Ch | 88
Two weeks later
Noah Silas Anderson
Chapter Eighty-eight: "The cat's out of the bag"
"Yo, Trainer Noah," one of the basketball players said and they all surrounded my office. "When will Trainer Hailey be back?"
I stood against the wall and shrugged. "She just had a baby, I don't know. I heard she won't be back."
"Damn, she got pregnant that fast? I swear she just started," Jabari commented.
Dante said, "Oh, i'ght, you cool and all, though," and dapped me up.
"Let me get some ice," his teammate, Wayne, hollered, eying the ice machine.
I tossed him a small paper cup and told him to go crazy as they always did. In the two weeks I'd been there full time, I learned a lot about these kids. Well, I guess I'm only a few years older. Still, my job isn't bad at all, there's always something to do, from kids faking injuries to sit out of practice or just trying to use my heat pad and relax.
"Hey, Mr.Anderson," the same cheerleader from before said. She walked by with a trio of girls following her in their practice uniforms.
The basketball boys all called out for them, the captain of the team - Jabari - even followed a girl and threw his arm around her. I just laughed at their antics, remembering that's how I was when I was in school on campus a few years ago.
I'm not used to Mr.Anderson, I prefer Trainer Noah, but sometimes being called by my first name is too friendly with the kids. It's weird because we're close in age, but I feel too mature, and I'm definitely not worried about any of these girls.
"Damn, she wanted you," Dante said to me, sitting back on the medical bed like he was at home.
"Yeah, you get that all the time?" asked his teammate, Wayne.
I dusted off the black collared shirt I wore as a uniform with the khakis. I know, khakis are disgusting as Brooklyn would say, but I think I made it work.
My arms folded as I leaned against the counter and listened to them talk about how thirsty their classmates are.
"That's yo girl?" he asked another question, noticing the picture taped to the cabinet beside my head.
I turned to look at it as if I forgot what picture it was, but it was my favorite one of us.
"Yeah, that's her," I smiled.
All along the cabinets were welcoming sticky notes from student-athletes who were each claiming to be my favorite and saying they're happy I'm here and that I'm the best. And they all made it a point for me to remember them before they "go pro." Everyone at CCU made me feel really welcomed, I felt right at home.
"She fire, though," Wayne said, staring at the other pictures. There were other pictures, like the ones of her playing volleyball - as well as the newspaper clippings about her games - or my other favorite picture. My eyes landed on the one he was talking about when he said it:
I took that picture on Catalina Island the morning after my birthday before we left. She was practically glowing that whole trip, it feels like a lifetime ago. I say every photo of her is my favorite, but this one's top twenty for sure. Brooklyn takes a lot of pictures of us, and herself of course.
A knock on the door interrupted our talk. It was one of the women gymnasts.
"Hey, Trainer Noah, can you give me some ice for my knee, please?" she asked. I hadn't worked with her before but her coach mentioned early on that I'd be seeing her about that left knee.
"Yeah," I said, setting a timer. I had Dante get up from the bed so she can sit and elevate her knee before practice.
"Thanks," she smiled.
"Damn, you thick as hell," Wayne commented, making the girl giggle, she didn't know what to say.
"What's your name?" I asked, dropping the ice bag on her problem area.
"Hazel," she said back. Noted. "So, what were you all talking about when I walked in?"
"His girl," Wayne replied, cocking his head towards the photos of Brooklyn so Hazel could see.
He had a bag full of snacks and offered me some a bag of Skittles that I gladly took.
"Oh, she's so pretty! How long has it been?" Hazel wondered.
I gritted my teeth in thought. "Uh, shit, I dunno. I wanna say seven months, but I really just asked her officially last month."
"Officially," Dante repeated. "I like that."
"Nah, that's how it be, though. Like, you already be knowing that's ya girl, y'all don't even need a title, real shit," Wayne explained my thoughts exactly. I nodded and he slid hands with mine.
"I see you," Dante said to me.
In walked their coach with his arms out. "What is this, the new hangout spot? Don't you boys have to be at practice, this ain't social hour. Move your asses or your running the bleachers - the football stadium bleachers." Head men's basketball coach Mark Aarons emphasized and they quickly shot up.
"Anderson, how are ya?" The thin, six-footer, Jewish man in his fifties greeted me. He swore he ran the school and that the men's basketball program was the best just because he'd been there since he was in his thirties. Really, the school was known for football, men's lacrosse, and gymnastics.
"Alright, you?"
He clenched his clipboard and raised his pants. "Hanging in there. How are these kids treating you, I know my boys can be a handful?"
"All the kids are cool, and they're amazing athletes. Your boys are funny, though."
"Well, keep them healthy! I'll be seeing you," he said, patting my shoulder before walking away.
I rotated back in the room after slapping my hand on the wall above the doorframe, and returned to my paperwork I was doing before the guys came to mess with me as they've been doing everyday of the past week.
"What's she like?" I heard a girl's voice ask.
Surprised, I turned and saw Hazel pulling out her AirPods. Honestly, I forgot she was there.
"What's who like, Brooklyn?"
"Is that your wife's name?"
"Woah, woah, girlfriend; but yes."
Hazel giggled. "Oh, I thought I didn't see a ring."
I looked down at my bare finger and remembered what Brooklyn said about not wanting physical rings when we get married.
I chuckled a little. "Yeah, nah, we're not there yet."
"Well, what is she like?"
"Why are you asking so many questions?"
"I'm trying to get to know the new trainer. You should want to get to know us, too," she remarked, throwing me for a loop.
"You're like four-nine, why are you so sassy?"
"Little people have to be. Now, answer me. It's not everyday you see a guy decorating his office with pictures of his girlfriend," she spoke, adjusting how she sat. I had to remind her to mind her knee as she had a few minutes left to ice it.
I laughed and closed the binder. "She's funny, we always laugh and joke. She's wild - unpredictable - but that's what keeps things exciting. Uh, I don't know, Hazel, I shouldn't be talking about my personal life with you..."
"Okay, but you tried. Point for you. My boyfriend was Frank Leclair, the soccer player, you've probably seen everyone wearing the number seven shirts - they're for him. He died in a car accident last year and they retired his number." Hazel went on.
I looked down at my watch and almost asked her "why are you telling me this" but I cut myself off.
She said, "You know, before he died I was supposed to tell him something, I'd been keeping this secret. Then he was gone, and I never got to tell him."
Suddenly, the timer I set went off. And Hazel hopped off the table. She emptied the ice bag in the sink and threw the plastic away.
"Nice talking to you, Noah, it was nice to vent and get to know you since we barely knew Trainer Hailey. I hope you'll stick around. Anyway, I have a meet later, see you there?" She made clear, squeezing her backpack straps.
"-I just don't understand why you can't come home and fuck me like a normal boyfriend," Brooklyn whined in the phone.
I facepalmed myself and shook my head as the man walking in the bathroom heard what she said since I had it on speaker while I used the urinal.
He just laughed and gave me a thumbs up. "Wish my wife was like that," he joked, going in the stall.
I curled my face and zipped my pants back up to rush out before he handled his business.
I stopped at the sink to finish the conversation before returning to Gael.
"Why are you like this?" I laughed, taking the phone off speaker.
"I just miss you, you've been gone all day," she cried.
"I know, sorry, I had to stay for the gymnastics scrimmage," I let her know.
"Don't say sorry, you're just doing your job," she sighed. "I'll let you go, just bring me something to eat back? And don't drink too much!"
"I'll try, no promises. I gotta go before Gael thinks I fell in the toilet and busts in here. I'll see you later, okay?" I rushed.
"You better," she said lowly. "Tell me-"
I stopped her before she reminded me. "I love you," I said. "Good night."
"I love you, too," she giggled and ended the call first.
The toilet flushed and out walked the man. He fixed his belt and stopped beside me with a huff.
"My wife never says those words to me," he vented in brief and slapped my elbow before pushing the bathroom door open to exit.
I put my phone in my pocket and suddenly caught a whiff. "He didn't wash his hands... And he touched me. Nasty son of a-"
It was getting late, Gael and I were enjoying our conversation at the bar. I missed his company, as corny as it sounds. It's not like our girlfriends were keeping us apart, we could've easily got together any time for drinks or a workout but life was busy happening. He's a hot shot photographer for real now on top of holding another job, and I was settling into my career as well. I'm proud of us both, to be honest. That's nothing something I'd be able to say if we were still working at The Playroom.
Of course, my best friend ordered a beer. I never said anything to him about his choice not to drink excessively or venture outside of beer because I knew why and understood.
Meanwhile, I had a Snakebite.
Man, we were both beat, sitting there like old ass men who slaved the day away. I wasn't even stressed, just overwhelmed I think. But in a good, rewarding way, so I enjoyed my drink.
Gael tapped on the counter. He was dressed casually in sweats after leaving Frank's, and I was jealous because I had just left CCU and kept on my work attire.
"How was work?"
"It was good, the kids are kids. They remind me of us when we were in school. I got to watch some of the gymnastics meet today, it was alright. Just a long day," I answered, adjusting the bracelet Brooklyn got for me.
Gael sipped then sighed. "Sounds more interesting than my day. That's cool though. Sounds like you like it? Keeps you busy."
"I like it," I chuckled, "I could do without all the cheerleaders tryna get at me, but it definitely keeps me busy."
Gael laughed, looking around the bar. "Can't believe you just said that. Damn, we finally grew up, I guess." You could say that again.
"Man, you're telling me. I'm proud of you, though, making it work with Cass. How is she?"
"Appreciate it and I'm proud of your crazy ass too," Gael told me, cupping his jaw. He said, "Sick as fuck, weird as fuck, but she's good. I don't know, she doesn't want me around too much. I guess it's because it's the flu, but I'm not sick yet."
"Yeah it is flu season, but damn. Is she bad, like her symptoms?" I asked, swallowing hard.
"It was all week, throwing up and shit, but she got medicine. I haven't really seen her since, though."
"Why not, you care about getting sick? I'd take the time off of work already, shit," I chuckled, taking another drink.
"I was hoping, but I don't even feel fucking sick," Gael said, swirling his beer glass.
"Must not be contagious," I shrugged. "Were you with her before she got medicine?" I was just trying to get to the bottom of this, I thought she'd want him all over to cafe for her while she's under the weather.
Gael nodded, taking a sip. "Yeah, I was all up in her face and shit. I would've been got sick."
"Huh. That is weird, bro." I paused with a thought that I quickly shot down, and then shrugged. "What are you getting Cassie for Christmas, y'all doing gifts?"
"Fuck," Gael huffed. "It's almost Christmas? Shit, I don't know. Time slipped, but I'll figure it out. What are you getting Brooke?"
"What the fuck could I get her, she goes all out for Christmas? She has everything and I'm not getting any damn Gucci and whatever. She'll be happy with a box of air."
Gael laughed. "Yeah, right. She'll probably kill you."
"She'll definitely kill me," I hissed, recovering from a shot.
Simultaneously, our phones went off. I creased my eyebrows and looked at Gael suspiciously as I grabbed my phone.
It was a text from Zane that read:
You both must've forgot that you have debts to settle with me. I gave you multiple warnings and now I'll be taking matters into my own hands. But just so you know, I'm feeling creative. I've been slacking lately.
Fuck! Just when you think you're done with him, he comes back like roaches.
I clenched my jaw and cracked my knuckles, my fist against my chin.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," I growled.
I had the right mind to block Zane's number.
Gael aggressively wiped down his face, looking like he was about to blow. "Fuck. What the fuck!" He barked.
"What do we do now?" I asked for his plan first.
"The only thing we got left to do. We can't keep lying to them when Zane is crazy as fuck. But I do know that he only has beef with us, so we'll deal with it, I guess?"
"Fine, we'll tell them," I said. "Tomorrow." I slammed my glass down and pushed it out of my sight. I didn't even want to drink anymore, my mood was shot.
Gael huffed, gulping down the rest of his drink. "She's going to be pissed at me. Might even hate me," he referred to Cassie.
I agreed, saying, "Well, I'm getting my ass beat." I exhaled, shaking my head.
"I wouldn't say that out loud, pussy," Gael said, trying to joke but I wasn't up for it. Not now.
With a sigh, I got up from the bar and walked out, thinking of how I'm going to explain this to Brooklyn.
The following day. Gael and I knew it was time to come clean our girls about everything. It was after one in the afternoon, I'd called out for this. Even though I was new, CCU understood and there wasn't a single game taking place at home tonight, anyway.
While I wasn't prepared for the girls' reactions, I just wanted the weight off my shoulders.
After Gael and Cassie filed in and took their seats on Brooklyn's cloud couch, I breathed in and sat as well.
"What is this, an intervention?" Brooklyn joked, oblivious. She laughed at herself and sat close beside me on the loveseat.
Cassie pushed her knees to her chest, not looking too well like Gael said. She had on a sweater a couple sizes too big for her, I could barely see her shorts.
"Hopefully a short one," she remarked.
I swallowed hard, ready to get this over with.
With nothing to say to start this, I looked to Gael. He's the mature one, anyway, I figured he'd know what to do. "Gael?" I gestured.
Gael's hands slid together as he stalled. "Uh, it's a nice day. Right, Noah?" Pfft, this guy.
I just dropped my head, remaining quiet. With Brooklyn's hand on my thigh, I sat back and started to touch her since it'll probably be the last time I get to.
Cassie sighed. "I know we're not all sitting here to talk about the day. Spit it out."
"Yeah Noah," Brooklyn said, removing my hand from her back as I was rubbing it. "What's going on?"
I sat up, rubbing my palms on the black fabric to my joggers that covered my knees. "Gael and I have to tell y'all something. We haven't been entirely truthful..."
Cassie, now invested, sat upright. "The cruise, what you both saw, you weren't crazy. It actually happened," Gael confessed.
I nodded. "As you know, Zane is crazy. Gael and I had to work for him and we were on the cruise to do a job. Unfortunately, you both witnessed something and that's why Zane wanted you to work for him. We fucked up."
After hearing that, Brooklyn inched away from me. I almost reached out for her, but I knew she'd just hit me and she needed to hear our full story before reacting hastily.
Cassie cackled, her head nodding. "So, wait. Let me understand what you just said. You both were on the cruise to watch someone get murdered and made us think we were drunk and crazy? Then you somehow got us to work for him?" She was so calm as Brooklyn scoffed.
"We thought we were doing the right thing, looking out for you both," Gael answered better than I could've.
"We didn't know what he was going to do to you, or to us. If we had a say, we obviously wouldn't have let you come work but we owed Zane," I added. They needed to know that we weren't some criminals with blood lust, we had a debt or else we wouldn't have shit to do with that maniac.
"Wait. This is a joke, right ? I don't get it." Brooklyn breathed out, looking around the room. She looked absolutely baffled, like she was trying to process this and just couldn't.
"So, this," Cassie gestured her hand in a circle. "Is pretty much to save your own asses? That's what it sounds like to me."
"We had our lives turned upside down because y'all couldn't do your fucking job, right? So what did you do for Zane? Y'all killed people, too?" Brooklyn stood, getting so angry her southern accent was jumping out.
I didn't even know what to say, so I didn't.
"No," Gael raised his voice, then brought it back down. "We didn't fucking kill anyone. We didn't know that's what we signed up for, but we were already too deep. I didn't do it to save my own ass but I thought we could watch over the situation more because who knows what Zane will do."
"But you stood there and watched, you might as well have killed him! You're just as bad, both of you," Brooklyn yelled, flailing her arms. She shook her head and began pacing around the coffee table.
"So, what? This job in my email was you all along? All this bullshit about coincidences and fate is all a lie. You both willingly put us in danger because of some illegal shit going down on a cruise. And wow. I didn't expect this and you're both fucked up," Cassie shouted, pointing her fingers.
"Y'all didn't think to tell us the truth before? With all the shit that's happened - with Venus, with AJ - neither of you thought it would be a bright fucking idea to warn us? To say 'hey we got you into this, here's what happened'?" Brooklyn was raging, I completely understood. When she's mad, it's tunnel vision. There's no getting passed this one.
Gael huffed, raking fingers through his hair. "It's not fucking like that. We thought we had it under control but it got out of hand. It's not bullshit because it's not a fucking lie. Yes, being here wasn't entirely you, but I didn't lie about anything else and I don't kill people."
I grew aggravated and spoke up. "You think we wanted any of that shit with AJ to happen? We wanted to quit a long time ago, even before you came around. We're trying to do the right thing, can y'all just-"
"The right thing was telling us the truth before wasting seven months," Brooklyn barked, standing by a floor-to-ceiling window. Her eyes went dark and she rolled them, arms folded across her chest.
I noticed Cassie shed a tear, shaking her head in a frenzy. "So, how did this benefit you both? You don't get touched by Zane if you got us in there, right? What now?"
"We didn't get anything out of this. This is fucked up, we're trying to fix it, that's why we got y'all out of The Playroom." I explained, talking with my hands.
Cassie dramatically slapped her hand on her thigh. "Then what was the fucking point?" She yelled. That's the loudest I've ever heard her speak.
"What do you want, a fucking cookie? Ooo you got us out of the club after two people had to die. Yeah, good job boys." Brooklyn sarcastically applauded. "Not only did y'all lie but you put us in danger. What do you want now, what was the goal of telling us this? You want us to accept it and be glad you finally told us?"
I wet my lips and sighed. "Brooklyn-"
She put her hand up, not even giving me the decency of eye contact. I guess we're passed that.
Gael stammered through his words. "Do you really think we'd let something bad happen to y'all? That wasn't the plan, but yes we were fucking wrong for letting it happen," he admitted.
Brooklyn said, "Exactly, you let it happen. That's it. There's no taking it back or sorry for this. It's been MONTHS! I could've been still living large back at home, not in this dumb ass apartment with two fucking liars." That was deserved. I sunk in my seat and let them get out their frustrations.
"I trusted you both," Cassie said, shaking her head as her tongue swiped across her teeth. "And I would think you would be decent fucking guys, but what if something happened to us? We went into that place blind. I don't know what's worse. But that's not love."
"You're both spineless: lesson learned. There's nothing else to say. Get the hell out, both of you."
When I shot a look good Gael, I saw him angrily lick his lips, trying to figure out what to say.
Cassie scoffed before he could speak. "Fuck this," she said, jumping off the couch to storm out of Brooklyn's apartment.
Gael's cheeks filled with air. "Fuck," he grunted, getting up to follow her.
And then there were two: Brooklyn and I. She pulled her lips into a thin line and blinked slowly in my direction.
I stood and struggled to come up with a decent explanation or apology.
My mouth opened, I still didn't know what was about to slip out. "I-" she stopped me there.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't slap you right now," her voice trembled.
My eyes went wide and I stammered. "I'm sorry, I-"
She laughed almost maniacally, looking up at the vaulted ceiling with her arms still in a pretzel. "Stop saying that."
"Well what do you want me to say? I-"
Brooklyn interjected again. "Nothing else to me. I'm done, we're done." There was no life in her voice, it was just deep and dull and filled with disappointment. No, something worse than disappointment.
I stepped forward and tried grabbing her wrists, thinking she'd calm down.
"I hate you," she murmured. Taken aback, I shook my head.
When I tried looking in her eyes, she turned her head and stared down at the floor.
I stumbled back, hoping I didn't hear that right.
All I could say was, "Brooklyn." I was just in shock. I mean, but what did I expect?
Hate, though? That broke my fucking heart, but she's hurt now, and this isn't about how I feel.
"I mean it, I hate you," Brooklyn repeated herself, speaking lowly as if if she talked any louder she would've cried. "I hate you for making me love you when you lied to not only me, but Cassie, and for months. You and Gael are weak - spineless - and I want nothing to do with you."
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