Ch | 79
Noah Silas Anderson
Chapter Seventy-nine: "They call him Mr.Walker"
"Babe," Brooklyn called for me. I looked over my shoulder to see her playing around in a short black wig she found in an old cardboard box. "Check it out."
It was hot as Hell in Asia's attic, I didn't have the energy to laugh at Brooklyn.
She smacked her lips and removed the dusty, tight-curled wig off her head.
"Hey," she cooed, walking up to me after noticing my sour attitude. "your birthday's coming up. Any ideas?"
"It's just another day. I don't see it being better than any other night at the club."
"Oh, you have to work that Friday night?"
"Yeah." I huffed, kicking a box out of my way.
She pouted. "Well, we can still do something. I can wear something sexy for you. Something like this!"Brooklyn then revealing an old wooden doll that scared this shit out of me.
I snatched it from her hands and threw it across the creaking floor, dusting flying up with it.
"Goddamn," I complained, using the bottom of my shirt to wipe the sweat on my forehead.
"Awh, that's my favorite nipple," Brooklyn joked, trying to get me to lighten up as the heat and work was driving me crazy.
She bent her knees and blew a raspberry on my left peck and I actually let out a laugh at that one. She's so weird.
"I- uh? I can come back." Dad's head peeked just over the hole in the floor.
Brooklyn stepped away, looking embarrassed.
"She's just being annoying," I told him, laughing it off. "What's up?"
"Asia and I are taking a break from the master bedroom and making lunch, if you're hungry," he offered, lingering there long enough to get a response.
"We'll be down," I let him know, watching him descend the ladder.
Brooklyn looked at me and waved another wig in my face.
Asia and Rick were cleaning out her house. So, when I texted Dad in the morning wondering what he was up to, he told me he could use an extra pair of hands, or two. Meanwhile, Emereigh is with her mother.
Emereigh and Asia have met, but Jaiden- her son- hasn't met either Em or myself. Apparently he's with his father right now and there's some drama with that, but she's asked Dad to stay out of it.
Anyway, the house was left to Asia after her father died and her mother couldn't stand to live there anymore.
Brooklyn and I were sitting at an outdoor space by the garden. The lawn was freshly cut, courtesy of my father.
Brooklyn stopped fanning herself and turned her neck to glance at me. She sat there with her long, oiled legs crossed and lips pursed.
"Can we have sex later?" she asked me randomly.
I put my phone down. "Yeah, I can pencil you in. Three AM sound okay?"
She checked the imaginary watch on her right wrist. "Three AM sounds perfect, thanks. My place or yours?"
I pretended to think about it. "Mine."
"Okay, good." She said back, trying to be serious until we laughed together.
"This is a very cute place," Brooklyn changed the subject. "it's very green and, like, old but adorable. Do you like it out here, Noah?"
I nodded, my eyes squinted under the bright ass noon sun. "Yeah, it's nice," I agreed.
Asia hopped in the conversation. "It's like something out of a magazine, right? My mother loved greenery; she made sure the house was always full of plants and something was growing in that little English-style garden. Here, I got y'all some of my famous iced tea!"
The large house was made of brick and covered in ivy with large windows, French doors that led to a patio which hosted a nice outdoor seating area, and a generous front and backyard. There was even a black metal garden arbor arch draped in flowers that greeted you off the sidewalk when you reach the picket fence. Everything was just so green.
"-Thank you," Brooklyn beamed first.
"Thanks," I replied, taking a glass.
"There's some vegan pizza inside, your dad helped. Help yourselves. Are y'all done in the attic?" she asked us, combing her fingers through her flat-ironed dark hair.
"Yeah, I did all the work, though." Brooklyn boasted and I let her because it was true, I barely did shit.
Asia laughed at Brooklyn. "I figured. Well, Noah, your father wants your help painting the back room anyway. Brooklyn, maybe you can help me get rid of some of my clothes? The whole second bedroom is full of fur coats, and vintage clothes - it's a mess."
Brooklyn lit up. "You had me at clothes! Now?"
Asia nodded with a full smile. "Sure! Ya ready?"
"Yeah!" Brooklyn agreed, getting up from the little white chair. "See ya, loser." I waved back at Brooklyn after her name-calling.
"Isn't this nice?" Dad said over the eighties music playing.
I continued painting. "The free labor, or?"
He laughed before turning the knob to decrease the volume of the old radio.
"It's really coming along," Dad ogled. He took a step back to admire the work he's put in all day long. "she's been staying in this run-down apartment in this horrible neighborhood because she didn't want to live here alone, since Jaiden's father has him mostly."
"I didn't know that. Is she going to get him back?"
"Yeah, she's been working on it. We hope so."
"Wait, why are we- Dad, are you moving in here?"
This broad smile came onto his face, he couldn't even hide it.
"I should've known," I said, dropping my brush. "Wow, congrats. But what about your house?"
"I've been talking to a young couple who wants to buy it. I won't miss it," Dad told me. And he looked sure.
I wanted to give the old "don't you think you're moving too fast" speech but he's grown and I've told him that before. He never learns. Except, this time might actually be different. Knock on wood.
"What about Em, what are you going to do with her and Kim?"
Dad scratched his chin. "She's moving in, too; this is her room we're doing now actually. Listen, Kim doesn't want her. She's moving to New York and Em said she doesn't want to leave, so, I'm getting full custody."
"I hate that woman, Kim. The fuck did you see in her-"
He cut me off, putting his hand up. "We're not doing this again. That's still Em's mother, and all that matters is I've moved on."
I rolled my eyes. "I like Asia for you. A lot."
"Me too, son," he marveled. "Me too."
11 pm. Another night at work, but luckily for them, the girls were off.
I slid my phone back in my pocket after texting Brooklyn back, my other hand holding three red darts.
Gael and I were goofing around per usual on the job, so the darts were a form of entertainment on a slow night.
My mouth opened, letting a yawn out.
I kept getting close to the center but never a bullseye.
After another attempt, I ripped the darts from the board and walked back to the end of the hall.
"Put your hand up there, I bet I'll get a bullseye," I swayed Gael.
He laughed at the idea but did it anyway. "And I bet you won't," my best friend said with his tattooed fingers spread across the board.
I waved my hand, intrigued. I like a challenge.
"How much you wanna bet?" I asked him, smirking.
Gael, in his head, clicked his teeth. "I'll be easy on you because I know you don't have aim. But twenty?"
Twenty? That's gas money or a meal, shit.
I bobbed my head, coming to agree. "I'll take it," I said, assuming the position. "Dont flinch, either."
Gael found that funny. "Not in my blood. Give me your best shot," he said back with a nod.
Fed up with his lack of faith in me, I mocked his words and made a face.
First attempt: the dart landed half a centimeter away from Gael's middle finger nail. That shook him up a bit. That's what he gets for doubting me. So I got a little cocky.
Second attempt, out of three. I really tried on this one. Gael jerked, though, which threw me off, and it clung to his hand and I laughed uncontrollably. Man, I wish someone recorded that!
"Come on," I cackled, bent over, "last try, let me go again?"
"You got lucky, asshole," Gael said, shaking his hand.
"I'll take that twenty," I boasted, with an expectant open palm and lucky grin.
Gael slapped my hand and said, "Think of it as payment for all the shit you ate from my apartment."
Just as I was about to say something back, someone came barreling down the dark hallway at full speed. In fact, I heard the footsteps before I saw anyone there.
Oh. It's just Terrance.
"Hey, Terry!" I jokingly called him a nickname that he hates. My hand was out, ready for him to slap it but he didn't. Instead, his wide nostrils flared and he kept walking.
Gael lasered his vision on Terrance and asked him, "You working tonight?" Both of us suspicious after seeing him move so fast and furious.
"No. I'm looking for Zane," Terrance answered coldly, pushing open every door in sight.
"What'd he do to you?" I asked, curling my confused face.
Gael tried to stop Terrance. "Chill out," he enforced.
Terrance whipped his thick neck to look at Gael and I, his chest pumping. "I'm not going to chill out, he got my nephew shot!"
Gael looked right at me and I returned the look before staring down at the floor in guilt.
Fuck! I almost completely forgot about that night and the guy who shot AJ. He said something. Something about how he meant to get Zane and the message was for him. Fuck, why did I have to hear that?
As if there wasn't enough blood on my hands already. . .
We came to a stop in front of Zane's door - his office. If anyone ever wanted to find him at The Playroom, that's where he normally is, and he just watches over everything like he's God.
Terrance barked at us. "Move," he said forcefully, going to bang on the door but not before Gael and I grabbed him up. However, he fought us off and the commotion must've prompted Zane to wonder what we were doing beyond his door.
Vince let us in the study on command, revealing an unbothered Zane Ali sitting at his mahogany desk. "What do I owe this unannounced pleasure?" Our Boss asked smoothly.
"We're busy. Get the hell out of here," Ronnie snapped. I take it they were in the middle of something.
Terrance huffed and fixed his shirt after being roughed up. He clenched his jaw with his dark eyes locked on Zane. "I need a word. In private."
Zane laughed and tapped his finger on the desk. "Anything you have to say, you can say in front of all of us. We're friends, right, boys?" Pfft.
I looked around and said nothing, while Gael laughed under his breath, I saw.
"Last month, a boy was shot here. My boy. My nephew - AJ." Terrance spoke up, making me nervous.
Zane turned his lips down, amusingly nodding his head at the same time. "Oh, is that right? I mean, I guess I should know. It's my club, right?"
"Then you should also know you're the reason he got shot in the first place. That hit was for you!" An angry Terrance stepped forward only for Vince and Ronnie to step forward with their guns at their hips on full display.
That's when Zane slowly stood up, looking around the room. "Was it? Damn. Didn't know that. Did you, Gael, Noah?" he asked the room. Again, we said nothing, but Gael cleared his throat. I just blinked slow, uninterested in this whole ordeal, and shook my head as my arms crossed my chest.
"I take that as a no," Zane nodded, clicking his teeth. "Where did you hear that barbaric information?"
"Straight from his mouth," Terrance growled. "and he's never lied to me before."
Zane laughed, making me scratch my head.
He raised his voice. "And did you ever once think that this nephew of yours is a fucking liar? Who would come here to shoot me, Terrence? Maybe your drugged out nephew got himself shot, huh? Did you ever think about that?"
I wanted to step in hearing that, it was fucked, but it's Zane. He knows no boundaries. I just felt bad for Terrance, and AJ who can't defend himself.
"I can think of a few people who'd want to shoot you, you're looking at one right now." Terrance grumbled back, shocking me.
"Oh," Zane rolled his neck back and pointed to himself. "You want to shoot me? I'd love to see you give me your best try, but make sure that you kill me because I can think of a long list of things to do to you."
"Dont tempt me, it's been a long time coming," Terrance said, both fists balling violently behind his back.
"Vince, do me a favor and give my good friend Terrence here your gun. I'd love to see what he does with it." Zane guffawed, thinking this was a sick game.
Vince chuckled and followed the orders, moving forward to Terrance, presenting a glock.
Seeing that gun in Terrance's hands, I gulped hard. I didn't want to see a man shot dead - not even Zane. Well, I don't mind him dying, but I don't need to witness it. I also feared what'll happen to Terrance after he pulls the trigger because there's two henchmen on either side of Zane just waiting.
Terrance looked at the gun and didn't hesitate to point it right between Zane's eyes, Gael's eyes wide at this.
Zane smiled, looking fearless. "Don't hurt yourself now. Those are grown men toys."
But okay, with his taunting, I would've shot him, too.
Terrance inhaled then pulled the trigger. . .
Zane was still there. Alive, and in one piece.
Terrance's almost black eyes opened back up once he realized nothing happened. There were no bullets and I'm sure they knew that. At a loss, Terrance tried a few more times. Nothing but repetitive clicking, blank sounds.
I breathed out, adjusting my stance against the wall. If anything, I was relieved because I didn't see a man's brains blown out, but anxiety filled me when I remembered Terrance wouldn't get away with this.
"Do what you want to me." Terrance exhaled, dropping the gun to the floor. You could see how tired he was. And not tired like he needed a nap, but fed up.
Zane then pulled out a loaded gun, flashing it around. "I don't need permission. But that'll be too easy," he made known.
Gael clenched his jaw, staying silent as he glanced over at Terrance.
Zane noticed we were all speechless then he said, "Meeting adjourned. Oh. One last thing. You're fired. Don't step foot in my club again, or you'll be in the same position as your nephew. But send my love, if you haven't already."
"Hell is hot," Terrance boldly remarked, turning his back to Zane.
"I love hot places. That's why I'm in LA."
Terrance ignored Zane and glared at Gael and I like he had something to say but the look in his eyes said it all. He then ripped open the door and said to Zane "Your time is coming," and made his exit.
Finally, I could breathe.
Zane sits back comfortably in his chair. "Be wise, boys. Don't be like your friend there. Outcome is never pretty."
Gael, confused, walked out, and I followed.
After three in the morning, Gael and I got off of work and made it to Terrance's house.
The door was open, kind of alarming me, but the Walker's cars were both in the driveway, so I figured someone just forgot to lock up.
Gael and I walked in and he went straight to the girl's bedroom after we looked around the house while I v-lined for the bathroom.
Jada ran into my legs the second I stepped in the hallway. I laughed and swooped her off her little three-year-old feet.
"Uncle No-ee!" She squealed.
"What are you doing up?" I asked her, tickling her stomach. Her girly laugh was contagious. I threw her to the ceiling but stopped before she got too scared.
"I have something for you," I whispered, handing over a share size bag of Skittles - the original kind, her favorite.
She lit up and squeezed me in a hug. "I love you!" Jada exclaimed, giving me a high-five.
"I love you, too," I said back, carrying her into the bedroom she shared with her sister, Monae.
"No-ee!" Monae shrieked, tossing me a ball and when I caught it, I dunked it in the toy rim attached to their white door.
And that's when the fun police came stomping in like SWAT.
"Bummer, ruining the party," I mumbled in my hands in another accent as Jada played in my hair.
"I thought I said it was time for bed," Kenya gritted through the door before opening it. "Oh, I see. Noah and Gael when you have kids of your own, you'll understand. It is three in the morning and well past their bedtime."
Gael shrugged his shoulders and asked, "Who still has bedtimes?" I chuckled, getting up from Jada's Princess-themed bed.
"Sheesh, Mom, we were just playing!" I grumbled, walking towards the door after hugging both of my nieces.
"Three and six year olds. And you can play all you want during normal hours of the day." Kenya voiced. "Get in bed girls."
"Good night Uncle Guy. Good night Uncle No-ee," the girls chorused as they hustled under their blankets.
"Night, monster." Gael tucked Monae in, sticking the Hershey's chocolate under her pillow.
Once every adult was out the room, Kenya closed the door and asked, "Okay. What do you want?"
"We came for Terrance, is he okay?" I questioned, chewing on my gum.
Kenya rolled her big eyes. "He's drunk as fuck, outside somewhere." That's not good.
Gael said, "Outside? I didn't see him when I pulled up."
"He's been going back and forth between the backyard and the front porch." Kenya answered him, crossing her arms to her chest.
"We need to talk to him," I let her know.
"Come on." She let her arms fall and led us outside where we saw Terrance on the porch with a bottle of Crown Royal in his hands.
"Kenya, why'd you let these two white boys in my house?" He blabbed, hiccuping, hanging over the step.
Kenya sighed and shook her head. "I should be asking you why you left the door open. We don't do that."
Gael tried to take the cup from Terrance's hands but wasn't successful and resulted in it spilling a little. "You shouldn't be drinking like that."
"Gael? I don't work for you, I work for Zane - well, used to. Honey, I got fired." He raised the glass.
Kenya's neck rolled. "Fired? And you're just now telling me this?"
"No, you don't work for this white boy, but I do know that drinking ain't getting you nowhere." Gael spat. This was serious, but Gael made me laugh a little.
"Look, we just came to see if you're alright. That was a little intense," I chimed in.
"Better question is, is my nephew alright? He's the one that got shot fucking with the goddamn Playroom," Terrance rambled and we understood his frustrations.
Kenya stepped in, trying to be the voice of reason. "But why dwell on it, babe? AJ is fine and we'll always make sure of that."
"I think it's smart to just stay away from all of that. Including Zane," Gael sighed.
Terrance, off balance, stood and walked into my face and Gael's. "I'll be okay when that motherfucker is dead. My nephew got shot and he told me in that hospital bed that it's Zane's fault." He paused. "Did y'all know?"
Gael looked at me and hesitated to answer but I nodded my head for Gael to just go ahead and confess.
"Uh, we heard something like that." Gael mumbled.
"You heard something like that?" Terrance repeated. He let the bottle slip from his fingertips and shatter across the porch before walking off, shaking his shaved head.
Gael swallowed the lump in his throat. "We didn't think it was necessary to tell you. You were already pissed off and so were we."
With nothing left to say, Terrance just waved us off and stumbled inside.
Noah hung his head. "Sorry, Kenya."
Kenya breaths out and drops her hands. She told us, "Don't be. He just needs space to really get himself together. He's been off since AJ, and I don't blame him, but it's affecting all of us. I'll take care of him." I nodded.
We all hugged goodnight and she made sure we got to our vehicles before closing the front door and turning off the lights inside and out.
"What do you think's gonna happen?" I asked Gael when I reached my door.
Gael, at his bike, answered, "Hopefully Terrence lays low and doesn't do something stupid."
At long last, I was back in apartment 305. I yawned and dropped my keys on the table in the entryway.
Scratching myself, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water before bed.
"Finally," Brooklyn sneered when I entered the bedroom. "You said three, its passed three! We had an appointment. Look, I even went to get waxed and everything, because remember the other day, you were all 'your legs are prickly'? Well, feel me now!" She kept her leg extended and caressed the fresh skin.
I laughed quietly, shaking my head as I started to undress.
"Smooth," I said after judging for myself.
"I know, so is everywhere else, but you wouldn't know," she joked, falling back on the mattress. "Where were you, stayed late?"
"Um," I made something up as I went to the bathroom. "yeah."
Brooklyn talked about her day after we split up as I threw on some shorts and turned the tv off.
I rolled under the covers and let out the longest sigh of my life.
Brooklyn sat up and laughed, hitting me with a pillow. "That's it? What about my soaking wet, hairless vagina?" She asked in a distorted voice, sounding kind of nerdy. I couldn't help but crack up. Why is she like this?
I laughed out loud, covering my face with a pillow. "I'm tired."
"Oh," she flailed her arms. "that's what I'm gonna say on your birthday - I'm tired."
I kept laughing and rolled over. "I had a long day."
She smacked her lips, continuing to joke around. "A-huh, another excuse!"
"Good night," I finally said, closing my eyes. Brooklyn smoothed my hair back and then kissed my cheek. She got comfortable against my body and then whispered, "I'm so funny."
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