Namjoon walked through the dancing crowd attempting to look for his companion. He had lost him and at the moment and suddenly became anxious being in a room full of strangers.
When he spotted the door he immediately walked out in hopes that he could find the car he had seen his date get out of.
He thought he saw a similar car so he leaned over a little and accidentally bumped into a guy. He stumbled and his liquor cup tipped and fell on his shoe.
Namjoon flinched when he noticed what had happened. The guy turned around with a frown on his face.
"You fucking wet my shoes."
"I'm sorry I—"
"Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you know who I am? Do you know who's my father?"
Namjoon stepped back shocked at the whole action. He suddenly felt put on the spot when the people hanging out with him started to laugh. He wasn't the confrontational type.
Truth was, Namjoon didn't belong in this environment. He had just started his job as an escort. The last thing he needed was to be involved in a fight with a rich man who could potentially ruin his reputation.
"I didn't mean to."
"Better clean my fucking shoes." He obnoxiously told as he shoved a napkin to him.
Namjoon took the napkin and just as he was about to lean over to do it a hand reached over to grab him.
"Don't you know who he is? He's my companion. If you want me to I'll clean your shoes." Jin shrugged.
The guy instantly straightened up and shook his head no. "My bad." He quickly walked away with the rest of his friends.
Namjoon turned around to face Jin who looked like a fallen angel from the sky. He literally did. His beauty and that brilliant smile plastered on his face told him he was.
"Thank you." He told the beautiful stranger.
"No problem. He's an asshole either way."
"Yeah. He kind of is." Namjoon whispered.
"I'm Jin. And you are?"
"I know. I've—I've seen you in magazines. My name is Namjoon."
"Yeah that's me," Jin laughed a bit embarrassed. For some strange reason this tall thin man made him shy when in reality he wasn't shy about shit. "Nice to meet you, Namjoon. You know Yoongi?"
"Oh no, I'm actually here with—"
"Baby!" A voice beamed.
Namjoon awkwardly scratched his neck suddenly flustered that he even thought this beautiful man didn't have a date. He only spoke with him to be nice.
"Hey," Jin replied with a smile to the pair of arms wrapped around his waist. Namjoon took note of how wide Jin's shoulders were and how gorgeous he truly was.
The person hugging him finally peaked and landed eyes on Namjoon and scanned him up and down.
"Hi, I'm Hoseok." He introduced with a sunshine smile.
Namjoon looked at the tan man in front of him that had the prettiest eyes and smile he'd seen. Well, next to Jin's eyes and smile.
No wonder they were a couple. They were literally made for each other. Perfection could only be with perfection.
"I'm Namjoon." He replied breath taken.
"Ready to go inside? I think your friend Jungkook is looking for you."
"Yeah! Want to come with us Namjoon?" Jin asked. Although he wanted to very much he couldn't ruin their moment. Plus, he needed to look for his companion.
"No, I'm okay. Thank you." He replied with the cutest smile.
Jin returned the smile and then held Hoseok's hand to walk back inside. Namjoon remained still for a second a bit starstruck.
He wondered if he'd have the pleasure to see either of them again.
"Rich kid, asshole paint me as a villain—" Jungkook screamed on top of the kitchen table.
"Okay, Jungkook, come here." Yoongi told as he brought his brother down. Jimin and a few others were giggling at the bottom.
Yoongi was thankful that no one had their phones out recording. Probably because they were wasted as well.
"I was in the middle of my rap." He said confused and annoyed that he was rudely interrupted.
"You do realize you're a rich kid rapping about rich kids being assholes right?"
"But I'm not a rich asshole."
"Alright, you need to drink some water."
Jungkook brought up his shot glass with clear liquid. "That's not fucking water, Jungkook. That shit is burning acid vodka. Give me that shit."
"I think the body guard ran away from the cake." He lied to try to get his attention off the liquor.
"What? I'm going to fire him!" He told walking out.
Yoongi stopped talking when he heard Jimin snicker. He turned around and gave him a frown.
"What's so funny?" He snapped.
Jimin raised his eyebrow confused, "Nothing." He stated turning the other way and picking up his plastic cup.
Yoongi felt angry that he didn't take care of Jungkook the way he took care of him. He remembered that night how wasted Jimin was and Jungkook didn't once left his side and let him do something like this.
"Excuse me. Why're you here?" Yoongi asked a bit angry.
Jimin put held his cup and looked at Yoongi who was still not looking at him. "What?"
"I asked why are you here?" Yoongi repeated finally looking at him. He could feel his face turn red.
"Because I'm with your brother and he invited me." He replied casually.
"You're suppose to be taking care of him! I mean you let him get on top of tables and rap and make a show?"
"First of all, I am not his baby sitter. Second of all, he was having fun. I wasn't going to let him do anything stupid. He was just being wild. It's a party. What did you expect?"
"It's my party and I don't like shit like that to happen. Especially to my brother!"
"Jungkook is an adult. Maybe try drinking a shot and relaxing?" He grinned.
"I don't care. You're taking advantage of him. You're only using him for his money. Did you not think that I knew you're an escort?"
Jimin blinked several times and held up his hand staring at his watch. "Oh look! It's I don't give a fuck time!" He smiled facing the other way.
Yoongi huffed annoyed. "You're rude, obnoxious and only seeking him for money." He said trying to sound as mean as he could.
But it felt like everything Yoongi said didn't face Jimin one bit. He looked unbothered and unfazed.
"Cool? That's all you have to say? I will convince my brother to not—"
"Jungkook didn't rent me. He has before but today I'm here because of him. We're friends. And yeah I am an escort. I didn't know I was hiding that from the world?" He chuckled.
"You're-you're lying. He told me that he rented your services."
"Like mentioned before he has rented my services before. He hasn't lately because he actually likes my company."
"You're a bad influence on him." He accused.
"You need to take a chill pill and have fun at your party. Didn't you say it was your party? Seems like everyone else is enjoying it but you. You don't even know me like that to be accusing me of shit."
"We've met before if you don't recall and I can just get that vibe from you."
"I literally don't know what you're talking about."
"We saw each other on that dinner thing and then I saw you at a bar. You didn't even acknowledge my presence!"
Jimin shrugged, "I guess it slipped my mind."
"You really don't remember me?" Yoongi asked in disbelief.
Jimin shook his head no as he continued to drink what was in his cup. His face expression was mocking.
Yoongi wanted to say so much, but being stared at was making him extremely nervous. Jimin raised his eyebrows waiting for an answer while a tongue tied Yoongi felt himself get redder.
"Why don't you go enjoy your escorts company? Pretty ironic that you're talking about Jungkook and me while you're renting Taehyung who's clearly one."
And with that being said he walked by him. Yoongi remained frozen for a few minutes while his mind processed everything that had just happened.
When he snapped back to reality he walked out of the kitchen and instantly scanned the room. Jimin was across the living room laughing while getting something to eat.
Yoongi instantly went upstairs suddenly feeling too claustrophobic. He went into the nearest rooms and paced back and ford.
His breathing was a bit heavy and he couldn't understand why he was so flustered and embarrassed.
If Jimin knew Taehyung was an escort did the rest know too? Because for some strange reason in Yoongi's mind it was okay for everyone else to have an escort but himself.
It just seemed ridiculous to pay someone for company.
Yoongi was already insecure about being a loner and antisocial. All the money in the world couldn't replace the need for human interaction.
Sure, Jeongyeon was a great friend and so was Jungkook. But when they were busy he didn't have anyone else to go to.
So, he often felt clingy and paranoid of being judged. It always felt like everyone else was living their best life but him and he couldn't understand why.
He finally sat on the bed as the tears brimmed his eyes. What was he doing upstairs in a room while everyone down there was having fun on his own birthday party?
The sudden feeling was overwhelming and he looked up at the ceiling. He hated crying. He couldn't name the last time he had because he always held it in.
As he closed his eyes and took a deep breath he heard a door open. It was Jungkook who had just walked out of the bathroom.
"I just puked. I feel better now." He stated as he threw his used toothbrush on the ground.
"Why did you throw it on the floor?" Yoongi asked.
"Because I just finished washing my teeth and forgot to put it back. I'm just too lazy to put it back. What's the matter? Why aren't you out there having fun and drinking your guts away?"
He took a seat next to Yoongi who laid back on the bed. "I don't know." He replied knowing very well he did.
Jungkook decided to lay back down and looked at his brother who was barely visible. The only source of light was coming from the bathroom.
"Do you need me to change the music? Get different food? Or get more food? What do you need?"
"Nothing, Jungkook. I'm good. Thank you for everything."
"Just trying to get you the best birthday party ever."
"You never fail me."
"Something is bothering you. What is it?"
"I don't like your friend, Jimin."
"Why? He's really cool."
"He's taking advantage of you."
"He's not. I assure you he's not. He was my escort and although I initially rented him for sex we became close friends. Turns out we never had sex. I care for him and he cares for me. You don't need to worry about, Jimin."
"Well, he's also rude."
Jungkook laughed, "Jimin can come off as rude, but he's very sweet. He's simply too damaged and he's put up these walls that he won't let no one cross. He's very precautious and defensive. It's not his fault the circumstances made him that way."
Yoongi sighed looking up towards the ceiling again. Maybe Jungkook didn't need protection after all. Maybe Jimin was the one that needed Jungkook's protection.
Just like he did.
sorry for the sucky late updates. ive been having some personal problems. i will try my best to update 3-4 times a week staring next week. thanks for your patience :( <3
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