait, no wool...hmm...I'll just sleep on the floor. Wait, why have you got just a tent? You'll need a shelter. You don't think that is gonna protect you from spiders and zombies do you?" she asks, fumbling through my back pack. Sighing in annoyance, I reply sarcastically, "Yeah, like I'm going to carry round a portable shelter in my backpack." She grins at me, and goes over to a nearby jungle tree, striking the bottom of it quickly with her still bloody fist from whatever sort of fight she had with the demigod. The tree falls quickly, and she uses her feet to snap the branches and trunk into logs.
She looks up at me. "You going to just sit there?" Grunting in reply, I heave myself off the comfy forest moss to pick up the logs and take them to the crafting table. Turning them into ugly looking red planks, I begin to slot them together and make us a small shack. "You got a pickaxe?" she asks, after loading the last of the planks next to me with a bang. "In my bag" I murmur, making a door quickly. "K, let me go get some coal and torches...Oh wait, you already have some! Finally, you came prepared for something." Huffing at her, she laughs at me, and props some torches up. "We need windows and a comfy floor. I guess the moss helps. Bit wet though. Although I do need a wash." She looks down at her dried bloody clothes, murmuring something to herself and laughing quietly.
"Got a towel?" she asks, and I shake my head. "I'm not carrying all that crap in my bag." Shaking her head, she grabs hold of one of my hoodies and tears off the zip. "Hey!" I protest and she rolls her eyes. "I'll fix it later" she muses, and I shake my head. "Keep it." I mutter in disgust, and she laughs at me again before going to find some kind of natural shower. I go off and find sand before smelting it into glass, then making it into glass panes and setting up the tent in the middle of the shack. At least the monsters wouldn't see us. Coming back, she's drying her hair with my hoodie and has new clothes on. I stare at her. "Where'd the clothes come from?" I ask. "Oh. Turns out I can spawn small things in," she replies sheepishly and I groan. She had managed to get a light blue and white stripy shirt, grey tracksuit bottoms, and a small black fluffy jacket. She looked...normal. "You didn't need my hoodie then, did you?" I snap, reaching out to get it, but I recoil, seeing it dripping with water and stained with blood. "It tires me out though..." she mumbles, yawning.
Going inside the shack, she raised an eyebrow at the amount of space, but didn't say anything. "Sorry, didn't have enough to build a mansion" I sneer at her. She rolls her eyes and gestures at an empty space. A sleeping bag appears, and she pants a little bit, wiping her forehead. "Takes all the energy out of me..." she mumbles, stretching out across it. "So. Would you mind telling me why you had a fight with your master?" I ask curiously. She looks up at the ceiling.
"We...were playing a game. I didn't mean to start the game, but I thought of it. If I didn't, he would of beaten me to death. Long story short, we played a...realistic game of chess with the Yogscast." I shudder. "You mean...they had to..." She nods at me. "They had to kill whoever we put them in front of. It was horrible...I ended up interfering at one point. But he said if I interfered then the deal would be off. The deal was that If I won I got to see my friends again. If I lost then he would torture my ex master, the scientist called Duncan. If I called off the deal or interfered he would torture Lewis, Simon and Duncan. You know Lewis and Simon right? The spaceman and the dwarf, the heros of Minecraftia?" I nod. "Lewis ended up having to kill Simon, but I interfered and stopped him. Ridgedog went to go torture them, but I put myself in the way of them and we had a big fight..."
"What happened?" I ask. It was odd learning about the people from another island and the troubles they face, that seem so horrible compared to ours. "Well, I punched him in the face. Then he kicked me. So I freed everyone, and then I managed to smash his head in. Then he healed himself, Then he ambushed me. Then...then...I nearly gave up. But I ended up blasting him away from me and escaping. And here I am..." she murmurs near the end, face troubled. "What about your friends? Won't he go hurt them?" I frown, and instantly regret asking. She shuts her eyes, pain on her face. "I can only hope they got away. If not..." She looks away.
"Did you even like...Ridgedog?" I ask, hesitating. I didn't want to say his name out loud at all. "He could be OK sometimes. I know that sounds crazy, but sometimes he could be really nice to me. Not insane. It was little things that set him off, but if you play your cards right...then you could get in his good books." "So was he really insane then?" "Yeah. Not all the time. Just at moments. It's when he's bored that he makes the games and gives himself over to insanity, and the games seem to satisfy him in some way. I don't know why. I had to assist sometimes, make traps and come up with new ideas. It was a horrible job, but..."
"Did you want to do it?" "Of course I didn't! He blackmailed me into coming to work with him-sorry, for him, by threatening to make my life hell and torturing all of my friends. I was on the brink of insanity myself, after spending three years with that evil twisted..." she snarls at the end. "Three years?" I repeat, shock causing my mouth to drop open. How did she manage to survive that long with him? "Yeah, I know. I don't know how I lasted. He seemed to like me though. Sometimes, anyway. He once even said to me he liked me, and he was my friend. That was only yesterday. When he turned me into a Quart god" "You've only been immortal for just one day?" "I'm not immortal. I can be lots of things. Probably shouldn't have told you that." she grins, smirking at me. I grin back, but I roll my eyes. "What CAN you be killed by? It's so strange seeing people who can't be killed by normal stuff. "Oh, um...big bombs can, like antimatter. Red matter weapons can...diamond stuff can wound me a little bit with a lot of force...demigods of course can kill me..." I look down at my diamond axe, and she stiffens. "I'm not going to..." I laugh uneasily, and she sighs.
"Can Ridgedog be killed? Answer me honestly." I ask, repeating what she said to me when we first met. She smiles at the memory. "I can't tell you for sure. Even I don't know. I have theories, of course, everyone has. I think demigods can kill demigods. I know two things that can hurt him but not kill him." I frown. "How does that work?" She pauses, eyes flickering with mistrust. "I suppose I can tell you. It's not as if he will let you get close enough to do it anyway. Red matter is one. The way it works is that if someone causes critical damage to him, his body will hibernate. I've seen him do it on one occasion. It was when he finally decided to trust me..."
"Alright, this is a red matter knife, obviously. This can hurt me, but not kill me." Ridgedog explains and I frown a little bit. "How do you mean?" "It's a little difficult to explain. It's better if I just show you..." He lies down on a counter and offers me the knife. I hesitate, before closing my hand around it. "I don't want to hurt you" I blurt out before I can stop myself. He smiles at me. "I want you to stab me in the heart with that quickly. It won't cause me too much pain if you're quick." I swallow, stepping forward. "Trust me, it works." He assures me, and I raise the knife quickly, striking him hard in the chest above his heart. He stiffens, before his body goes cold. Blood pours from the wound, and I back away, scared out of my wits. What was going on? Did I just kill him?
Suddenly, the blood stops flowing and begins to suck back inside the wound. My eyes widen, watching it go back inside the heart, which has a small hole in it. His heart is still, but it suddenly begins to heal itself, the outside of the heart knitting together at a furious pace before his heart begins to beat once more. The hole in his chest heals too, joining the skin back together, leaving no spot of blood or scar. His eyes flutter open, and he grins at me, sitting up. "How...what..." I stutter, blinking at his chest. The shirt healed too, and I frown, glancing at the knife. There's no blood on it. "See, told you it would work." He says proudly, retrieving the knife out of my hand and slotting it back into place before moving onto the next weapon.
"It was pretty cool, actually." she smiles, eyes distant. "So it just heals itself automatically?" "Yep." "What about the second thing?" She looks over at me. "I have theories that this can also kill him. But again, I'm not sure. But a quart god can hurt him." She says, gesturing at herself. "You can kill him?" I ask, excitement bubbling up. "No..." she murmurs, and I sigh. "But simple maths can...a half equals two quarters. I can get him to the point where he can be injured. But what if another quart god came? Maybe...we could combine our powers to have the power of a demigod split in two. Two targets, one power." "So if there was another Quart god..."She goes silent before shrugging. "Again, I'm not sure. And don't think it would be easy! I know now in that fight, Ridgedog was going easy on me. He wanted to see what I would do if I was in a life or death situation. My response derailed him, it caught him off guard, and that's how I managed to escape. But I wouldn't doubt that he could kill me quicker than a blink of an eye."
Both of us go silent. "What about your master then? What's all that stuff about Jerome or whatever his name was? I don't know anything about your island at all, to be honest." "I knew nothing of yours either. And Jerome was Mitch's best friend, his partner. Ridgedog blew them up, but Jerome put himelf in the way of the bomb. He got brain damage from it, and Mitch has been hiding him in the basement so no one can kill him." She looks over at me, pity in her eyes. "Sorry. I don't know why I'm saying it, but Ridgedog certainly won't. So as his apprentice...sorry." I nod.
Suddenly, she stiffens. Her eyes widen and her head snaps to the side. "TIA!" a voice roars from inside the woods. "It's Ridgedog!" she squeaks, grabbing her stuff, and stumbling outside of the tent. Fear is on her face, and she is no longer hiding it. "Get your stuff!" she whispers furiously, and I manage to pack my bags quick enough. She grabs hold of my arm and shoots off into the woods, and I hear bellows of fury from far away behind us. Gripping Betty tighter, I shut my eyes and pray to the gods that we make it out of here alive.
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