Lammergeier V
^ Drawn by Candy / @Cantrona on Instagram. :)
(Miwa's clone)
Neferpitō's ability was pretty gosh darn neat.
And a little terrifying.
Neferpitō was able to conjure various marionettes, each one with a different ability. The one currently summoned shot out dozens of nen threads to try and capture the fleeing clone.
"Gah," said Miwa, leaping away as she barely dodged the nen threads. Neferpitō giggled.
"Gah," the cat-ant mocked.
"It's hard to dodge—I can barely see them," exclaimed Miwa.
"Thank you."
"You should try to thin them out more," advised Miwa. "It'll be even harder then!"
"Oooo. Nyow I see, yes, yes—"
You know they could be a potential enemy?
'Or they could be a potential best friend.'
Why are you like this?
'Like what?'
Urk... an optimist. You're becoming more and more like that damn Gon.
'That's not so bad, is it?'
Eventually, Neferpitō was able to catch the clone with their threads. Neferpitō pounced upon Miwa with enough force to turn most humans into mush, consequently popping the clone.
For the next three days, each morning and night, Miwa would send a clone to Neferpitō. The cat-ant reveled in playing games with Miwa, although each game ended with the clone being caught and subsequently popped.
The lethality of the games might have been concerning for some, but not Miwa. The fact that Neferpitō was even willing to cooperate with Miwa in playing the games, meant a lot to the kunoichi. It meant that her efforts to befriend the ant weren't entirely pointless—that there was a possibility for peace.
Or at least not complete genocide.
While the clone played the ant, Miwa herself had to alternate between attending to her work in Soleil and training.
The city was progressing each day, with laws being implemented and the civilians adapting to a less extreme lifestyle. There were some bumps and hiccups along the way, yet it was nothing Miwa couldn't handle. Chrollo had told her that he would have to be departing in a couple of months to prepare for an agreed battle with Hisoka.
Miwa thought that was silly, but she wasn't going to tell that to Chrollo.
With Chrollo's departure, Miwa would have to keep a clone or two in the city to properly manage the bureaucracy. She didn't savor the idea of doing that every day—especially because she wanted to enjoy her adventures—so she started to gear the government to rely on her less. She wanted to limit her necessary overseeing to once a month or less.
When Kurama inherited the city, she knew he would be at loath to handle paperwork. Therefore, her position had to be something closer to a symbol rather than an essential cog.
Something reverent enough it would not be dismissed during Kurama's tenure, yet irrelevant enough that it wouldn't impede their desires.
Which meant she needed to fill in a lot more positions in the government with people who actually knew what they were doing.
Step by step she'd get her ideal outcome.
If not at her city, Miwa was working on the new technique she had come up with. It'd take her some time to perfect it, but she thought it looked way too cool not to do it.
In the late evenings she'd enjoy dinner with Gon, Killua, Bisky, and Palm (the crazy lady).
(Miwa - Day Three - Morning)
From: Kalluto
Message: Elder Sister, if you have a moment, would you please stop by for tea?
To: Kalluto
Message: I'll stop by around three, is that okay?
From: Kalluto
Message: Yes. Thank you.
(Miwa - Day Three - Afternoon)
Tea in the afternoon was exclusively with Kalluto. Kikyo, Kalluto had told her, was assisting their father on a job.
"She doesn't like to leave, but sometimes she has to," Kalluto told her after he took a sip of his green tea. "No one knows technology like Mother."
Miwa believed that. Kikyo had an entire laboratory where she tinkered with all sorts of gadgets. Kikyo told Miwa that she had degrees in mechanical, computer science, electrical, industrial, and nuclear engineering. Miwa had asked her how she had time to go to school that often, and Kikyo laughed.
"I spent years without being able to learn anything. When I was finally able to... I couldn't stop. Can't stop, really. I'm working on a chemical degree now. Just something in between..."
"Is that a new kimono?" asked Miwa.
Kalluto smiled. "Yes. I only finished making it last night."
"It's beautiful."
"Thank you, Elder Sister. Are you still enjoying yours?"
"Yes," Miwa gushed. "I love it so much. Sometimes I get distracted staring at it 'cause it's so pretty."
Kalluto's eyes softened. "I'm glad." He carefully set down his cup of tea. "Elder Sister, I have a favor to ask of you."
"Anything," she said.
"I would like you to introduce me to the Phantom Troupe as a potential recruit," he said plainly.
Miwa blinked. "Pardon? Um—okay. May I ask why?"
Kalluto folded his hands neatly in his lap. "Older brother Killua has only gotten stronger since leaving home. I... I also want to become stronger. I want to experience the world."
"You don't need to join the troupe to do that," she pointed out.
"Perhaps," he said. "But I feel that I should. They are strong and clever. I could learn from them."
Miwa couldn't disagree with that. "Okay. When do you want to go?"
"Today if possible."
She smiled. "Today it is."
Kalluto's eyes shined. "Thank you, Elder Sister."
"Anything for my cute little brother!" she said cheerfully, eliciting another smile from Kalluto.
'I hope Killua won't get mad I'm calling Kalluto my little brother, too.'
Somehow, I doubt it.
That made Miwa feel warm and fuzzy inside.
(Miwa - Day Three - Evening)
Miwa teleported to Kite, holding two crêpes.
She had not expected the other Hunters to be with him.
"Hi," she said, drawing their attention to her.
The four Hunters were standing atop a cliff a fair distance away from the chimera ant nest. As they were downwind, Miwa could catch faint whiffs of the nest, along with her friend(?). She was getting better and better at picking Neferpitō's scent out from the other ants.
"Hello, Miwa," Kite politely greeted her.
"Whatcha got there?" asked Netero, blatantly eyeing the crêpes.
"Um," she said hesitantly, "I—I thought Kite would be by himself. I brought some crêpes to eat. But I can get some for you guys as well! Do you have a favorite flavor?"
"Bananas and chocolate, please and thank you," Netero said happily.
"I won't say no to a sweet treat," agreed Morel. "All the toppings for mine!"
"That's a little excessive," Knov chided Morel, adjusting his glasses. "I'll gladly accept a plain vanilla one."
"That's boring," Morel scoffed.
Miwa handed one of the strawberry cheesecake crêpes to Kite. "I'll be right back!"
"Thank you," said Kite as Miwa teleported.
Thankfully her favorite crêpe vendor was a speedy master and had them all ready within a minute.
Miwa returned, handing each of the crêpes to the Hunters.
"These are from Soleil, I take it?" Netero asked after biting into his. "Mm-mm! Delicious."
"Yes," answered Miwa, puffing her up her chest in pride. "I think they're the best crêpes in the whole world."
"Have you had crêpes elsewhere?" questioned Knov.
"Seven different cities," she said. "They all come up short."
"Definitely not bad," said Morel, already almost done with his.
Kite was a bit of a slow eater. "How are Gon and Killua?"
"Fine. They're training with Bisky," said Miwa which made Netero chuckle.
Netero glanced over the forest below them. Kite said, "It's good they're under her care."
"Do you know her?"
"Bisky is someone not easy to forget once you've met her once," chuckled Netero. "Ah—did you finish your analysis, Miwa?"
"Actually," Miwa hesitantly began, "um, I've been in contact with one of the chimera ants. The cat-ant we encountered."
Netero quirked an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"Mm-hmm. They're name is Neferpitō. We've been playing games," explained Miwa. "I think... I think if given enough time, there might be a way that we can... avoid genocide."
Netero stroked his beard. "That'd be good. If there is a solution that would avoid a fight, I'd prefer it. Are you able to get to the queen?"
"Maybe? But that'd sour whatever friendship I've built so far with Neferpitō," said Miwa. "It's not even a guarantee to risk that."
Netero hmm'd at that. "Then I'll leave you to that. Keep us posted, however."
"Okay," she agreed to. It didn't feel like Netero was lying to her, and the fact that the chairman was actively avoiding genocide made her feel better about the situation. Most humans, Miwa knew, would immediately jump to complete extermination. The fact that he was considering alternative solutions despite the fact that the Chimera Ants had already killed hundreds of humans...
Miwa liked that about him.
He seems more like the type to prioritize his entertainment above human life.
'Why do you say that?'
I've lived long enough to spot the type.
'Is that a bad thing?'
Not for you or the ants. For the meatsacks being preyed upon? Sucks for them.
Oh well.
Not her country, not her problem!
"I can bring by food again tomorrow," she offered.
"I have heard some lovely rumors about Soleil's burgers," said Netero, raising his eyebrows.
Miwa giggled.
(Miwa's Clone - Day Four - Morning)
Miwa teleported atop Neferpitō. "Pitō!"
Neferpitō caught Miwa in their arms.
"Are you here to play?" asked the cat.
"Aren't I always?" the clone returned.
"Who is this?" drawled a new voice.
The voice belonged to a new ant. One with beautiful rainbow wings, a handsome face, soft pale hair, and two cute antennae poking out the top of his head. He was, undeniably, a beautiful man. Ant. Man ant? Butterfly-man-ant? Pretty. He was pretty like Neferpitō.
'These ants sure make some lovely soldiers,' thought Miwa, her eyes widening upon seeing the butterfly-ant.
Although his energy could not have been more different than Neferpitō's. Neferpitō was playful, coy, and sensitive. They were a cat through and through.
The new ant's core was... hypnotic. Like a bundle of sparkles thrown into a toxic gas cloud. Illuminating to see, but breathing it in was deadly. It was hard to define it.
One spark could set the whole thing ablaze.
Miwa could instinctively feel that he was dangerous.
But gosh was he pretty to look at.
"Miwa," said Neferpitō, "this is Shaiapouf. Shaiapouf, this is my toy, Miwa."
"Human?" Shaiapouf's gaze was cold. "Why allow such a creature near the nest?"
"It's fine," dismissed Neferpitō. "Besides—"
But Shaiapouf disagreed too heavily, and within one second he had already appeared next to them and delivered what would have been a fatal blow. Obviously, since it was a clone, it just popped.
(Miwa's Clone - Day Four - Evening)
Miwa's clone teleported next to Neferpitō, a stack of cards in her hands. "I brought the cards this time!"
"Oh goody," said Neferpitō.
Miwa wasn't surprised to find Shaiapouf was also there. The butterfly-ant narrowed his eyes upon seeing Miwa and she felt—
A shudder ran through her and she popped.
(Neferpitō & Shaiapouf)
"Wha—" Neferpitō tilted their head as they curiously regarded Shaiapouf. "What did you do?"
"I don't understand why you like that creature," Shaiapouf reproached Neferpitō.
"Cats like napping in sunbeams?" Neferpitō joked.
"You are not an actual cat—"
"It's not really an issue, is it?" Neferpitō retorted. "She's not a threat, just a playmate. You should play with her. She has some fun games."
"I think not," Shaiapouf rejected flatly. "One dip into her mind is all I want to tolerate."
"Oooh? Is that why she popped? Nyow it sounds like you found something there. What did you find?"
Shaiapouf tensed, recalling the sensation of claws digging into his wings. A mere moment inside that mind was a dip into fire. There was a world behind that fire that held something far more dangerous that what Shaiapouf cared to admit.
He was not afraid of the fox that shared her soul.
His fear stemmed from something far deeper.
"Nothing," he answered shortly. "It was a waste of effort."
(Miwa's Clone - Day Six - Morning)
Miwa was relieved Shaiapouf stopped trying to kill her when she visited. Instead, the butterfly-ant hovered around her and Neferpitō, silently watching them play whatever games they came up with.
It took three more days until Shaiapouf was willing to even converse with Miwa aside from looks of contempt and disgust.
It was not out of something he initiated. Miwa had to be the one to talk to him first.
"Shaiapouf, Pitō said I could call her just Pitō—can I just call you Pouf?" Miwa asked him while playing a hand game with Neferpitō.
"Do what you want," he said unsparingly.
"Pouf," she agreed to. "Do you want to join us?"
"Leave the party pooper out of it," said Neferpitō, red eyes gleaming.
Shaiapouf scoffed. "Why do you play with her? You should be preparing for our king."
Neferpitō gave him a tired look, then promptly decided to ignore him. They said, "Miwa, tell me more about Heaven's Arena."
"Mn! Okay—"
(Miwa's Clone - Day Seven - Morning)
"So... what's the point of a king?"
Miwa had been sitting beside Neferpitō atop the nest, the two overlooking the forest. Shaiapouf, always cautious of Miwa, hovered nearby and watched them. Miwa had learned through their encounters that the royal guards would abandon the nest when the king was born to directly serve him. She didn't understand the reverence, however, or why the queen even needed a king.
To her surprise, it was not Neferpitō who answered her question.
Shaiapouf let out a loud scoff.
"The king is a being above all else. It's his destiny to take over this world and rule it," Shaiapouf proudly boasted, hazel eyes glistening with plain admiration.
Miwa reflected on how much of a pain in the ass setting up Soleil was; she felt sympathy for the king.
"But why?" she asked, her face screwed up in pain at the thought of trying to manage an entire world. She was exhausted from a city!
Shaiapouf's brow furrowed. "What do you mean why?"
"You take over for a means to an end, not an end to a means," said Miwa. "Why the need to rule?"
"To show absolute power."
"You can rule a country and be feared by the rest of the world and have a lot less paperwork," she pointed out.
Shaiapouf's eyes twitched. "He will be the supreme leader. It is his destiny to rule."
"Again: can rule over a country for the same effect."
"The world! He should rule the world because only the world will be good enough for him!" snapped the butterfly-ant.
"Urk. I wouldn't wish that headache on anyone," said Miwa with plain disdain. "You guys haven't even built anything not out of shit, yet you wanna take over the entire planet?"
Neferpitō let out a brief giggle before Shaiapouf glared at them.
Shaiapouf's lips curled back in a sneer. "And what would you know about ruling?"
"I mean I did take over a country, and I am ruling it right now," said Miwa.
"Nyo way," said Neferpitō, eyes wide. They were incredulous, but filled with delightful curiosity.
Shaiapouf, on the other hand, looked deeply disturbed. "I pity your people."
Miwa made an offended noise. "Hey! I treat my people fine and dandy. We even have the best crêpes in the world."
"I'll bring some!" promised Miwa. "They're sweet and warm and cold and crunchy and soft—"
Neferpitō patted her head. "Okay, okay. Bring some next time."
(Miwa - Day Eight - Afternoon)
Gon, Killua, and Miwa were enjoying a hearty lunch. Gon and Killua were covered in sweat and exhausted from their training, but the two boys still ate with great gusto.
"How's your training going?" she asked them.
"Progressing," answered Killua. "Yours?"
"Not bad. To tell you the truth... I've also been playing with the chimera ants," Miwa whispered.
Gon gasped. "What? What're you playing?"
"Mostly hide and seek."
"Is it fun?"
"So much fun." Miwa beamed. "I think—I think I'm becoming friends with at least one of them! You remember the one that scare—I mean the one that attacked us that night?"
Killua's eyes narrowed briefly. "Yes."
"Their name is Neferpitō," Miwa explained happily. "They're pretty gosh darn neat. And there's this other one name Shaiapouf. He's got really pretty wings. Bit of a butt head though."
"I'm glad you're having fun," said Gon. "It sounds like there might be a chance we don't have to kill the ants?"
"Maybe? They're still eating humans."
"Oh." Gon frowned. "That's not good."
"Baby steps?"
"Baby steps," agreed Gon. "Good luck! I hope you win your next game."
"Me too. Pouf's getting annoyingly good at finding me and he's so gosh darn smug about it."
Miwa - Day Ten - Evening
Gon and Killua had progressed far enough into their training that after they trained, Bisky sent them off to challenge one of Morel's disciples.
The disciple's name was Knuckle. He was a tall young man with a funny appearance but a soft heart. Gon thought he was earnest, and Killua called him an idiot. Miwa didn't have much a chance to interact him outside of greetings since she was preoccupied with her own training.
Even though the three friends were focused on their training, they never missed a meal together. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners—they always made it a point to meet up and share one big meal. It was the perfect way for the three of them to unwind and refresh their minds.
Miwa kept sending clones twice a day to the ants, and every other day she'd visit Kite and the others with a new meal from Soleil. Every time they praised her city's food, she beamed in response.
Of course she also visited Kite and the other Hunters once a week with food. She didn't want to risk Neferpitō catching her together with them and mistaking Miwa for an enemy, so once a week was all she dared. They were happy for the food, and Miwa was happy to be able to confirm Kite was alive and well so she could reassure Gon.
She was relieved they didn't bring up her trying to assassinate the queen again. It seemed like Kurama's assessment of Netero was rather accurate, considering the man had made no grand moves against the nest, despite the fact that more and more humans were slain each day.
They instead worked slowly and meticulously to take out the fodder or soldier ants.
Miwa refused to believe that the chairman of the Hunter association was so weak a man he couldn't tackle the nest himself, and therefore she had to conclude he was letting them live... for shits and giggles?
Or did he, like Miwa, develop a soft spot for them? Maybe he had his own Kurama?
Whatever the reason, something prevented Netero from aggressively pursuing the ants.
Knov and Morel Miwa could understand since they were pretty weak. Kite was pro-never-taking-a-life so he was happy that Miwa was trying to befriend the ants and encouraged her.
She kind of wished she could read Netero's mind to confirm. For now, she'd trust Kurama's judgment and continue to reach out to Neferpitō.
Things were busy, but it was a good kind of busy.
(Miwa's Clone, Neferpitō, Shaiapouf - Day Thirteen - Evening)
"You still haven't really answered my question—"
"I have, you're just incapable of understanding—"
Neferpitō watched the clone of Miwa and Shaiapouf argue back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth—
It was funny at first, but three hours in and neither had let up. Trying to interrupt resulted in being snapped at.
Neferpitō didn't really understand the issue in the first place.
What was a king? Someone they should serve.
Why? Because they were born to.
Miwa wasn't satisfied with those answers, and the ants could not comprehend further than that.
What if he didn't want to be king? She asked.
Of course he would, he was born to!
What if he changes his mind?
He couldn't!
Why did he need to rule?
He was born to!
Is that the only thing he can do?
Of course not!
Then could he not rule?
Of course not!
And you? Do you have to serve him?
Of course we do!
Does he have a name?
Don't be absurd, he was THE king, he didn't need a name!
So many questions. They were arguing in circles.
Reasons and motives were difficult to ponder anyway. The ants were born to serve the king, and the king was born to rule. That was all that mattered to them. All that should matter.
Neferpitō appreciated Miwa's desire to understand, but they didn't see why she couldn't accept their answers.
More? What more could there be?
Shaiapouf was especially offended by Miwa's questions, even turning red in the face with how furious he'd become during their arguments. He had yet to lose his temper and force the clone to pop, however, because he was determined for Miwa to comprehend exactly how precious the king was to their existence.
'Oh well,' thought Neferpitō as they enjoyed the crêpe.
At least Miwa kept bringing by some yummy food. Eating humans was rather dull.
Even Shaiapouf enjoyed the sweets she brought, although he would lie to her when asked. Of course if Miwa tried to take the sweet away, he'd just grab back it and give some kind long-winded ramble about why that wasn't necessary.
Miwa made a funny face when he did that and called him a "tsundere," whatever that was.
(Miwa's Clone - Day Twenty - Evening)
Menuthuyoupī was the final royal guard to be born. He was massive, and looked entirely human except for the bright red skin and insect-like feet.
Youpī, thankfully, was unbothered by Miwa's presence after Neferpitō explained. Miwa found that Menuthuyoupī was a rather simple and straight forward ant. He took things at face value, and did not question further.
This delighted Neferpitō as much as it aggravated Shaiapouf.
And so, Menuthuyoupī became a regular in their games. The three loved to play a new version of hide and seek. Neferpitō had to constantly keep up En around the nest and forest to monitor for invaders, so when Miwa would hide Neferpitō could find her very easily.
However, directing Menuthuyoupī (through the use of her nen marionette) to finding (and catching) the hidden Miwa was tricky. Menuthuyoupī was clumsy and had no talent for tracking, but he was fast—really fast—and could grow appendages from any part of his body to grab at Miwa.
During one of those games, Miwa ended up running into Shaiapouf while searching for a hiding spot. She could have gone passed him, but she ultimately decided she wanted to greet him.
She called out to him, "Pouf!"
Shaiapouf's dark eyes slowly moved to meet the clones' bright gaze. "Yes?"
She smiled. "Nothing. I just wanted to see your face."
His eyes narrowed. "Why?"
"Because it's pretty."
He coldly stared at her. "I'm not a flower for you to admire, human."
"Ah. Sorry, did I offend you?" she asked.
"Offense implies your opinion matters enough for me to care," he bluntly refuted. "Toys do not matter. Humans do not matter. You are merely entertainment for Pitō and Youpī."
She cocked her head. "But not for you?"
"You do not amuse me."
"Not even a little bit?"
"Not even an iota."
"So you don't like me?"
"Ahh. What a shame," she sighed.
He raised an eyebrow.
"'Cause I like you!" she told him happily.
He destroyed her clone.
Miwa blinked at the flood of memories coming into her head.
'I think... I think I have a soft spot for tsunderes.'
'... Kurama?'
I cannot imagine why.
'Really? You can't think of a single reason?'
'Hm. HMM.'
Shut up.
I've come to realize that the majority of HxH characters are either tsunderes, yanderes, or a combination of the two.
Netero is a fun character. I am basing this version of him off of NewWorldReview & Aleczandxr's analysis of him, so credits to them for doing all the research and putting it into a couple of easy to listen to videos. ^^
Question: What would be your country's national animal? National food dish?
Reviews are love!
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