Ch | 93
Brooklyn Noelle Brankovich
Chapter Ninety-three: "Don't hang low the mistletoe"
I woke up with a headache after last night's events. It's Christmas Eve and doesn't even feel like it.
I was diagnosed with a mild concussion. On top of that, I had a couple of little cuts of my face, a bruised cheek, and my shoulder was dislocated so I was stuck sporting a sling.
I left Cassie's before she was out of bed and worked up the nerve to unlock my door. Noah must've returned the spare key of mine he kept because it was on the dresser in Cassie's guest room with my other things when I woke up.
I pursed my lips and let the door swing open.
When I stepped inside, nothing was crazy or too bad. Some things were flipped and out of place, but I didn't think anything was stolen or damaged. But I hadn't seen my room yet.
As soon as I tiptoed back to my bedroom, there was a knock on the main door. I jumped out of my skin and then relaxed once I saw it was only Noah.
Curse me for not learning my lesson and failing to lock the door, I thought in my head.
"Hey," he said, walking towards me. As he did so, I could smell the Methodmen sandalwood scented body wash he used wafting my way.
I removed my nails from between my teeth and sighed.
"Not now, Noah," I said, bending over to try and pick up some things that fell from the dresser that got knocked over.
I remember everything that happened even though I played clueless with Officer Rhodes and the doctor. It was Zane, who else would it be? I don't know what he did to Cassie but he really did a number on her. My thinking was this was because we quit, or maybe it was meant for the boys as a way to get to them - you know, by hurting their loved ones first. And even though I could tell how devastated Gael and Noah were about the situation, it's their fault in the first place and I just can't seem to forgive them.
"Hey, what are you doing?!" Noah snapped, lunging over to me. He pushed my hand away and lifted the dresser himself.
I smacked my lips. "I could've done it myself," I said, discouraged.
"You're not supposed to lift anything," Noah reminded me.
"Well, I'm fine."
Noah sighed like he was exhausted- fed up- by my attitude.
"We need to talk," he insisted and I snickered, flipping hair over my shoulder.
I started to walk to the bathroom and Noah raised his voice, making me freeze in place. "Brooklyn, get back here."
I slowly blinked and sat down on my bed.
"I said, we need to talk," he repeated more sternly.
I stood and stomped my foot, getting annoyed. "Talk about what, Noah?!"
"Cut the fucking attitude," he roared, making me sit right back down and seal my lips. I gulped hard and let him go on. Noah exhaled and swiped his hand down his face. "I shouldn't have to talk to you like I'm your father, but you act like a fucking kid. I fucked up, Brooklyn, I admit it. I've admitted it a million times. I can't take it back, I can only make things right now and swear I will never hurt you again but I'd rather show you that than tell you. Now, I love you, and when I heard you were in the hospital I-" he stopped and released his balled fist.
I just watched him carefully think of what to say next.
"I care about you, and I love you, and I want to make things right. You love me too but you're too hurt right now and I understand why, it's valid. It fucking upsets me - frankly- that you can just so easily throw away everything we have, and not even give me a chance to speak or ask how I feel about it."
"I-" I tried to speak but Noah cut me off.
"Let me finish." He growled. "I'm sitting here and telling you I swear on my dead mother, that shit that happened last night will never happen again. I respect you enough to let you have your space but don't make me wait forever. Because I want you and I want us to work things out. Clear?"
"Crystal," I mumbled.
*** Christmas Day ***
I woke up entirely too early on Christmas morning, but I wasn't complaining. It was six in the morning and I was going back-and-forth to load up my Porsche.
I had on my matching red plaid Christmas pajamas that read 'Naughty or nice' on the top pocket and a pair of brown Ugg Neumel lace-up chukka boots. Because I had started getting ready though - but was too lazy to throw on clothes yet - my makeup was done minimally and I had straightened my twenty-inch long hair.
Noah and I hadn't spoken after yesterday morning when he or actually scolded me. I wasn't sure where things were going to go from there, but he made it pretty clear what he wanted. Time was just something that I needed a lot of, I mean, it's only been two days since Cassie and I were sent to the hospital.
Speaking of Cassie, the second I skipped out of the elevator, she called my name. "What are you doing up so early?" She whisper-yelled.
"Don't hate me but I'm going home for a couple of days," I said all in one breath, bracing myself for Cassie's response since I failed to tell her sooner. I should've, but it wasn't something I exactly had planned.
"You are home," Cassie said, dropping her shoulders. "Don't tell me you mean Texas? On Christmas?"
I pouted. "I know, I know, but I just want to show my face. I've never not been with my family on Christmas and they're pretty worried about me. But I have something for you!" I exclaimed and went to grab her gift from my kitchen.
When I returned to the hallway, Cassie spoke up. "Well thanks for throwing our tradition away. And now I have nowhere to go because you're leaving," she said. "And I have something for you, so you wait now."
Cassie turned around and jogged to apartment 306 to get whatever she had for me. I could only imagine what it might be. . .
"Me first," I squealed, bending my knees with excitement. "So, first there's this. It's a vanity because I know you take forever to get ready." As I spoke, I pulled the items out of the bag one by one long enough for her to see, but I put it back inside so she wouldn't have to carry it.
"Then, I got you this because, well I know you like to be in bed; and I didn't even know you were pregnant when I got it so I hope you'll wear it always!"
Cassie's jaw drops to the ground at the sight of the wearable Sherpa blanket. "Oh my, God. It's scary how well you know me. I love them so much, and I could cry. And I'm going to put on that blanket as soon as you leave." Her gratitude didn't go unnoticed, I was happy with how much she loved the presents.
"But wait," I said, my voice animated. "there's more!" And that's when I handed over the gold card Sutton had ordered for me.
"Shopping spree, on you?" Cassie took a guess and was wrong.
I shook my head. "It's like a gift card to my store; for seven months, every purchase is free." All I could do was grin and wait for her reaction.
"Shut up!" Cassie gasped, cupping her jaw. "Are you kidding? I don't even know what to say right now. I'm just speechless. Seven months?"
I nodded. "That's how long we've known each other. If it were up to me, you know I'd let it be for life. I hope you like it," I cooed, handing over the bag.
"I wouldn't even care if it was a day," she made clear, taking the bag from my fingers with this big smile on her face. "I don't like it, Brooke. I fucking love it. Thank you for all of this. Seriously."
"You don't have to thank me. Merry Christmas," I sang, clasping my hands together.
"My turn," Cassie rang, putting the bag in front of her body. She dramatically cleared her throat and said, "So, as you know, I feel like shit for the gift I'm about to give you because you gave me so much and no it's not about the best gifts anyway. Christmas to me is beyond that. So, I got you this." After all that, Cassie pulled out a big fluffy blanket with all of our pictures printed on it.
She continued. "I didn't realize we took so many pictures, but at least I can go wherever you go now. Like Texas."
My eyes were big, trying to take in all of the images. We're so cute, I love this! What a thoughtful gift, I thought in my head.
"They better let me take this on the plane, it's so cute! Look at us, aw!" I frowned.
Cassie clapped, ecstatic. "They better. Just please don't have sex on it. Like, my face is on there," she joked.
"Dont worry," I awkwardly laughed. "I won't."
I had to give Cassie a hug. "I love it, thanks so much," I told her sincerely.
She hugged me back. "Don't thank me," she pulled away. "Well, I don't want to hold you up, but please have a safe trip and text me when you get there. Promise?"
"Promise! I won't be gone long," I assured her. God, I felt awful leaving her, especially the accident, but I had to be selfish just this once. Not only did I just not want to sleep in that apartment, I needed to be further from Noah to think about things. Also, I hoped going back home would bring my parents back together. Yeah, my mother's awful, but it's the holidays and maybe some good will come of it.
Cassie whined, "It would be selfish of me to tell you to stay. No, have fun and be safe." I appreciated how understanding she is, that's why we're best friends. She's perfect, but I always say that.
"I should've asked you, but it was a last minute thing. You know how my parents are, if I don't get on this plane they'll send a rescue team for me, so," I laughed lightly.
"Fine, I guess you can leave me. Let me know when you get there, okay?" Cassie repeated herself.
"Of course. I love you, be safe!" I blew kisses as I walked to my door.
Cassie said, "I love you, too," as she walked backward to her apartment.
I was finally in actual clothes and ready to go after my goodbyes to Cassie and a couple phone calls to Mel and Sutton. They told me not to worry about anything work-related because they, of course, had it all under control.
I locked my door and turned with a content smile that quickly faded when I laid eyes on Gael.
He just looked like he always looked, I didn't care to make eye contact much because I really didn't have anything to say. He's just as bad as Noah except I'm not as disappointed in him, even though he was a like a brother to me. So, I'm not exactly mad at him for lying, but more so for hurting Cassie. I had no idea where they stood or if they'd spoken, but he's my godchild's father and I wasn't sure if he knew it or not.
Whatever he was doing, he looked awfully spiffy. I guess he had Christmas plans. I don't know if Cassie was included in them, though. Probably not. But I believe Cassie's a little more optimistic about them getting back together soon, or at least working on it.
Gael stopped outside of my door like he was going to knock on it, or something. "Uh, wasn't expecting you to be up," he said like Cassie.
"I have a plane to catch," I told him, my tone was bored. "Why are you dressed up?"
"My family is going to my Mom's for Christmas," he told me, standing tall. In his hands was a frame that he switched from one to the other. "Where you going?"
"What's in your hand?" I continued the interrogation.
"A gift for you," Gael lifted it up. "And I don't think you heard me. Where you going?"
I sucked in my cheeks and eyed the gift. "What is it?"
"Remember when you helped me with my portfolio, modeling for me?" Gael asked. I remembered.
He saw me nod my head and then handed the framed receipt over. "Some old ass creepy dude bought your picture for a lot of money and told me to tell you you should model. Here's proof."
I had to squint to read it because, well, I don't have 20/20. But ultimately, I was impressed. I stopped smirking, though so Gael wouldn't think we were cool again. "Well I'm worth more than that but you're welcome... and thanks, Gael."
Gael nodded with this quiet laugh. "Yeah. Merry Christmas," he said as he started to walk away.
Ugh, I guess I can return the favor.
"Wait," I mumbled hesitantly. "I have something for you." Like when I tried to get dress and load my car, digging through my purse was quite the hassle.
Gael stopped and turned around to see me struggling but I finally found what I was looking for.
"I got you a watch, but I returned it," I let him know. I was able to return it after Sutton didn't it, or Mel.
Gael read over the receipt. "I'm worth more than that but thank you. I'll frame it," he copied me. I wanted to laugh but didn't.
I swallowed. "Bye, Gael. Merry Christmas."
And he just nodded, opting to take the stairs as I waited for the elevator to open up.
"-What, am I not allowed back here?" I asked, laughing, as I read my parent's shocked face.
"It's not that," my mother said, shaking.
Dad looked at me and I could tell he was only seeing my injuries, like Mom.
"Can I come in already?" I asked, pushing my way inside.
"W-where's Melinda and Sutton?" asked my father who tried to change the subject.
I hunched my shoulders as I stared at the tree that went up to the high ceiling. Just like I remembered.
"Uh, they wanted to stay in LA this year. What's for dinner, I don't smell anything?"
"We didn't cook," Dad said.
"Yeah, and I see a tree but no decorations or gifts under it," I snickered, throwing my coat on the staircase rail.
"Brooklyn, we didn't plan on spending Christmas together this year, that's why," my mother told me.
I walked around with my hands in my back pockets.
That's when a car pulled up loudly outside and we all went out to see what the racket was.
"Danny!" I shrieked at the sight of my brother getting out of his Range Rover.
"Brook-brat!" He shrilled, running to me.
Daniel originally gave me that nickname but a few of my family members - and Sutton - picked it up, they say it fits. Whatever.
I was tossed in the air and spun before Daniel noticed my arm was in a sling.
He gasped and put me down gently. "Baby, I'm so sorry. Are you okay, what happened?"
Since Daniel and I were both at the estate, Mom and Dad decided to have the new chef prepare something.
Apparently my parents had been talking as of late and they decided to rethink the divorce. My father said my mother is a lot of things but there honestly is a real reason he loves her. And to my surprise, she said she didn't mean anything she said, and he's the love of her life. They both told me she vowed to change - for real this time. That meant counseling for her as an individual, and them as a couple. I didn't care whether they stayed together or divorced, anymore, just as long as my mother got her act together.
So Daniel and I went to my old bedroom to catch up. He asked all about Gael and Cassie, and everyone else he met during his stay in California.
I didn't realize I missed Daniel at all until I saw him. He was nice to have around, even made me laugh for the first time in a couple days. In fact, the last time I did laugh was with Cassie while we were decorating my apartment before Christmas Eve.
"Okay, are you going to talk about him, or do I have to pry?" Daniel rolled his neck on my bed.
I stopped picking at the frills on a pillow and sighed. "There's nothing to say," I said softly.
"What happened, you seemed so happy on Snapchat, then one day I stopped seeing your posts about him. He stills posts you," Daniel said. "My favorite one is after y'all fucked, he recorded you in bed, ya hair was all wild and you couldn't stop smiling, and the caption was like 'fixed that attitude.'" Daniel laughed.
I glared at him. "Let me see."
Daniel unlocked his phone and his nails tapped on the Snapchat app where he found Noah's story.
I almost gasped. It was two posts back-to-back. The first was just of me, a picture he took while I was sleep one day. I remember he said I looked like an actual angel. He said that's the only time I'm ever peaceful, in my sleep.
I laughed faintly and tapped to see the next snap. Ah, it was a photo of us holding hands one night at a table over dinner. The caption was the same from when he originally posted it. It read:
Luckiest man alive
My smile went away and I just got sad. Daniel read my face and took his phone back.
"Are you too depressed to listen to me talk about my new man?"
I smiled again. "Tell me, tell me, tell me!"
After dinner, Daniel and I grabbed some wine and tried sneaking away to the docks.
"Brooklyn Noelle," my mother called me from the living room. I slouched and trudged over to her, taking Daniel I'd meet him on the lake.
She patted the seat next to her but I remained standing. In walked my father who looked at me with such pity.
"I know what you're about to say, and I'm fine," I beat them to it. Or thought I did.
"You're obviously not, look at your face, Princess," she complained, staring at the bruise. I looked down at my feet and sniffled.
"We just want to know what happened," Dad said. "The truth."
"The truth is," I paused for a split second to think. "I tried riding Gael's motorcycle and I fell off." I saw mom's shoulders relax but my father didn't look too convinced.
"What would you try riding that god awful thing for- I mean," my mother corrected herself, trying to change. "you're grown and made that decision for yourself. Now lesson learned. I'm just glad you're alright, you're face will clear up soon; you don't even look ugly."
I nodded and tried keeping my line of sight away from my father's direction.
"Can I go now?" I rushed, already inching out of the room.
My father crossed his legs and gestured his hand for me to leave the room.
"I worry about her," I heard my father say as I turned the corner.
"And the sex?" Daniel asked, wiping his mouth.
I passed on the bottle as it was near the end, and I threw my head back. "Ugh, it was SO good! Like beyond good, I have no words." I got a chill. "See, I got a chill just thinking about it! I miss his dick so much." I frowned.
"Mm. I would, too. I just know it's good, he looks like a little freak."
I giggled. "Daniel!"
"What? I'm just saying, I wouldn't have gave that man up. Over my dead body," he joked, chuckling the bottle into the lake. I normally would've gotten on him about littering, but I just said fuck it this time. Someone might find that bottle one day if it washes up on a shore, it was old and expensive, maybe it's worth something.
"Long story short?" Daniel asked me to brief why we broke up. I'd been avoiding talking about it all day.
I blinked away from Daniel and stared at the water.
"It's about trust. Respect. And human decency," I mouthed off. "I... he. I don't know." I sighed.
"You don't know? Then it sounds like there's still a chance?"
"I don't know how he'll make things right, or if he even can, ya know?"
Daniel squeezed my good hand. He looked into my eyes, then we both blinked and slowly turned our necks back to see the view.
"What's meant to be," he cooed, "will always find a way."
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