The Job
Jess Pov.
The men scatter as soon as I pull the pin. They just turn, and run! Cowards. I slip the pin back in, and put it in my pocket. It was just a fake. I hear more gunshots, and make a split second decision. "Follow me!" This throws a huge wrench into my schedule! I move towards a small window, and hit it with my pistol. I make sure there's no glass left when I jump through. It is only a few feet above the ground. The others look it over skeptically. "If you don't want to die here, get a move on." Red is the first to go, and he helps the others up.
"A-Aph, where a-are you taking u-us?! And what was that?! Why didn't you show up?! Why do you have weapons?!" He asks.
"Oh, umm that's a lot of questions. I'll answer them in order. My truck. That was me saving your asses, as discussed earlier. I never showed up before, why do you care now? And you'll find out." I raise my fingers to my lips, I heard something. "Someone's here." I whisper. That gets them to quiet. We slowly make our way behind the house, and reach the roadside. "Wait here." I turn away from them, and start to sneak across the road. I get to the neighbors yard, and see my truck. It's a repurposed military van, fully stocked with guns, bombs, and...RPGS! I slowly climb in, trying to not make a sound. I grab my usual equipment, and get into the drivers seat. I loop around, and make it to the place the Skyarmy is hiding. They panic at the sight, not realizing it's me. "Get in." After a moment, I hear the back of the truck open.
"When you said 'truck', this was not what I expected!" Shelby squeaks. I gesture to my assorted weapons, and ammo clips.
"Take your favorites, no RPGs. Try not to shoot yourselves." I advise. Jin looks them over, and there's obvious discomfort on his face.
"A-Aphmau, d-do you P-Purge?" He asks tentatively.
"In a way." I say cryptically. I immediately feel a pistol against my skull.
"Then why shouldn't we shoot you?!" Max shouts.
"Because, I don't Purge in the way you think." I reach into my pocket, and pull out a radio. "Katelyn, I'm headed to check on Eric. There was a bit of a bump with my last stop. I have a few passengers."
"Aphmau, you know we're grateful for the help, but you shouldn't be risking your life like that!" She responds.
"It's the job, Katelyn. I can't just let people die." I pocket the radio, and roll my eyes. "You gonna drop the gun anytime soon?" I ask Max.
"Tell me exactly what you do, then we'll see." I sigh.
"Friendship is a two way trust between people, this is not trusting at all." He glares at me. "Fine. I find people that are in trouble, and help them. Good enough for you?" He slowly lowers the gun. "Now, I'm going outside." I stop the van. "Stay here."
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