4 spot chill - Albert
(TW: Hanahaki Disease and mention of death)
(sorry I added a couple of OCS to be Albert roommates because I didn't want him living with medda sorry!)
I stare intensely at the stupid mark on my ankle as if I could burn it I haven't seen Race for weeks and spot is a meanie mcbeanie I hate him and his stupid accent and his cute little and smirk and his muscley arms okay I think you get the point he is an angry kitten
and I don't know I want to kiss or kill him he's just so annoying he can die but I want Race to be happy I pull on my red flannel and pick up my skate broad my vans and my notebook and skate down the street to the 7/11 and buy 4 1$ slushies and drink them all in 1minute flat
and then continue my skateboarding adventure around the city for some reason I find myself in Brooklyn and everything there is killing me but my feelings are one of those things you don't need to live
and I'm Races bestie he doesn't want annoying me invading his relationship which I will fix because I'm bob the relationship builder but my life is worthless to race and spot if left they wouldn't notice or care
I cough slightly one red petal and blue one fall out my mouth must be coincidence I keep skateboarding on and arrive at spots apartment and I knock on the door no one answers I sigh and turn away then a very annoyed girl with long black curly hair and a blue streak opens the door "what?" she asks her purple flannel slipping off her shoulder to reveal a black undershirt
"OH!" she smiles revelling blue gum wedged between her teeth "you're here for spot and you" I nodded she signs something with her hands then correct herself "umm he is .... dead pretty much he hasn't eaten in like 2 weeks"
I nod she leads me up waving to the various boy as she walks up the stairs a person with short blonde hair that looked quite similar to Queen stood outside
"May Albert is here to see spot" their eyes drift over to me "youse sure? that's not a good idea" I nod trying to look as sure as I can she knocks on the door
"spot" I start trying o hard to sound like I don't want to tear him limb from limb " are you okay?" I ask the blob on the bed the blob stirs and sits up pulling the pink sheets off their face "go away" spot hores voice mutters
"spot I came to hear your side of the story not to stab you between the toes with a needle full of air and kill you and make it look like you had a stroke " spot looks scared for a second
before opening his mouth "ill drag you into this mess if I tell you" I look up "what mess?" he stood up the pink covers falling off his pink hello kitty tracksuit pants " youse are going" he says forcing Me to stand up and shoving me toward the door
"s-p-o-t tell me" I whine slightly "why did yooooou ruuuuun" he inhales halfway through shutting the door "my parents created I mess and now I'm in the middle off it and I don't want to get ta get Race killed" wait killed who out there could want to kill race.
I'm scared Spot probably is too "why may I ask" he shuts the door I growl to myself frustrated I walk to the door where the blue-haired girl was waiting she holds out a slip of paper "this is my number if you ever need to talk because I am an on-call therapist I deal with everything from stress caused by race to anxiety caused by spot " I smile and wave to her and leaving the sitting the door quietly
I walk down the street thing to myself about telling Race the bare minimum of what I just heard I'm not going to tell him about the 'we're all going to die thing' I drop my skateboard skate back to our apartment where I unlock the door my short greek friend is sat on the couch binging the latest season of the Simpsons because she is permanently banned from the kitchen after starting a house fire with water
my over roommates are scattered around cannoli is making pastries in the kitchen and books is sat in an armchair reading the shadow hunters book 3 and then the last roommate I have in-room is doing a handstand on the table Books looks up from her book "hi Al how was your day?" I smile at her "fine I guess"
Circus turbels off the table hitting the ground she stands clutching her shoulder brushing past Cannoli to get an ice pack I snick slightly as she struggles to get the fridge open with one hand Cannoli absently mindedly open the fridge to put some macrons in she pulls an ice pack out a shuts the fridge helps her open the fridge she sits down to fight Switch for the remote
I pull my room door open drop my bag and my skateboard on the floor and flop onto my bed.
(12-year-old Spot POV)
Running... That's all I've done since Mr Gorge Shot Her, she's probably dead. it's all my dad's fault if he hadn't she wouldn't have died. she was my sister, I didn't want her to die .she saved me Patrick and the over the boy I didn't know the name of he had long floppy blonde curls and sparkling blue eyes that made him look permanently curious he was a pretty boy I still remember the convocation we had but he's probably dead
"Hi, I haven't met you, who are you?" I hold out my hand "um err ahhh" Patrick jumps on my back "Sean isn't good with people anyway as you know this is sean im Patrick and that girl over there scary.... since we don't know her real name cause she doesn't talk" then one of the older men shout and grabs me pulling me up to my feet and puts something cold and metal to my head it makes a clicking sound "NO!" she shouts pulling metal thing away from my head and toward her stomach BANG! the red liquid soaks through her shirt I run her side applying pressure to the wound she mouths one word to me '
RUN' I stand up grabbing Patrick's hand temporarily forgetting about blue eyes when we finally stop running we are in front of a big bridge Patrick looks at me I nodd a tear slips silently down his face pull him into a hug letting him know I am here for him we cross the bridge not know what the next 3 years would bring.
(did that storyline make sense or was it weird and confusing I hope it made sense cause it was interesting to write or ήταν τρελό αν η κόλαση νομίζω I hope it was good to love -Craft)
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