Yoongi yawned walking out his room. His phone vibrated in his pocket so he took it out to be met by a text from his father.
Don't forget we have new auditions tomorrow. Don't be late.
He rolled his eyes and locked his phone back up heading downstairs. When he was on the second step he regretted not taking the elevator.
He finally made it to the kitchen slightly panting. Jungkook sat in a stool eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
"Why're you so happy?" Yoongi wondered dragging himself to the stool next to him.
"Shit, I can't be happy?" Jungkook responded.
"I mean you can, but why are you?" He asked taking his sandwich from his hands.
"Fuck, you can't even make your own?"
"Why are you waking up until now? Do you know the time? It's six thirty one,"
"Uh huh so?" Yoongi wondered taking another bite.
"In the fucking afternoon, Yoongi."
"Oh shit, for real? No wonder I'm so grumpy. I need to wake up until noon tomorrow. Alright I'ma head out. Let me go back to bed." He told hoping off the stool and walking towards the door.
"Why don't you invite your friend over?" Jungkook asked.
Yoongi turned to face him with a confused expression, "My friend?"
"Yeah, Taehyung,"
"Taeh...oh, yeah, him. Nah, I think he might be busy."
"Because he's an escort?"
"You know about that?" Yoongi whispered scratching the back of his head awkwardly.
"I mean yeah. He's pretty famous as an escort. I actually talked to him the other night."
"Oh okay," he said still confused. He hadn't really talked to Jeongyeon about that night yet.
"He told me you two were friends and stuff. He came looking for your. Where we're you that night anyways?"
"Hanging out with Jeongyeon."
"She was here too."
"Shit, I meant Joe."
"Who the fuck is Joe?"
"Well, he's a friend." He slowly replied.
"How come you've never—"
"The point is he's this old friend, well he's not old but he's an old school friend."
Jungkook nodded with a smirk, "Okay."
"Are you calling me a liar?"
"What the fuck? All I said was okay."
"Yeah, but you've got that little smirk on your face like you're mocking me."
"Why don't you just tell me the truth?" Jungkook wondered.
"What truth?" He asked feeling his heart race.
"Jimin told me you rented him for a night."
Yoongi simply stared at Jungkook wanting to deny it, but could he really? Jimin had already told him so what was the point in that?
"Do you like him?" Was all he could ask.
"Of course I do. He's my friend." Jungkook answered.
"No, I mean do you like him as a partner." His voice was a bit shaky and he could feel the sweat forming under his arms.
All he wanted to hear was Jungkook say no. Because if he did like him then he had no chance with Jimin whatsoever.
"No. The real question here is do you like him?"
Yoongi gulped nervously. How stupid would he sound if he said yes and Jimin needed up not liking him back?
"Or do you want to tell him yourself when he comes back?
"Comes back from where?"
"He went to dads cabinet shit to get wine. I invited him over. Did I forget to mention?"
Yoongi instantly felt himself panic. Jimin was here and he looked like shit. "Where are you going?" Jungkook screamed as he ran out of the kitchen towards the elevator.
His chest was tightening a little and the thoughts in his mind were racing times a million. It felt like there wasn't enough air to breathe.
Is this what an anxiety attack felt like?
When the door opened he ran to his room to close himself in a safe space that seemed to make his worries disappear.
After pacing around the room he took off his hoodie and sweatpants to change into regular clothes.
If he was going to see Jimin he was not going to look like a slob. Was he a slob? Most definitely, but he couldn't look like one.
He brushed his teeth and semi combed his hair. Looking at himself in the mirror he sighed disappointed.
In his eyes he would never be enough for Jimin. Could he ever even compare to his toxic ex that clearly made a huge impact in his life?
So instead of heading downstairs like he originally planned too, he sat down on his bed overthinking everything.
Yoongi got out of bed at around eleven forty. He hadn't heard Jungkook come upstairs. He had been trying to stay in the room, but he had ran out of junk food so now he was forced to go downstairs.
Not that he also wanted to see if Jimin was still around. His hands were sweaty so he wiped them on the side of his pants.
As much as he hated taking the stairs he decided to do so to take longer. Everything around him was dark except a light coming through the living room.
There was some music playing and he couldn't help to walk towards it. Jungkook was sleeping on the couch while Jimin was simply staring at a wall with a wine cup at hand.
He wore a loose white t-shirt and blue jeans with black boots. He wasn't in his usual clothes yet he still managed to look angelic.
"Mingyu?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi groaned irritated until Jimin broke into a laugh. "Kidding. Are you just going to stare at me you creep?" He spoke.
Yoongi's eyes widen. Had he honestly made it that obvious? "I wasn't staring." He responded a little too quick.
Jimin chuckled and pointed to a picture frame in front of him. "This picture frame gives me a wonderful reflection of you back there." He told turning to finally face him.
"I was just walking by, okay? Don't flatter yourself too much."
Jimin rolled his eyes, "Yeah, okay. Where were you the whole afternoon?"
Yoongi gulped, he cares about me. Was the first thought that came into mind. If he didn't he wouldn't have asked, right?
"In my room just chilling. I'm actually about to go to bed."
"Uh huh. You're going to bed with a turtle neck and jeans?" He snickered.
Yoongi looked down at his outfit suddenly realizing he never changed back to his other set of clothes.
"Fuck yeah. My neck gets cold." He said trying to play it cool.
Jimin smiled handing him his cup. Yoongi walked towards him and took it from his hand. "Drink with me." He quietly said.
Yoongi simply nodded and took a sip. Once again, Jimin was wearing the necklace with the ring.
"You must really like my ring or my chest. One or the other." He smirked.
"Sorry." Yoongi apologized for making it too obvious.
Jimin walked to the couch in front of where Jungkook was soundly asleep and took a seat. Yoongi followed him and plopped next to him.
"Jungkook is still a baby. Look at him." He stated.
Yoongi smiled, "Yeah, he is."
"He's really lucky you know? To be adopted by your parents and to be treated like a part of your family."
"He is part of our family regardless if he's adopted or not."
"I know. He's told me how perfect it all is." He mumbled.
Yoongi was now looking at Jimin who kept staring at Jungkook is such desperation. His eyes were troubled and for a brief second he looked sad.
"Are you okay?"
Jimin smiled weakly and nodded, "Sure am."
They remained in silence for a few minutes. The silence surrounding them started to feel heavy.
Yoongi wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how. He was afraid of making Jimin uncomfortable or upset for bringing something sensitive up.
Jimin reached over to take the cup from his hand and he chugged down the remaining liquor.
"I hate this ring," he said as he ran his fingers through it.
"Because it belonged to a shitty person that doesn't deserve me thinking about him."
Maybe it was his ex?
"My mother gave it to me when I was six. She said it belonged to my father. I don't know. I never even met him. She told me that he was this doctor that went around the world and helped save people. I always wondered why he didn't come and save me too. Then I guess she got tired of telling me stories and dealing with me so she also had to leave too. I don't even know why I'm telling you this."
"I'm sorry," he softly said. "You didn't deserve that. No one does."
"Eh, I just hate it because I don't like the way that I am. Can you imagine carrying a weight on your shoulders because you don't like yourself?" He scoffed with tears brimming his eyes.
" And I want to blame it on him and on her, but I just think it was meant to be this way. I guess I needed to be that fucked up part of humanity to make the rest seem good." He laughed.
Yoongi shook his head quickly,"No. I like the way you are and what your parents did was fucked up. It's not your fault that they did that. It was just them being selfish. Some people aren't meant to be parents."
Jimin took off the chain with the ring and gave it to Yoongi. "Maybe you should keep it since you like it so much."
"What? No. I can't keep it—"
"I don't want to keep looking at it as a reminder of my past live. I can't bring myself to throw it away. I would rather you keep it. Plus, my mother gave it to me saying that I was good and kind. I think you are good and kind. It's only fair someone like you keeps it."
Yoongi looked at the ring and then quickly removed one of his own to give it to him. "You do realize my ring is not worth half as much as yours right?" He asked.
"I don't care. I want you to keep mine as a reminder that you are good because I see it."
Jimin looked at his ring and couldn't respond. "Please?" Yoongi whispered.
"Okay." Jimin said quietly.
Yoongi reached for his ring and their hands touched for a split second making butterflies form in his chest.
He put Yoongi's ring around his chain and then around his neck once again. And Yoongi put his ring on his ring finger.
Jimin was blankly looking ahead and his eyes slowly started to close. He's still a baby. Yoongi got up and set a pillow down for him.
After that he went to his room to grab two blankets. One for Jungkook and one for Jimin. As he was covering Jimin he couldn't help to stop and caress his face slowly.
Yoongi didn't knew how to explain it, but he could see how much Jimin was trying to be better regardless of his painful past.
Even though they broke his wings he kept flying.
How beautiful was that?
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