Ch | 97
Brooklyn Noelle Brankovich
Chapter Ninety-seven: "So, what happened when the cat was away"
I walked into The Beach Plaza and smiled wide at Marvin as I turned the corner, lugging my bags.
"Hey, Brooklyn!" He exclaimed, happy to see me after the last time he did, I was unconscious.
Marvin rushed from behind the reception desk, trying to help me as I was struggling, but I put my hand up. "I got it, thanks. How are you, miss me?"
"For sure. You sticking around this time, or do I need to start taking new tenants?"
I playfully rolled my eyes, hitting the 'up' button on the elevator with my elbow.
He chuckled. I said, "Don't worry, I won't be leaving again anytime soon. I love it here, I'm home."
This smile lit up his dark brown face. "I'm glad. Happy you're here, Brooklyn. Now you go get some rest. Next time I see you tryna leave, I'ma shut down the elevators while you're in it and make you miss ya flight," he joked, walking back to the desk as someone was standing there, waiting for assistance.
"Yeah, yeah," I sounded, shuffling inside the elevator.
DING! I walked out and dropped my luggage to the floor once I reached 311. Home sweet home.
I wiggled my key in the lock and hit my hip against the door to pop it open.
Out of breath, I blew strands of my straightened hair from my face and filed inside, being sure to shut (and lock) the door after me.
After a shower, I closed my curtains and blinds before getting dressed. I don't know, just felt like I was being watched. Paranoia from the accident, I suppose.
Zane's still out there, probably terrorizing some other poor, undeserving people. That scares me.
I shook of my worries and returned to my cleaning. I threw my hair into the messiest bun ever and lifted the fallen white long-sleeve linen shirt back over my shoulder.
My hair hadn't been washed in days - which is fine - and I didn't care to put on any makeup either. I had my pearl earrings in and my 'N' initial necklace on, along with the bracelet he got me on the island.
I poured my dirty clothes in the washer. I would've done that back at my father's house if I didn't leave in such a hurry. The plan was only to stay for three days but I cut it short and paid whatever I had to go catch a flight home.
It was almost eight at night and I hadn't eaten anything all day. Lately I haven't had much of an appetite, honestly.
My phone was off and I wanted it to stay that way for the rest of the night.
After washing the dishes, I dried my hands and looked around at the freshly sanitized apartment. I slid into the living room on my white ankle socks and fluffed the throw pillows on the couch.
As I hummed along to Bobby Caldwell's song What You Won't Do For Love, I snapped my fingers and waltzed back to the kitchen where I intended to whip up a quick sandwich.
"Alexa," I yelled once I heard a knock on the door, "pause!"
The device stopped playing music and I screwed the jar back onto the mayonnaise.
As I approached the door, I let my hair down and pulled it all to one side.
"We know you're here." Cassie shouted from outside.
"Coming!" I yelled back.
When I opened the door, I first saw my beautiful best friend.
Cassie hugged me. "Welcome back home." she said, pulling away to smile.
"How's my little niece in there!" I squealed in a baby voice.
"Nephew," Cassie corrected me, "And he's not making me throw up, so good."
"It's not a boy," Gael muttered. I sure hoped not.
"I have so much to tell you," I said to Cassie, referring to the Daniel and bar drama.
Cassie walked in and said, "You have no idea." Whatever that meant. . .
I lost my smile as I saw Gael and Noah. "Oh, hey," I said quietly.
"Hey," Gael said, tapping his fingers against the doorframe. "Not sure if I'm allowed in or not?"
"You can come in," I said, backing out of his way.
Then, Noah and I just looked at each other before I went to the living room and occupied the chair. Noah sat on the arm of it.
Gael sat on the couch beside Cassie. "I'm getting flashbacks of the last time we were all here like this," she said awkwardly, laughing like that too.
"Don't remind me," Noah grumbled.
Cassie bit at her nails and stared at Noah for a while with a blank face. "Hi to you too. Oh, and you're welcome for your gift."
"Thank you Cassie." He returned, flinging a pillow at her.
She took it and put it in her lap. "You're welcome, Noah," Cassie emphasized.
"So, what's going on?" I wondered, looking at them all.
"You first," Noah said.
I watched Gael put his arm around Cassie's shoulder, leaning back, and wished that could be me and Noah.
I sank in my seat dramatically. "Daniel is canceled, he was mean to me. And Christmas was okay. Cassie you were right, I should've stayed. We can start our tradition next year."
Cassie nodded her head. "Next year it is."
Gael spoke up. "What did you get, Brooke?" He asked me.
"Money," I answered, shrugging. "A receipt, and some great stuff from Cassie." I smiled at Cassie and picked at my black leggings.
Gael nodded, laughing at the gift he got me. "That's cool."
"What did you get?" I hesitated to ask Noah.
"Nothing really," he laughed a little, making Cassie roll her neck.
She said, "Wow. I still have two weeks to return it. So, I'll pick it up later."
"Sorry, Cass. I like my gift," Noah claimed, chuckling.
"So, anything exciting happen while I was gone?" I asked again, sitting on my foot.
Noah looked at Gael, making me suspicious.
"Uh, anything exciting?" Gael repeated, scratching his head. "We handled some shit that needed to be taken care of." Unsure what that meant, I looked confused.
"Zane won't be hurting anyone again, let's just say that. We made sure of it," Noah settled.
"What, you beat him?" I asked, looking between them three.
Gael shrugged one shoulder. "We did to him what he did to us. So, yeah."
Cassie gritted her teeth with squinted eyes. She said small, "Well, that's not all."
"Cassie, you were in on this, too?" I almost yelled, shaking my head. "What did you do?"
"Um, I almost killed him last night," Cassie breathed out, looking down in her lap.
Noah seemed just as taken aback by this information "When?!"
"Last night. I overheard what you and Gael were going to do, so I figured I could just talk to him and fix everything." Cassie spoke up, playing with her fingers.
My jaw was to the floor. I had to laugh. "So you two had a whole plan?"
"We needed to do something," Noah came to their defense.
Gael added, "Or else he wouldn't stop."
My head shook and I looked at Cassie. "Why'd you stop, Cassie?" I asked her.
She lifted her head with confusion in her eyes. "Terrence." she said.
"Terrance was there?" Asked Noah, trying to piece this together as well.
Gael darted his eyes at Cassie. "You didn't tell me that last night? Why?"
"I didn't think it was a big deal," Cassie said. "Yeah, he took the gun from me. But he was just working, I think. Or with Zane, I guess."
"Gun?!" I exclaimed with wide eyes. I scratched my forehead. "So I'm sitting with three felons? Good to know."
Cassie was quick to stand up for her decisions. "I know it was wrong, but he said some pretty fucked up things that would mess anyone up. I didn't know what I was doing and the man just fucking tried to kill me." She lost herself there for a moment but reeled herself back in.
"I'm sorry, this is just a lot,"'I exhaled, trying to apologize. "I don't know what to say."
Gael puffed air in his cheeks. "You don't have to say anything. Zane's good, just fucked up."
"He's alive?" I asked, trying to bring myself back down but this was a lot.
"Unfortunately," Noah mumbled.
Gael saw Cassie was out of it. He said, "We'll talk about this later, cool? You ready, Cassie?" She nodded, standing up after him.
Noah stood and said, "Later, bro. See ya, Cassie."
Then the door shut and I rubbed the back of my neck as I leaned forward in my chair.
That was a lot to process, I'm having trouble believing these people I've come to know and love would go to such lengths. Fitting for Noah, and sure, Gael, too, but Cassie? I was just shocked, is all. But I guess it made sense, being that's her uncle and all. He has a way of making people tick.
Not to mention, Zane hurt her - us - and could've killed her baby. I don't blame them, again, I'm just... surprised. Flabbergasted - is a better word.
I wish I could've been there, like, I feel like it was my fault, too. I mean, Noah did this for me too, and what if he got caught? Then it would've been my fault. It's just that Zane's serious, and things could've possibly not worked in their favor. Especially poor Cassie with a baby to worry about.
I finally stood and walked back to the kitchen, eyeing the stuff I left on my freshly cleaned countertop.
My mouth twisted as I stared and zoned off, going back into my thoughts.
"Say something," Noah said, having followed me behind the island.
I broke out of my daze and felt my lip quiver, emotions waiting to be released.
As my hand shook on the handle to the glass cabinet, I finally exploded. When I snatched my wrist away, all the China carefully placed came crashing down and shattered around my ankles.
"GOD!" I snapped, flailing my arms as I walked back and forth. "Did you even think about what would happen? The consequences? What if the cops showed up, then what?"
Noah mumbled, "I'd go to jail" at the same time I answered my own question and said, "You'd go to jail."
"Exactly," I spat. "And what would you say if an officer caught you in The Playroom, beating his ass, unprovoked?"
Noah's eyes widened. "Unprovoked?! He beat you and Cassie-"
"Days ago," I clarified.
"So now you're mad because I didn't leave the hospital and do something then? I was taking care of you, tryna make sure you're okay. I needed a plan and I wasn't trying to ruin the holidays."
"Oh of course that's not what I'm mad at," I explained, trying to speak clearly and not be so angry so he could see my side. "Noah, thank you for defending me. Better late than never, right? I'm only upset that you didn't think this through. You could've been caught. You say you wanna be with me but how could you if you were arrested? It was stupid, and dangerous, and selfish."
I'll admit, those were some harsh words that might not have translated well. All I mean is, how could we live happily ever after had he been caught? What if he did kill Zane, that would make him a real criminal. I'm not saying I'd stop loving him, but what would follow? How would he get off for that, if at all?
I cursed myself for not calling him back the other night when I knew he was up to no good. I knew it! And I did nothing, because I wanted to run away and be in Texas, avoiding my problems.
"Youre right," he admitted in a low voice. "Again, I thought I was doing the right thing and I fucked up." How many times am I going to have to hear that one?
"That's not good enough," I laughed brokenly.
When he had nothing to say in return, I tucked the hair behind my ears and began picking up the broken glass across the floor.
Noah bent down and helped, seeing me be a little slow with one hand and trying to be more careful since I didn't have any shoes on my feet.
"I can do it myself," I huffed proudly and stood. Noah did the same.
He pushed me out the out of the way with his forearm. "Brooklyn-"
I ignored him to grab a broom and dust pan, but Noah took it and got the glass.
I swallowed and supported my weight with the countertop along where the sink and oven was.
Once he cleaned it all up, Noah sat the broom against the island and leaned against it himself.
He, standing directly in front of me, stared down at me and I was too - I don't know the word - to look back at him.
Overwhelmed, I made way to my bedroom where I stood on the area rug and took a deep breath.
"Noah, please," I begged. "this is too much. I can't..."
"Brooklyn, look at me," he cooed, trying to grab my hand but I pulled away.
"I appreciate you trying and sticking up for me at all costs, but Noah, as far as our relationship goes... I want to be with you, but you lied to me, and it's hard to believe it won't happen again," I opened up.
"How are we going to be together if you can't trust me?" asked Noah, wetting his lips.
I shook my head and shrugged fast, feeling the tears coming on but I fought them off a little longer. "I don't think we can be together."
At those words, Noah looked like he'd just been shot in the chest. He looked to be in disbelief and something like heartbroken. "So That's it then?" I heard his voice break but he cleared his throat and talked deeper. He swung his fist in his hand and sucked in his lower lip, nodding with his jaw clenched.
This. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
Be strong, Brooklyn, I thought in my head.
No. Stop being so strong.
Use your brain.
You saw where that led you before. William, hello? Use your heart - follow it. For once.
You love him.
But you love yourself more.
Never trust liars.
He'll just do it again.
And again.
And again-
When I sniffled and held myself, Noah walked towards me but stopped a few feet away.
"Can I give you a hug?" He asked me. I nodded, blinking rapidly.
And he pulled me into his arms and didn't let go for who-knows-how-long because I lost track of time. It was well-needed, though.
Eventually, Noah stepped back and I wanted to tell him not to leave and hold me forever, but my throat closed and I turned away, choking on the tears that fought hard to be seen.
The door clicked shut and I honestly thought that was the last I'd seen of him, which is saying something considering we're neighbors.
You'll never find another love like that, you know?
You might as well pack up and move home, or up North.
He's just going to move on in a day and find someone new.
You really fucked that one up.
Hey, at least he didn't see you cry.
Are you happy now?
You shouldn't be.
My fist shook by my side and I felt my skin burning. It felt like I was going to literally and physically combust.
"No, no, no, no," I cried out loud, yanking on the neckline to my linen shirt. I started to let it all out and lost my balance, catching myself on the wall with my accessible hand.
This just isn't fair. I love Noah and I know I want to be with him but nothing seems to work.
Do I take him back?
I don't think he'll lie to me again. He's learned his lesson, right? Right?!
No, but I'm sure he's done with me. I don't expect him to come back after this. I mean, how much can he take? First I said I hate him, next I brand him a criminal, and then I said I don't trust him and can't be with him.
What is wrong with ME?! It's always been me, not Noah.
I tried calming down but it didn't work. The more I thought about it, the more I felt the room shrinking and my body heating up.
This is like high school all over again.
Shut up!
No, you shut up!
I covered my mouth with my arm and crawled to my bed.
I stuffed my face into my pillow to muffle my cries as I would have to after mother would starve me when I did poorly at a recital and I didn't want to disturb her sleep with my nonsense that are called emotions.
The door creaked back open and I heard Noah's voice.
"I forgot my- Are you crying?" He quickly switched his tone and hurried over to my side.
I gripped the pillow to my face so he wouldn't take it away but he did and really looked at me. I couldn't read his face, my vision was all blurred and my crying became too loud and pained to hear over.
"Brooklyn, your face is so red," he started to panic, sitting me up.
I spaced out but felt him grabbing both sides of my face.
The room had to be over a hundred degrees.
"No," I belted, pushing his hands away.
"Brooklyn," he yelled, snapping his fingers in my face. When I didn't respond, he rushed out of the room.
He came back with a glass of water and a wet rag. I pushed them away, too.
I fell into his lap and let out ear-ringing cries powered from the pits of my stomach.
"I don't want you to leave me," I bawled, squeezing him so tight.
Noah stroked my hair and rubbed my back after pulling my photo quilt from Cassie over my body as I had come down and started to shiver.
"I'm not leaving you, Brooklyn," his voice soothed me. "I'm right here."
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