Hyena II
Second warning for gore because Meteor City. Let's just assume there's gore and violence here on out since Chimaera Ant is next, okay?
Miwa gripped at the phone. "U-Um. This is Miwa—"
"I am aware."
"Um—so—I'm—um—I'm at Meteor City," began Miwa, oddly flustered from hearing Kikyo. With her free hand she reflexively reached out to grab Gon or Killua but when she found neither were there she felt a rush of sheepish embarrassment which only flustered her further.
It didn't help that Chrollo cocked his head in confusion when she reached out to him. She abruptly snapped her hand back, her cheeks flaming.
Kikyo's silence didn't ease Miwa at all.
"I'm—I'm—I'm just, kind of, destroying it?"
"You're destroying Meteor City?"
"R-Rebuilding it," she hurried to explain. "But I—I don't know how to build a city. Killua said you know a lot of stuff, I—I was hoping maybe you'd know someone who—"
"Killua said that?" there a note of joy in her voice. "He said that I knew a lot?"
"Yes," affirmed Miwa.
Kikyo's voice warmed considerably. "Yes, of course. He's right, I do. You're laying siege to Meteor City then? Did you know I grew up there?"
Alarmed, Miwa gasped. "You did?"
She didn't want to imagine Killua's family living in the disgusting hellish pit of Meteory City. Even Miwa was surprised by the depravity of some of the citizens. Cannibals, slavers, deranged "scientists", and everything in between.
Gosh I really hope Killua's mom isn't a cannibal.
The woman didn't strike Miwa as a cannibal, but earlier that day one of Miwa's clones literally saw a mother eat her stillborn, so—
"Yes," repeated Kikyo softly. "Then I met Silva and he rescued me. I'm glad you're destroying it."
Miwa gripped at her phone, closing her eyes. From Kikyo's soft tone she could hear... sincerity.
It was hard for Miwa to connect to other humans right away. No one mattered to her until they suddenly did. She was repulsed by the things witnessed in Meteor City, but none of it upset her. She held disdain because it smelled bad and looked gross, not because it was morally wrong or unethical.
Maybe once upon a time that would have been the case, but time (too much of it) worn that voice down. There was a touch of exhaustion in her heart that resurfaced every time Miwa pondered the ambiguous concept of morality.
Society decided what was right and what was wrong, but when society was devouring the weak and hosting tea parties with skulls as teacups was that society to be trusted?
How did anyone trust society to determine what was good and what was evil?
Miwa understood the concept of it, but she lost the attachment to it.
In doing so, she continued to distance herself from terms of empathy and sympathy.
No one mattered to her until they suddenly did.
And somehow the idea of a young little Kikyo laying witness to the things Miwa had already seen...
She felt a tug inside her heart, the stirring echoes of warmth and kindness.
Things that Miwa used to have but somehow lost along the way.
"I'll destroy all of it," quietly promised Miwa. "I'll burn away the bad."
"Will you really?"
"I promise."
She thought she could see Kikyo smiling at the other end of the phone.
Once upon a time Miwa thought she used to be a good person. She had vague memories of a time in her life when she tried to reach out a hand to those in need. She thought, maybe, she was even called a hero for a short time.
She wondered what happened to change that.
Don't dwell on it, advised Kurama. Let the past go.
'Was I a good person?'
Good is subjective.
Miwa silently fiddled with her hair, uncertain what to say in response. Kurama, sensing her unease, softened. You were someone who shined despite the circumstances. You were kind in your own way, and you are still kind when it comes to your friends. I will never think of you as a bad person, kit.
'Thank you, Kurama.'
Don't mention it. It's better than feeling you mope, or, Sage-forbid brood over something so utterly stupid.
'I love you so very much.'
Kurama did not respond with words, but he didn't need to. Miwa could feel his chakra. There was a gentle warmth to it beneath that dangerous fire and it was something he saved just for her. He was her family.
'I hope we can always be together,' she thought.
We will.
'You think so?'
Of course. You can't get rid of me that easily.
Miwa smiled to herself.
Kikyo had asked Miwa to call her every night for progress update. In exchange, Kikyo would advise Miwa on how to rebuild once she was done destroying. Not only was it helpful, but Miwa found herself looking forward to the conversations.
Certainly more fun than watching her clones clean up. There were a few days she had to halt cleaning progress because certain groups would try to stop her. The cannibals were annoying to deal with, but the suicuide-bombers were the most aggravating. A few got close enough to Miwa to actually knock her off her feet and leave her ears ringing.
She decided to put up multi-layered genjutsus going forth. Even if she could tank a few explosions it only took one awkward landing to snap her neck.
Of course since she kept meeting a good chunk of resistance from some of the residents that did result in her needing to murder them. Chrollo suggested putting their heads on a pike as a warning to the others so she did exactly that.
Once she made enough head-pikes people stopped trying to get in her way. Which was nice.
She wasn't comfortable eating or sleeping anywhere near that gross city so she had been teleporting the two of them to another city. Killua had given her a "card" and told her to put all expenses on it. She had seen him check them in at a hotel so she did that with Chrollo at a pretty hotel that smelled nice and looked like it would have good food. Five stars meant good food, right?
She and Chrollo got adjoining rooms and had dinner together. Although most of those dinners consisted of Chrollo reading while he ate and Miwa trying to get through a child's book to practice the language.
On one night she got frustrated enough trying to figure out one of the words that she decided she'd rather try to carry a conversation for once.
"Why did you become a thief?" she asked Chrollo.
Their hotel room overlooked the city below—it was up on the seventieth floor—and the two had shoved their table up to the window to eat. Chrollo was enjoying some kind of multi-colored thing that had a lot of vegetables and diced meat. Miwa kept ordering variations of sandwiches because that was the only word she recognized on the menu.
Chrollo paused in his bite of food. He stared thoughtfully outside. "Why? Hm? What was it again?"
Miwa nibbled a bit more on her sandwich as she waited for him to gather his thoughts.
"I don't remember," he murmured. "I've always been a thief. Why did you become a thief?"
"It's fun."
"Fun," he repeated. "Yes. There is that."
Miwa smiled, relieved she had been able to strike up a conversation. Wanting to continue, she asked, "Do you have a favorite heist?"
Chrollo carefully set down his fork. "Actually, yes. There was a long haul a few years back in the Begerossé Union. The V5 wanted to pressure them to join and we were hired to steal some valuable information—of course we took that alogn with a fair few items."
Miwa tilted her head. "V5?"
"V6 now, as the Begerossé Union was forced to join. The V6 is an alliance of some major countries in the world. The Begerossé Union, United States of Saherta, Federaction of Ochima, Mimbo Republic, and Kukan'yu Kingdom."
"Wow. You stole from a major country?" Miwa whistled. "What was it like?"
"It was a lengthy operation—six months, perhaps?" Chrollo mused, a brief smile over his face. "It'd make for a terribly long story, are you sure you want to hear it now?"
"Yes, please."
Chrollo inclined his head. "Very well—"
(Gon & Killua)
"Sorry to keep you waiting," apologized Killua.
The two friends had finally entered Greed Island. It had been something of an odd start to enter the game. Shortly after Miwa had left town with Chrollo the two friends had been approached by an extraordinarily wealthy man named Battera who wanted to buy their games.
Gon and Killua had no intentions of selling it—nor did they figure out how the man knew about their copies since the Phantom Troupe had originally stolen it to give to Miwa—but they were able to learn more about the game before entering it because of him.
Honestly, had they known it would have been a physically active game they would have tried to keep Miwa with them. The boys were sheepish when they learned about being physically transported into the game. That changed their direction entirely. They had originally planned on going back to Gon's home to play the game, but if something happened to the console—like a power outage—they weren't sure they could return.
One thing lead to another and Gon and Killua decided to use Battera's consoles to enter the game. Battera was sponsoring expeditions into the game and whoever beat the game would be handsomely rewarded.
After some debilitating, the boys agreed to go into the game using Battera's consoles—although not before an extra week of training as Battera's head bodyguard advised them to. Battera would keep the copies of the game, in exchange for protecting their console.
And so now the two boys had entered the game world. The starting area was a field of vast plains. New players stepped out of a raised stone house. Gon had been sitting underneath the house waiting for Killua since Gon loaded in first. Gon watched many of the people part of Battera's expedition head off in only two directions which he thought was odd.
Killua glanced around the plains. "I don't see any nearby towns."
Gon said, "Yeah, but everyone headed in the same directions."
Killua pointed in two directions. "They either went this way or that way?"
"Huh? How did you know?"
"'Cause that's where we're being watched from," explained Killua. "But we still don't know why they're watching us."
Killua shrugged as he started walking. "Well, let's go. Regardless of who's watching we should start by gathering information. So how did it go?"
"Your save data," Killua pointed out. "[Book]."
A blue tome popped into existence in front of Killua.
"How many cards were inside?" asked Killua. He had figured the saved file Ging—Gon's father—had left behind would be filled with cards to use. That was how the game was meant to be beaten—collecting one hundred cards. If not already or near completed, then surely Ging had left his son a rare or useful card to use.
"There weren't any cards inside," said Gon.
"Huh? For real?" Killua scowled. 'What a useless old man.'
Unbothered, Gon said, "But there was a message from Ging."
"What'd he say?"
"To enjoy the game!" Gon grinned brightly.
"Enjoy the game? This place doesn't really feel like a game," observed Killua. "[Book]."
Gon couldn't disagree with that. Killua and Gon had been transported into the 'game' but could such a vibrant world be described as a game? To Gon, it felt like they had simply teleported to another country rather than being implemented into a virtual reality.
Gon asked, "What do you think about the rules?"
Upon loading into the world each player was stopped by an NPC who explained the world to them.
In Greed Island there were two magic spells available to anyone wearing a ring: [Book] and [Gain]. [Book] summoned a magical tome that was used to store cards collected. To clear the game the player had to collect one hundred unique cards. Specifically, they had to transform an item into a card to then place into the book. Such as if they obtained a legendary sword it would automatically transform into a card to go into the book. However, if they wanted to use the sword they could use [Gain] to turn it back into a sword. Each item had a card transformation limit, so a player should be wary to use it often. Once a card hit its limit there was no way to turn it back to a card to collect it.
"Pretty vague tutorial," murmured Killua. "We'll learn more as we go."
They had a brief run in with another player who cast [Trace] on Killua before the duo reached a town. The game clearly leaned into medieval fantasy with its design, the town could have fit in with any standard fantasy RPG. Killua and Gon wandered the cobblestone streets for several minutes until they came upon a huge crowd that had gathered in front of a board.
Gon nudged Killua, nodding toward the board. Killua narrowed his pale blue eyes. He read, "Antokiba Monthly Tournaments Schedule."
"There's a rock-paper-scissors tournament this month," Gon pointed out.
"The prize is a [Sword of Truth]," said Killua.
"Is that an important item?"
"Probably. Look at the other players around us, they're reading the board too," said Killua.
Gon cocked his head. "Should we participate?"
Gon brightened. "Then let's try to win a bunch of stuff!"
"We should also gather information," said Killua but suddenly both of their stomachs growled loudly.
"Aha," giggled Gon. "Guess we should go eat."
"Yeah, let's look for a place to eat," agreed Kililua.
Gon blinked once, then an idea came to him along with a mischievous smile. "Eat—"
Killua sucker-punched him in the gut. "Do not."
Gon wheezed, clutching at his stomach. "Miwa would've laughed."
Another three days of work ticked by.
Meteor City was a barren wasteland with mountains of trash. Another week or so and the trash would be gone but the destroyed land would remain. Chrollo and Miwa sat together under a parasol as they watched the clones work. The decapitated heads on pikes didn't smell very nice, so Miwa put her breathing mask back on. The blond jinchūriki decided she'd burn the pikes once she was done cleaning out the garbage.
In the distance, more so on the right, the citizens whose homes were destroyed camped out. Miwa hadn't thrown out anything that could be used as a temporary shelter, putting it off to the side for the citizens—the ones that didn't try to eat her or get in her way—to stay in while she worked.
A good chunk of Meteor City diet was rats and similar cretins—excluding the cannibalism—so all found creatures were killed and given to the citizens. She wasn't sure how they were able to get a hold of water previously—there were no natural wells or springs and whatever water pooled from rainfall was contaminated—and no one cared to explain it to her. Miwa opted to fill up clean-ish barrels with suiton.
Shinobi and kunoichi didn't drink from suiton conjured water because it was laced with chakra. Those who had a chakra network could find their network becoming strained when ingesting too much of someone else's chakra. A suiton-user could drink their own suiton water, but unless it was an emergency it was best not to.
Miwa had yet to find a single person in the world with a chakra network similar to her own. She didn't foresee an issue, but really there was only one way to find out
'Better to test it out on strangers than Gon and Killua!'
Kurama was a little interested in the reactions, too. He was hoping for a mutation. Miwa thought it'd be pretty neat if ingesting chakra would force them to grow their own chakra networks. Only time would tell.
"Ta-da!" proudly exclaimed Miwa as she held up her notebook. Since she had finished reading through the elementary school books Gon bought her, it was time to practice writing.
Chrollo had been sketching beside her. Under the parasol the two were protected from the harsh sun, the shade providing cool comfort. They sat on a large futon and blanket, big enough for them to lay down if they chose to. He leaned over her shoulder to peer at her writing.
Softly, he said, "Grammar could use work, but it's a clear improvement. Well done."
"Eheheheh," giggled Miwa proudly. She placed her notebook down and peered up at the blue sky. "Ahhh. I'm starting to get really bored."
"Starting to?"
"Okay, I was bored the first hour it started but now I'm really bored," she complained, flopping onto the futon with a sigh. "I wish there was something more... active I could do."
Chrollo tilted his head. "You could work on your nen—test the limitation of your teleportation."
Miwa scratched her cheek. She mumbled, "Um... Ah, um... I haven't really done much nen training. The abilities you see me use aren't nen abilities. I know I'm a Specialist but that's about it."
Chrollo immediately turned to face her, surprise flickering over his normally stoic face for a split second before smoothing over. "Really?"
"Yeah," said Miwa, taking a deep breath before explaining chakra. She had to elaborate further on how she and Wing discovered that nen was similar to chakra, and that Gon and Killua were able to use chakra which likely meant anyone could learn it.
Chrollo listened patiently, attentive asking questions throughout her explanation. There was a comfortable silence afterward as Chrollo processed everything she had told him.
"I'm a Specialist myself," said after another minute of silence Chrollo. He placed a hand over his chest. "Would you care to trade in knowledge? I can help you learn nen if you can teach me how to use chakra."
Miwa tilted her head, thinking back to her odd nen reaction. The test for nen specialty was similar to the test for chakra nature. She had tried infusing her nen in water and instead of a typical reaction the water transformed into a type of oozing old blood. She explained such to Chrollo.
"Old blood, huh?" murmured Chrollo. "Mn."
"Yeah," she said, looking out over the garbage. "I wonder what my ability could be."
"Anything, really. Is there something you have in mind?"
"Nope. I mean, I guess I'd like it to be cute if possible."
"Cute," repeated Chrollo. "Yes. How could I forget?"
"If you can teach me a cute nen ability then I'll teach you about chakra," she said, holding out her hand.
Chrollo accepted it. "We have a deal, then."
(Gon & Killua)
Gon and Killua had obtained their first card—a junk item—and were in a good mood. With full bellies, bright smiles, and a plan to gather information the two boys were about to set out again but an explosion caught them off guard.
Curious, they headed in the direction it came from. Surprisingly a crowd of people had gathered around a man who laid flat on his stomach. A pool of blood oozed from him and bits of his intestines were splattered around.
At a glance Killua could see the man had experienced significant trauma to his abdomen which had instantly killed him. There weren't many who could still operate with such a massive loss of organs and blood.
'Miwa might,' thought Killua. She was a special kind of monster. He wouldn't be surprised if she told him about some super-secret chakra ability that would let her survive fatal blows.
Gon stared hard at the corpse, squinting as he struggled to remember where he had seen the dead man previously.
'Ah! He's from that old man's expedition,' remembered Gon. 'Wow he's seen better days.'
Killua glanced at one of the men around. "Hey, what happened?"
"His body suddenly exploded from the inside."
'Uwa, how scary,' thought Killua uncaringly. 'Wait—'
"Killua that spell that was cast on you earlier—" Gon fretted.
"I don't know," admitted Killua, a sliver of worry wiggling in his head.
"Don't worry," said a man behind the boys. The body had disappeared from the game and the crowd began to disperse. "There's no such spell in this game. He died from another player's nen."
Killua frowned, placing his hands in his pockets as he turned around to face the new man. "Does that mean the players are trying to kill each other?"
"Why?" Gon asked.
"Player Hunting?" Killua furrowed his brow. He distinctly remembered that the rules stated when a player died their book and cards disappeared. There shouldn't be merit to killing other players.
The man said, "I can explain later. Anyway, are you interested in teaming up? We know of a sure way to clear the game."
'Ugh,' thought Gon and Killua albeit for different reasons.
Killua was suspicious of the man. He was shabby, worn, and grizzled. Killua didn't see how he could be of much use to them, and he didn't see why the man would want to team up with children.
Gon was apprehensive because the man had an unpleasant odor. His nose wasn't as sensitive as Miwa's, but he had a decent enough sniffer that he didn't want to be around people that smelled bad. It took a lot for Gon to consider someone stinky—he didn't bat an eye at Heaven's Arena despite how sweaty it was—which meant the man either had horrible taste in soap or hadn't bathed in months.
Either way, no thanks.
The man said he knew how to clear the game. That could have been valuable information.
"If you want to hear me, just follow me. My allies are up ahead," said the man.
Gon leaned ino to whisper to Killua, "What should we do?"
"Sounds shady," muttered Killua.
"Someone used an attack spell on are you earlier, right?"
Killua's face twisted in disgust. "Been watching us?"
"Everyone keeps an eye on the starting zone," dismissed the man. "If you come, I'll explain why. I can also tell you about the spell that was cast on you."
"You're being awfully nice, what's the catch?"
"It's about being nice. We have no choice. This game is difficult, unpleasant, and frightening. Once you realize that, you'll be more willing to accept our offer. Well, it's your first time playing so you could use the information."
"What makes you think it's our first time?" shrewdly asked Killua, even as Gon started to glower at the man.
'On top of stinking, he's bad mouthing the game,' thought Gon, instantly disliking the man. It was a game his father had worked hard to create for people to enjoy, yet some stranger was complaining about it. 'But we should learn about the spell cast on Killua...'
The man frowned. "[Book]."
When neither of the boys reacted to the man summoning his book—aside from shifting postures to defensive—the man smirked.
"That's why. You should always summon your own book when someone else summons theirs. Even if you don't have any cards, it's an important bluff as spells can only be blocked by other spells. [Book]."
"All right," reluctantly said Gon. "We'll hear what you have to say."
The man lead the boys over to a group of men. Or, well, mostly men. There was a small blonde girl in high pigtails.
'Do blondes like pigtails?' Gon wondered when he spotted the girl. She kind of reminded him of Miwa. Except nowhere near as cool.
Killua assessed each of them, his eyes lingering on the players that looked like a potential threat. In the past he would have dismissed the pigtailed girl, but he knew from experience that pigtailed blondes could be rather deadly. He noticed how the girl was dressed in a pink frilly dress.
'That might be something Miwa likes,' thought Killua. Miwa had a clear preference for cute things which she had defined as "fwuff and stuff that makes you go aww." He didn't really understand the definition, but he noticed the kinds of things she stole or bought for herself.
The boys stood apart from the group as the men began to explain further.
First, the murdered man had been killed by someone they called the Bomber. They knew he was killed with nen as there were no spells that could hurt other players. There were forty spells in the game, and the one cast on Killua was an inspection spell.
Next, while players could not loot the corpses of other players for cards they could directly steal cards using spells. Once all the cards have been stolen, certain players will then kill the victim. Killing the victim would reset the card transformations on the stolen card. So if a card had been used 10 times by a player, and someone else stole that card and killed that player the card's 10 uses would be refunded.
The group planned on monopolizing spells to steal cards in order to beat the game.
But Gon didn't want to listen to it anymore. He knew the spell on Killua wasn't dangerous, and he was sick and tired of listening to the man bash the game.
'If you hate it so much, just leave!' Gon thought angrily.
There were ways to leave the game. Instead of enjoying the game Ging and his friends had worked so hard to create, the group was trash-talking it and focused on beating it. A game was a game! It was meant to be a fun adventure, not a dreadful job to complete.
Worst of all, they were complaining that the rules were forcing them to kill.
Who cared!
It was a game! Play it or get out.
"I'm playing this game on my own," snapped Gon when the explanations were done.
"Welp, I'll pass too," said Killua, and the two boys left. Gon closer to storming off, and Killua with an amused whistle.
'He and Miwa have cute pouty faces,' thought Killua. Both of his friends had a tendency of puffing out their cheeks when annoyed.
"What the heck is that?" Miwa demanded, pointing up at the sky. In the distance, she could see several giant airships and even from so far away she could tell they were carrying garbage.
"Dumpsters. They'll unload on the city when they pass by," Chrollo said. "It happens every month or so."
Might I suggest a bijū bomb?
As soon as they were in range Miwa spat out a giant bijū bomb that completely obliterated the airships. There wasn't even debris left to rain from the sky.
Chrollo slowly clapped. "That was impressive."
The surviving group of citizens in the tent over on the right started to clap, too.
"Thank you," Miwa muttered, still disgruntled from their audacity. "Fucking bastards."
"Ah. Your eyes look a little red."
"Oops," said Miwa, rubbing at them until Kurama's chakra settled down.
(Gon & Killua & Bisky)
Gon and Killua's first day in Greed Island had been turbulent. First Killua got a [Trace] put on him, then they ran into a group of bellyachers who hated the game but kept playing it anyway, then when they won their first good card it was immediately stolen by a group of thieves because Gon and Killlua hadn't found any defensive spells yet.
Determined to not let that happen again, the boys decided to head out to the magical city, Masadora. They were told it'd be a perilous journey filled with monsters and bandits so the boys were super stoked about that.
"We'll have competition for who kills the most," chirped Gon as they prepared to leave the first town.
"Bonus points for how messy the kill is," agreed Killua which elicited a big grin from Gon.
"Yay! Off we go!" Gon cheered.
"Please wait!" cried out a girlish voice.
The boys paused, turning around to find a blonde girl with ringlet pigtails and a cute frilly dress running to them. She had a dainty run.
"I beg you," she said when she reached them, her pink eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Killua warily eyed her. "What?"
"Please let me join you!" she said.
"Oh, sorry. Can't," said Killua, waving his hand as if to shoo her off.
"Wh-Why not?"
"You'd be a nuisance," dismissed Killua. He and Gon turned away and so they missed the look of instant rage on the girl's face.
'You petulant brat. You call me a nuisance?' Bisky, the girl—who was actually not a girl, but a woman who used her nen to hide her true form. Why? Because Bisky liked cute things and it made her ever so happy when she looked like a cute girl—was absolutely infuriated. 'If I chose to, I could mop the floor with you with one hand tied behind my back. Kids these days! That does it. I was only going to tease these boys a bit but now I'm going to ruin their lives.'
The boys had not given Bisky time to gather her thoughts, already marching on ahead.
"H-Hey! Hold it right there you fu—" Bisky caught herself then raised her voice to a sweeter pitch, "I mean—Please, I'll try really hard not to get in your way."
Gon and Killua ignored her, heading out of the town and breaking into an easy jog. They did not respond to her at all in their journey. Bisky got the hint early on, and instead of continuing to badger them, she followed behind them at a short distance.
Both boys weren't surprised she could keep up with them.
They had come to understand that girls with blonde pigtails were probably powerhouses or something.
That was simply the way the world worked.
The bandits were a disappointment. Neither Gon nor Killua wanted to kill them, as they literally fell to their knees and begged the boys for their help—help in the form of Gon and Killua giving them all of their money for expensive medicine. The boys handed over their money in hopes of the bandits giving them an item or something similar, but they weren't given anything in return.
A touch irritated, the boys were eager to try their hand at monster hunting.
Which was fun! Each monster they faced had a specific weakness that the boys were delighted to figure out. Some of them were too difficult to face head-on, and others too fast to catch. Gon and Killua had a good laugh chasing around some black puffball monsters. Even if they couldn't catch or defeat all of the monsters encountered it was still enjoyable.
Bisky kept her distance the whole while, her irritation at the boys mounting ever higher.
She about screamed in frustration watching the boys chase the black puffball monster.
'Watch the trajectory, not its current location. With observation, you can learn an opponent's pattern of motion. Your eyes are sharp, but you aren't using them properly!' Bisky bemoaned.
It was well into the night when the boys had given up chasing the puffball and continued their journey, Bisky running at a distance behind them.
"What a shame it got away from us," said Gon as he kept a steady jog. "I bet Miwa would've liked to pet it. It looked fwah fwah."
"Fwah fwah," repeated Killua in amusement.
"Fwah fwah," laughed Gon. "Fwuffy right? That's what she used?"
"Fwah fwah," agreed Killua with a small giggle. "We'll have to come back to the game with her later. She might actually like it."
"At least it won't take us long to reach Masadora if all the monsters are that weak," cheerfully said Killua.
'Don't be so stupid,' inwardly groaned Bisky as she continued to run behind them. 'What if you encounter a monster that's both strong and fast? You silly children!'
After watching over the boys all day and into the night Bisky could see what they could really become. They were already strong, fast, and had a good grasp of nen; but they were too linear in their movements, and didn't capitalize on their abilities. They certainly didn't stop to think up of strategies, simply brute-forcing their way through monsters. When that failed they'd flee.
'These boys... these boys... They're just wasting their potential! They're raw stones that'll shine like diamonds with a little polishing. But at this rate, they'll run into stronger players or monsters and then it'll be game over.'
Bisky had already been annoyed at the boys before, but her frustration came to an abrupt eruption when they encountered a wandering suit of armor. Bisky could immediately tell the armor was being controlled by nen and a puppet master was elsewhere, but when the boys decided to fight the armor instead of the puppet master she lost it.
'That's it. I've had enough!'
"Gyo!" she shouted. "Keep your eyes on the armor. Use gyo! Don't you know how?!"
Gon and Killua jumped in surprise at her shout—the boys knew she was there, but she had been quiet for several hours by that point—then quickly used gyo. With it activated the boys could see that the armor was controlled by nen.
Pleased they could use gyo, Bisky went on, "See that? That armor's just a puppet so attacks won't work against it."
Gon followed the line of nen around a boulder while Killua distracted the suit of armor. The monster that had been controlling the armor was a tiny pink fluff ball that let out a squeak of alarm when Gon fount it, then turned into a card.
The armor fell apart because its puppet master transformed into a card. Gon brought the card over to Killua, holding it up in triumph.
Bisky jumped down from the cliff she had been watching the boys from. She placed her hands on her hips as she scowled at the two of them. "So you can use gyo. Why didn't you use it before?"
"Uh, well..."
She sighed. "So you forgot." She held up her right index finger. When neither of the boys reacted she continued, "Why are you just standing there? Gyo!"
The boys were taken aback for a moment. Gon and Killua used gyo again, revealing that Bisky was manipulating her nen to create the number one above her finger.
"What do you see?" she asked them.
"The number one," they said.
She nodded once. "Good. Listen up. If I use my finger, you use gyo and then you holler out what you see. If you ever sense anything suspicious, use gyo. Got it?"
"Why are you ordering us around?" demanded Killua as he glowered at her.
Bisky held up her finger again. Gon immediately used gyo—Killua did not bother—and said, "The number five!"
Bisky lowered her hand. "Very good." She pointed to Killua. "Drop and give me two hundred push-ups."
"It's your punishment," she said. "Get to it."
"What the hell? Why should I?"
"Got a problem?"
"No shit! Who do you think you are?"
Bisky perked up. "Oh! I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm the pro-Hunter Biscuit Krueger. I first learned nen forty years ago. I'm going to use my wealth of knowledge and experience to coach you boys. You should be grateful."
"Forty years?" gasped Gon.
"So you're an old hag!" declared Killua.
Bisky immediately punched Killua in the face hard enough to send him soaring.
'Yeah,' thought Gon as he watched his friend fly into the air. 'Cute girls in pigtails are scary.'
Happy Valentines (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
This story has received its first fanart! An adult Miwa with Kikyo drawn by @xXRenkoYukiXx on Wattpad.
Needed to do the introduction in Greed Island arc so everyone knows the premise and when I jump to my shenanigan scenes next it'll make sense.
Bisky is love. Praise Bisky.
Answer: Pokemon & Potterverse if I am always a witch.
Question: You will be transported into a video game. You must beat the video game to return to modern world and you can bring back 3 items from that game. What game would you choose and what would you bring back?
Reviews are love!
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