Ch | 78
Noah Silas Anderson
Chapter Seventy-eight: "The desert eagle"
"Mmm," Brooklyn moaned against my lips as we walked out of the elevator.
I carried her in my arms and stumbled against a random door.
"Hey!" A stranger's voice yelled from beyond their apartment.
"Sorry!" Brooklyn and I shouted in unison and laughed it off.
She dropped out of my arms and smoothed her skirt down before pulling me to 311.
As she fished for her keys, I kissed along her shoulder, up her neck, and jawline.
She squealed and squirmed under me and finally opened the door, letting us inside at three in the morning.
Brooklyn threw her heels down by the door and made sure I locked it since I walked in last.
"Hungry?" she asked, her voice scratchy from a night of cheering.
"You know me," I replied and burped, kicking my shoes off, as well.
"Mac and cheese?" She offered, eyeing the contents of one cabinet.
"If you make it right," I teased and she flipped me off.
After what seemed like an eternity because I was so starving, Brooklyn presented me on the couch with a bowl of Kraft mac n' cheese.
"Careful!" She warned me, pushing the bowl from my lips. "It's hot, babe."
I didn't even care, my stomach was demanding I put food in it that second.
She curled up to me and blew the spoonful of macaroni as I turned on these satisfying house tour videos on YouTube.
"I wanna live in a house like that!" She said, excited about the on-screen woodsy luxury home in Nebraska.
"I don't like the kitchen," I commented with a mouthful.
She sucked her teeth and said, "You never like any of the ones I like. It's rustic."
"It's tacky," I responded, turning up the volume to hear the poppy background music.
Brooklyn shivered dramatically and said, "I'm cold!"
"You're always cold," I remarked.
She ignored my comment and pushed my jacket off the throw blanket behind her head.
We both heard something fall to the floor and she groaned, knowing she had to get it. I thought it was my phone and grunted, annoyed.
"Shut up," she snarled, pushing my head as she rolled over the back of the couch to get whatever had fallen from my pockets.
"Noah, what the Hell is this?" She asked me, holding up the carton of cigarettes I meant to give Vince. And of course I couldn't tell her why I had them and who they were for.
Fuck, now I gotta lie to her. And it better be a good one, she can call me on my bullshit.
"You're smoking now, Noah?" She questioned, sounding disappointed. I know how bad it looks but see how women just jump to conclusions?
I hung my head, having conjured up a good enough lie. "Uh, yeah, babe. I started when I was stressed with everything we had going on. And, I didn't even tell you, but Rick and I were fighting at that time, too."
"Oh no, is everything okay?" She whimpered, easing back down onto the couch.
I nodded. "It is now, like nothing ever happened."
"Noah, these are disgusting. There's other ways to cope, okay?"
"Yeah, I know. It was temporary, I'll stop," I made up.
"Good," she calmed down and tossed them on top of the glass table before us.
"Because if you don't," she said, "you'll end up with a hole in your throat! And who's gonna love you when you sound like this?" I laughed at her mocking the smoker's voice from this anti-smoking commercial.
"Ew," I laughed out loud. "Okay, I get it. Just stop doing that voice."
Brooklyn came down from her hysterical laughing and yawned. She pushed her bowl away, still full of mac, and said, "I'm going to bed. Come on."
"Do the voice again," I encouraged, wanting another laugh.
"Come to bed," she mocked. "Now! Or else, I'll talk like this forever, even when I try to be sexy."
6:34 AM
The marimba ringtone played from my phone.
Who the fuck is calling at this time?
My eyes blinked open and I sat up in bed, my arm asleep from Brooklyn having fallen asleep on it as always.
The number wasn't saved so I ignored it at first. Because it woke me up, I went to go pee and took my phone with me just in case it rang again, I didn't want it waking Brooklyn.
Just as I passed the sink, my phone rang again in my hand. Same number.
"What?" I barked in the phone, closing the door so I wouldn't disturb Brooklyn's sleep.
"It's me. Vince," he spoke into the phone.
"Vince, you better have a fuckin' good reason for calling me at this time."
"Get out here," he insisted sternly. "the job's done."
With that, he ended the call.
I opened the bathroom door and looked over Brooklyn's shoulder to make sure she was still fast asleep, and she was.
I quickly dressed myself in the clothes I had on just hours ago, and snatched my keys from the dresser on my way out.
Before exiting the apartment, my eyes found the Winston cigarettes on the coffee table. I remembered Vince and thought he deserved a treat for doing my dirty work, so I grabbed them for him and left.
7:58 AM
I arrived to the far out location Vince sent me. The middle of the fucking desert.
I removed my jacket before hopping out the Hummer and let out a deep yawn.
There he was, Vince and his Dodge Charger. He stood proud like he was satisfied with the job he'd done.
I got out, slamming the door after me.
"Yo." I called out, approaching him.
Vince grinned in my direction.
"Why the desert?" I had to ask first.
"I did what you asked, I took care of him. Wanna see?" he boasted.
"Uh, great?" I scratched my head, looking around at nothing. "What, are you gonna FaceTime him on the plane or something?"
"No," Vince cackled uncontrollably. "he's in the trunk. I beat 'em! I was just waiting for you so you could get your hits in."
I snatched my glasses off, my jaw dropped to the cracked, dry ground. "He's in the huh?"
Vince repeated, "The trunk. I brought him out here to get rid of him."
"Vince, you obviously misunderstood the assignment. I wanted you to scare him and make him leave town, not kill him! Move."
I stormed around the olive green muscle car and banged my fist on the trunk. Nothing.
"Is he... is he dead?" I asked Vince when I didn't get a response from William who was supposedly in there.
"Not yet. Well, he shouldn't be," Vince said, unsure. He squinted his eyes and mumbled something like he was trying to recall details.
I started to panic but didn't want it to show.
The fuck?! The actual fuck?!
I didn't want the guy dead, just scared. Maybe even a broken bone, but not killed! Fucking Vincent, man.
I should've left it alone like Brooklyn said.
"Don't let Zane find out or he'll kill me!" Vince started to buckle, his lips even quivered like he was about to cry and I couldn't take him serious but this was no joking matter.
If William Vanderbilt of the Texas Vanderbilt's is dead, people will for sure ask questions. And he knows good people, they'll trace it back to us - back to me!
Vince popped the trunk and dropped William's limp body onto the scorching desert floor.
Vince begged me more not to say anything and I told him just to beat it. But first, I asked him to buy William a plane ticket back to Texas when he got out of the desert and had phone service.
I wiped the sweat from my forehead and quickly thought of a plan.
In my car, there was a gallon of water I tried being sure to drink everyday. After a few gulps, I walked back to William's body and drenched him in the rest.
He woke up suddenly, gasping and kicking the air.
"Relax!" I roared, getting him to listen.
"You." He seethed, his eyes locked on my face as I squatted to his level.
"Yeah, me. I basically saved your life, don't thank me, though. Dana and Michael left but I got you a new ticket and your flight leaves tomorrow morning- gives you enough time to clean up and rest and say bye to Brooklyn."
"Why? Why are you doing this for me?"
"I don't care about you, but I care about Brooklyn and you're her friend, so, whatever makes her happy."
"I guess you're not so bad after all," he cooed. "Hey, did you really just save my life?"
I cut the rope from his feet and wrist and cut my eyes at him. "Aheh. Yeah, I guess."
William stood first and I stood, properly closing the pocket knife. "Well then I owe you. Big time. Let me know if you ever need anything. And I do mean anything, man." He placed his hand on my shoulder and I just looked at it.
"I saved your life but you're not my friend, get your hand off of me," I growled, walking to the driver's side of my car.
Will climbed in the passenger seat and looked at me.
I swallowed my pride and exhaled deeply. "Thanks," I coughed up.
William smiled contently and nodded his head.
"You fuckin' stink, man," I laughed. "Put down the window."
11:21 AM
Will was all clean and patched up. Vince beat him, but he didn't do much damage. That motherfucker can stab someone and shoot, but don't ever give him a pair of boxing gloves.
"Thank you, Noah," Will said, accepting an old tracksuit of mine.
"Whatever. What happened to your stuff, anyway?" I asked, looking away as he changed in the motel he paid for for the next twenty-four hours.
"Dana and Michael must've taken it back for me," he shouted from the bathroom.
A minute or so later, William revealed himself and I laughed at him in my clothes.
"I guess you beat me in looks, cock size, muscles, and fashion, huh?" He joked at the grey outfit.
I put his old, bloodied and torn clothes in a plastic bag to be thrown in the back dumpster.
I was about to leave when I heard his stomach growl something serious.
"Maybe you should eat?" I suggested, feeling kind of bad. I couldn't just leave him.
"-So I guess I have to ask," Will spoke up, his mouth full of a veggie burger.
"Ask what?" I swallowed the ice water down at the restaurant under the cool fan.
"Why Brooklyn?" he spit it out.
"I guess I can ask you the same, since you tried to kiss her?"
He choked and rubbed his chest after. "Oh. Yeah. Sorry about that. But you have my word, I won't try to move in on her again."
"I know you won't."
"So, why Brooklyn?"
"You first," I insisted, sitting back, ready to hear what he had to say.
"The other girls I've met and dated were all dumb, they didn't want anything out of life but fame and fortune. Brooklyn already had that and she hated it. She looked at life in this new refreshing way and she was independent. She's strong and sassy and funny and beautiful, but you know that. But she didn't want me and I didn't like the rejection, so I tried breaking her and keeping her down so she'd be insecure enough to stay with me. Guess it didn't work, though. I bet you're happy."
"I'm happy she is who she is, and I'm happy she didn't like you enough to sulk over you on that cruise or I probably wouldn't be with her now. So, thank you."
Will looked uncomfortable. "Well, then. You're welcome."
2:28 PM
"I was calling you all day, why didn't you answer?! I was worried sick, I hate waking up and you're not here," Brooklyn screamed at me as soon as I walked inside her place.
It's been a long day, I didn't wanna hear that shit, but I was happy to see her.
Brooklyn flocked into my arms and I hugged her back lightly. I gave a short "Sorry."
She then began frantically pacing throughout the kitchen. "My parents are at the airport, they said their flight is about to take off and they haven't seen Will since yesterday!"
I slowly blinked, tired, feeling a headache coming on. "Brooklyn-" I tried to talk.
She cut me off, ranting. "I know you hate him, but I'm actually kinda worried-"
"Brooklyn!" I had to raise my hoarse voice. She stopped to listen.
In walked Will and Brooklyn looked like she'd seen a ghost.
"Will," she gasped. "I was worried about you. What the Hell? A-are you okay? God, I have so many questions."
He chuckled and looked at me like for permission. I shrugged and he gave her the most friendly hug I'd accept. He didn't linger, and instead stepped back.
"I'm okay, Brooklyn. Thanks for worrying. I decided to stay another day, I met someone," Will stuck to the lie we agreed on over lunch.
Oh, he's good, I thought. I'm sure he's lied to her countless times in the past, he really sells it.
"Oh, good for you! Who is she?"
"No one I want to disclose right now, but I think I'll be happy."
"Well, wish her good luck for me," Brooklyn said, unintentionally coming off bitchy. I laughed and Will dropped that bolder he calls a head.
"I owe you both an apology, if you'll let me, Brooklyn. I know my first attempt wasn't so successful," he coughed.
I eased against the counter and let him go on. Brooklyn looked past him at him and gave me a look of confusion but I nodded so she'd listen and know it was okay.
"I never treated you how you should've been treated, Brooklyn - with respect. Everything I lacked in our relationship, I see Noah makes up for and then some. You've found a great guy and I can tell he cares a lot about you. And Noah, you're luckier than you know," he talked.
"No, I know," I assured him. I'm not an idiot.
"Honestly, I don't need an apology anymore. I think you see I don't care about you in that way," Brooklyn told Will.
"Yes, well, you won't have to worry about that again. I'm going back to Texas a better man. These past few days in LA have shaken me up quite a bit, I don't think this is my scene. But, if you two are ever in Texas, or need any legal help, I'm your guy."
He looked between us and grinned. "Well, I guess I should be going now. Thanks for everything, and I'm sorry again, a thousand times. I'll be out of your way."
"Appreciate that, Will," I shook his hand.
"Huh," he sounded, looking at our hands shaking. "That's the first time you've called me Will. You're welcome."
I stepped back, shaking my head with a faint laugh escaping my mouth at the guy.
Brooklyn walked him to the door.
"Take care, Will," she wished kindly, shutting the door once he was on the other side of it.
"Bub," Brooklyn called out.
"I'm innocent, I swear," I laughed before she turned the corner and entered the kitchen where I stood.
She smiled brightly. "Baby, you are perfect! Honestly, what did you do to him?"
"Uh," I popped green grapes into my mouth and chewed. "I saved his life and he owes me one."
Brooklyn laughed, not taking me seriously. "Well, whatever you did, thank you! That's called maturity, and it's sexy."
"Say that when we're seventy and my balls are sagging and I talk like this," I mocked the cigarette voice she did before and made her laugh in my arms.
"I'm gonna miss saying it, though," I admitted with a sigh.
Brooklyn looked up at me and asked, "Saying what?"
I did an impression of Dana when she introduced us to William. I said, "William Vanderbilt of the Texas Vanderbilts."
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