Amelia's POV:
I carefully study the people who step out of the three cars. 2 People exit the first one, along with the other 2 cars holding 4 people in each.
Out of the corner of my eye I notice Yoongi's hand reach up to the handle of his sword. Discretely, I make a gesture for him not to come out. Or at least not yet.
"What do we have here? Survivors?" One of the men from the first car starts walking towards us, chuckling.
"Oh? A genius?" I raise my eyebrows sarcastically.
Jimin elbows me in the side, "at least try being nice first,"
I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest. Out of the 10 people there are 4 girls and 6 guys. Some of them look pretty beat up and dirty so it wouldn't be impossible to defeat them if it comes to that.
"Where are you guys off to?" The man asks curiously. His vibe is nothing but rotten.
"Who knows?" Jimin shrugs, plucking the string of his bow lightly. So much for being nice.
"Is it only you two?" He continues to interrogate.
"Why?" I reply, purposefully trying to sound as if I'm attempting to bluff.
"We're from the government. We've been ordered to evacuate any survivors," He explains.
"Oh wow! Our heroes," Jimin smiles, I can tell that he and I are on the same page.
"So why don't you two come with us?" The man holds his hand out to me.
I carefully study the faces of the members behind him who have yet to speak. Beneath their blood splattered faces there is nothing. One girl in the back even dares to smirk at us.
"No thank you," I wave my hand, "leave us behind,"
"It's an order. We have to take you with us," The man suddenly turns angry.
Jimin shakes his head, carefully grabbing my arm to pull us away from him the others.
"STOP!" One of the girls from the back screams hysterically.
My eyes widen at her outbreak.
"If you don't come with us, we can't get out of here. The only way out is through North Korea, right? Right?! To get in we need to leave them with 5 people. So get in our car. NOW!" She raises her gun at us.
"Woah! Okay, fine," Jimin takes his arrow out of his bow, raising his hands in the air. I watch as he secretly gives Yoongi and Namjoon so then notify the others.
"Good, good," she laughs in relief, her hands ushering us to come to her.
"But why should I simply offer myself up for your benefit?" I purse my lips.
"Because I need to live," she smiles at me, clearly annoyed.
"We all need to live," I reply.
"No, just get in the car you annoying brat," she grits her teeth at me.
"Just listen to her," Jimin whispers. I already know we have the situation under control, but I want more answers out of her.
"No," I put my foot down.
"I'm gonna shoot you in the GODDÄMN LEG!" She screams at the top of her lungs.
A quiet sound pierces the air around us, the girl in front of us immediately falling to the ground. I can tell that Jungkook was the man behind the gun shot considering it was so silent. His gun has a silencer on it.
Amidst the commotion, Jimin and I take off running. I'm surprised at how Jimin makes something so violent seem like a dance. He elegantly spins around, avoiding a bullet to stab the main man in the eye with an arrow.
The tallest girl points her crossbow at me but one of my throwing knives has already left my hand. It hits her directly in the throat, she gasps for air, falling.
V then hops down from out of nowhere, snapping the neck of a hopeless soul with ease. While trying to get a hold of the situation, the final girl left smiles at me. She lifts her gun and fires.
Before I can even react, the sound of metal clanking in the air rings. Standing in front of me is Yoongi, who just blocked the bullet in mid air with just his sword. I didn't think that was possible. He quickly finishes her off leaving just 3 guys.
Just before Jungkook is about to go ham on one of the guys, Namjoon raises his hand. The 3 remainders stand back to back, weapons at the ready while all of us simply stare at them.
"Now that you're outnumbered, want to elaborate a bit," Namjoon practically growls. He wipes a single drop of sweat from his forehead, intimidating them with just his eyes.
"You must know already," one of the guys say.
"Know what?" V asks.
"The way out of this mess. North Korea," The guy answers.
"But why did you need them?" Namjoon points to Jimin and I.
"B-because! We went there and they told us we needed 5 people as payment. It was either we leave behind 5 of us or 5 people we don't know. We didn't want to abandon any of our friends," The guy explains.
For a moment I feel like a murderer, but then again, they were planning to use us as currency. Also, besides the hint of fear, I can't sense one bit of sadness in the 3 remainders eyes.
They may be human, but I can tell they don't have much humanity left.
"If you leave now we won't kill you," Namjoon tells them. I'm surprised to hear him say this, but also glad since I don't want to end up like one of them.
"Get in your car and go!" Namjoon tells at them, the 3 guys scurrying.
I watch them get into their car, but still feel uneasy as they do so. My mind does a quick check of where the boys are, finding all of them except one. Where the hëll is Hoseok?!
Just as the thought pops into my mind I see one of the guys point behind us through their car windshield. I whip my head around, making eye contact who is standing in the middle of the street about 20 feet away.
I look back at the guys in the car who are now smiling. One of them starts to roll down his window, pointing his gun out as the start to drive.
"HOSEOK MOVE!" I scream, turning around to run towards him.
I don't know why I feel this connection with this boy. Alls I know is that I don't want to lose him. Usually I would completely avoid people like him, but after meeting him I've noticed how much we need his soul in his world.
I chuck back one of my throwing knives into what I believe is the direction of their car. I'm too occupied to turn around, but feel relieved after hearing the shattering of glass.
"Hoseok!" I breath out, a gun shot sounding just before I can make it to him.
Nevertheless I knock him to the ground, hugging him tightly in hopes that I helped him dodge the bullet.
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