The Bachelor
Role: the virgin
Name: Ethan Ross
Age: 22
Gender: male
Sexuality: heterosexual
Face claim: Remy Hii
Personality: When Ethan was younger, he was quiet and shy. He found it hard to stand up for himself or speak up. He was extremely insecure and had major self confidence issues but bottled all his feelings up to avoid bothering anyone. He's now completely different after doing a 180 during his university years.
Ethan has now shed his quiet and shy shell and has become more self confident. He no longer finds it difficult to stand up for himself and speaks up about things that he's passionate about. He has a good sense of humor and is trying to open himself up more.
Ethan is socially awkward and finds it difficult to approach a stranger and be the one to initiate conversation. He's trying to be more friendly and not be so guarded since he used to think everyone wanted to bully him. Underneath his self assured exterior are his old insecurities kept carefully under wraps which can show at the slightest hint of criticism or discomfort. Ethan still has trouble being confident in his appearance and believing that he is good enough.
He is quite guarded about his flaws and past so he clams up if anyone asks. He thinks that if he tells anyone his fears that he'll be burdening them so he prefers to keep all his feelings bottled up inside.
Occupation: he's currently a paid intern at an investment company and volunteers at an animal shelter
Likes: baking, chocolate, sweets, flowers, getting gifts, his current self, feeling confident, animals, romance novels, cheesy movies, trying new foods
Dislikes: his past self, bullying, feeling self conscious, being insecure, horror movies, being teased, his high school years, criticism
Flaws: he's extremely insecure about his appearance, has self confidence issues, doesn't take criticism well, socially awkward, and has trouble communicating about his feelings because he keeps them bottled up inside
Backstory: When Ethan was in elementary school, he was a chubby and short kid. The other children bullied him for his looks and due to his shy personality, he never stood up for himself. In high school, the bullying got worse. A specific group of boys from his elementary school would physically bully him, doing things such as shoving him around and dumping his bag into a toilet. It didn't help that they taunted him about his squeaky voice and short stature due to him being a late bloomer. Ethan didn't have any close friends and no girls would even think about giving him a second glance so he threw himself into his studies. During university, he set a goal to change himself and started working out to get physically fit. He had grown taller and shed his shy and quiet personality. However, he was still wrapped up in his studies and had no time for dating and the such. All his hard work paid off when he landed a pain internship in a major company.
Why he's entering: to lose his virginity
- he's a total foodie and loves trying new foods but has to watch what he eats because he's afraid he'll gain weight
- he adopted a beagle named Benji
- baking is a hobby of his
Password: a star gazing date
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