Clarisse stared at Percy in dismay. Well, correction- she stared at where Percy was almost four hours ago. She still did not quite grasp the meaning of Percy's words. Percy had left Sam and Michael in charge of watching her so no Hermes campers would take advantage of her shock. The Stolls may have learned their lesson, but the rest of their siblings have yet to learn it.
Fortunately, she finally came around near dinner time. The perfect time to introduce the new leader of the camp to those who had not been there.
The announcement turned out fine, everyone was relieved to be rid of the power hungry demigods. The only problem was Clarisse. She was trying to protest. That was annoying because she knew Percy was not going to move in his decision yet she protested anyways. Eventually Michael managed to convince her of that and she shut up, saving Percy of a headache. Fortunately, no one else was against it and welcomed the change with cheers and a very large campfire.
As Percy started to leave to go to bed, he was stopped by Luke. "Where are you going, Percy?" He asked. "We're celebrating! Annabeth and Leif are finally gone!"
Percy smirked, Leo had obviously smuggled some skittles into the camp and Luke found them. That on top of the soda that was smuggled in, Luke was hyped up on sugar. "I think I'll pass," he told the hyper son of Hermes. "I'm still harbor I got angry feelings from earlier."
Luke shrugged. "Suit yourself," he said, taking another drink.
Percy shook his head. Luke got like this every single time there was a celebration of any kind and Percy always avoided them. Luke never stopped asking but Percy always answered with generally the same answer.
Percy left the camp fire, leaving the karaoke playing demigods to sing "Let it go" and made his way to his tent. One there, he looked around his room, he did not get much of a chance to look at it yet.
The bed stood off to the left, out of the way of the little sitting area that took up most of the room. A lamp was in between the bed and the nightstand and another was in between two armchairs in the sitting area.
The former demigod sighed as he plopped down on the bed, arms out and his wings in plain sight. His hair, which had grown longer, had flopped in his face as he fell on the bed and he made no motion to move it. He did not feel like doing anything, the stress of the war and being back in camp was tiring him out. Percy was exhausted. There was no way he was going to leave his tent until afternoon the next day.
Luke, you're in charge of training tomorrow, he mentally told him. Hopefully he wasn't too hyped up on sugar as to forget the next day.
With out any further thought, Percy went into the meditation state he always went into since he became a god to rest.
Almost immediately, his mind led his subconscious off of Earth and into the heavens. The stars seemed to rush at him, only to fly right past him. The image reminded him of the hyper speed in Star Wars. Suddenly it stopped and Percy was left staring at Chaos, sho was wearing a tuxedo and a galaxy bow tie next to a man with skin as dark as dark chocolate wearing black robes and armor. Percy would have said he was Hades if it were not for the pure white hair on top of his head. Also the fact that there were not tormented souls on his robes was a give away as well.
Percy stared at the man, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Who are you?"
Chaos opened his mouth as if to say something then closed it and shook his head instead. He put his head in his hands to hide his embarrassment.
"What?" Percy asked, looking from Chaos to the white haired man in confusion.
The white haired man laughed. "I am your grand father of course," he said with a questioning look at Chaos who shook his head.
Percy frowned, as far as he knew, Kronos was his grandfather, not this guy. He opened his mouth to ask something then closed it. He wasn't sure how to ask it.
"You see young man," the man continued, "Poseidon is not your real father, he was asked by Chaos here to watch over you when you were a baby, seeing as he was the kindest god at the time."
"Biggest mistake of my life," Chaos muttered. "A better choice would have been Hades for all that sea god had done to you."
"Peace, Chaos," the man said. "There's nothing you can do about it now." Looking at Percy, he watched as Percy's confused look grew even more confused.
"But if Poseidon is not my dad, who is? And why did Chaos give me to Poseidon?" Percy asked.
Chaos looked at Percy, an expectant look on his face, as if he expected Percy to figure it out. He sighed, who was he kidding? He couldn't figure it out without help. "Me, Percy," Chaos and the man watched in amusement as Percy's face lit up in understanding. "I took you to the idiotic sea god to protect you from your older siblings," he continued. "You were the 'runt of the liter' as they say, weaker than the others and I feared they would take advantage of that so I sent you with my great grandson."
"Then that means," Percy started, wide eyed. "Poseidon is my grandnephew!"
"So you are not at all shocked about being my son?" Chaos asked incredulously.
Percy did not answer right away. He stared at Chaos, thinking carefully. "It would explain a lot," he finally said, still thinking.
"Like what?" The man asked, curious.
"Percy looked at Chaos. "It would explain why you did not kill me when I first woke up 'dead' and after not respecting you like you would expect a regular mortal to act in front of one of the more powerful beings on Earth. And not true father would willingly leave his son to die like that inside and do nothing about it."
Chaos went red for reasons unknown to Percy and the white haired man smiled in amusement.
Percy then turned to the white haired man and said, "You have not answered my question."
"Ah, yes," the man said, "Forgive me, I am Chaos' father, he calls me Void for I had no one to name me when I came into existence and I rule over the afterlife for immortals that is named after me. I chose whether they get eternal punishment or paradise."
Percy nodded his head. That was cool, he didn't know there was a place immortals went after they faded. "Is Pan okay?" He asked.
Void looked at him is surprise. "What?" He asked as he glanced at Chaos who now looked proud.
"Pan," Percy said in a matter of fact tone, "Grover will want to know he is okay."
Void smiled fist at Chaos then at Percy. "He is fine, Percy," he said, "You tell your friend that he received the best afterlife an immortal could get. Albeit it is not so much an afterlife as a retirement since they can go back anytime they want. Might be best not to tell Grover that."
Percy nodded, if Grover was told that, he would be hurt that Pan left him alone to deal with the Council of Elders by himself.
"So what am I doing here?" Percy asked.
"You are here to receive your full inheritance as the youngest son of Chaos," Void said it like it should have been obvious.
Percy bobbed his head. "Right, should have known that," he said.
Chaos rolled his eyes. "Percy, I know you are smarter than that, you do not need to hide it in front of me."
Percy looked down, no one had ever caught him in that, he would always just watch as they mistakenly took his actions as proof he was not as smart as he really was. This frustrated Percy sometimes, especially when people commented on how he was smarter than he looked but then the next second would roll their eyes at some stupid comment he made. And do not even get him started on Gabe.
"Son, you will not be ridiculed like that with me," Chaos said, making his way over to embrace Percy, "That despicable man should not have been allowed anywhere near you."
"Are you ready?" Void asked once their moment was over. Percy nodded as Void continued. "You must understand, Percy, that you are a god now and will be receiving the power of a primordial and my blessing so you will be almost as powerful as tartarus and your other siblings. The only deciding factor will be revealed after you get used to your power."
Percy nodded. He suspected something like that.
Without further ado, Void walked forward and placed a hand on Percy's forehead.
In the next second, Percy felt stronger and even more capable of doing things than ever before. he had braced himself for any pain of the power flowing into his veins but was surprised when it felt like dipping into a spa with the perfect temperature or when you step into the sun on a cold winter day.
"Oh," Percy said, "that feels good, like I got something back that I did not know I was even missing."
Chaos smiled as Void announced, "Welcome back, Perseus, primordial of the Hunt, Loyalty, Demigods, Battle and heir to the throne of the Primordial Council."
Percy rose his eyebrows. It seemed he gained some domains. Wait. "Heir to the throne of the Primordial Council?" Percy inquired. "But-"
"The throne was to go to the person who fit the role the best as a ruler," Void said. "I am ready to step down from the throne when ever you are ready to take over. The rest of the council already knows this so you don't have to worry about that."
Percy opened his mouth, ready to protest but closed his mouth, he figured it would be pointless; he was related to these people after all.
- - - - -
Back at the camp in his tent, he woke up to the sound of screaming. He rushed out, ready to fight what ever had decided to attack the camp, his newly attained power rolling off him in waves.
However, what he saw was not expected.
It was already the next day and late afternoon. Campers were running in the direction of the arena and strapping their weapons on as they went. This is what Percy expected. The only thing he did not expect was for half of them to be smiling widely.
It was only then that Percy realized that the scream had not stopped since he woke up. It was an ongoing thing and it was grating on Percy's nerves. He cooled down a bit, now that he saw that there was no immediate threat. The next camper he saw, he stopped.
"What is going on, Max?" He asked, using his powers over the demigods to figure out her name.
"Lord Ariston, the gods are here!" Max said excitedly. He was nearly jumping in excitement.
"Who is screaming?" Percy asked.
Max's smile grew. "Oh, that," he said, "Lady Aphrodite just heard about a new couple in camp."
Percy smirked. Of course. "Thank you Max," he said.
Five minutes later at the arena, Percy took stalk of the situation. Each god and goddess was with their children and catching up. Some were even sparring and training. Poseidon stood off to the side awkwardly, not knowing what to do since he had no children. Artemis was with her huntresses and Hera was with Jason, Thalia and Zeus. They looked like a normal family; laughing and making fun of each other.
"The Olympians have decreed that they would be joining the fight," Luke said, staring at the scene along with Percy.
"Good," Percy said, not looking away.
"What if they let their emotions and grudges keep them from working together?" Leo asked. "They would not be working as the well oiled machine they should be."
"They could ruin any plans we make just by ignoring each other as they fight," Sam said, adding onto what Leo said.
"If they do that we might as well forget trying to save the world," Percy said. "They cannot let their past get in the way of the war against Tartarus."
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