Ch | 86
Brooklyn Noelle Brankovich
Chapter Eighty-six: "Get out, get up, and do something"
I had just got back from practice. The season was coming to an end and I wasn't ready for that, yet. Volleyball was the one thing I had away from Noah, Gael, and Cassie. They all had hobbies outside of The Playroom too, but since quitting, they moved on and I haven't. Volleyball's only a few hours out of the day. What about the other hours? What am I supposed to do?
I sighed and threw my bags down, kicking my shoes off.
Just as I let my hair down and scratched my scalp, I heard my phone ring in my bag.
Knowing it was my boyfriend, I answered it in a hurry.
"Baby! Hi!" I talked fast, a wide grin plastered on my sweaty face.
"Hey, babe. What you doing?"
I sighed again and fell on the floor. "Nothing now."
"How was practice?" His voice made me shiver, he's so fine.
"Practice was practice. I can't believe the season's ending, I'm sad."
"Well, now we can sleep in longer together," Noah tried cheering me up.
I pursed my lips. "No, you have to get up earlier for work. I guess no more sleepovers?"
"Shut up, you know I can't sleep without you."
I pouted. "Aw, babe! Can you hurry up and get home? I miss you so much, I just wanna cuddle."
"We can do more than cuddle," he chuckled.
I laughed. "How's work, you on break?"
"Yeah, it's good - I like it here."
"I'm sure you do; at a college with a bunch of girl athletes just waiting for you to stretch them out on the medical bed." I wasn't completely serious and that thought hadn't entered my mind until just then.
"Brooklyn, you're the only girl I want to stretch out on a bed," he laughed, making me smile.
"Okay, but stop because now I'm horny."
Noah laughed again. "You getting in the shower?"
"Mhm," I nodded.
Noah switched to FaceTime. I threw my head back, laughing.
"You're nasty," I said in the screen.
"Come on, you're wasting time!"
Hysterical, I threw the phone on the bed to actually prepare for my shower.
"No free shows, Noah!" I yelled from the closet.
"Lame." He blew a raspberry.
Suddenly, I got another call. It was from my father.
"What?" Noah asked what my hesitation was for. "Who is it?"
"My dad. Ugh, I don't wanna talk to him."
"That's not my name," I gritted.
Noah softly laughed. "Okay, Brooklyn, talk to him. I'll be home later, we can go out for dinner?"
I nodded on camera. "Bye."
"You forgot something!" He reminded me humorously.
I rolled my eyes playfully. "I love you."
"I love you, too." Noah affirmed, smiling confidently in the screen.
With that, I ended the call and returned my father's.
"I'm here," I grumbled, "what do you want?"
I stepped further inside the vacant space and pushed my sunglasses atop my head.
My father stood there with his back turned to me. He sighed heavily and faced me finally.
"Brooklyn, I missed you," he started.
I relaxed a little. "Hi, Dad."
"You look pretty," he complimented.
I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my pants.
"Thanks. Where's Mom?"
"That's what I came to talk to you about," he told me, making my eyebrows furrow.
"Okay. What is it?"
I kicked a piece of wood out of my way and let him continue.
Why he chose to meet here, I have no idea? The place was kind of run down but I could see the appeal, and it was in a great location. Still, though, why this empty retail space? He must be up to something, probably a surprise for my mother; something for her to do while she's in town - something she can run herself.
"This isn't easy to say, but, I'm divorcing your mother."
I creased my eyebrows. "What?" I had to laugh.
He nodded with a saddened face. "I'm sorry."
When he tried putting his hand on my shoulder I pushed it away. "You're sorry? To who, me or her? Why are you doing this all of a sudden?"
"Brooklyn, it's been a long time coming. Our relationship is a sham, she's not the woman I made her out to be. She's worse. And I'm sure you know that. I'm sorry."
"You keep saying that, but that's bullshit. Yeah we fought, but you mean to tell me she meant nothing to you all these years?"
Dad hung his head. "What's done is done. I didn't have to come here and explain this you to, Lynn, but I did. I wanted to, because I love you. She's agreed and there's no hard feelings towards one another. In fact, she's moving to New York and started a ballet studio. Me, I think I'll stay in Texas; that's home. You're free to come back anytime."
I nodded. "I guess I understand, it's just hard to accept. I'm sorry. And, I shouldn't have been ignoring you, I just thought you were taking her side after everything."
"Never," he smiled, picking up my chin.
Dad then looked around with his arms out. "So, what do you think?"
I hunched my shoulders, staring at the white walls. "I don't know what to think. Where are we? And why are we?"
Dad laughed. He then rubbed his hands together and stood tall with a proud look on his face.
"Well," I urged, "spit it out already!" I was becoming anxious.
"It's for you," he announced, "surprise!"
I didn't know how to react, I almost didn't.
My eyes grew wide with wonder once I saw the vision.
"Wait- my own shop? For what?" I laughed nervously.
"Well, Noah mentioned to me how you're worried about not having a job, or something to do - something you'll actually like. He said over dinner, Gael suggested being a personal shopper but you didn't like that, either. So, I did some more brainstorming. I thought, what could Brooklyn possibly want to do? She has a million and one pairs of shoes, rooms full of designer clothes she doesn't wear anymore - half of them still with the price tag on them - and more accessories than I can wrap my head around. Then it hit me: a store, your own boutique. Instead of donating them, why not make a little bit of money off your fashions and be your own boss? You're smart, you're sociable, and generous; I can see this being good for you. What do you say?"
My eyes started to water. "Dad, that's actually the best thing anyone has ever done for me. I love it, thanks! Wow, my own shop, and on Rodeo Drive, are you kidding?! This must've cost a fortune," I exclaimed, hugging him.
Dad nodded, folding his arms over his chest. "Which brings me to the catch."
I slouched dramatically. "There's always a catch."
He chuckled. "You're grown now and I'm going through a divorce. I'm thinking of downsizing, getting a ranch instead of the mansion. Don't worry, I'm still well-off, but it's time you learn responsibility-"
"Dad, I've been living on my own for, like, half a year now. I know responsibility."
"I'm sure, but listen. I paid for this, and I will keep doing so until you make enough money. We'll figure the details out later, but you get me?"
I gave him the side eye as I pondered the thought.
"Okay," I gave in, shaking his hand. "Sounds fair to me, Dad. Thank you so much, I love you."
"I love you more, tochter," he said the German word for daughter and kissed my forehead.
"I have a flight to catch, but the reinforcements are on their way if you need a little extra help... or a piece of home."
My head tilted, trying to think of who or what he meant.
"Sutton and Melinda?!" I screeched with excitement.
Dad nodded on his way out. "I'll be back in a few weeks. Tell Noah I said hi, and thanks for the talk."
The door shut and my jaw clenched in anger.
I entered my apartment and dropped the keys on the table in the foyer.
My neck rolled and I went straight to the kitchen, hungry.
Ugh, nothing to eat. Perhaps I should've taken Noah up on that dinner-date offer, but I'm pissed right now. I can't believe he knew my father was planning on divorcing my mother and didn't tell me.
The door was knocked on but in he entered without me saying come in.
"Thanks for bailing on me," he scoffed, walking towards the kitchen.
"Thanks for telling me my dad wanted a divorce. Yeah, and you had a full blown conversation with him about it. Didn't think to fill me in?"
Noah stepped back. "Woah, I didn't tell you because it wasn't my place."
"But any other time, I'm your business? Get the fuck out of here. You don't think that's something I should've known?"
He dropped the bag in his hands and curled his face. "Hey, I told you to talk to him. Did I, or did I not?"
"My God. Brooklyn, I'm not doing this. I didn't tell you, you're right, I fucked up."
I rolled my eyes. "Don't give me that shit."
"What shit, Brooklyn?" He flailed his arms.
"That 'I'm sorry' shit, just to shut me up. If I saw Rick and he said 'I just married Asia and we want to move across the country,' you wouldn't want to know right away?"
"I would, but I also wouldn't have been ignoring him."
"So it's my fault?" I snarled.
"Well, yeah. I told you to call him, and he was tryna get a hold of you; common sense would say it was something important-"
"Common sense?!" My eyes bulged. I let out a short laugh.
Wow, I mouthed.
"I don't want to argue, Brooks. I'm tired, I had a long day that I wanted to tell you about over dinner, but you just want to fight. Fuck it."
"Oh my God. Noah got a new job, everyone stop everything at once." I shot back with sarcasm.
"You're mad now? Because everyone else has a life and you don't?" He barked, shutting me right up.
I rotated my jaw.
Wow. I had nothing else to say.
I nodded stiffly. "Get out."
"Fuck," he exhaled, trying to hold my hand. "Brooklyn, I'm sorry."
He's not sorry. He knew that's what I'm sensitive about right now and he just confirmed my theory that they'll all have lives and move on without me. Great, everyone's so talented and has a calling and Brooklyn can just shop and dress well.
"Fuck you, okay?! I don't want to do this anymore," I let out, holding the door open but Noah pushed it closed.
"I don't want to fight either-"
"No, that's not what I mean," I shook my head, "This - us - I don't want to be with you right now. You go and be a little athletic trainer, or whatever, and I'll be here."
"Brooklyn, what? We're not breaking up because of this-"
I cut him off again, adamantly avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, it's just a lot right now. I'm over it."
"You're serious?" He clicked his teeth after swiping his palms down his face.
I shrugged. "I don't know, I just don't want to see you right now."
"You need space? Whatever, fine. I love you, Brooklyn," he said, walking out.
I just shut the door and locked it.
Space. Yeah, maybe that is what I needed - to learn how not to depend on him like I said before.
The place was white, so white, everything was. However, it was a lot of space and I could see my things fitting in and being so aesthetically pleasing. Not to mention, the location was amazing! I just knew I'd be shopping even more now!
Melinda and Sutton entered with open arms, I didn't know who to hug first. So, I hugged them both.
"Brooklyn, I missed you so much!" Sutton screamed.
"We missed you so much," Mel added. I smiled at them, my old chef and maid.
"So, what can we help with first?" asked Mel.
"I just need this stuff swept and the walls scrubbed. I have trash bags, here. Thanks again, y'all."
"Anything for you, bebe," Melinda shrieked, pinching my jaws.
"When we leave here, I'm going to make you a huge layered cake, all your favorite flavors!" Sutton came behind my body and squeezed my shoulders.
"You guys make me want to go back to Texas," I whined in his hairy arms.
"And you make us want to move here," Mel laughed.
I smiled warmly and checked some things off the to-do list I wrote.
"Where's your boyfriend, can I finally meet him?" asked Mel.
"Boyfriend? Meet? I didn't even know she had one," Sutton scoffed.
I sunk down. "Sorry I didn't tell you about him. Things have been... crazy," I tried to explain.
That's when Cassie came over, she's already met my people.
All of my clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories had been brought to the store. We were sorting them to see what I wanted to sell and keep in-store, or not. Really, everything had to go, I was over it all.
"-This Chanel boy bag, price tag still on it?" asked Melinda.
My lips vibrated. "Yeah, it can go. Can you check on the furniture, Mel?"
"Yes! The couches and clothes racks?" I nodded at her question to confirm. I needed couches, stools, z-racks, new light fixtures, a sound system, a flat screen, and many more things to complete the look.
Cassie walked around. "Anything else I can help with? I don't want to just stand here being useless."
"You've done enough," I told her. "Everything else, the movers can do. Thank you, Cassie!"
She snickered, running fingers through her hair. "You're welcome. You excited?"
"Um, yeah. I'm ready to have something to do besides sit around and wait for you guys to hang out with me," I answered, sounding more cunt-y aloud.
"I know. So many changes are happening that it's hard to keep up with them. But this is good, I love it." She said and I nodded in agreement.
"Where's Gael?" I asked, changing the subject.
"He's meeting with someone about his photography, crazy right? Dreams do come true." Cassie smiled big, happy for her man, as she stepped around the space.
My face twisted. "Yeah, dreams come true. Blah blah. How about you?"
"I got the job to sub at a middle school, so I'm just studying the curriculum. Nothing exciting, I guess." Cassie vibrated her lips.
"That is exciting, Cass." I made sure she knew it.
She shrugged, though, not too keen. "It's a start and I'm not complaining. How's Noah doing? It's been a while."
My eyes rolled at the sound of his name. I started pacing the perimeter, anxious. "He's, you know, Noah. Mr.athletic trainer, so. Whatever," I snarled, cracking my knuckles.
"Are you not happy for him?" Cassie asked me.
"I'm happy for him, sure. It's exciting, he's just an asshole," I let out.
Cassie held off her laughter, I could tell. "Sounds like Noah," she voiced. "His number one personality trait."
"Anyway," I changed the subject. I smiled and said, "Thank you, Cassie."
Then, the doors open and everyone made noise. "Noah!" They roared, happy to see him.
In he walked, carrying something wrapped.
My eyes rolled as Melinda, Cassie, and Sutton flocked to him.
Melinda looked over her shoulder and met my gaze, she gave me a thumbs up and winked.
After Noah and Cassie exchanged a friendly hug and some words, he approached me. I didn't even know what to do with myself, I kept adjusting my stance, trying to act normal. We hadn't talked in a couple days, but that's because he didn't want to chase me anymore and I didn't want to bother him.
"Hey," he said.
"Hey," I voiced, looking down at the pile of debris on the floor.
"I have something for you-" he said but I unintentionally cut him off to say something at the same time.
"Can we talk?"
My mouth shut, feeling small.
Noah nodded and I led him through the back door where my car was.
The weather was okay, it was getting colder but still mostly warm, by LA standards anyway. I could deal with it.
"I was worried about my parents because I don't know how they'll be once they're apart. My Mom's moving to New York, she'll probably find a man in the next month. Meanwhile, my father says he's going to start living more humble - whatever that means. He also said he's cutting me off, which is why he got me the shop. After the fight with my mom, it was just a lot. Plus, you, Gael, and Cass all living your dreams, or whatever. I just felt left out and talentless, it's like I'm losing y'all."
"I know how you felt, but I keep telling you you won't lose us. Well, I can't speak for them, but you definitely can't get rid of me," he tried lightening the mood. I just felt too stupid to laugh.
Noah grabbed my hand, trying to find my eyes but I kept looking away sheepishly. "I don't like when you're like this Brooklyn."
"Me either. It's just knowing I can lose you guys, I wanted to do it first on my terms, I guess."
"Hey, why do you keep saying you'll lose us? You won't." Noah said, consuming my body in his arms.
I blinked slowly, pulling away. My shoulders shrugged with nothing else to say.
I swallowed. "I'm sorry."
He shook his head. "Did the space do you any good, at least?"
My face cracked, trying to smile but I still couldn't.
"Um, yeah," I exhaled, "the place is coming along pretty great. I still don't have a name for it, and I'm missing some furniture, but-"
"I think I can help with that," Noah chimed. He wore this quirky grin like he couldn't wait to tell me something.
"Noah, I can't with the surprises, just-"
He revealed a huge framed picture. Of me.
"It's me," I gasped. "That's my face. Like, a lot of my face. Wow."
"I know," he laughed.
"I mean, I look good," I said out loud, high-fiving Noah.
"Yeah you do," he agreed, smirking. "It's my favorite picture of you, I thought it'd look good in the store. Well okay, it was your dad's idea, I just gave him the picture. He said your old house had pictures everywhere? Kinda, uh-"
I cut him off. "Yeah, my mother's very vain. Anyway, let's go put it up!" I rushed eagerly, pushing Noah's heavy body in his back to go back inside.
"-Perfect!" I finally liked the placing of the portrait. By finally I mean I had them move it a million times.
"That's where we had it the first fucking time," Noah spat.
"Shh," I sounded. "But thank you!"
He hugged me from the side and I childishly climbed up his body to get on his back.
"I love you so much, I'm sorry again," I said in his ear.
Noah turned his neck. "You better be. I love you, too," he rasped, making me smile.
"Hey, what's going on over here?" asked Sutton, leading Mel and Cassie. I dropped from Noah's back and stood in front of the wall proud
The three of them stopped, seeing the portrait.
"Oh wow," Sutton gasped.
"That's what I said," I responded, squeezing Noah's hand.
I quickly caught Cassie's facial expression just as she parted her lips to speak. "I'm all about self love and shit, but that's a little much."
I smacked my lips. "It was gift."
"You look great," Mel said, flicking my nose. I scrunched it and smiled at the people surrounding me.
"Yeah, it's nice; really makes this place your own," said Sutton. "It's like your own little palace. I can't wait to see what you do with it." Me either because I have no idea.
"Okay, okay, everyone get back to work," I rushed them, flailing my arms.
"What do you want me to do?" asked Noah.
I twisted my mouth, thinking. "Hm. You can go with Mel and Sutton to pick up more furniture? They want to get to know you. Don't worry, they're nothing like my real parents. They were more of a mom and dad to me growing up. You'll like them."
He smiled. I palmed his face and then pulled away, fighting the urge to kiss him.
"Okay, go. Go!" I giggled, shooing them out of the store.
Noah bent down to kiss me. I squeezed his hand again.
"When we get home, can you tell me all about your day and the new job? Over dinner?"
He nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I can do that. Just don't be here all night," Noah said.
"Oh you'll wait for me," I sassed back. But I wouldn't keep him waiting.
After that, Cassie headed out, too, leaving me alone in the shop.
I sighed deeply and spun on my toes in the middle of the space.
Suddenly, my phone rang in my hand.
"Dad, hi," I said.
"Hey, Princess. How's everything going?" he asked me. I could tell he was smiling big.
"Everything's actually going great. I just sent Noah out with Sutton and Mel who were dying to meet him, so."
"They'll love him."
"Hey, Dad," I spoke up.
"Thanks for the gift," I laughed. He did, too.
"You don't think it's too much?"
"Eh, a bit," I cackled, staring at the photo. "But the thought was there."
"Does it remind you of home?"
"Actually, yes," I said.
"Well, that was the point. You wouldn't want a picture of me, you, and your mother up there- one of those pictures we took in those matching outfits on the cruise - now would you?"
"God, no," I laughed.
"Exactly. Okay, I have to go, babygirl. I'll seen you soon, don't be afraid to call if you need anything, or just want to say hi."
I batted my eyelashes. "Okay. See ya, Dad."
"Bye, Brooklyn." With that, he ended the call.
I slipped my phone back in my pocket and shook my head as I stared up at the collaged portrait.
This is so coming down, I thought.
I grunted and bent over to pick up the hammer, ready to remove it off the wall.
Then, I hesitated.
I should keep it, I thought. There will be other decorations and a lot more going on to distract from the 18 x 24 frame.
"I do look good," I boasted aloud to no one except myself.
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