Amelia's POV:
After trailing behind the seven boys for around 4 hours I can't help the uncontrollable yawns. Before joining them I used to spend hours on my own, hiding away in the darkness.
It's not that I was afraid of going outside, because I can handle myself just fine. I just couldn't really think of a reason as to why I should leave safety just to explore. If I needed food that was another story, but I'd practically come to the conclusion that I wasn't living for anything.
"Look!" V cheers, waving his pointed finger in the air.
"Stop, we have to keep moving," Namjoon doesn't even bother to see what V is getting all excited about.
I slowly shuffle up to V's side, staring off to where he's looking. My lips purse at the gold sign on top of shattered glass doors, wondering what's so exciting about this clearly wrecked store.
"Yah. Idol boy we're gonna lose them," I sigh.
"Please go inside with me," He smiles, grasping onto my wrist.
"Why?" I furrow my eyebrows.
"Because it's a Gucci store!" He emphasizes his last words while his eyes practically sparkle with curiosity.
"So? What kind of use to we have for that?" I shake my head unknowingly.
"None, but it'll just be fun," He shrugs.
My eyes stray back and forth between V and the boys, deciding whether or not V's adventure is worth the trouble.
"Fine," I decide, "but just for a minute,"
He practically squeals before dragging me off inside the glass doors. Anxious nerves linger around me as I wonder if the boys will notice we've left. And more importantly, if there is something much bigger lurking in the darkness.
"The ARMY used to advocate for me to be a Gucci model," V tells me proudly.
"The ARMY?" I ask back.
"That's the name for our fan base. Or... was..." He trails off, tracing his finger on the empty shelves of the store.
I let out a laugh to lighten the mood, "well, whoever decided to ransack a clothing store during an apocalypse is a complete idiot,"
"Maybe," he nods, "but they left behind these,"
He holds up some ugly white sneakers with the Gucci emblem on the side. My eyebrows furrow, wondering why such chunky sketcher äss looking sneakers have an $850 price tag hanging from them.
"They look your size," He smiles.
"There's no way I'll put those on my feet," I gasp.
"Come on," He whines, "look, they also have my size!"
"I'm pretty sure there is a reason those monstrosity's were left behind," I point out, him shaking his head.
"It doesn't matter, it feels like they're meant for us," He says, I noticing that there are literally only two items that are left in the entire store that are actually our size.
"Fine," I sigh in defeat, slipping off my worn out boots to replace them with space shoes.
"How do they look?" He asks me, striking a variety of different poses.
I can't help but laugh, "you almost look like an idol,"
He stops to look at me, "I missed your smile,"
"W-what?" I stutter.
"You stopped smiling like that. I'm happy that it hasn't disappeared after all this time," He looks content by just seeing me this way.
Normally I'd immediately cringe by something like this, but this time I almost feel comforted. Trying to live life by just going through the motions is hard. It's good to look for other adventures aside from just doing what needs to be done.
Otherwise you aren't living.
"What about mine?" I ask, sticking a foot out.
"I'd probably choose an ace sneaker for you if they still had them here," He seems to contemplate his opinion deeply.
"Why?" I frown, thinking that he doesn't like these on me.
"Because that's what all the average Gucci wannabes get," His eyebrows raise with amusement.
"YAH!" I shout, chasing him around the store, "I didn't even know what Gucci was until today!"
"Stop!" He says.
"No! You need to apolo-" I'm cut off by his hand over my mouth.
I realize that he made have heard something, as I silently try to listen. Nothing seems to catch my attention so I take his hand off my mouth and look up at him.
"So are we going to check out the rest of the store or what?" I tilt my head to the side like a child.
"Yeah, but be careful," His expression turns slightly more serious, taking his knife out of his pocket.
I make my way into the next room, this time the glass windows remaining completely intact. My attention is caught by a large cardboard box at the side of the room and I make my way over to it.
"V, look!" I cheer, holding up a sweatshirt.
It's black with a Gucci emblem across the chest, similar to the shoes. Only this time I can understand why someone may have wanted to buy this. However, not for $1,225!
"Here, there is a lot of them," I throw one to him that I suspect to be his size.
I slip one over my head before taking my bag off, picking it back up to look in the mirror. V appears behind me in the same attire, the shattered mirror not doing our reflections too much justice.
"We look like a couple," He smirks.
I start to snap at him when a single finger catches my attention in the darkness behind us. The widening of my eyes alone causes V to spin around, throwing his knife into the creatures head.
"Wow, nice shot," I nod approvingly, watching him retrieve his weapon.
"Run," He whispers, slowly backing away from the door.
"What?" I ask, not waiting for an answer when a dozen of zombies appear to be breaking free from whatever trap they were enclosed in.
I spin on my heel, heading for the door we entered through when even more greet me with their growling expressions.
"What the fück?" I squeal, knifing one that got to close to me.
V quickly pulls me back my the fabric of my sweatshirt before rushing over to the door. I guess he's smart to not risk fighting all of these walkers at once. It's simply too much for two people to handle.
"Fück," He grits his teeth, unable to get the door to budge.
I remove my gun and start firing off shots at the zombies filing in through the way we came. Quickly I'm able to successfully slam that door in their face, stopping anymore from trying to eat us.
Before I can sigh out of relief I'm sent falling to the ground, one of the zombies from early not fully dead. It doesn't even have time to smack it's cold lips before my knife finds its way lodged in it's skull, exiling it forever.
"Fück you," I whisper out of breath, not enjoying the blood spatter on my face.
"It still won't budge," I hear V still struggling as my ears pick up on the chains finally breaking that held the other group of zombies back.
"Oh," I nod my head, realizing I could've just shot a bullet through the glass all along, "V MOVE!"
He quickly steps away, my finger pressing the trigger but nothing happening. For the first time during this little adventure of ours I feel scared, remembering V asked Jimin to carry his bag because he was "too tired".
Which means that we only have our knifes to protect us from the dozens of zombies who are creeping in.... and who are practically at my throat at this point.
Without giving any sort of warning I take off into a sprint towards the glass windows. Hopefully they aren't that thick or I might just break every bone in my body.
Before I know it my elbow slams into the glass creating a hole while my knee takes care of the rest. The glass shard fall around me, my face guarded by my other arm until I feel my feet land on the tar outside.
"RUN!" V interrupts the sound of the glass hitting pavement as he lifts me up by my hood.
I sprint along side him, unable to notice whether or not I've injured myself. However, in this moment I don't care. Because V just provided me with a little bit of excitement to my dull life, which turns out to be what I wanted most.
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