Ch | 60
Brooklyn Noelle Brankovich
Chapter Sixty: "BB and the queen"
"My stomach hurts," I complained after the Chinese we ate for dinner.
"Go poop," Noah laughed on the end of the couch. I removed my feet from his lap and sucked my teeth.
"I'm not pooping in your house," I insisted, curling my face.
"Where are you going?" Noah asked me when I got up from the couch and ran down the hallway.
For a minute, I stood in the far corner out of his sight and then returned laughing.
"I farted," I confessed, falling over the recliner.
"Ew," he sounded, chuckling. "You went all the way over there to fart?"
"Well I wasn't going to tell you, but I didn't want it to stink and then you think I'm dirty," I continued laughing hysterically.
"I wouldn't have cared," he laughed.
I stopped and stared at him. "Ew."
"Not like that, I'm just saying, like, if you do it's not a big deal."
"Well, I won't, so." I scooped my phone from the coffee table and checked the time.
The anxiety was killing me. I was watching the clock like it was my job, Daniel was on a flight to LA.
Halloween was coming up, it's Cassie's birthday. AKA, the day I'll get to see Daniel in full drag performing! I don't know which I'm more excited about.
Noah and I made a plan to watch the sky go from sunset to black and starry because it seems impossible every time I've tried. Except I was too busy on my phone to pay attention to him.
"I'm going to shower, when I get out, we can do whatever you wanted to do," I said, my eyes drilled glued to my screen as I walked to the master bathroom.
I stood in the mirror after towel-drying my body. Because I washed my hair the day prior, I didn't get it wet and just let it fall from the banana clip so I could brush it to my satisfaction how my mother used to.
In walked Noah who peeled his shirt off and hugged me from behind.
"Hey, sexy," he said in a comedic accent that made me laugh instantly.
"Ew, what is that voice?" I cackled, putting my brush down.
"It's my sexy voice," he joked, biting at me. "We haven't done it in so long you forgot."
"It has been a while, I'm proud of you. You deserve something," I flirted, turning to face him.
He picked me up and placed me on top of the sink and kissed my collarbone then my lips.
"I can't, baby-"
"You said the 'b' word!" I gasped, clapping my hands in excitement because he finally slipped up and came me a pet name.
"Shut up," he grumbled, pushing my hands away.
"I love how long your hair is getting," I said, freeing his dark curls from the bun. "And look at your muscles, you're getting bigger, boy!"
"You like that?" he asked, leaning in with his eyebrows popped.
"Yeah," I grinned. "It's sexy," I mimicked his funny accent from before.
"Daniel!" I squealed with excitement as my favorite drag queen approached me at my Porsche.
My face fell seeing his friend. "Oh, and you brought Nuddy... Yay," I monotoned, throwing my poster in the backseat.
"Little sis!" Daniel exclaimed, running to me with open arms. I was scooped in the air and twirled in a circle, my ponytail whipping me in the face.
I giggled and was placed back onto my feet. "You made it!"
"A-hem, can the loyal roadie get some love?" Ned cleared his throat. I hugged him, too, from the side and stepped back.
"Wow, I can't believe you guys are really here," I sighed, "mostly you, Ned, because I only have one extra room, but whatever, it's fine. So, y'all ready for LA?"
The three of us walked out of the elevator after crashing a day party down town. Daniel apparently had been drinking since before his early flight and was buzzed before four PM. Ned on the other hand, tried to get me contact high since I refused to smoke with him. So, they turned my Porsche into a hotbox on the way to The Beach Plaza.
"Ooh, I'm so excited for y'all to meet everybody!" I shrieked as Daniel spun us in circles, me on his back.
Dizzy, we stopped spinning and faced the hallway only to see Noah turn and face us. He lowered his fist that was ready to knock on my door and stared at us.
I patted Dan's shoulder for him to let me down and once he did, I smoothed out my dress. Feeling guilty, I handed the tube yard glass to Ned for the blame.
"Oh, hey, Noah," I spoke shakily. "This is Daniel and Ned, they're staying with me for a while, remember? The step brother I was talking about?"
"Ex step-brother," Daniel chimed in, drunk.
Ned (Nuddy) read the room. "Not helping," he scowled at his best friend. Seriously.
Noah's jaw clenched as he looked the guys over.
"The gay ones?" he asked me.
"Oh, I'm not actually gay," Ned tried explaining. Noah's head nodded stiffly before he glared at me.
"We've heard nothing about you," Daniel let him know, earning a cold stare from me.
"Okay, that's enough of you," Ned said, "I'm going to take him inside now." I agreed with that idea and tossed then my keys to apartment 311.
Once Ned unlocked it, he pushed my brother inside and shut the door after them.
Noah looked at me questionably.
"What?" I asked, nervous.
"I didn't say anything," he said, chuckling uncomfortably. He pushed the elevator button to take him down and crossed the bulging arms over his chest.
I stopped Noah from entering the elevator by grabbing his large hand with both of mine.
"Stop," I pouted, "you look mad. I don't like when you look mad."
He hunched his shoulders. "I'm not mad. I just didn't know there's two men staying instead of one, and he's not gay."
"Ned is literally repulsive so if you have any thoughts that I'd hook up with him, you're just as sick. For two, I'm not going to tell you again how loyal I am. Let's not turn this into a whole thing, okay? My brother's here for a couple weeks, I want y'all to get along." I swayed as I latched onto his arm and rocked back and forth. "This is fun, you're like a weight. I could do this all day, is it a exercise?"
Noah warmed up and laughed. "You're stupid. And I'm not mad, or jealous, but if Ned tries anything, I will beat his ass."
"You're sexy," I used that funny voice again, making Noah crack up.
The elevator finally opened again and he said, "I gotta go," then pecked my lips before stepping inside.
"Where are you going?" I asked, my arms flailing because we had plans. Well, I made plans for him, assuming he'd clear his schedule.
"To work," he yelled as the steel doors closed, "text me!"
I vibrated my lips and then skipped to Cassie's to let her know Daniel was in town now.
I snickered with the guys, whispering for them to hide while I banged on the door to apartment 306.
"What?" Cassie yelled as loud as she could in a whisper, opening the door. When she realized it was only me, she adjusted her tone. "Oh, hi! I'm sorry, Emmy just finally went to sleep after suckering me into damn donuts. What's sup?"
"Surprise!" I exclaimed, cueing Daniel and Ned to pop up.
"Hi, lover!" Daniel greeted Cassie with a hug and then asked me, "Is this Cassie?" When I nodded, he said, "K."
"Cass, this is my ex step brother, Daniel, and his friend, Ned." I introduced them.
Ned just wave and smiled small, showing quickly how awkward he can be.
Cassie's eyes widened in shock. "Step brother?" She played into the hug and pulled away to look at Danny's face. "You're so cute. Hey, Ned. I'm Cassie and yes, Brooke just said that." She waved back at Nuddy.
"Are you going to keep us out here?" Daniel laughed, hitting his vuse.
Cassie glanced back and I watched her face turn. "Uh, yeah you guys can come in, but you have to be quiet!"
"Pfft. Nevermind then," Daniel cackled, "Come out with us!" He cheered obnoxiously causing our bodies to clash and stumble which we just giggled about.
"Yeah, Cass come out with us," I begged, leading the trend of Ned and Daniel doing puppy eyes to convince her.
Cassie pouted, humming. "I really wish I could, but I can't right now. But I hope you guys don't have that much fun without me."
"Oh, we will!" Daniel sang in a high note, continuing the noise but I laughed at his struggle notes. Seeing as though they got nowhere with Cassie this time since she had other responsibilities, Daniel and Ned bopped down the hall to my unlocked apartment.
Once the door closed, I smiled big at Cassie with hope. "So, what do you think? He's great, huh?"
Cassie leaned against the wall, crossing her arms. "The exact energy that I need in my life. Hopefully it's not just because you guys are drunk but he seems great."
"No, he's always like that," I assured her, flicking my wrist. "Watch out for ned, though, he probably likes you already." I was only half-serious, but Ned tried flirting with me, too, and Cassie's attractive so there's no telling if he'll behave.
"Why do you think that?" Cassie asked me.
"That's how," I hiccuped, "that's how Ned is. Or Nuddy, whatever his name is. I'm gonna go. Talk to you later."
"-Ooh, Lynn, you're out of alc," Daniel complained. He turned the empty box of Seagrams I bought over and shook it. Then he put it over his head and goofed around with Ned who was baked in the corner.
We'd been through, like, two bottle of Ciroc. Our entertainment was binge-watching only the best lip syncs from Drag Race (all seasons) and reenacting them. Ned judged while Noah held up the counter in the kitchen and remained glued to his phone.
"I don't think someone's very welcoming," Daniel spoke up loud enough for Noah to hear over the video playing.
Noah glanced up from his phone and blinked once then sighed heavily and put his phone in his back pocket.
He stalked over with a Solo cup at his fingertips and sized up Daniel.
"We haven't really got the chance to talk, I'm Noah." That surprised me, and probably Daniel as well.
Daniel looked impressed. "About time. If you didn't say anything I was going to tell my little sister to kick your ass out. Or just plain kick your ass," he humored himself because Noah and I didn't laugh. Daniel is very outspoken, he'll say whatever to whoever without thinking first.
"Your friend okay?" Noah bobbed his head to Ned who dozed off on the carpet.
"He's always like that, it's the dabs. Anywho, do I get to interrogate you now or later, Noah?"
Noah's eyes widened and he puffed his cheeks. "Woah. I don't know about any interrogations, you can ask Brooklyn whatever you need to know."
"Unh-unh, I'm asking you, Popeye. You know, man-to-man," Daniel talked, stepping up to Noah.
My eyes drifted from them for a second and I spotted a full bottle of my favorite flavor wine-cooler on the coffee table. I gasped and claimed it, wasting no time cracking it open for a sip.
Noah laughed through his nose. "Tomorrow. Maybe. When you're not drunk, and not staring at me from across the room."
"I'll hold you it," Daniel smirked, backing off. He threw his arm over my shoulder and pressed our foreheads together. The alcohol from his breath invaded my nose as he opened his mouth to speak closely to me.
"He's giving very much big dick energy," Daniel sang, trying to whisper. We waddled in place, trying to keep our balance while talking about Noah just a few feet away from him.
I laughed. "Oh my God, Daniel!"
"For real, I'm sorry. He's my type, too," he snickered, twirling the ends of my hair. "Do you want me to leave so you can fuck?"
My eyes lit up. "That's probably the best idea you've had all night."
"Got you, little sis. I taught you well," Daniel trilled, lazily creating space between our bodies. He pushed off of me and then stole another wondrous look at Noah who was occupied by whatever was on his phone. I gulped down a mouthful of the low-level alcoholic beverage and watched Daniel kick Ned's leg to wake him up.
"Dude!" He barked, struggling to get up.
Daniel laughed. "Get up, Captain Fat Ass, we're hitting the town! I'm horny, too."
"What time is it?" asked Ned, adjusting the cap on his head.
"Who cares, come on," Daniel said, pulling Ned out the door. "Have fun, you two. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
Then the door slammed shut finally.
My head continued to shake after he was well gone.
"They're funny," is all Noah said.
I pranced around the kitchen island to dim the lights in the rooms.
"You goin' to bed?" asked Noah, noticing the change in mood.
"Nooo," I rang, giggling lightly. "Not yet, anyway."
I bit on my lip and stood before Noah's body, staring down his grey joggers.
"I'm really horny," I admitted in a whisper. "It's a secret, though."
"That's your secret?" He laughed at me.
"Mhm," I nodded proudly.
Noah removed my hands and I pouted. "Can you stay with me tonight?"
He looked conflicted. "Your place is pretty full, Brooks. I'll see you tomorrow-"
"No! Please? I'll be good, I promise. And you won't even know they're here," I pled, clinging to his body.
He kind of smiled but it faded fast. "I don't like when you drink Brooklyn, and he's in here smoking - I don't know."
My eyebrows went into a 'V' at that and I stepped back, offended. "Why not?"
"You don't make good decisions," he reminded me. I twisted my face and thought back to some things I might've done to warrant that response, I guess he's right.
I slouched and stuck my tongue out, bored, my eyes rolled back. Noah laughed at my facial expression and tapped my skull with the back of his phone. I crinkled my forehead and went "ow" at the feeling. We laughed lightly together and then I walked him to the door.
"You sure you can't stay with me?" I purred, holding onto his hand.
He yawned and then shook his head. "Nah, it's been a long day anyway; I kinda just wanna chill and relax by myself."
Seeing me frown, Noah pulled my body in for a long hug we continued the rest of our conversation in.
"Good night!" I yelled when he was at his door.
He looked at me and waved, leaving me smiling. I waited until he was inside to exhale.
I was just about to go inside and call it a night when Daniel and Ned stepped out of the elevator.
"Back!" Daniel chimed, shoving me through the doorway. "We forgot our money. Did you get dicked down that fast?"
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