Flower Crowns -Garmau-
These babs are in high school here, in the same grade, and Garroth and Aph don't know each other too well. Ok, now we start.
Aphmau found herself walking down the hallway towards her language class. She felt her heart flutter as she picked up the pace. Not only did she love to write, but her crush sat right next to her.
Garroth RoMeave.
Just the sound of his name or a single glance at him was enough to make her face turn red. Calm down, Aph. We don't want to give your feelings away.
She slowed down, taking a breath before heading in and taking her seat. Soon after, Garroth walked in. He was joking around with his friends as always. Aphmau found herself staring and yanked her gaze away, quickly opening her laptop and pretending to look busy. Every now and then she would sneak a few glances at him.
Ever since September she had been trying to get closer to him. She pushed herself to start conversations with him and try to talk about things he liked, get him engaged. The next thing she knew, he started initiating conversations as well. Sometimes with a little side comment about what book he was reading for the class, other times just stupid little things that happened throughout the day. It was those little things that made Aphmau smile.
He sat down in his seat, smiling at her. "Hey Aph!" He said, his charming British voice sending a bunch of little butterflies to Aphmau's stomach. This was her first crush in forever, being homeschooled for the majority of her life. She didn't exactly know how to deal with it.
"Hey!" She responded, giving a sheepish little nod, although trying to seem confident. "How has your day been? I herd Laurence jumped into the trash can at lunch, anything interesting about that story?" She gave a chuckle at the thought of Laurence doing such a thing. He usually seemed so level headed.
Garroth gave a smile, his teeth as perfect as his golden locks. "Oh, yeah. Dante dared him to jump in the trash can at lunch. You know Laurence, never able to turn down a dare. He seem smart, but don't let him fool you, he can act like a real idiot sometimes."
Aphmau chuckled, then reached up to adjust the flower crown that Kawaii~Chan had given her during lunch. She thought it was adorable. It was made of bright white little daisies, and she caught Garroth glancing up at them for a few moments while they were talking.
Aphmau looked over at the clock that hung above the teacher's desk.
Only 5 more minutes before she had to leave for her dentist appointment. The thought of that made her shift nervously in her seat. She hated the dentist's office. She decided to type a little faster, so it would be easier to catch up tomorrow after missing the majority of class.
Garroth leaned over, inspecting her essay. It was a narrative, one of Aphmau's favorite modes of writing. She felt her stomach fill with butterflies as he leaned closer, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"Four pages Aphmau? You must really enjoy writing." He smiled, making Aphmau want to faint right on the spot.
She recovered quickly, and thought of something to say. "You're one to talk. You've written just as much as I have." She pointed to his computer, the pages of words showing his dedication as well.
He looked back to his own work, eyes shining with pride. "I guess we are both overachievers then, aren't we?" With that, he stood up from his seat, and walked over to the teacher's desk, then left the classroom. Aphmau presumed he went to the bathroom.
She looked up at the clock, it was 2:15. She sighed, to the dentist she went. She gathered up her books and binder, before realizing she still had the flower crown on her head. Garroth still hadn't returned yet, so she glanced over to his stuff.
Aphmau took the flower crown in her hands, and hesitated a moment. After a moment, she closed her eyes, took a breath, and tossed the flower crown onto Garroth's binder before swiftly exiting the classroom. As she walked down the hallway, her mind swam with thoughts.
Why did I do that? Now Garroth will definitely know I like him! You randomly gave him your flower crown! Who does that?
She clutched onto her things tightly, making her way to her locker. She stood there a moment, contemplating what she had done. A little smile found its way onto her blushing face. Katelyn's words hung in her mind, making her face flush even more.
Girl, you've got it so bad.
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