ℙ𝕙𝕠𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕩'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍
"Move over bitch" Jasmine goes into the car shoving Bella aside, Jasmine's wolf scent will distract James the tracker given how she smells like a horrible wet dog. Her scent will mask ours. But for how long...
Papa Elias found her and told her what's going on, when she arrived she punched Bella in the face and now Bella has a broken nose. When Edward attacked her, I used my abilities throwing him off and giving him a very bad migraine. Bella started screaming like a crazy person and it woke up Jack. I then used my abilities on her, I only stopped when blood began pouring down her eyes.
"The other La Push wolves" Logan tells me "still have no idea what's going on"
"Good" I say
Logan hands Rosalie one of my jackets "Here, wear this. While Esme wears Bella's jacket, you wear this. It has both her's and Jack's scents in this"
Rosalie takes my jacket after a moment "You and I" Elias tells her as I go to the car "Will head one way while Esme goes another, the tracker will be suspicious if you both left together"
"I'll run beside you" Logan tells them as I get into the car "Edward will run with Emmett, Carlisle you stay here in case anything changes"
"Who put you in charge?" Edward demands
"In the only one with a brain" Logan looks to Jasper and Alice who are in the front seat "if the tracker changes course, call me and I'll come. We'll decapitate him and keep his body hidden, draw his mate out and make it clear that Jack and Phoenix are off limits"
"And Bella" Edward growls
Logan looks to him then to Bella who is scared "Sure, her too" Emmett snickers while Edward scoffs.
"Can't you control your thoughts?" He demands
"Your girlfriend couldn't have lied?" Logan demands "have told Charlie that she was having a girl's thing with Rosalie and Alice? Had to break his heart and think something horrible is going on? Trying to sabotage my relationship with Phoenix?"
"It was the only way" Edward gets closer to him, when he's hungry he is even uglier. I both do and do not want to know what his face would look like during sex.
"Enough" Carlisle got between the two "we need to hurry, who knows if the tracker is watching us from afar or not"
"Whatever happens" Logan looks between them all "no one kills him permanently, he is part of a mated pair" he came over to my side and looks between me and Jack who is being held by Jasmine "I love you"
"I love you too" placing my hand on his face, we briefly kiss before he pulls away to get into the jeep Elias and Rosalie are in.
Jasper and Elias drive off, in different directions. We go south while Elias drives north. Bella keeps calling her mom who won't pick up, probably because she lost her phone or something. I mean her mom did loose her cell phone charger. Or her mom and her new hubby are having their own fun night.
"Hey mom" Bella calls once we are in Arizona, the sun is starting to rise "it's me again, must have let your phone die or something. I'm not in Forks and everything is okay, I'll explain later. I promise"
As they drive, we see Jasper and Alice hold hands. Jasmine's phone goes off and it's Billy "What do you want dad?" She asks
"Where are you?" Billy demands
"With Phoenix" tilting her head "having a girl's thing with her"
"Where's Bella?" He demands, she's silent so he continues "Charlie Swan just told me how after breaking up with Edward Cullen she drove off, not a few minutes later you get a call and leave and not a word since. Where are you?"
"I'm with Phoenix" Jasmine repeats "if Charlie didn't tell you, it's that he kicked Phoenix out and is now moving in with Logan McCarthy. Seems she chose who to give the final rose to"
"Jasmine Veronica Black" Her father angrily orders "I swear if you aren't telling me something..."
"You'll what?" She scoffs, looking at me in disbelief "Face it, you just hate how I'm like Rebecca and Rachel and want nothing to do with you. You ruined my life when you killed my mother, I'll never forgive you for that and I hope the nomad vampires that are in the area decide to end your pathetic worthless existence"
Hanging up the phone, Bella looks at Jasmine horrified "That was your dad and"
"You told your dad" a growl escapes me "that you feel trapped with him and that if you stay with him, you'd kill yourself since he's ruining your life"
"Don't" Jasmine warns her "act all high and mighty bitch, from what I understand you aren't even supposed to know since you're a blood singer. A glorified walking blood bag that is like crack to a vampire"
"I'm Edward's mate" she hissed
"So he's talked to you about when he'd turn you?" Bella has a fear for aging, her with Edward is kind of amusing on its own twisted level "because Logan's talked with me about when I'd be turned, yup. After high school, we're going down to Vegas to get married and he'll turn me"
Bella looks at me jealously before looking at Jasmine demanding "How do you even know about vampires? Why are you here? Edward wouldn't tell me why"
"You don't need to know" Jasmine looks away "just know I'm awesome"
When we get to a hotel in Phoenix, Arizona—Ha! The irony. Phoenix is in Phoenix. So funny if you ask me. But back to the situation, we go to a room and wait here. I feed Jack since he's hungry and eat myself along with Jasmine, Bella is too worried to eat while Alice and Jasper are holding each other by the door watching us.
Jack claps his hands as he watches on the tv his favorite show at the moment, SpongeBob SquarePants. "You eat a lot" Bella stares at Jasmine since she ate five steaks with mashed potatoes while I'm eating chicken Alfredo.
"I have a high metabolism" I mean that's kind of true, she's always had a high metabolism but since becoming a shifter she's done through food like it's nothing.
She actually started her own cooking channel on YouTube which pays her, she uses the money to fund her eating habits and save for college. I'm looking for a spell or something to help Jasmine not waste so much money on food, like make special energy bars. Like what Cisco Ramon did for Barry Allen in the Flash.
"So a Vegas wedding?" Jasmine crossed her legs leaning back on the couch, resting her head on her fist "I always imagined a courthouse you'd do the whole Elvis impersonator wedding thing?"
"God no" shaking my head crossing one leg over the other "I love listening to Elvis, I do. But not be married by him, someone else. Just not me"
"Oh" Jasmine snaps her fingers smiling "maybe you and Logan could do what Kimmy did in Full House and have a chainsaw massacre wedding?"
"Do not" hearing Jasper speak lowly "say a word"
"Vegas wedding?! Chainsaw massacre?!" Alice whisper shrieks "Over my dead body!" We look over to Alice as she came over to sit on the coffee table smiling "Hi, so did Logan propose?"
"No" shaking my head no
"But he's planning on proposing" Jasmine looks down to Jack "Isn't that great Jack? You'll be getting a big brother"
"Logan" he claps his hands
"Logan" Jasmine agrees
"Phoenix" hearing the voicemail Uncle Charlie left "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say what I said to you" my phone was charging, Jasmine and I were down by the pool with Logan. Alice, Jasper and Bella stayed up in the hotel room "please come home, I won't arrest Logan McCarthy. If you love him and he hasn't coerced you and this is really love then I support it just please. I'm sorry"
Putting my phone away as Alice gasped, we looked her way. Jasper and Alice are sitting on the couch, we go towards them. Well not Jack, he's currently fast asleep on the bed. "The tracker, he's changed course"
"Where is he going then?" Jasper asks
"Mirrors" she draws on a piece of paper "a room filled with mirrors"
"A fun house?" Crossing my arms "has the tracker figured out what happened?"
"Yes" Alice nods her head "he figured it out when he went after Rosalie, Elias and Logan. Went back to the house and tracked back from there"
"This must be quite the game for him" I say
"Yeah" Jasmine nods her head "this is like one really elaborated and exhilarating game of hide and seek for him"
"Edward" Bella stutters "always said the visions weren't always certain"
"Alice is use to changing people's course all the time" Jasmine and I share a look as Jasper explains "but sometimes when they make up their minds, it doesn't change. It's what will happen"
"So the course the tracker is on" her hand shakes as she points to the picture "is going to lead him to a ballet studio?"
"You've been here?" Alice asks
She nods her head "Yeah, the school I went to had an arch like that"
"I thought you quit ballet?" Jasmine asks
Nodding my head "She did, the other kids kept making fun of her given how big of a klutz she is"
She grinds her jaw looking from us to the two Cullens "The ballet studio" Jasper asks "is it here in Arizona?"
She nods her head "About thirty minutes from here" her phone goes off and she answers it immediately "Edward? Are you okay?"
My phone went off and it's Paul "What do you want Paul?"
"Where are you?" He demands "Your not here in Forks or La Push and Jasmine is gone, where are you?"
"Having a girl's thing with Jasmine" I say
"Jasmine told her father that you picked" hearing snarls come from him "you told me you'd give me a year, that you'd give me a chance"
"That was before you antagonized Logan" placing a hand on my hip "you were being petty and jealous and while I like those things in a man, when it comes to you you have the annoying tendency to take things too far. I warned you that if you played this game it would be fair and square"
"But I have been!" He screams, he calms down "just please baby, please just come home and let me make it up to you"
"You mean fuck me" clenching one hand into a fist "it always comes back to that, fucking. I mean, is there one thing about me that you actually like? What is one thing you care about?"
Paul is silent "" he clears his throat "I"
"Before fucking we've been friends for years!" Tears run down my face realizing what kind of man Paul is "and instead of listening, it seems you only cared about getting your dick wet. Never call me or anything again"
Wiping away my tears as I hung up on him, Jasmine and I pack up in our room while Bella packed up in hers. When Bella barged in, she tried to take Jack but we stop her "What's going on?" I demand
"The tracker" she begs "he's going to kill my mom and"
"You're not taking Jack or me anywhere" grabbing Bella by her neck, lifting her up having her gasp and kick her feet "if you wanna go to your death, then you go. We are not going anywhere"
Letting her go, she coughs grabbing her throat. She cries "My mom will die"
"Then you better go save her" Logan appears, she looks his way.
"Logan" she went to him grabbing his arms "please, you have to save my mom and"
"I don't have to do anything" Logan pushes her away, Bella leaves us then running. Logan came over to me and held me close, he then picks up Jack and with one arm held Jack while the other was wrapped around my waist "thank god your both okay"
"I love you"
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