go fuck yourself
"Why do you make white characters POC? Its kinda racist?"
When there's a cast of people who live in a street, and only the main character is Hispanic, you're going to want more diversity. You're going to want people from Asia, African Americans, everyone who doesn't see themselves enough. BluJay doesn't mind people doing it. If you think Lucinda or KC shouldn't be drawn black, just because you like white girls, there's something wrong here. If you think Laurance shouldn't be drawn black, just because he wouldn't be a real gay man, go fuck yourself. If you think Dante and Gene and KC shouldn't be drawn Asian, draw them white and don't hate on those who do. The only racist here is you, my friend.
"Why do you make everyone gay?"/"You're promoting the gay agenda!"
I can say a lot more here, because while I'm not a POC, I AM hella gay. There are countries where it's illegal to be gay. Where the death penalty is considered fair. America ain't one of those places, so I don't see why we don't have queer characters. Queer fairytales. Queer movies and books and everything else. So yeah, bitch, it's part of the gay agenda. Gays in space. Lesbian princesses. Bi mermaids. Trans warriors. Queers should be godamm everywhere, in a good story, because it's about damn time.
Watch as we take over every character you want to be straight, that you thought belonged to you, and watch as we make them delightfully, blatantly queer, just to fuck, specifically,
with you,
and watch as we take over this fan base, and we cure it, because being gay isn't about having sex and whatnot, it's about being in the closet. out of the closet. In a relationship. Single. L or G or B or T or anything else, because if we have to put up with the hordes of forced straight romance, you're going to have to put up with our queerness
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