"Jimin...what are you..." Yoongi swallowed hard as he stared him down. He didn't want to make it so obvious, but having him here without a shirt was hard not to look.
"I'm back baby."
"You know? Like the terminator movie?" Jimin asked.
"Umm, no that's not what he says."
"I'm pretty fucking sure that's what he says. Also, Kai has some really good whiskey. Want to try?" Jimin told taking a sip from a glass cup.
"No, he says 'I'll be back baby'. Not 'I'm back baby'." Yoongi clarified.
Jimin rolled his eyes, "Fucking shit, Yoongi. I'm trying to be sexy here and you're correcting me on a movie I haven't even seen?"
Yoongi blinked nervously. He could feel his body get hot. He thought that maybe if he distracted himself from Jimin being shirtless he wouldn't get a random boner.
"Well...well why did you even try to quote a movie that you haven't seen before?"
"Because I saw it on a meme." He replied annoyed. Was this really the topic of the conversation?
"Maybe you should look at your meme sources because they're not very accurate."
"I just remember seeing it...ugh," he groaned putting the cup down on a counter and walking to him. "Is this all you're going to say?" He added a bit deflated.
Yoongi could hear his heartbeat in his ears and the blood rushing to the area in his pants. "Put your shirt back on please."
"But why? We can have so much more fun without it on." He teased.
"P-put it on or-or-"
"Or what? What are you going to do? Punish me?" He smiled wickedly.
"Uhhh...no. I'm going to eat it."
"My ass?"
"No, no, the shirt. I'm going to eat the shirt."
Jimin raised an eyebrow with a chuckle, "You're going to eat my shirt?"
"Yep. Eat your fucking shirt."
"Jokes on you because I'm into shirt eaters. It's a kink of mine."
Yoongi blushes stepping back. He took a deep breath and changed the topic. "I...what do you need to talk about?"
Jimin rolled his eyes yet again, "Really? So I need to take off my pants as well to get your atten-?"
"No! No! Keep-keep those on. Please. Keep them on." He said nervously.
Jimin sighed disappointed and walked over to pick up his shirt from the bed. "I wanted to surprise you."
"You're clearly drunk." Yoongi quietly said.
"Just a bit tipsy. I should've made out with that guy."
"Actually, I did make out with a guy before you came in. We were going to have sex." Jimin said dropping his shirt to face him.
Yoongi clicked his tongue slightly angry. Don't let it get to you. He thought, but the scenario of Jimin making out with another person boiled his blood.
"Cool. If all you wanted to do was brag about possibly getting pneumonia from kissing him then congrats." Yoongi told trying time walk out.
Jimin got in front of him holding his forearm. Yoongi looked down at his hand and then up at him. It felt like it had been forever since they had touched.
"Is it true? Can you truly get pneumonia from kissing someone?"
Yoongi nodded and Jimin only became more concerned. In reality Jimin didn't even know what pneumonia truly was. It sounded serious though.
"Okay, no, I'm kidding. I-I actually don't think that's possible." He mumbled looking down.
"Why did you say it then? Don't scare me like that!" He said playfully smacking him.
Yoongi bit the inside of his lip. He could've kept walking by and he needed to. He just didn't want to.
"You didn't even say nothing about my nipple piercings." Jimin whispered leaning closer.
Yoongi's eyes immediately went to his chest. Of course he had noticed them. How could he not when they were so evident?
"Do you like them? I got them done not too long ago. Along with this other chest tattoo. I tend to get piercings and tattoos for relaxation purposes. It's quite soothing."
Yoongi cleared his throat unable to answer. He felt so tongue tied at the moment. Jimin kept leaning closer until he could feel his body heat.
"They're not sore anymore. You can touch. I know you want to."
Yoongi felt so small compared to him. Jimin had said that with a straight face and that was far more intimidating than him saying it with a smirk or a laugh.
"I...I don't want to." He lied.
Jimin glanced down at his crotch area, "Your boner says otherwise."
Yoongi closed his eyes attempting to bring his erection down. But the fact that Jimin pointed it out only made it worse.
"Do you remember that night we ran away from that dinner?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi reopened his eyes to meet his. "Yes."
"I lost my shoes on purpose. I wanted you to carry me and make out with me. Have you noticed I don't have shoes on right now either?" Jimin said as he leaned over towards him.
Yoongi instantly stopped the kiss by pressing two of his fingers against his lips. "Don't." He whispered slowly.
Jimin felt his heart sink as he lightly pecked his fingers. "You really don't like me anymore do you?" He replied with tears brimming his eyes.
Yoongi brought his hand from away from his mouth, "I don't like you. I love you and you know it."
Jimin swallowed the lump on his throat stepping back, "You're a liar. If you love me why were you kissing that pretty brunette?"
He asked wiping his tears with the back of his hand.
Yoongi held his breath and felt his chest hurt a little. Jimin looked like a desperate little kid who had just gotten scolded and needed loving.
"That was...forget it." He wanted to explain everything. Tell him that he had been sitting on his couch for weeks tormenting himself with what could've been different.
"See! You don't care! You're just like everyone in my life. You don't care."
Yoongi shook his head pointing his shaky finger at him, "You know that's a damn lie,"
He choked.
"Is it?"
"Yes, because I have been trying to be with you and you keep pushing me away. I can't be your lover only on certain days. I'm a person too. I'm hurting too. I want to keep fighting and trying, but it's destroying me as well. It's not healthy for me. These days without you have never felt so long, but you know what? I realized that I'm stronger than I thought I was. I realized that I can live without you."
Jimin suddenly felt like his throat was closing. The sweat started forming underneath his arms, his knees were trembling, and his extremities were tingling.
That's exactly what he was feeling. To know that Yoongi was walking out of his life gave him panic.
He immediately hugged him and buried his face against his neck. Yoongi's immediate instinct was to hug him back.
"Don't leave me please. Don't." He pleaded.
"I don't know what you want from me, Jimin. I've tried and we're getting nowhere. You keep hurting me. I feel like you're always ahead of me and I'm the lost puppy behind you. I don't want to give up...but..." Yoongi's voice trailed off. He couldn't keep talking or else he would cry too and it would only make it harder.
Jimin kept weeping his sadness slowly turning to anger. Maybe it was the alcohol. Or the shitty night that he had been through.
He pulled away angry wiping his face. "You know what? I'm not begging you to stay either way. Go make out with that girl. I don't care. Walk away. I don't care. I'm going to have the best fucking time of my life without you. I'm super happy. Can't you see? I'm drunk, I'm going to be twenty-three in a couple of months, and-and I have all those people that rent my company. It's great. It's truly great."
Yoongi looked down pressing his hand against his eyes. His crying was silent compared to, Jimin's. It hurt to see him like this. It physically hurt.
Jimin walked to the counter where the open whiskey bottle was. He opened it up and chugged a big gulp. He didn't even care about serving it in a cup.
"Jimin, I think you should stop drinking. Come on. Let's get you dressed. I can take you home." Yoongi softly said approaching him. He reached over to grab his arm and Jimin pulled away harshly.
"Leave. Isn't that what you were about to do anyways? Go! I don't want you here. Let me get drunk so I forget all of this bullshit talk we had. I just wanted to fuck you in all honesty. Is it my fault that I don't want a relationship with you? I just want you to be there for me and give me good sex. That's all I wanted from the start. You think you're perfect and that you have your shit together well you don't. You're not even brave enough to tell your father you don't want to work for him. You're living in a lie. Your whole life is a fucking lie. Now go on downstairs and have sex with your rebound. I will be up here celebrating that you're out of my life."
Yoongi's chin quivered. He knew Jimin was only saying this because he was hurt, but this didn't stop his heart from crumpling to pieces.
Jimin walked over to the empty bed and laid down his body facing the wall away from, Yoongi. He gave up on drinking. He didn't feel like it no more.
He just wanted to cry because he was angry at himself for hurting, Yoongi. The way Jimin saw it relationships were like a balance scale.
Both sides had to be equal in order to maintain happiness and peace. And when his side of the weights tipped, Jimin lost control and wanted to bring the other side down too.
That's why he wasn't good at love. He was vengeful and resentful. The only thing Jimin knew what to do when he was lonely and sad was to hurt those around him as much as he was hurting.
Yoongi watched his body slightly shake from the weeping. He waited and waited until he didn't see him move anymore.
Then, he approached him to find him sleeping. There were dry tears stained on his cheek. Yoongi laid next to him and gently kissed his cheek.
Then he wrapped his body around Jimin's to spoon him in. He could've left, but he didn't want to.
Even if he wanted to get off from the hurting he couldn't. Jimin's hurting was also his own. That's what love was about.
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