Rainbow Dash sighed. She hated math.
She was getting really frustrated with her math assignment. The only reason she hadn't thrown her textbook out the window was because of her long time crush who sat in front of her, Applejack.
Applejack ran all the schools events and made sure everything was in place. Dash had worked with her a couple of times for some sports fundraising. They had gone to the same grade school too, and didn't talk much, but somehow Rainbow developed a major crush over the years.
Ring ring!
Rainbow put away her math, gathered her messy stack of papers, and then immediately crashed into someone.
"I'm so sorry sugarcube! Didn't see where a was walking." Rainbow looked up and saw, who else, Applejack. She stared for a while, taking in her emerald eyes and gold hair. After a few seconds of Rainbow probably looking like a doofus, Applejack gave her a puzzled look and she snapped out of it.
" Uh, hi sorry! That was my fault, i didn't mean to bump into you i was just standing up I'm so sorry. Are you ok? I really didn't mean to hurt you and if-"
"Ms. Dash and Miss Applejack, perfect!" The teacher said walking up to us.
"Now, Rainbow, since your grade is below a 'C', I think you should get a tutor. Applejack here has volunteered to help you, okay?"
In a daze, Rainbow nodded and gave her new tutor her cell phone number. Almost floating, Dash blew down the hallway, extremely lovestruck.
"Dashie! What took you so long?" Pinkie sprang up.
Rainbow told her and Fluttershy what happened, not leaving out any details. Pinkie and Flutters knew about her crush and encouraged it.
"Rainbow, this is so nice! You'll be able to spend time with her, just like you wanted to." Fluttershy cheered.
All Dash had to do was wait.
Rainbow had gone into rage mode.
Applejack secretly thought it was adorable, especially when Rainbow pouted.
"Rainbow, I'll be honest, this probably isn't gonna help. But, passing algebra is."
Rainbow rolled her eyes and started on the math.
Applejack stared at her, taking in the spectrum of colors that was her hair. The little sigh Dash gave whenever she was bored, meaning every thirty seconds. The messy handwriting that became illegible whenever she got frustrated. Everything was perfect to Applejack.
Every so often, Rainbow would turn to her tutor and have her check the work. Rainbow was right almost every time. She kept improving every minute Applejack was there, and wanted to impress her. But, Applejack was already impressed.
Rainbow and Applejack had become closer over the weeks before finals, turning from acquaintances to best friends. Dash had gotten her math grade to an 'A', and was one of the two top students in class, the other being Applejack.
The night before they had their algebra final, they crammed together and wished each other luck.
Staring at the problem on her test, Rainbow's eyes widened. This was way too long. But, she remembered all the advice Applejack had given her, and solved on.
Rainbow jumped off of her bike and ran up to the barn.
"Applejack! Where are you? I got my finals score back!" She called.
Applejack dashed out of the barn, almost smacking into Rainbow. She urged Dash to open in.
Holding their breaths, they removed the paper, revealing an 'A' on the algebra slot.
"Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh! I passed!" Rainbow celebrated.
"Thank you so much, AJ! I never could have passed without you. I'm so happy, I could kiss you!"
Their lips crashed together in a short and sweet kiss. Rainbow pulled back, blushing like crazy.
"I am so sorry, I-I didn't really know doing, I am so sorry. Please forgive me, I didn-"
She was cut off with another kiss.
"Dash, don't be sorry. I've had a crush on you a while now, so... Will you go out with me?" Applejack confessed.
Rainbow covered her mouth and nodded. Maybe, just maybe, math wasn't so bad.
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