"Jungkook are you taking a shit or something?" Yoongi asked through the closed door.
Jungkook groaned and Yoongi wrinkled his nose. "Gross. You are, aren't you?"
"No, I'm doing something else."
"Are you jacking off? Okay, you know what? Let me come back later."
"No, fuck Yoongi, I'm not doing that either."
"Then why you grunting and shit?"
"Because I'm trying to take this shit off my hair. Ugh."
"Did you listen to my question or no?"
"Can you wait until I'm finished?"
"Fuck no. I need to speak to you. You need to listen to me. I'm your hyung."
Jungkook rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Okay. Yeah. But when you're in the bathroom no one can bother you. Not even dad."
"That's different. So? Are you going to answer or no?"
"Can you repeat the question?" He asked turning off the sink water. Yoongi leaned closer to the door so he could be louder.
"Have you talked to, Jimin?"
"Oh, no not really."
Yoongi sighed relieved. That meant that he wasn't ignoring his messages. He was also stalking his page nonstop to see any new post and to see when he was last active which he had been since their last conversation.
Maybe he logged in my accident. He would tell himself because thinking that Jimin possibly didn't want to speak to him hurt.
"Actually, I talked to him yesterday."
"Yesterday?" He shrieked a bit panicked. Jimin hadn't read his message in almost four days, but he has talking to Jungkook?
"Yeah. He's going to that party today."
"Kai's party?"
"Uh, yeah."
"But...well did he mention me?"
"Unmm. Yeah, he asked if you were going."
Yoongi frowned, "I know you're fucking lying to me. I hear it in your tone of voice."
Jungkook finally opened the door. He had a black towel on his head and was also shirtless. "Okay, sorry. He didn't really mention you."
"Hmm," Yoongi replied upset.
"You can come with me to the party. Jin is also going. We can all hang out."
"I don't think I want to go."
Jungkook walked to his drawer, "Come on. It'll be fun. Don't mind Jimin he can get in his feels sometimes."
"Well he needs to get the fuck off his feels because I didn't do—what is that? Are you okay?" Yoongi screamed.
"What?" He wondered casually turning around.
"There's like red stuff dripping from your head." He told walking closer towards him.
"Ah. Right. So, I did something." Jungkook grinned removing the towel from his hair and exposing the new hair color.
"What the fuck?" Yoongi asked astonished.
"Jin taught me how to dye it."
"Why did you dye it red? That's like random as shit."
Jungkook shrugged with a smile, "Don't know. Come on let's go to the party. Taehyung will be there as well."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "No thank you. I don't need to third wheel. Your friend will be there with his boyfriend and you will be there with Taehyung and I'm just going to be that one loser."
"What about Jeongyeon? Invite her."
"Umm, no. I kind of can't. She's hanging out with your tutor."
"My tutor? I have a tutor?"
"Don't even say you didn't know. You know dad hired her to tutor you and you've been avoiding her."
"Bleh. Whatever. Come on let's go. Jimin will be there too."
Yoongi shrugged. Jungkook pouted like a baby, "Please. It'll be fun." He insisted.
"It'll be fun you said." Yoongi scowled crossing his arms.
"Yoongi. We haven't even gone in yet." Jungkook responded shaking his head. They were currently outside leaning against his car while waiting for Taehyung to show up.
"I don't even—"
"Shh! Here comes Taehyung. Be cool."
"The Min brothers. Hey. Is this was being rich consist of? Parties?" Taehyung joked with a bright grin.
Jungkook laughed hysterically while Yoongi looked at him confused. Jungkook noticed Yoongi's stare and he slowly quiet down.
"No we also do other stuff." Jungkook added.
"Cool. So are we going inside or what?"
"Yeah, yeah. Let me just get something from the car really quick." He said opening the car door.
Taehyung glanced in Yoongi's direction. "I guess you're not interested in my services anymore?"
"Oh, uh," he replied embarrassed.
"It's fine. At least your brother remains interested."
Yoongi blushed lightly and he turned his gaze away from him. "Okay, we're good." Jungkook said with a bright grin.
They walked towards the door and then they both turned to look at, Yoongi. "What?" He wondered.
"Well, he's your friend. You need to go in first."
He sighed and knocked on the door suddenly regretting it. Fuck sakes, Yoongi. They won't hear that shit. It's a party with music.
Jungkook and Taehyung snickered as Yoongi opened the door. He was glad it was dark inside so they wouldn't see how embarrassed he was.
"There's Jin over there! Let's go sit with him." Jungkook screamed over the music.
Yoongi wasn't paying much attention. In reality, he was only looking for Jimin. "Hey, come on." Jungkook said grabbing his hand and leading him to them.
"Hi! How are you? This is Taehyung and you know my brother, Yoongi."
"Hey!" Jin and Hoseok both responded in sync. They were sitting literally in the center of living room in a couch.
Yoongi indecisively waved and sat down next to Jungkook. He wasn't much of a people person so to have so many strangers around him dancing, smoking, drinking and making out triggered his anxiety.
"Do you guys want something to drink? I'm heading to the kitchen to get something." Hoseok asked.
"A vodka for me and Yoongi. What about you?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who sat on his right side.
"I've got my water bottle." He said with a smile holding it up.
"I think they also have champagne." He said remembering that Taehyung had drunk a sip or two the other day.
"I don't really like alcohol so I don't drink it either."
"But the other time..."
"That was an exception." He grinned.
Jungkook timidly smiled and Yoongi turned the opposite way. He couldn't really hear what was being said, but he knew he was third wheeling hard core.
"Did you see Kai's cake? It's huge!" Jin said.
"I haven't seen it. I bet it is. He always goes all out for parties."
"What is he celebrating again?" Taehyung wondered.
Jin shrugged, "No fucking clue. I guess it's the fact that spring is here?"
Once again Yoongi dose off looking around the dancing crowd. There was so many people it was hard to concentrate on a face.
The flickering lights also irritated his eyes and it was hard to see. At one point the light machine shined right on his eyes so he squinted aggravated.
When he reopened them there he was. Jimin himself in the middle of the crowd laughing with a cup at hand.
It seemed like the light was now focusing on only Jimin. Yoongi felt star struck. All the mixed emotions he had been feeling for being ignored seemed to disappear at that instant.
Jimin didn't noticed Yoongi sitting in the couch. He walked towards the stairs while drinking whatever was in the cup.
"Hey. I'll be right back." He nudged Jungkook. "Huh? Okay." He said not really processing what was said.
Meanwhile, Hoseok was entering the kitchen which seemed to be packed with drunkies. A boy walking out bumped into him and he sighed annoyed.
"Watch were you're going. Thank you." He said.
When he turned around he spotted a familiar figure in the corner which happened to be Namjoon. He quickly looked away and stared at the shut cabinet.
Hoseok walked towards him ready to give him a piece of his mind. He poked his side harshly to make him turn around.
Namjoon giggled unable to contain the laughter from being poked. He covered his mouth both embarrassed and scared.
"I did that to hurt you." Hoseok stated.
Namjoon blinked fast his face turning red. "I-that didn't hurt too much. Maybe try kicking my shin or something?" He suggested whispering.
Hoseok kept a straight face for two seconds, but then broke into a smile. "I want you to know that I'm very angry at you and although I smiled that does not mean I'm not angry."
Namjoon nibbled the inside of his lip, "Yeah. I know." He quietly responded.
"You're the one that's trying to steal my man huh?"
Namjoon bit his lip harder until he tasted blood. He never thought that he would be in this situation and he hated being put on the spot.
"Not only did you walk on us having sex but then you also showed up at the date thing?"
Namjoon kept quiet. His palms were now sweating. Was Hoseok about to beat his ass? I mean, sure, Namjoon was taller and that was about all the advantage he had.
Hoseok was built. He was strong and determined. If he wanted to he would knock him out without a doubt.
"I know Jin did wrong for renting your services. I'm just upset at the fact that you knew he had a boyfriend and you still went."
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
Hoseok reached towards his face and Namjoon closed his eyes waiting for the punch. He relaxed when Hoseok only softly brushed over his cheek.
"You had an eyelash and it was bothering me." He told once Namjoon reopened his eyes.
"Sorry." He apologized again.
"You know what this means? You have to make a wish and then blow the eyelash away."
"Can-can I wish to not get my ass whopped?" He whispered.
Hoseok grinned, "Maybe."
Namjoon blew the eyelash and Hoseok put his arm down. "I'm going to be honest. I wanted to beat your ass after what happened. I also wanted to beat Jin's ass but it seems like I can't do either."
"I really didn't mean to hurt you. I shouldn't have accepted. I just..."
"Do you like my boyfriend?"
Namjoon turned bright red and he swallowed nervously. Hoseok titled his head with a small sigh.
"I will take that as a yes."
"I-I don't know what's wrong with me. I usually don't like people that are in relationships. I'm-I'm not that type of person. I know you probably don't believe me."
"I believe you."
"You do?" He asked astonished.
"Yeah. I don't know. The way you carry yourself. I can tell you're honest. I'm probably fucking myself over because you clearly like my boyfriend. You might take him away from me."
"He wouldn't leave you. He told me he loved you and I know he's telling the truth. When he speaks about you his eyes light up and they sparkle in such a beautiful way."
Hoseok laughed making Namjoon's tummy to squirm. And he swore he saw the sun itself because Hoseok's smile was that.
The fucking sun.
It was bright. It gave light. It gave life.
Namjoon had so many feelings at the moment. How was it possible to feel the same feeling for two different people?
"Tell me a song that you like." Hoseok said.
"Huh?" He replied confused.
"I need you to answer this. It will help with my confusion I assure you."
"Uhh. Well, I like a lot of songs. I like any genre really. I lean more towards hip-hop, but lately I've been in my feels a little bit. So, I've been sort of listening to—"
"Namjoon," Hoseok softly said.
He froze. Hearing Hoseok say his name was mesmerizing. "Whats a song that you like?" He repeated.
"Best friend by Rex Orange County."
"Holy shit. It's like the universe doesn't want me to hate you. How can I when you have such a lovely taste in music?" Hoseok asked.
"Do you-do you know the song?"
"Of course."
"By the way, if you dislike me I understand. You don't have to feel bad about it." He said fidgeting with his hands.
"I've tried trust me. I even followed you on Instagram and stalked you. While ago when I saw you in person I was decided to give you a piece of my mind. But then you turned around with a shy laugh and I looked you in eye. My anger vanished and it was replaced with... I don't know. A soft feeling? I'm probably not making any sense right now. And yeah you like my boyfriend, but then again who doesn't like Jin?"
Namjoon smiled sheepishly looking down at his shoes. "Were you hoping to see him today?" He added.
"Mhm," Namjoon said nodding, then he looked up to see Hoseok. "But, I'm really glad I saw you too." He whispered. He hoped that the comment didn't make Hoseok uncomfortable.
"I'm glad I saw you twoZl
For a brief second they forgot about the party. Though loud music was playing they both tuned it out.
They were both thinking of the same song while smiling at each other. And it felt fucking great.
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