Fox II
The Zodiacs were a group of twelve Hunters whose skills had been recognized by the previous Hunter Chairman, Isaac Netero. They acted as the chairman's counselors and would perform in his stead in times of emergency.
It was rare for the entire group to be gathered in one place at the same time.
The reason?
The seemingly unthinkable had occurred.
Chairman Netero had been killed in battle.
None of members would have accepted such an impossible notion if not for the evidence—a compilation of surveillance footage taken from the surrounding areas.
It had been circulated amongst them; of the monstrous little girl who defeated Netero within seconds, all without seemingly exerting much effort. Despite causing a literal shower of flaming boulders, fire tornadoes, and who knew what else that couldn't be caught on camera.
It seemed one monster had slain another.
That day, eleven out of the twelve Zodiacs were seated on a long white table in a conference room at the Hunter Association Headquarters.
"Chairman!" wailed a large, burly man known as Ginta, the Sheep Zodiac.
"I thought we had all the Zodiacs present," said Mizaistom, the Ox Zodiac, "but the Rat is missing."
A cute auburn-haired girl with a bunny-eared headband leaned over the table. She was known as Pyon, the Rabbit Zodiac. She did not pause in texting on her phone as she drawled out, "The Vice Chairman is very busy, even at a time like this."
Gel, a tall beautiful woman with doll-like green eyes, softly said, "It's because it is a time like this. He's scrambling to secure votes for himself, I'm sure."
"Chairman," continued to sob Ginta.
"Ginta," sharply reproached Cluck the Rooster Zodiac. "You're loud, annoying, and you smell."
"Even the habitual slacker Ging showed up," snarked Saiyu the Monkey Zodiac as he stretched his long arms over his head. "Guess the Rat's just a scumbag."
The Boar Zodiac, Ging Freecss, flatly growled, "What do you mean even I showed up? I'll kill you, monkey."
"Go ahead and try it, dumbass."
"I can't accept this," said Botobai the Dragon Zodiac. "Why didn't the chairman call us to help?"
The youngest at the table, a man in stripes with a feral look his face muttered, "Agreed. Morel, Knov, and Kite were above that kind of job."
"Above is not the word you're looking for," chided the smallest member of the Zodiacs, the ever-loyal Dog known as Cheadle Yorkshire. The green-haired young woman gestured to Botobai. "You wanted to hunt the Ants yourself, did you not?"
The Dragon glared at her.
"The Chairman wanted all of us together for this," said Saccho the Horse Zodiac. "Let's wait for him to arrive."
The door to the conference room opened up.
"Hello!" cheerfully greeted a handsome blond man with amber eyes. He was Pariston Hill, the charismatic and cunning Rat Zodiac. "Sorry I'm late. My apologies!" He stepped into the room, sheepish rubbing the back of his head. He spoke in a pleasantly chirper voice, "Everyone is in a frenzy over what's going on with the East Gorteau. It's a big problem."
"It's whatever, just sit down," sighed the Ox.
Pariston pulled out a chair, purposefully moving it to the head of the table and smoothly sitting down. "Let's begin the meeting then."
"Oi! Why are you leading?" snarled the Tiger Zodiac, Kanzai.
"Oh? Is there a problem?"
Pyon didn't even look up from her phone as she said, "Don't boss us around after you show up late."
"Pariston, you're irritating! You creep! Get lost," snapped Cluck.
Pariston didn't lose his smile as he abashedly said, "I wasn't sure if I should lead. But you know, I'm the Vice Chairman. I outrank the rest of you, and I'm good at coordinating these things. I'm sure you all want to finish this quickly. If we rank by age, Botobai should lead. Judging by the ability to foster progress, Cheadle should lead. Both are better suited to the task than I. Would one of you be willing to take over?"
Cheadle smiled gently. "I'll refrain. You'd probably give me a hard time."
"I concur," said Botobai.
"Forget it. Just lead the meeting," said Saiyu. "Come and out say what you want to do, scumbag."
"In that case, if anyone objects to me leading this meeting, please raise your hand."
"I object! I object! I seriously object," cut in Cluck as she and three others raised their hands.
Pariston beamed. Without missing a beat, he smoothly continued in that saccharine tone of his, "That's four. The majority says I should continue. Of course, we can discuss any complaints as they arise. I'm ready to step down anytime. Then, I have a proposal. I will run for the position of Chairman, so let's not bother with an election."
At once every member of the Zodiac—excluding Gin—oozed murderous intent directed at Pariston. They glowered hatefully at the man with burning intensity. If looks could kill, Pariston would have been dead several times over.
Pariston did not drop his smile as he teased, "Scary! Everyone calm down. My point is that we'll waste time and money. We already know the results."
"No one here will vote for you," said Gel reproachfully.
"That's eleven votes," Pariston said coolly, his smile never wavering. "Together, you can only muster eleven votes. Do you know how many Hunters are in the Association? The late Chairman was too strong, so he couldn't understand the feelings of the weak. The same can be said for all of you. However, I can understand the weak. That is the kind of Chairman I seek to be."
"The weak end up as your slaves, working under the name of intermediaries," scoffed Pyon as she set her phone down. "How much have you made off them, Prince of Kickbacks?"
"Please, you have it wrong. I ask them to contribute to the pool. It's meant to help the Association expand."
"Eighteen," coldly cut in Mizaistom, the Ox Zodiac. "Do you know what that number represents? The number of Hunters who've gone missing in the three years since you became the Vice Chairman. As professionals who risk our lives, we're obligated to be aware of the situations our trusted associates are in. A missing Hunter is more bizarre than a Hunter's unexpected death. Before you became Vice Chairman, the average was zero-point-six Hunters missing per year. It's increased tenfold. Do you have something to say?"
Parison only stopped smiling a few seconds after Mizaistom finished. His expression slipped into that of pity. "That number is tragic. It pains me greatly." He smiled again. "Once I become Chairman, the number will surely decrease!"
"I'll run for Chairman. I'll carry on the old man's will," said Ging suddenly.
It was rare for the majority of the Zodiacs to agree on anything.
Yet at that moment ten of them had the exact same thought: 'I don't want to vote for either of them!'
Pariston leaned toward Ging. "Ging, I hear your son is in town. That he's even friends with the Chairman's murderer."
"Yeah," said Ging.
"Should I introduce myself?"
"Sure, he'd probably be thrilled."
Pariston chuckled. "Not worried he might get killed? Maybe I shouldn't go. If that child kills your son while I'm on my way over, I'll have wasted my time."
"Go visit him," said Gin with a smirk. "He's friends with her, ain't he? She won't hurt him."
Pariston smiled, his eyes gleaming.
Miwa gulped down the hot chocolate, licking her lips afterward. Earlier that day she had taken a hot shower then devoured a warm breakfast. Now finishing it with a sweet hot chocolate, she was feeling a lot better. She still felt bad, but not terrible. Killua and Gon ate breakfast with her on bed, and the ants had congregated into the room. Komugi was in a wheelchair since surgery and had joined them for breakfast at well.
The hospital room wasn't very large, so it was a cozy fit for everyone, but Miwa enjoyed it. Seeing so many of her friends together in one place was wonderful.
As soon as she finished drinking the hot chocolate, there was a knock at the door. Miwa smelled them before she saw them. She lowered her cup and beamed. "Shalnark! Nobunaga!"
Shalnark grinned at her, waving. He had a plastic bag in one hand. Completely at ease and cheerful, he greeted her with a warm, "Hey cutie."
Nobunaga, however, was staring at the ants. "Huh."
"Friends of yours?" asked the king.
"Yeah. Let me introduce you. This is Shalnark and Nobunaga," said Miwa. "Shalnark, Nobunaga this is Komugi—Shaiapouf—Neferpitō—Menthuthuyoupī—and, um—"
"Meruem," said the king, eliciting a gasp from Miwa.
"That's what you chose as your name?" she asked, excited for him. "What a neat name."
"The previous queen chose it. Hunter Kite passed it along to me this morning," said Meruem. Meruem nodded curtly to Shalnark and Nobunaga. "You are to take us to Soleil?"
"Yeah," said Shalnark. "Already booked a private airship this evening." Shalnark moved to Miwa's side, placing a bag on her lap. "Here you are."
Miwa frowned, opening up the bag. There were a few books and some kind of electronic device.
"The books were recommendations at the bookstore. That's a tablet," said Shalnark, pulling out the device. "I've already got it connected to Soleil's database. Make sure you stay on cellular and don't connect to any WiFi, okay?"
"Wi what?" Miwa blinked. "Cellular? What?"
Shalnark gave her a look of disbelief. "Did you grow up under a rock?"
Miwa flushed. "N-No!"
"Guess I'll play the teacher today," said Shalnark. "We've moved Soleil to be almost paperless."
"And that's good?"
"It's very good," he assured her. "And it'll be even greater once we get you caught up to speed."
Miwa sighed. "Okay."
The next couple of hours, Shalnark gave Miwa a crash course on how to operate the tablet, in addition to how to access the essential paperwork for her to review. Typing on it was awkward and slow for her, but she appreciated some of the extra functions it provided. Like searching for keywords, having access to a dictionary, being able to directly communicate with members of her government, and so on.
As she and Shalnark focused on that, the others quietly chatted amongst themselves.
Mainly Gon kept chatting with the ants. He had a lot of questions that Meruem seemed to be in a good enough mood to answer.
Come noon, it was time for Killua to head out to the airship.
He hugged Miwa tightly. She nuzzled and kissed his cheek. His face felt hot to her, but he didn't pull away when she did so. Instead, he squeezed her even tighter.
"Stay alive," he whispered to her.
"As best I can," she promised him.
Killua abruptly pulled away. Gon reached forward, grasping his hand and giving it a firm squeeze. The two held a wordless conversation between their gazes. Gon nodded, then let Killua go. He said, "I promise."
"Good," said Killua, leaving the room.
Neferpitō and Meruem exchanged glances. Meruem curtly nodded his head once.
"I'll go with you," said Neferpitō.
Killua shoved his hands in his pockets. "No need."
"Even if you say so, I'll still come along," they said unsparingly. "We want Miwa to recover just as much as you."
"Do what you want," muttered Killua.
"That's the plan," chirped the cat-ant.
When the sun began to set, Shalnark glanced at his phone. "Ah, about time for us to head out, too." He reached over and ruffled Miwa's hair, then Gon's. "Take care, children."
"I'll take good care of her," promised Gon.
"Good man," praised Nobunaga. He reached forward and affectionately patted the top of their heads. "Both of you keep up with your veggies."
"Yes, sir," Gon and Miwa echoed.
"Please get better soon, Miwa," Komugi said.
"Mn! I will," Miwa assured her, smiling happily. "I hope you keep kicking Meruem's butt."
"O-Oh, no, no—"
"Come visit once you are done resting," Meruem cut in sharply. "I will give you a fair assessment of your empire next we meet."
'Why do I suddenly feel like I'm being tested?'
You are.
Shaiapouf shifted his weight back and forth between Meruem and Miwa, unease on his face.
Meruem turned away, taking Komugi's wheelchair to guide her. He said, "Pouf. Miwa is vulnerable, so stay with her."
"Yes, your majesty," agreed Shaiapouf at once, relief in his voice as he moved to stand beside Miwa.
Miwa's eyes widened. "Oh, you don't need to do that for me—"
"I'm not doing it for you," Meruem muttered as he, Komugi, Shalnark, and Nobunaga left.
It was only Miwa, Gon, and Shaiapouf left. Gon had not gotten up from his spot on Miwa's bed. "So... wanna watch a movie?"
"Movie sounds good," agreed Miwa with a smile.
As the night began to set in, Miwa found herself unable to sleep. Her body was uncomfortable. She had taken short naps throughout the day, unable to relax enough to fall into a deep sleep. Kurama's chakra constantly flowed through her, the kyūbi not pausing or resting in his effort to battle the radiation.
Since coming in contact with Miwa's chakra it had taken a life of its own. They were fortunate that it could not mutate with Kurama's chakra—too volatile. Kurama tried a variety of different ways to defeat it, yet none had proven effective.
At best, he was able to slow the progress by cutting off Miwa's chakra network. Without the connection to her chakra, the mutation significantly slowed down. However, in doing so Kurama was unable to interact with her body—as his chakra was directly tied to her network—which meant he could not heal her.
Eight hours was the best he could manage. Eight hours without chakra, and when he "flipped the switch back on", he would rapidly purge the dangerous or dead cells.
Being without chakra left Miwa uncomfortably vulnerable. She was extremely grateful that Gon and Shaiapouf were with her. While neither were as strong as her, she thought they were powerful in their own right. She felt safer.
Safe enough to sit still, but enough to fall asleep.
Gon snoozed on the hospital bed with her, one hand clutching a handful of her long blonde hair. Miwa sat on the bed, working on Soleil's paperwork. There were a lot of proposed laws that she had to carefully read through. She wasn't the best at reading in the first place, so she had to read back over several sentences that used words she didn't understand.
Thankfully, Shalnark had installed a dictionary app for her to use. She had to semi-frequently tab over to it.
A shudder ran down her spine, nausea, and fatigue making her hands tremble.
There was a long, soothing sound in the air. It was something she had briefly heard at the ant palace every so often, but never so clearly. A gentle, melodic tune began to fill the air.
'That's Pouf, right?'
The butterfly-ant had moved to the roof—the hospital room was on the top floor—when he had the sudden urge to play. As he was directly above them, he could easily reach them should Miwa need his assistance.
What a pleasant sound.
Miwa cocked her ear, listening to Shaiapouf play that lovely instrument. What was it called? A violin? He played it beautifully.
'Do you like the sound?'
Yes, Kurama softly admitted.
Miwa smiled to herself.
Shaiapouf played for another hour—Miwa got through half of the paperwork uploaded for her—before he returned to the hospital room. Miwa greeted him with a soft, "That was beautiful."
Shaiapouf inclined his head, his gaze moving over to Gon who continued to snore. "Thank you."
"Um... Pouf?"
"Yes?" the butterfly-ant responded.
"Could you teach me?" Miwa asked, gesturing to his violin.
Surprise flickered over his face. "If that is your wish."
"It'd make me happy, but I don't want to burden you."
Shaiapouf's eyes narrowed briefly in thought. Then he bowed, placing his hand over his heart. "I would be honored. When would you like to start?"
Shaiapouf's brow creased. "Do you not need to rest?"
"I can't sleep," she said. "As long as it's not physically draining, I think I'll be okay. I want to learn. Please?"
Why bother?
'Why not bother?'
It's a waste of time, brat.
'It's not if it makes you happy.'
Miwa did not need to see Kurama to know his ears would be pressed against the back of his head in flushed embarrassment.
Whatever. Don't overdo it.
"Then...Very well."
"Um... help me without waking him?" she shyly asked. If she could use her chakra she could substitute or flicker out of Gon's grasp, but without chakra, she felt clumsily awkward. Shaiapouf hesitantly reached out to her, gently undoing Gon's grip on her hair.
Once freed, he picked her up. Miwa's eyes widened as her tummy pleasantly flipped.
She hadn't been picked up by someone in... in a long time.
It made her smile, her cerulean eyes sparkling with joy.
"I like being held by you," she said happily.
Shaiapouf's expression mirrored that of shock. He was careful in holding her. "Thank you. I will carry you to the roof."
Bonus - Alternative if Feitain had visited
"Mmm... I'll be staying in here for a while," she said. "I'm a little tuckered out from my last battle and want to relax."
"Ah, I see," said Feitan.
"How's Chrollo?"
"He left to start preparing."
"Preparing for what?"
"His fight with Hisoka," answered Feitan. "Don't worry. He left a lot of paperwork for you. Since you'll be resting, might as well be useful, Empress."
"Boo!" Miwa cried out in despair. "Boo! Noooo! BOO!"
Hail Friendship readers finally got the scene from Foxhunter. :') the joys of writing multiple stories at the same time in the same 'verse.
Watties & AO3 readers get a picture of all the Zodiacs 'cuz goodness know I had trouble keeping track of faces to names so I feel like at least a few of y'all are the same. So many new characters at once!
Story ending on chapter 42. You ready?
Killua & Zodiacs in the next chapter.
Answer: A magical self-sufficient cottage with a door that could anywhere my imagination wanted to go.
Question: Favorite Zodiac member? :) If not familiar with them, favorite Zodiac animal?
Reviews are love!
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