Ch | 69
Noah Silas Anderson
Chapter Sixty-nine: "Family affairs"
"-She's jealous, huh?" I asked Brooklyn in response to her story-telling.
She got excited and exclaimed, "Yes, has to be! Like, I know I'm the best player on the team but she doesn't have to hate on me."
"That's crazy," I said, shaking my head as I continued the hour long drive to my father's house. He decided to host a gathering with close friends and family to celebrate being out of rehab. I was mostly just anxious to meet this new girlfriend of his.
Brooklyn turned the music back up but I turned it back down to talk again.
"What do you think she's like?" I asked.
Brooklyn looked at me. "Rick's girlfriend?" she asked and I nodded in agreement. Brooklyn shrugged.
"I'm sure she's nice and pretty. Rick has taste," Brooklyn spoke highly of him.
"I don't know about the last two, I'm a little nervous. Like, he shouldn't be falling in love this fast again; he just got out, he has other shit to worry about," I ranted, adjusting my grip on the wheel.
Brooklyn smiled and said, "So do you, leave him alone."
My eyes rolled. "I just don't think it's responsible right now."
"Oh, you're one to talk about responsibility now?" Brooklyn sassed.
I cocked my head and playfully chopped her neck, making her laugh and hit me back.
"Whatever. I'm right," I claimed stubbornly.
My dad is a great man and he deserves love but I'm not so sure about this one, he's only mentioned a few things about her so I don't know what to expect.
And why the fuck do I have to meet so many people lately?
"It's about time," Dad said, pulling my body inside the modern home.
"Hey, girl!" He eagerly greeted Brooklyn, hugging her so tight she started croaking.
"You've been drinking?" I asked him, pulling Brooklyn back close to my body.
"A little bit, gotta celebrate somehow," he exchanged, making Brooklyn smile.
"Got someone I want you to meet," he grinned, leading us to the kitchen.
Brooklyn smiled up at me and then walked first after my father.
A woman turned around from mixing a drink on the counter and bulged her eyes at the sight of two strangers.
"Hi, I'm- You came empty-handed?" Rick's girlfriend asked, dropping her jaw with her hands out.
"Uh-" Brooklyn stammered.
The woman laughed and flicked her wrist. "I'm just playing, y'all!" She laughed and greeted us with a hug.
"I'm Asia," she said, pulling away from my body last.
"Asia, this is my son Noah and his girlfriend, Brooklyn," Dad told her, smiling like he was so proud.
I almost objected at the term "girlfriend" but Brooklyn didn't think twice about it so I didn't correct him. We both just shrugged it off and let Asia think so.
"Oh. Rick did say you was strong," she commented and then averted her dark brown eyes to Brooklyn. "And he told me you were tall and beautiful. It's nice to meet you both," Asia said, her voice mature and confident like she could tell me to do something and I'd listen or else.
"Thank you, nice meeting you, too. I love your hair," Brooklyn complimented, starting a never ending girly compliment battle and side conversation.
"Y'all look thirsty, can I get you something to drink? I made my famous iced tea," Asia talked fast.
"I'll take another cup," Dad said and she took the cup from his hands.
"Of course, baby," she said, kissing his lips and my face curled. "He loves my tea."
Brooklyn noticed my reaction and elbowed me.
"What makes it so famous?" asked Brooklyn, walking with Asia towards the punch bowl.
"You about to find out," Asia gleamed, pouring some in my father's cup and then Brooklyn's.
Rick pulled me to the next room and asked what I thought of his new fling.
"Why don't you ask me again at the end of the night, we said like five words to each other?" I laughed.
Rick chuckled. "I really like her, Noah," he told me quietly, peeking constantly to make sure she wasn't eavesdropping or approaching.
I could see how happy he was and didn't want to burst his bubble.
"If you're happy, I'm happy," I eased up, dropping my hand on his shoulder.
Before he could speak again, the girls walked up on us.
"Alright," Asia breathed, "here's your cup, baby."
"Thank you, beautiful," he said, taking the cup back but not before kissing her mocha-toned cheek.
"Want some? It's really good," Brooklyn offered me a sip of her drink, raising the cup to my lips so I had no choice.
"It is good. What do you put in it?" I was trying to make conversation but get the recipe at the same time for myself.
"Uh-uh-uh," she sounded, shaking her head, "I'm not telling."
"Come on," I complained, making them all chuckle.
"Well, the food's almost done," Dad said, "I know Noah's hungry. Manhattan, you been feeding my boy?"
"He's all man," Brooklyn said and rubbed my stomach, "but I've gotten better, I swear!"
Dad and Asia laughed together. "See, we'll have to get together sometime and cook, girl. Rick eats like he's eating for two!"
Brooklyn laughed. "So does Noah, but he hates grocery shopping. How does that work?"
"Men." Asia snarled, getting a sisterly high-five from Brooklyn.
"Okay, enough of that," I butt in lightheartedly, covering Brooklyn's mouth with my palm. She licked my hand and I snatched it back.
Rick and Asia cackled. "Come on, baby, help me with the wing-dings," she said to Dad, tugging his arm in the direction of the kitchen.
Brooklyn and I took a seat at the dining table after wandering around the house a little bit.
My nerves eased some but I'm still on edge. The week's been stressful, and it was only early in the night.
Brooklyn got her acrylic long nails removed for her game, so when she ran her fingernails across the back of my neck, it felt different but still soothing.
She knew I loved her touching and babying me, it really calmed me down.
She smiled and I put my hand on her thigh, mine shaking under the table of assorted snacks and finger foods.
The door opened and I heard Rick greet more people.
Exiting the kitchen, Gael and Cassie approached Brooklyn and I at the table, sitting down across from us.
Cassie laughed. "Hey guys! Long time no see," she exclaimed.
Gael sipped his beer and leaned on the table. "What's sup?" he asked us.
"Hi boo!" Brooklyn squealed to Cassie. "Hey Gail."
"Sup?" I replied, drinking more of Brooklyn's tea.
Staring at the snacks on the glass, Cassie said, "I love your dad's house."
"I love the food," I responded, taking a handful original chips out of a centered bowl.
"Cassie, where have you been? I've been texting you," Brooklyn teasingly scolded her best friend. We hadn't seen or heard from her since dinner at Terrance's the other night.
Cassie's lips vibrated. "I'm sorry. I've been meaning to text you back. Things just got...hectic," she replied.
"Okay? I love hectic, tell me," Brooklyn pried.
Gael interjected to tell Brooklyn, "None of your business," and laughed, earning a threatening look from her.
Cassie nudged G and paused to think for a second. "This isn't the right place or time to get into that but it's deep. I'll tell you later, yeah?"
"It's probably not that serious," I gave Cass a hard time just as I excused myself to go use the bathroom.
As I walked back to the group, I noticed a new face.
"-This is where the real party is at, huh?" Rachel said in bold, pulling Gael into a hug first. "Hey baby."
"Hey Mom," Gael said back.
"Hey beautiful. Love the necklace." Rach then hugged Cassie.
Cassie smiled. "I do too. That's why I haven't taken it off."
Rachel set her sights on Brooklyn, unfamiliar with her. "And who is this pretty one? Have we met?"
"Stop," Brooklyn's cheeks blushed, "I'm Brooklyn. You're Gael's mom? How did you make that?"
Rachel jogged over to Brooklyn for a warm hug. "I ask myself that everyday. I'm Rachel!"
Gael fake coughed, going, "Noah's girl," and Cassie laughed.
"This is my girl," I smiled at Gael's hot mom, "hey, Rach!"
"You can keep him," Brooklyn joked, removing her arm from my body so I could walk into Rachel's embrace.
Rachel laughed, "My favorite son. How are you big guy?"
Gael scoffed, joking, "Stella's my favorite anyway."
Cassie laughed, chiming in as well. "Noah? Your favorite? Come on, Rachel," she said.
"Shut up." I sucked my teeth at Cassie, nudging her lightly.
Rick came over, dancing. "Why are you all just standing here? I can't be the only sober one, I was sober for three months," my father chattered, raising his beer.
Rachel agreed. "Rick! How long has it been? If only I were into men. Just handsome." Ew.
Gael shared the same reaction as me, shaking his head.
"He's not all that," I made fun, causing Dad to rough me up a little.
Asia walked over to all of us. "I was wondering where the party went. Why is everyone hanging around the table?" she made conversation.
"You didn't miss anything, I'm just trying to peer pressure everybody," said Dad, grabbing her waist.
Asia's full head of long, natural black tight curls lied on Rick's shoulder. "I don't think it worked."
"If my man Luke was here, he'd party with me," he cheered over the increasing volume of the music.
Rachel scoffed. "I can't even be mad. He was always the life of the party."
"I talked to him earlier. He had to stay at work later tonight," Gael let us know.
"Wait, then who's Stella?" Brooklyn asked, lost as to Gael's mixed family and Rachel's preference.
"My partner," Rachel answered her. Asia slowly nodded her head.
"Ohh," Brooklyn drawled out.
"Why didn't she come?" I wondered aloud.
"Her father has been sick and she's been helping out. She wanted me to send her love to everyone," Rachel said back.
"I hope all is well with him," Cassie told her future mother-in-law, then shifted to talk more elsewhere, "I still have to meet your parents, Brooklyn."
My throat went dry. "Yikes," I cleared it, sipping from the cup.
Brooklyn flipped hair over her shoulder, ignoring my smart remark. "You will if you come to my game tomorrow," she said to Cassie but invited everyone, smiling big.
"I don't even know them and I'm with Noah. Yikes," Gael snickered, earning a cackle from me behind Brooklyn's back.
Rachel playfully slapped her son. "Be respectful, kiddo."
"Now let's party!" Dad exclaimed, shimmying in a squat that would've been embarrassing if I wasn't just glad he was enjoying himself again. I'll let Asia get on his tacky dance moves.
Asia agreed gleefully. "Let's!" She took my father's hand and everyone followed the music.
"-Thanks, Noah," Kacey, Brooklyn's teammate and co-captain, said to me. I nodded my head, waiting for Rita to walk up and get her wrist taped next.
It's game day, obviously. Brooklyn was so hype her team was back in town. She'd been slacking while they were away but she's excited to play again, especially to show off in front of her doubtful mother.
Brooklyn stopped pacing and removed the AirPods from her ears then hung over my shoulder and made herself a nuisance.
"Can the PDA wait until he's not restricting my circulation," Rita laughed through her nose.
"Sorry," Brooklyn bubbled, "I'm going to talk to Coach, I'll be back." She kissed me and then jogged away in only her socks and no shoes.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but only players and staff allowed back here," I heard Kacey explaining to someone. I figured it was an angry fan or something and watched to make sure things didn't escalate.
Rita was done now, she thanked me and walked away to finish getting ready before warm-ups.
I stood tall and walked over to Kacey only to see Mr and Mrs.Brankovich in her face.
"Oh, Noah? What are you doing back here?" asked Dana, clutching her purse.
I dropped my head, working up the strength to be polite.
"He's our trainer, he tapes and stretches us before every game, ma'am," Kacey talked to her slowly. "How do you know each other?" Her question went ignored.
"We would like to see Lynn before the game," Michael explained to me more patiently than his wife.
"Lynn?" Kacey whispered to me, confused.
"Brooklyn," I told her.
She went "Oh" and then walked away, earning a cold stare from Dana.
"I guess you did mention something about sports. That's... nice," Dana tried to compliment me. I think.
They wore fan merch of Brooklyn's, Adidas [sponsored] t-shirts with the number ten on the back and their last name.
"Glad you could make it," I breathed out. Michael laughed and slapped my hand.
"How are you?" he asked, chuckling hardy.
"Mo-mee? Pa-pa," Brooklyn gasped upon seeing her parents once she rounded the corner fast. "Why are you back here?"
"I tried to tell them," Kacey said to Brooklyn, trailing close behind.
The Brankovich's all glared at Kacey. She threw her arms up and twirled away to join the rest of her team in the locker room.
"We wanted to wish you good luck," her father said, smiling warm.
Brooklyn smiled back. "Thank you, but I don't need it. I have a really good feeling about today."
"Here, I got you a bottle of water; don't use those plastic Gatorade things they give you," Dana blabbed on, "and where are your shoes? Ugh, why are you walking around in white socks?! Really, Brooklyn Noelle? Noah, be of use and fetch her some slippers, please? Make sure there's cushion in them, and hurry. Oh, Lynn, this floor is so dirty."
She then switched to Spanish, adding, "Tu sabes mejor." Whatever that means.
I clenched my jaw and hesitated to break away so I could "fetch" Brooklyn some damn slides that she'd only have on for the next two minutes before they ran out on the court.
Not after I got out of hearing range, I heard Dana go "And look at your hair, it's a mess! Why don't you braid it? Or here, let me put it in a bun-"
"Honey, she looks fine, it'll fall anyway. Let's go take our good seats before someone else does," Michael sighed, pulling his wife away at last.
I was digging through Brooklyn's sports bag for a pair of slides. She walked up behind me and reached into the top shelf of a locker and revealed the exact slides I was looking for.
I sucked my teeth and snatched them from her hands.
"Sorry about her," Brooklyn laughed, tying her hair in a ponytail.
"It's not funny, she's so damn-"
Brooklyn tilted her head at me so I stopped and had to choose my next words wisely.
"She's still my mom," Brooklyn mumbled, grabbing the knee pads from her bag.
"Hey," Kacey grabbed Brooklyn's attention, "we're about to run out, okay? Want me to wait?"
Brooklyn, sitting on the bench, looked over her shoulder at Kacey in the doorway. "I'll be there, grab a ball for me."
Kacey nodded and waved before exiting the room.
I leaned against the locker and watched Brooklyn lace her white shoes and pull up her knee pads to her upper shin.
She stood confidently and wrapped her arms around me.
"Make sure you watch me and get some good clips," Brooklyn winked, adjusting her hair as she skipped out, "I'll be the one in white!"
I shouted after her, "I think your whole team is in white!"
"I'm number ten," she yelled back, out of sight, "and don't you forget it!"
"There's that perfect set you were talking about," the woman commentator said, Sam.
The other one, named Bill, came on the mic and cheered, "Oh and here's Brankovich approaching, going for the attempt- OH AND ANOTHER KILL FOR NUMBER TEN IN WHITE, BROOKLYN BRANKOVICH!"
The crowd went wild, Brooklyn was showing off tonight and everyone was eating it up, absolutely loving her usual outstanding performance that we missed seeing so much.
Dana and Michael sat in front of Gael, Cassie, Rick, and I. They're so damn stuck-up, they had those portable seat cushions - it was distracting the whole game.
Anyway, we were all cheering and then fell quiet when Kacey went to serve.
The whistle blew. Someone entered during the dead silence and the main door slammed shut behind the late person making their entrance.
In walked some pale, bold-faced guy in a fan jersey with Brooklyn's name as well.
Dana clapped her hands upon seeing this guy and rushed him to where she and her husband sat. Michael shook his hand and then Dana hugged him.
I blinked as I watched and then returned my attention back to the game, thinking nothing of it.
A player on the opposing team hung in the air and ripped her arm. With Brooklyn stuck in a squat as she looked in the stands blankly, the ball smacked her in the face, knocking her body to the ground.
The crowd went "oooo" and then got quiet as a church mouse.
"Ouch," Sam, the woman on the mic winced.
"Oh she's out after that one," Bill, the other commentator announced.
Her parents gasped, "BROOKLYN!"
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