Phoebe's POV:
"So, we should stay here." Hayden paced back and forth once Liam explained the plan to her, Mason, and I. "Is that what you're thinking?"
"It doesn't matter where we are." Liam muttered, adjusting his grip on the hilt of Kira's sword. "We still need to figure out how to fight them."
I peek through the blinds, making sure there weren't any Ghost Riders around before I turn to the others. "The only person who managed to take down the Ghost Rider was Mr. Douglas." I point out.
"She's right." Theo spoke up from the nearby holding cell, crossing his arms over his chest with a bored expression.
"Does he need to stay in there?" Mason asked.
Hayden raises a brow. "He's still Theo."
"Theo saved Scott, remember?" Theo calls out, causing Mason to wince in realization.
"He can still hear you." He hesitantly says in which Hayden rolls her eyes in annoyance before she turns towards Theo.
"Theo also almost dragged my girlfriend to hell, if we can all remember." She harshly remarks. "So he needs to shut up so we can figure out how to fight the Ghost Riders."
He shakes his head with disappointment. "You don't need to figure it out."
I cross my arms with discomfort. "Because Douglas already did."
Hayden's eyes narrowed in realization. "If he knew how to fight them, then he might know everything about them."
"And guess who knows all about Mr. Douglas?" Theo chuckled and gestures to himself. "But, all it takes is to break that little sword of yours if you want me to talk."
"That's never going to happen." I scoffed. "We're not making that deal."
"I hold all the cards." He casually shrugs, taking a seat on the small bench inside the cell.
"You're locked in a jail cell." Mason pointed out. "You have no cards."
"You want me to tell you about Douglas?" Theo smugly asked. "Break the sword."
Mason pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh before taking a step away from the cell. "Does anyone else want to do the negotiating?"
The corners of Theo's lips perk up into amusement. "Break the sword."
"'ll break the sword." Hayden mutters in frustration. "I'll break it right in--"
"Hayden." Liam warned, taking a few steps closer to the cell.
"You break, I talk." Theo stands up from his spot with a sigh. "Come on, guys. Look, I don't want in anyone's pack. I don't want anyone's power. I just wanna stay alive."
I roll my eyes. "As if we've never heard that before. How do we know if we let you out, you won't run?"
"'Cause, we're not letting him out. He's going to tell us from in there." Liam nodded his head towards the cell.
Theo slowly shakes his head, keeping his stares towards the weapon. "I'm still going to need some incentive."
I shake my head, turning away to face Liam. "How can we be sure that the information he has on Douglas is going to help us?" I question, watching as Liam took the sword out of its sleeve with conflict written over his expression.
"We don't have a choice, Phoebe." He cuts in.
Before I could protest, he turns the blade down and twists the grip, causing the blade to shatter into pieces and clatter to the ground.
All the hope I had of never seeing Theo again, was ripped away in a snap. He was stuck here and I couldn't do anything about it.
"He's a Löwenmensch." Theo smugly spoke up.
"What the hell is a Löwenmensch?" Hayden questioned.
"It's part-wolf, part-lion." Mason answered with shock laced in his voice.
"He was a part of the Ahnenerbe, Himmler's personal project to use the occult to win the war."
Allison's POV:
"I can't see a thing." Lydia complained, slinging her arm around mine as I shone the flashlight from my phone in an attempt to get a better view of the darkness in the tunnels.
Though, it barely helped.
Scott turned on the flashlight in his phone and started to walk ahead with Lydia, Malia, and I quickly following behind. "It's got to be down here somewhere."
Once we reached the junction in the tunnels, Scott continues to walk to the left while Malia made a right.
However, in a matter of seconds, Malia suddenly propels backward and falls to the ground with a grunt. "Found it!"
My eyes widen and Scott quickly rushes to her side with concern while Lydia cautiously took a step closer to the green-swirled forcefield to inspect it.
"It's remarkably similar." She whispered.
"To what?" I ask.
"To the Einstein-Rosen bridge."
Phoebe's POV:
"Douglas didn't beat a Ghost Rider." Liam concluded. "He ran."
Hayden sighs, shaking her head with disbelief. "We broke the sword for nothing." She worriedly meets my eyes, placing a hand on my knee.
"Wait, if that was back in 1943, where's he been all this time?" Mason asks.
"Douglas kept looking. He found a scientist he thought could help him..." Theo's eyes landed on mine and I already knew who he was talking about. "Three of them."
"The Dread Doctors." I mutter.
He nodded. "The Ghost Rider's whip didn't go deep enough to take him, but it left a gash on his back. He was thrown into the tank and the wound infected the water. It mixed with the fluid from the vat, and made him stronger-- soaking it in, absorbing the power for seventy years."
"So, he came out with the power of an Alpha, a Löwenmensch, and a Ghost Rider?" I inquired.
"A side effect no one could expect."
"So he can fight them." Hayden adjusts her posture on top of the countertop. "He could stop them."
"But the Nazis lost the war. Why is he still obsessed?" Liam questioned. "What does he want an army for?"
"He doesn't want it for them." Mason answered, causing all of us to turn to him. "He wants it for himself—his own personal supernatural army."
"A Ghost Rider army?"
I roll my eyes. "No, a Salvation Army. Of course, it's a Ghost Rider army!"
"We need to warn Scott." Hayden says as the four of us leave the holding cell room. "Has anyone heard from them since then?"
I nod, holding up my phone for them to see the text messages. "Allison texted me awhile ago saying that they were in the tunnels."
The faint sounds of thunder rumble outside, causing our eyes to widen. "We gotta hurry." Mason quickly snatches his keys from the deputy's desk.
"But the layout of the tunnels are huge!" Hayden exasperated.
"We can still find him." Liam assured.
Suddenly the doors swing open which causes all of us to jump, seeing the Ghost Rider menacingly stand in the doorway.
Mason barely takes a step to sprint away but the Ghost Rider flings his whip towards him and wraps itself around Mason's throat.
"No!" Liam angrily cries out.
My eyes widen in horror. "Mason!"
"Liam," Mason managed to croak out. "run!"
The Ghost Rider harshly tugs on the whip, making Mason disappear into a puff of green smoke appears.
Liam partially transforms with his claws and fangs, letting out a ferocious roar at the Ghost Rider before he leaped towards him.
He kicks his feet against the Ghost Rider's chest, forcing him to slam his back against the wall. He repeatedly swings a punch against the Ghost Rider's stomach until he grabs ahold of the collar of his coat and throws him against the deputy's desk.
Before he could strike another hit against the Ghost Rider's face, the Ghost Rider blocks it with his arm and grabs Liam's throat. He slams his head against the wall and soon enough, chucks his body towards the sheriff's office window.
"Liam!" I worriedly call but Hayden quickly steps in front of me with a snarl, seeing as the Ghost Rider started to make his way towards us.
"Phoebe stay back!" Hayden shouts but I quickly shake my head. "Liam and I will hold it off long enough to give you a head start to run!"
"What? No!" I unsheathe the dagger from my belt. "I'm not running away."
Just before the Ghost Rider could take another step closer to us, Liam leaps out of the office and kicks him away from us, causing the Ghost Rider to stumble over the desk.
Liam tries to slash his claws across the Ghost Rider's chest but the Ghost Rider quickly takes control of his stance and shoves him off, causing Liam to roll across the floor with a grunt.
The Ghost Rider unclips his gun from his belt and I quickly lunge forward, wrapping my arms around the Ghost Rider's neck and plunging the dagger into his chest.
It lets out a pained screech, wildly swinging me around to get me off of its back but Hayden quickly grabs onto his arm, ripping the gun out of his hand and kicking it away to the back of the room.
However, the Ghost Rider swings me overhead, causing my grips to loosen, and my back slams against the floor in which Hayden quickly kicks him away from us with a grunt. "Liam help me get him out!"
Liam scrambles to stand to his feet and with all their strength, they quickly try to push him outside but to no avail, the Ghost Rider shoves them away at ease.
"We have to get to Scott." Hayden pants in which Liam and I nod, watching as the Ghost Rider tried to rip the dagger out of his chest.
I grab onto Hayden's hand as we try to sprint to the back exit but suddenly, my grip is yanked away which causes me to stop in my tracks and turn.
My eyes widen in horror, seeing as the Ghost Rider's whip wrapped around Hayden's left wrist. "Hayden!" I quickly sprint towards her and wrap my arms around her body, pulling to tug her back.
Liam quickly rushes to her other side and grabs onto the whip, making sure the Ghost Rider couldn't retract it towards him. Unfortunately, even with our combined strength, our footing was slipping closer and closer to him.
But I don't care. I can't let her meet the same fate as Mason's.
"L-Liam!" I grunt, feeling my arms begin to give out. "Get the knife in my belt! We need to cut the rope loose!"
Before he could reach for my side, the lighting bolt shatters the window beside the door and another Ghost Rider appeared from the darkness.
It unclips the whip from his belt and flings it towards me. I shut my eyes, afraid of meeting the same fate but unexpectedly, I didn't feel anything.
I open my eyes, seeing as Hayden blocked the hit by having it wrap around her other wrist which causes me to frantically shake my head. "No, no, no." I grab onto the other whip and try to tug, but it proved to be useless.
Hayden turns to me, her eyes softening as soon as they lock with mine. "You have to find Scott."
I frantically shake my head, feeling tears brim my eyes. "I'm not giving up on you! Liam, pull!"
"I'm trying!" He growls, his eyes flashing a bright gold. "Agh!"
"Liam, get her to safety!" Hayden desperately urged. "Get her out of here!"
"No, we're not leaving--"
"Phoebe, y-you have to! You can save me on the other side." I frantically glance between her and the Ghost Riders. "I believe in you."
I press my head against hers, holding back a sob. "I love you."
"...I love you too." She whispers before leaning in to press her lips against mine in a teary kiss. "Now, go!"
I release my grips and Liam quickly drags me out of the room, but I stop in my tracks once more.
I tearfully take one last look at Hayden, seeing that she was already staring with a saddened look before she disappears into a puff of green smoke.
"Phoebe, come on!" Liam urged, grabbing onto my wrist and dragging me towards the exit without looking back.
Allison's POV:
We watch as Malia presses the metal pipe against the rift with as much pressure as she could, seeing as a trail of smoke rolled up from the end.
Eventually, she drops it with a sigh, knowing that she made no progress.
"There has to be another way." I insisted. "We just need to think."
Malia scoffed. "Think?"
"Think about how to get through a supernatural rift that melts steel." Scott elaborated for me.
"I didn't say it would be easy..." I mutter.
"But it doesn't have to be so hard." An unfamiliar voice spoke behind which caused us to turn.
The intimidating blonde-haired man with dark eyes stood behind with his hands behind his back in a formal-like manner.
"He's the one who almost killed Phoebe." Scott glared. "Mr. Douglas followed our scent."
"I followed your desperation." He sneered. "We're all in a tough spot. Desperate to get inside and save everyone, and hoping to find a way to stop this army of the dead. We all want the same thing.
"He has a point." Lydia hesitantly speaks up.
"If he doesn't kill anyone." Malia snapped.
"Else." Scott added. "If he doesn't kill anyone else."
"All that matters right now is getting through the rift." Mr. Douglas replied.
"Good luck with that." I cross my arms over my chest. "The rift burns anything that tries to pass through it."
"Perhaps not everything."
From behind, Parrish comes out of the darkness with his eyes glowing a bright neon green and his fangs extended.
"Jordan..." Lydia tries to call out but he kept his glares towards us.
"If the Hellhound can open the rift, we all go together." Mr. Douglas casually suggested.
"You're the bad guy." Malia scoffed. "I'm pretty sure helping you is a bad idea."
"Good guy, bad guy..." Mr. Douglas muttered under his breath with annoyance. "When has anything ever been so black and white?"
"World War II." We all turn, seeing as Liam and Phoebe rounded the corner with tired looks. "He's a Nazi...oh god I need a breath." Liam pants.
"He wants the Hunt for himself." Phoebe cleared her throat. "He wants his own supernatural army."
A coy smile forms on Mr. Douglas' face as he throws the whip in front of him to tightly grip the handle.
"We're not letting you through that rift." Scott warned.
"Not letting me? I see..." He trailed, threateningly swinging the whip in front of him. "you still think you have a say in the matter."
He snapped the whip forward and everybody jumps back, the end barely missing Scott's stomach. Scott's eyes glow a bright red as he let out a ferocious roar but Mr. Douglas repeated his action once more, taking a step closer to us.
Phoebe extends her baton but I grab onto her wrist, dragging her out of that section of the tunnel as Liam pulled Lydia behind me.
Mr. Douglas sent the whip towards Scott and Malia's direction again, causing the girl to quickly jump out of the way and come to where the rest of us stayed.
Mr. Douglas continued his attacks, coming closer and closer to hitting Scott until eventually, Scott dove towards us out with a grunt.
"Höllenhund," Mr. Douglas called, taking a few steps closer to the rift.
Parrish walks over to the rift and pushes his hands against the barrier, splitting through the pressure as much as he could. The cracks in his body glowed bright orange as the portal opened wide enough to step through.
"Parrish, stop!" I called, but Douglas whipped at us again, forcing the group to take another step back.
"Wunderbar." Mr. Douglas grinned, seeing as Parrish stepped away from the rift he opened to growl at us. "Höllenhund, kommen."
Parrish roars at us once more and steps inside the portal, causing Malia to gesture forward. "Now!"
We quickly sprint after them but just before we could jump inside, the rift closes in front of us.
"Olivia." I softly whisper, feeling my heart clench in disappointment.
However, the rift suddenly flickered and two Ghost Riders stepped out of the portal.
Scott protectively stood in front of us. "Liam, you, Phoebe, Allison, and Lydia get to the bunker." He ordered.
The four of us nod and sprint away from them, racing down the endless tunnels that seemed the same with each turn we took.
But a roar that practically rattled the walls caused us to pause in our steps.
"You don't think...." Phoebe worriedly trailed. "they're gone, right?"
"That roar wasn't promising." Liam added.
"Well, they rarely are." Lydia remarked, grabbing onto their wrists to keep them running. "Keep going, keep going!"
We turn the next corner but once again skid to a halt as soon as we see the Ghost Rider already pointing a gun at us.
I swiftly extend my crossbow but Lydia dashes in front of us, protectively stretching her arms in front of us. "Lydia don't--"
"It's okay, it's okay." She assured. "Look."
The Ghost Rider tilts his head to the side and instead of pulling the trigger, it slowly lowers its gun.
"What's happening?" Liam worriedly asked.
"I don't know." Lydia whispered. "But stay behind me. Follow me."
The three of us slowly moved around the Ghost Rider with Lydia making sure she stayed in front of us as the Ghost Rider kept its stares on us.
"It's afraid of you." Phoebe mumbled as soon as we were a fair distance away from it.
"I'm afraid of me."
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