Ch | 30
Noah Silas Anderson
Chapter Thirty: "You sure know how to treat a lady"
It was close to four in the morning when I got back to my place.
I groaned, turning the lights on and shuffled straight to the bathroom.
I flushed the toilet then settled in my bedroom to remove my shoes and jacket.
As soon as my phone vibrated on my mattress, I checked to see who was possibly bothering me at such a time. It was only Sky, telling me she just got home from some weird show and how she wanted me to come over since her girlfriend left town again. Because I wasn't sure, I didn't reply.
My stomach growled so I found my way to the kitchen. I noticed it was running low on, well, everything and made a note to go shopping sometime.
I wish I had a mom, especially one like Gael's, I thought in my head. She gives him so much, always makes sure he's straight as a good parent would.
All I had as options were Eggo waffles and a Turkey and cheese sandwich. Obviously the waffles were more appealing so I popped them in the toaster oven and spun around my island.
As soon as the timer went off the second time, I got out the two waffles and drowned them in butter and syrup.
After only one bite, there was an interruption. I growled at the knocking and hesitated to get up and answer it.
It might be important, I thought. So I went to see who was there.
"Brooklyn?" I knew it was her but it was hard believing she was at my door so late.
She gasped when her glossy eyes connected with me. Brooklyn finished removing her heels and then pushed her way inside.
"I'm literally so drunk," she slurred her words, roaming around the open space in my living room.
I chuckled. "Yeah, I see that."
Brooklyn rotated in a wonky circle and smiled at me. She just looked drunk - a good drunk, though, but still, drunk. One of the straps had fallen over her shoulders, her hair was in a messy ponytail that was coming loose, and her eyes were low as she kept this quirky close-mouthed smile.
"Ooo, waffles!" She exclaimed and rushed over to my plate.
"Brooklyn, do not touch my food." I warned. Testing me, she reached for the plate and I slapped her hand. She just made this face like she was hurt, then hiccuped and stumbled out of the kitchen.
"You're wrecked," I intoned, shaking my head as I looked down at Brooklyn on the couch. My arms folded like I was disappointed, although I couldn't help but laugh at her.
"Come lay with me," she whined, extending her arms.
"Brooklyn, it's four o'clock in the morning. Let's get you back to your place," I suggested.
My body stood right in front of her as she propped herself up, digging her knees in the cushion.
"Okay," Brooklyn babbled, "help me up."
When I put my hands at her small waist, she pulled me in and put her lips to mine.
My first instinct was to pull away. She's drunk and wouldn't do this otherwise, I think.
Brooklyn stared into my eyes for a second before palming my face and bringing me back.
I gave in for the moment and let our bodies fall onto the couch. Brooklyn moaned in my mouth as I ran my hands over her warm skin. She was smooth and tasted just as good as I remembered from the cruise.
When she tried putting her hand down my pants, I had to stop her.
Fuck. It's bad enough she's here, we can't have sex, too. The worst part - I have to keep lying because she can't know that we really can't have any sort of relationship. This was more than that lenient bullshit policy that goes for all staff - Zane strictly told Gael and I NOT to mess with Cassie and Brooklyn specifically.
When will I learn?
"Noah?" she whimpered, wondering why I ended things.
I sucked my lips into my mouth and pushed off the couch, combing my hair back with my fingers.
Brooklyn stood, looking confused. "What's wrong? Is it me? No, it can't be me. Noah, what's wrong?" she asked. "Don't you want this?"
When I didn't say anything - because I was actually speechless- she stepped forward and pressed her lips to my neck and worked at my zipper.
Eventually the gentleman in me hopped out. I stopped Brooklyn for food and said, "Brooklyn, you should go."
Her face went down, pouting. "Noah, I don't like you, I don't wanna be with you; I just want to fuck you." Well that's a first.
A girl has never been so transparent with me before, saying she only wants to hookup. That usually comes with so much more. Girls can say they only want to have sex but then it becomes "well I have feelings for you" or "of course I was going to like you when you fuck me like that." It can never just be a one time, no feelings thing. Except, Brooklyn seemed pretty sure.
I still had to decline, though, as much as it physically pained me. Why can't we ever finish what we started?!
I exhaled deeply and walked over to the door, picking Brooklyn's shoes up before she forget them.
Her eyes rolled but she didn't bother putting up a fight. She mumbled, probably cussing at me, but it went ignored.
"Good night, Brooklyn," I sighed, trying to put my foot down.
"-Noah," Sky moaned. "NOAH! Stop. Lavender, Turkey, hocus-pocus!"
I snapped back to reality and looked down at Sky, not realizing I got carried away.
"We don't have a safe word," I laughed, out of breath.
"Well, fucking stop, you're hurting me," she snapped, pushing her sticky body away from mine.
I went to the bathroom to relieve myself and then washed my hands and face. When I entered Sky's bedroom area of her loft, I scanned the floor for my clothes.
Sky tossed me my briefs and I slipped right into them.
"What time is it?" I asked, putting my joggers on.
"Almost nine, why, big plans?"
I shook my head as I stared through her window.
"No, I'm just ready to leave," I let her know as I jogged down the industrial staircase.
I raided her pantry and fridge for some breakfast. Before coming over, I woke up at seven to workout like I did every morning. Well, whenever I wasn't too hungover.
"My girlfriend won't be back," she talked, "we could go at it again?"
With a mouthful of orange juice I curled my face. "Jesus, what's with you women and your sex drives?"
She removed her hands from my body and said, "Okay... what's this about?" Then, she gasped and shrieked. "You met a girl, didn't you?!"
"Shut the fuck, up, Sky," I burped, slightly pushing her out of my way. "It was just one incident last night, it's nothing."
"Okay, then. Subject change: I'm going to get my hair done. What do you think about a bright red mullet with black roots this time?" Sky stared in the mirror at her naked reflection, fluffing her colorful hair and making duck-lips.
"Sky, honestly," I swallowed, "I get less and less attracted to you everyday."
She gasped and her mouth remained open. "Noah! Is that why you couldn't stay hard?! Wait. This is about a girl!" My eyes slowly rolled as I pretended to hang myself.
Seriously, though, Sky just doesn't do it for me. She just kept doing weird shit like getting crazy piercings, satanic tattoos, and cutting her hair like every other day and dying it some neon ass color.
In fact, the only reason I keep going back is because it's easy and routine. We got comfortable and it's hard finding another girl as cool with a situation like ours.
"I was being serious. But, okay, this isn't about a girl, though," I vented, "it's about me. I fucked up and I'm paying for it."
"Is it work again? Noah, I said before, you can talk about it. I know it sucks, whatever you do, but I won't judge you-"
"Full offense, Sky, but you are not someone I want to tell my life story to."
She burned a hole into me with her deep blue eyes. "Get out, you dick," Sky yelled, stomping to the door.
I threw my head back and groaned. "Sky, don't get all soft now-"
"Come back when you're attracted to me," she hissed, pushing me out but not before I snagged the bag of chocolate pretzels off of the counter by the door.
Get a grip, Noah. First Brooklyn, now Sky, I mentally kicked myself. I sure do have a way with the ladies.
When I walked into our building, I texted Brooklyn.
My sincerest apologies, your majesty.
She replied almost instantly:
For last night
No seriously, for what? I literally blacked out ... I think
😂 open up an I'll tell you
The elevator let me off on the third floor and I took the right to get to 311.
With my phone in one hand and the bag of chocolate pretzels in the other, I used my head to knock on the door.
As soon as I went to do it again, Brooklyn opened up.
"Hey girl - oh. E.T." I joked about her appearance. She wore a fluffy grey blanket over her head and it covered the whole upper half of her body except for her pale face.
There were dark bags under her green-ish eyes and her hair was a mess unlike usual.
Brooklyn didn't even have the energy to clapback or even hit me with the regular "hey boy" in response, she just mumbled something inaudible and waddled to the kitchen where she gulped down a glass full of a water with ease.
I looked around, admiring what she's done with the place. It was more decorated and finished than the other times I'd seen it.
"Fun night?" I asked her, my tongue exploring my inner cheek.
She breathed hard after drinking so much and slammed the glass down. "What's in the bag?"
I looked down like I didn't know what she meant. "Oh, this? Chocolate pretzels."
Her head tilted. "I've never head chocolate covered pretzels, are they good?"
I handed the snack over and then went to sit on her couch, making myself comfortable. "You really don't know what happened last night, do you?"
"Uh uh," she sounded. So innocent and oblivious, it's funny.
"Lay with me," I began to mock her and laughed, "I don't like you, I just wanna fuck!"
Brooklyn's eyes bulged and she let the bag slip from her fingers. "Are you serious?!" She stormed over to me and covered her mouth like this was just so unbelievable.
"Yeah, and then you kissed me and tried taking my clothes off."
Brooklyn stood and went to the window like she was about to jump. "You're kidding. That's so embarrassing, like, for real. I'm sorry."
"Okay you don't have to say it like the idea of hooking up with me is so disgusting, but," I mumbled, "it's all good. That's what happens when you get drunk and can't handle your liquor."
Her eyes set low on me after a sharp turn on her heels to face my direction again. Brooklyn walked over and remained standing as she claimed, "Yes I can, but lesson learned: no more drinking on the job."
I have to tell her.
"About work, Brooks," I started to say. My palms got clammy and I readjusted how I sat. "There's this new policy; we can't... the staff isn't allowed to have any relations, or some shit. So we probably shouldn't-"
"If you're gonna tell me we shouldn't be seen together, or you don't want to be my friend, or whatever, I will literally slap you," Brooklyn ranted.
"Brooks, it's not like that. Listen-"
"No! We're not doing the dramatic bullshit. We're neighbors and we work together, we're bound to form a relationship. But I don't want you, Noah."
"Oh. Aheh." Way to humble me.
"What's funny?" she inquired about my slight laughter.
"You said that last night," I told her. Guess she really meant it then.
With the mood now being awkward, I stood and trudged to the door.
At least I told her and she gets it. That's one less thing to worry about. Brooklyn doesn't want me so this is good for us - for work.
"See you at work?" she spoke, letting me out. I crossed the threshold and stood in the hallway.
When I nodded in response to her question, she tried smiling. "Can I keep the pretzels?"
I let out another short laugh through my nose. "Yeah, you can keep the pretzels. Bye, Brooks."
"See ya, Noah."
One day, I stopped by Cassie's with something important to ask. The same something I asked Brooklyn who turned it down, and I expected Cass to do the same.
"-what do you say? I'll pay for everything, but I can't take care of her," I said desperately.
With Rick in rehab, he'd be getting out and the first thing he'll want is his daughter, Emereigh. For the meantime, Kim -her mother- had her, but I know she doesn't want to.
First, I wanted Rick to focus on getting clean. Then, once he gets a job and his life actually on track, I'll bring the kid back around. Except, I wanted Em away from Kim as soon as possible, even while Rick, is transitioning back into normalcy. So, that's why I resulted to asking Cassie.
When Cassie didn't give me an answer right away, I got a little discouraged. At least I tried.
"It's fine," I sighed, walking towards her door to leave, "I shouldn't have asked anyway-"
"No, wait," Cassie exclaimed, "I'll do it!"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Did she actually agree? Cassie? Said yes?
"Really? I just took a chance there, I didn't think you'd actually do it. You sure?"
She nodded with a soft smile that faded as she talked. "I was in foster care when I was six. It ruins you, and if someone gave me the chance, things could be different."
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