I still can't believe it. Three months of lies. Well, not exactly, but - what's that expression? - it's complicated. I can see you're all confused. I'll start again.
Hi. My name is Robert. Well, no, it's not. But my real name is too complicated, so you can call me Robert. For the last three months I've been living on Earth with three roommates, who happened to be aliens. Like me.
Before I continue, you have to understand something about humans - that is, yourselves. There aren't a lot of you in space - only one planet - while there are a lot, LOT more of us. You're an endangered species, even though there are more of you every standard Earth year. My suggestion was to - excuse the term - spread you across more planets (with your consent, of course). Given your technological advance over time, it would take you more than a hundred years to get to a spaceship, so I wanted to help you a little. The Human Protection Department (all the advanced species have one - you have to understand that compared to us you're very fragile) didn't agree with my suggestion because we generally don't interfere in your affairs, which is one of our most important laws.
But I got a bit angry at the rejection. Ok, I got very angry. I may have seriously injured someone. With a knife. This might seem weird to you, but knives are sacred to us. They're the first tool/weapon our species made and they evolved with us. There's a different knife for everything and you need to have permits for some (like for the killing knives, similar to your gun permits). If you use a bread knife to stab someone, you get three months with no knives and no leaving the house/apartment (one month for using a knife for something it was not intended for and two months with house arrest for stabbing someone). If, on the other hand, you used a killing knife to cut bread, you'd get one week with no knives and a confiscated killing knife in case you don't have a permit. It may look weird, but it is what it is. (Also, a week/month/whatever without knives may not seem like a big deal, but in a world where knives are used for litterally everything, it's pretty hard to get through the day without one. And just in case you're wondering: no, knives are not used for transport.)
Back to my little stabbing adventure. Now, I didn't just use a normal killing knife, no, because that's just not my luck. I used the oldest known knife, one that hadn't cut anyhing in over two thousand years. No one was allowed to touch it and while it was used as a model for all others (which, I might add, I find a little stupid, since you can't improve if you always use the same model) it was still of extreme historical importance and essentially the most important thing on the whole planet (full of very expensive tech). In a second I was painfully aware that I would die if I stayed on the planet, even though death sentences were outlawed a couple hundred years ago (except for extreme cases, i.e. me).
Before anyone even realised what just happened I jumped out the window and flew away, thankful for the fact we weren't in a basement. (Yes, I have wings. You don't see them, but they're there. Wings technically qualify as a mutation and are one of the things we still haven't figured out - how some of us have invisible wings with feathers when none of our ancestors had either wings or feathers.) I stole the first spaceship I saw since I don't have my own. (Confiscated because of experiments with teleportation. I'm kind of a science nerd and despite all our technological advancements no one has ever made a working teleporter.) But that's theft! you might be thinking. Now, normally I don't steal stuff but it was either that or dying, so I think you would've made the same choice.
I was off the planet in five minutes, out of the solar system in ten and in half an hour I left the galaxy. I'm lucky that my home planet is on the edge and not close to the center or I would've had law enforcement from dozens of different planets on me in a matter of minutes. Despite my goal of getting to Earth without dying seeming impossible, I was well on my way.
This is short and the ending is crappy but I hope you liked it anyway
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