Ok, so if you guys haven't watch the new Aphmau, WATCH IT! It's the trailer for season 3 of Minecraft Diaries! Soooo I made a little doodley doodle of Aphmau and Katelyn in their old MCD outfits.
Ugh..Katelyns armor is terrible
Oh well! I'm just so hyped up! ALL ABORD THE HYPE TRAIN! CHOO CHOO! XDD
Anyway guys I hope you enjoyed...
WAIT- one more thing!
I do have some bad news...
Gardenza- the wedding will be on hold..sorry guys I'm just so preoccupied with other stuff I can't really focus on it...I hope you guys understand
Anyways! I hope you guys enjoyed and as always #AllAboardTheHypeTrain2016!!! ANDDD STAY CALICO ALL MY CALICO CATZ! CANT WAIT FOR SUNDAY!!!
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