tagged again lmao i know at this point no one cares lol
Tagged by _fuckin_fantastic_ tysm :)))
1) meaning behind my username: no idea tbh, i always come up with weird crap for usernames for all my platforms so yeah, I actually do like my spaghetti with sauce but it stuck :)
2) real name, meaning behind it: chloe, not sure, i know it means the goddess of life and fertility somewhere lmao, my dad just said he named me after a pretty girl he saw when he was young so yeah, sure :/
3) biggest weakness: my terrible jealousy
4) biggest strength: hm, i would say how friendly i am
5) biggest fear: car accidents
6) piercings you want/have: i already have 2 (one in each ear) but I'm fine with more in each ear
7) tattoos you want/have: none and lmao none
8) colour of your hair/ hair plans!!: rn, it's just a bland dark brown lmao but I really wanna dye it either blue or purple maybe red yk, klance
9) last dream you had: literally just woke up from one where me and my 7th grade friends ( manika_j2617 Vaibhavi_Taekook_Bts *sniffle y'all were in it!) and we were all getting chased by guys with rifles, it was pretty scary but i liked the adrenaline, a lot of people died sadly
10) someone you miss: my bestie(s) cause of this virus
11) crush's name: Hana
12) weird habit you have: hmmm, i am obsessed with eating hushpuppies is that a habit...no?
13) idea of a perfect date: literally anything with whydreamworks but if she took me to a pride parade I would marry her on the spot cause that's the cutest thing ever to me
14) meaning of life to you: it's different for everyone :) and I would say the meaning of life is to find the meaning for you lmao
1) lucky number- 11 the day my girlfriend asked me out
2) 5 things you hate- my insecurities, my jealousy, anything prejudice, bakudeku (no ship disrespect tho, I respect and love y'all lmao), and timezones ugh
3) 5 things you love- my friends! my family :)), my girlfriend, voltron, KLANCE
4) favorite piece of jewelry- I'm not a big jewelry person lol, but I like bracelets, I want a pride one so if I could get that it would be my favorite
5) five favorite movies- green book, age of adeline, curious case of benjamin button, brave (disney), and...get out, the horror
6) five favorite books- 1984, the book thief, anything by lemony snicket, dracula, to kill a mockingbird
7) favorite band- OOF i love bands TvT I gotta say for rn, walk the moon
8) favorite pjo/hoo character- aghhagagah, leo Valdez :D
9) fav pjo/hoo book- prob house of hades
10) fav aesthetic- grunge :0 for clothing, and bisexual aesthetics for anything else lmao
11) fav season- keeps changing but ig autumn
Ima tag some fools
PrincessPoisonIvy86 I know you'll enjoy this ilysm
damnallgoodnamesgone I love you
ISayVolYouSay love you alsooo
manika_j2617 get tagged bitch ily
whydreamworks you prob won't do this but I love you and wanna know these answers, might just ask you myself 0_o
Vaibhavi_Taekook_Bts another bitch that I love :0
-Melody_Misfit- I love youuuu
alright do it if you want!
enjoy me getting wasted
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