Are You Okay?
That's the first time someone asked me that question
And I felt like answering
I feel comfortable to say
That my head swirls in and around itself
Squeezing in on every thought
For what feels like hours
Summoning whispers that aren't there
Turning the light cold
And the darkness of my room into the only safe space
I have left
Turning pain into a rarity
So scarce you see
That I yearn for it
As a break from the apathy
Swinging in pendulum fashion
From atmospheric highs
To hellish lows
Faster and faster
Over and over
'til I fear I may hurt you
So quiet I stay
And pose happy smiles
Like the morbid statues of Pompeii
Uncomfortable yet permanent
I fear that you will watch cascade down
And realize you don't want to put up with it
So ask if I'm okay
I probably won't tell the truth
But I do so wish I did
Because you make me want to be honest
Even if I'm scared that honesty
Won't turn out the way I wish
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