Ch | 13
Noah Silas Anderson
Chapter Thirteen: "Hook, line, and sink-him"
4:07 AM
I carefully removed my body from Brooklyn's and sat on the edge of the bed until I fully woke up.
Gael walked in as I put my clothes back on after taking a piss.
"Yo," I groaned, my voice not yet activated.
"We gotta go," he rushed. "Now."
"This is my last time doing this shit, I think I wanna quit," I bellowed, walking behind Gael.
It was time. We had to do what we were sent here for. Our boss let us know that someone stole money from him and planned a getaway cruise with no plans to return to the states after. He tracked the guy down and ordered Gael and I to keep an eye on things while Boss's two henchmen finished the job, if you know what I mean.
Our line of work isn't something we're proud of, Gael and I. We got roped in in college when we got a loan we couldn't repay. It was dumb. I should've known better but, at the time, we didn't have much choice.
I don't know, the Boss must've seen something in us, that's why he cut us a deal; we work for him until the debt was paid off. That was a couple of years ago and I'm sure our deal was up but there's no getting out of the game like that; you either go to prison or get killed. I personally wasn't planning on doing either.
We've seen some fucked up shit, usually illegal or just unethical, but I told myself as long as I wasn't getting involved, it was alright.
This particular situation, though, didn't sit right with me. Gael and I were only supposed to keep watch while Ronnie and Vince took some guy out. Again, I mentally reminded myself this guy deserved it.
Ronnie and Vince carried Juan's sleeping body to the stern where the light was minimal and the area was restricted.
Gael and I separated, posting ourselves at opposite sides so we could be their eyes and ears.
I looked over and saw Vince and Ronnie throw a bucket of water on Juan to wake him up.
Juan woke up in a frenzy, gasping for air. He tried crawling away when he realized what was happening.
"No, no, no!" Juan cried out, struggling to escape the men's grasp.
They tied his hands together behind his back and his feet as well. Once he was constricted, they stomped him and beat him to a pulp. It was too hard to watch.
There was some commotion over by Gael's end but he didn't see anything and returned to his post so I shrugged it off.
Ronnie stood Juan's body up against the railing and punched him in the face one last time. Juan could only groan in pain, he couldn't even hold his own body up, Vince had to.
"Knife," Ronnie asked Vince for the weapon. Vince revealed it from his leather jacket and let Ronnie take it from his hands.
"Please!" Juan found it in him to let out one final agonizing plea.
"No one steals from boss and gets away with it," Ronnie warned him. He held the knife firmly and then stuck it right where Juan's heart was.
I flinched and grit my teeth, but I just couldn't tear my low eyes away.
I shouldn't have drank before this, I thought in my spinning head.
Ronnie stabbed Juan repeatedly until he stopped making any sounds. He was dead.
I hung my head and finally looked away, off at the strip of light the full moon illuminated on the ocean.
Wanting to make sure the job was really done, or just sick in the head and finding joy in this, Ronnie mutilated Juan. He turned and twisted the knife after digging it back in his chest.
"That's enough," Vince spoke up to his partner.
Ronnie listened and threw the knife into the water. "What do we do with the body," he asked.
"Let him swim with the fishes - boss's orders," said Vince. Ronnie nodded, laughing like an evil person.
On the count of three, they tossed his body.
"One... Two... Three!" They chorused and watched the lifeless body fall to the water.
I whistled, warning them to wrap things up.
"Call boss, let him know the job is done," Ronnie ordered Vince as he began the clean-up process. Vince got the Tracfone out and dialed Boss's number immediately.
"Hey, Boss. We did it-" I heard Vince's voice trail off as he disappeared into the darkness.
I shook my head and looked over at Gael but couldn't see his face.
After some time, Ronnie shone a light on the scene and made sure there was no blood or evidence left. When the coast was clear, he told us to enjoy the rest of our vacation.
We heard an employee call out, "HEY!" So we split up, running in different directions before they could make out our identities. Luckily, Gael and I were smart enough to wear hats, face masks, and long disposable clothes covering any remarkable blemishes, scars, or tattoos. Can't say the same for Ronnie and Vince - the two buff ass skinheads.
I ditched my clothes and threw them overboard, as well.
After a quick stroll around the lido deck - yakking - and sitting on a fold-up chair for quite some time, I thought to return to my room and finally get some shut eye.
I wondered where Gael was but I figured he was smart enough to meet me back in the suite, so that's where I went.
5:27 AM
"NOAH!" My eyes grew big at someone calling my name. I stopped and prayed I was just hearing things.
"Noah, there you are, oh my gosh," Brooklyn sobbed. She threw herself at my body and buried her head in my chest.
When she pulled away sniffling, I continued approaching my room. I dug in the pockets of my shorts for the room key as Brooklyn went on about something. She didn't look too good.
"You okay?" I asked her.
"No! It's awful," she cried.
"Brooks, listen, I'm tired as shit. If this is about your parents-"
"Me and Cassie saw someone get murdered!"
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